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  1. Evil Vegeta

    "I'm in big trouble if the other Gods of Destruction see me do this, so let's make it quick."

    What do you think Beerus intended to do? Crush Moro's crystal or something else entirely? Whis had not yet revealed what needed to be done, but Beerus could've been thinking along the same lines as him. I remember when some people said they believed he was going to Hakai Planet Moro, but I'm...
  2. Evil Vegeta

    "No choice. Better use my Full Power" - Gohan

    When Gohan and Piccolo were cornered by Universe 9, Gohan was ready to use all of his power to take them on. Piccolo's reaction alone shows how much of a wild-card it really is. Enter Full-Power Frost: Decimated Universe 9 alone and made the Trio De Dangers retreat. Frost is told to...
  3. Evil Vegeta

    3rd Form Freeza's Full-Power

    I was just randomly thinking about this for some reason. Freeza powered-up in his 1st Form. Freeza powered-up in his 2nd form. Freeza powered-up in his final form. With his 3rd form, he just basically came and went. Probably was tired of being so ugly because we know his power wasn't...
  4. Evil Vegeta

    Some questions about the Trunks arc

    I've recently been reading over the Future Trunks arc and started thinking a bit more about things I never really thought about. A quick recap: Initially, we see that Super Saiyan Black was having a hard time going up against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta. Once Vegeta went Blue, he decimated Black...
  5. Evil Vegeta

    "That's funny. That can't be dad's full strength"

    Yes. It was half of his power. What is Gohan talking about here?
  6. Evil Vegeta

    “Id-idiot! Check out his latent power…! It’s a different thing than what it was before…!"

    Anime: Viz: What do you think Vegeta is trying to say here? It sounds as if he's instructing Krillin to sense Freeza's hidden power rather than his actual power. But since Goku was able to sense Freeza's Ki and question if his fully healed self could win....why exactly would Vegeta ask...
  7. Evil Vegeta

    "You guys always had the Fusion dance, the Potara earrings, and other means of combining as last resorts, but those would be rendered useless now!!"

    Some people seem to believe this statement means Moro 7-3>Gogeta because Gogeta wouldn't be strong or fast enough to stop himself from being defused. The lack of a contradiction on Goku's end is another reason why they believe it's a clear as day statement. Other people believe it was just a...
  8. Evil Vegeta

    Chapter 78 spoilers

  9. Evil Vegeta

    DRAGON BALL: The Breakers - Announcement Trailer | Coming to PS4, XBOX One, Steam and Switch in 2022

    Publisher Bandai Namco and developer Dimps have announced asymmetrical multiplayer online game Dragon Ball: The Breakers for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. It will launch in 2022. A closed beta test is coming soon for PC. Dragon Ball: The Breakers consists of seven-versus-one matches...
  10. Evil Vegeta

    Limited-Time Sneak Peek at "Dragon Ball Super" Chapter 78's Storyboard! Get a Preview of the Chapter Releasing in V Jump's Super-Sized January Edition

    We're revealing Toyotarou's storyboard for the opening of Dragon Ball Super's newest chapter in V Jump for one week only! Read on to get a sneak peek at Chapter 78, which is set to be published in V Jump's super-sized January edition on Saturday, November 20th, in Japan! Chapter 77 saw the...
  11. Evil Vegeta

    Question about Saiyan arc Vegeta's levels

    Kaio seems to be hoping Vegeta's weaker in Viz, but seems to have no doubt he's weaker in the original. I've been thinking about this a lot more lately. Goku beat his ass pretty good with Kaio-Ken x3 and overpowered him with Kaio-Ken x4 KMHMH. Kaio made note of Vegeta weakening, but how...
  12. Evil Vegeta

    When did Super Boo sense Gohan's presence?

    What up Zeta. Hope everyone has been well. This is something I've always wondered about. I never quite understood when Boo was able to pinpoint Gohan's power from the Kaioshin world. Could it have been when Gohan briefly unleashed his power when he was pissed? Or could it have been once...
  13. Evil Vegeta

    So...what was Vegeta's plan?

    -Vegeta is adamant on everyone keeping their Chi suppressed so they're not found on the scouters -Wants everyone to walk over to the landing area so they won't get detected by the scouters -Accepted that the situation was hopeless Piccolo's statement sounds like they were most likely going to...
  14. Evil Vegeta

    "This battle is already at the level of us Gods"

    During God Goku's battle with Toppo. How do you interpret this statement?
  15. Evil Vegeta

    #16's Power Sensors and its comparison to Ki-Sensing

    What up, y'all! I was recently reading some chapters from the Android arc. For some reason, #16's sensors got my attention. The ability to sense Ki and measure power in any capacity has always been fascinating to me. I think the main reason why this stood out is because it seems as effective...
  16. Evil Vegeta

    Vegeta's power in relation to Dodoria and Zarbon. Oh and Kiwi too.

    I've recently been thinking about the superiority Zarbon and Dodoria held over Vegeta for all those yrs prior to the Saiyan saga. Freeza's men always appeared to go by the numbers no matter what. Vegeta even said they were all obsessed with power above all else, which is why the idea of...
  17. Evil Vegeta

    #17 and the Space Arena revealed for FighterZ

    #17's supers: • Barrier Explosion - Covers his entire body with a barrier. Can be used in air. • Endgame - Appears behind his opponent and does a combination of attacks. • Super Electric Strike (move name in Dragon Ball Xenoverse) - Gathers swirling energy in both of his hands, and releases...
  18. Evil Vegeta

    Broly's power teased
  19. Evil Vegeta

    Base Goku and Base Vegeta announced for DBFZ I'm interested in seeing how the Kaio-Ken and Genki-Dama are implemented. Outside of that, not really too hype about Base Saiyans as DLC.