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  1. Dagon

    How The Fandom Has Evolved

    You can look back at old forum posts and I remember there was a serious anti-anime, pro-manga purism movement. Every time someone referenced the anime, the go-to trump card was "didn't happen in the manga," and it would often work to end the debate. Now there's more of a coexistence movement for...
  2. Dagon

    Which DB invention would imrprove the world the most?

    Capsules because shipping costs would be cut down so much. It would have a knock-on effect for everything.
  3. Dagon

    Name one good thing about this moive.

    Sorbet's ray gun.
  4. Dagon

    DB had better TV ratings than DBZ in Japan.

    Yeah it really shit on humans by basically saying the species just isn't capable of the same feats as others no matter how hard they try. Other races are just born better with no trade offs. Almost like there's a hidden message there...
  5. Dagon

    Bruce Faulconer's DBZ Tracks?

    From that album with the baby in the pool, you know, that one band that no one knows the name of nor cares.
  6. Dagon

    Bruce Faulconer's DBZ Tracks?

    That would not be effective for production workflow to only rely on track numbers because you need to know what the file is at a glance. Why the hell would you not care what the song name was? "Hey PuiPui what's your favorite song?" "Track 33 from the blue CD." 😑
  7. Dagon

    Bruce Faulconer's DBZ Tracks?

    How did you think they organized the tracks during production then? Hieroglyphics?
  8. Dagon

    DB had better TV ratings than DBZ in Japan.

    I heard fans complained that Gohan got spotlight and sent letters saying they want Goku back and that's why Goku eventually came back in the Buu arc. Also why Goku was juiced up in the anime.
  9. Dagon

    Bio Broly > Broly Second Coming

    Broly not splattering Videl might invalidate the base Gohan ~ SSJ Broly scaling.
  10. Dagon

    CONFIRMED PLOTHOLE: Android 8/Android 16

    He has life force energy by being a living organism, so that would suffice. Could also prove the spirit bomb is not based on ki.
  11. Dagon

    Z Sword Gohan

    That's Future Dabura. We should not assume he must be the same as main Dabura. DBZ Kakarot has Gohan as SSJ1 in the fight with Dabura, therefore Future Dabura pretty much must be stronger than main Dabura. In the dialogue before the battle, Future Trunks says Future Dabura is much stronger than...
  12. Dagon

    Z Sword Gohan

    Why not an approach between Gohan nearing Buu's level or hardly changing? DBZ Kakarot has SSJ Z-Sword Trunks on Cell Games SSJ2 Gohan's level. With SSJ2 signing that, it makes Z-Sword SSJ2 Trunks almost double the power of SSJ2 Goku. This would put Trunks still a good margin below Fat Buu. By...
  13. Dagon

    Can Mr. Boo (the one who fought kid) be = Fat Boo?

    Buu became pure when Mr. Buu was removed. Therefore all Kaioshin influence went to Mr. Buu. Fat Buu = Mr. Buu is fine.
  14. Dagon

    There's no way around this... Bamco has to do it.

    Give us FiGTer hehe
  15. Dagon

    Did anyone here first watch Dragon Ball or Z after watching other anime?

    I think I saw some Speed Racer so technically DBZ wasn't my first anime but I think it was the first one I really got into. Around the same time was Pokémon and I might have seen it first by a short margin as it was inescapable back then.
  16. Dagon

    Does saiyan armour give any defensive boost? How does it work? Why did 530,000 Freeza wear saiyan armour?

    I imagine it's the equivalent of a mix between martial arts padding and motocross armor, just scaled up according to power level.
  17. Dagon

    Is there a problem with having Gogeta SSJ (M12) >>> Gogeta SSJ (Boo)?

    Old Kai said Buu won't wait around for them to do the fusion dance. They needed quicker solution.
  18. Dagon

    How much does Goku's kamehameha improve post-Vegeta Saga and when in the story does it get improved?

    I think there are some Carddass cards that put Piccolo Jr saga Goku and Piccolo around 600, but it could still be hyperbole or referring to special attacks. That's probably what Toriyama was thinking because he refused to look back at his past work for any attempt at consistency. We just have...
  19. Dagon

    How much does Goku's kamehameha improve post-Vegeta Saga and when in the story does it get improved?

    Did someone seriously think that other people were arguing that special ki attacks only ever worked at precisely the known multiplier? That a Kamehameha could only ever be >2.22x and couldn't be modified? As if it worked like a fireball spell in Skyrim? Like a fixed amount for each cast? Like...