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  1. Kyo


    I haven't done this in 5+ years. Gohan (potential unlock): 10,800 Krillin (potential unlock): 10,100 Vegeta: 29,800 Gurd: 5,000 Recoom: 40,000 Butta: 40,000 Jheese: 40,000 Goku: 90,000 - vs Ginyus: 66,000 - vs Ginyu: 75,000 - KKx2: 180,000 Ginyu: 120,000 - vs Goku: 80,000 - in Goku: <23,000...
  2. Kyo

    Uvogin's 20% punch

    When Kurapika fights Uvogin, he blocks two punches from him. The second was at full power, and the first was supposed to be at 20%. When Kurapika blocks the first punch and emerges unscathed, Uvo is shocked, since according to him, only an Enhancer should be able to block his attack...
  3. Kyo

    Killer Queen (JJBA Part 4)

    I wonder if there is a limit on the size of the object that Kira can turn into a bomb. With no stated limit (that I can remember), he could've just made the whole house Josuke hid inside of a bomb for example. But of course there must be some practical size limit, else he could just send a...
  4. Kyo

    My thoughts on JJBA Part 5

    As per CC's challenge. I was originally just going to make a fairly brief post in the "rate the last anime you watched" thread when I finished, but I figure I could take advantage of this thread to put out some more detailed thoughts and leverage a little more discussion. I've seen up to...
  5. Kyo

    A question about the Water 7 arc

    I once posted this question on F and never got a satisfactory answer. I don't even remember this plot point at all but I'm just posting the question here to see if anything can cough something up. --- So Iceburg tells Paulie to go and get the fake blueprints, presumably in order to lure away...
  6. Kyo

    Pokemon SwSh DLC News

    So we've gotten some news for the upcoming SwSh DLC, the first of which I think is dropping this month? I personally do not plan to indulge unless it literally blows everyone away, but here's some of what we've got. The two Regis that were teased have been properly revealed now. This is...
  7. Kyo

    Gen 6 legendary bird tradeback

    I have Moltres and just need to register Articuno and Zapdos for my pokedex. If anyone of yall can help pls do.
  8. Kyo

    How often did character songs play in HxH 2011?

    I can only recall one scene off the top of my head with Kurapika's.
  9. Kyo

    Why do battle shounen mangaka blow their load so early?

    As far as presenting threats to the main characters in a long-running series I believe that battle mangaka often blow their load too early in giving the main characters a big challenge and it almost always leads to problems later down the line without fail. It is sort of understandable as it's...
  10. Kyo

    The true genius behind the Fullbring arc of Bleach

    I did not realize that I would ever have to explain what I perceive to be an incredibly simple matter, but I suppose for simpletons like yourselves, simple matters become increasingly complex. Our protagonist, Kurosaki Ichigo, begins the arc with no powers. This is a clever subversion of the...
  11. Kyo

    An in-depth analysis of the Chrollo vs Hisoka fight

  12. Kyo

    Powerscaling in HxH: One boon, and one flaw

    I'm pretty sure at some point loooong ago Captain Cadaver asked me to make an HxH post in the challenge thread. I can't find it, because this board doesn't let you filter posts in a thread by the user the way Zetaboards did (at the very least, I'm not aware of how to do that) but I'll make the...
  13. Kyo

    JoJo manga v anime

    I have watched Parts 1-3 of JoJo, got a start on Part 4 but put it on-hold (like ages ago) -- will finish in due time whenever I can of course. Is there any reason to read the respective manga parts? I've heard from plenty that the anime, while adapted well, is still inferior to the manga, but...
  14. Kyo

    Scattered thoughts on Fate/Zero (part 1)

    The only reason this is even a part 1 is just because of time, as I don't see any real reason to view the two seasons of F/Z separately. I'll append part 2 to this thread later, regardless of whether I get challenged or not (btw this is fulfilling CC's challenge, sorry I'm a bit late buddy)...
  15. Kyo

    An attempt to keep the Base Saiyans below Freeza

    This is an attempt. If I fail, I won't bother to go back and change it. Was just interested in trying while still somewhat (read: barely?) adhering to my ideas of scaling, consistent SSJ multipliers and whatnot. Naturally, I think Base Saiyans < Freeza by the Boo arc goes entirely against what...
  16. Kyo

    For old time’s sake

    Riding back home for another 2.5 hours, and I forgot my 3DS so I’m quite bored :mikey It’s probably been legitimately 3 years since I’ve last done one of these, so excuse the poor quality. Freeza Cui: 18,000 Dodoria 20,000 Zarbon: 22,000 - Monster: 28,500 Vegeta: 24,000 - Zenkai: 29,500...
  17. Kyo

    Criticise a series you like, praise one you hate V2

    It's been over a year since this thread was last made (unless another one cropped up that I'm not aware of), so I hope CC forgives me for going so far as to copy-paste the title of his old one in order to fulfill his challenge (the use of the letter "s" over "z" should be telling). I've been...
  18. Kyo

    CG SS Gohan vs Boo arc SS Goku vs Perfect Cell (vs SS Gohan) vs Bojack

    Conditions: CG SS Gohan is enraged and starts with 150 additional armor from Rally. He'll farm Rally every 60 seconds if left unchecked. Boo arc SS Goku is the same as usual but he's taken two half shields, and he has 17 small shields in his inventory. He also has 30 wood. He cannot get any...
  19. Kyo

    the best power levels list

    Raditz - 1 Nappa - 2 Vegeta - 3 Dodoria - 4 Zarbon - 5 Vegeta - 6 Monster Zarbon - 7 Vegeta - 8 Recoome - 9 Goku - 10 Ginyu - 11 Vegeta - 12 Freeza - 13 2nd form Freeza - 14 Piccolo - 15 3rd form Freeza - 16 Vegeta - 17 Goku - 18 True form Freeza - 19 50% Freeza - 20 100% Freeza - 21 SSJ Goku -...