DBS Anime Fact Checker: Complete

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I'm bored so that's why I'm collecting some quotes from Anime Super right now.

Fact checker from "Battle Of Gods, Ressurection "F" arc, Champa Arc and Future Trunks Arc [47-51] can be found here: Here

Future Trunks/Zamasu Arc:

52 Episode: Future Trunks Meet Gohan Again!
Episode: 52

Episode: 52
Time: 8:50-9:00
Context: Piccolo tells [F] Trunks not to bother bringing Gohan into the future
Piccolo: "Don't even bother thinking about bringing Gohan into the future. He's not the same Gohan you know. Now that he's become a scholar, he's distancing himself from martial arts."

Episode: 52
Time: 11:49-12:06
Context: [F] Trunks meets Gohan again
[F] Trunks: "This is Gohan-san? I can't sense that brimming power from him..."

Episode: 52
Time: 12:38-12:46
Context: [F] Trunks is still shocked to meet Gohan
[F] Trunks: "This is Gohan-san? The same Gohan-san who fought Cell?"

Episode: 52
Time: 20:43-20:55
Context: [F] Trunks ask everyone about are Goku and the gods
[F] Trunks: "Where are Goku-san and the others?"
Krillin: "They went to Universe 10."
[F] Trunks: "Universe 10?!"
Krillin: "Whis-san analysed Black's ki and said that there's a guy with the same ki in Universe 10."
[F] Trunks: "He figured out who Black is?"

53 Episode: Goku, Beerus and Whis Meet Zamasu For The First Time!
Episode: 53
Time: 2:48-3:02
Context: Whis tells Goku about Zamasu
Whis: "Right. Umm, if I recall correctly... Ah, yes. He used to be a Kaio in Universe 10. But due to his prodigious fighting skills, he is now being trained as a Kaioshin-elect."

Episode: 53
Time: 08:16-08:46
Context: Whis ask Gowasu about Black
Whis: "You see, a certain individual who showed up on Earth in Universe 7 was wearing a Time Ring."
Zamasu: "A Time Ring?"
Whis: "What's more, this individual was no Kaioshin."
Gowasu: "W-What did you say?!"
Beerus: "Also, his face... It looked exactly like that idiot over there."
Gowasu: "I see..."
Beerus: "So? Do you have any ideas?"
Gowasu: "Hmm..."

Episode: 53
Time: 09:30-09:34
Context: Whis and Beerus are surprised to learn that Zamasu doesn't know about the Time rings
Whis: "It appears Zamasu doesn't know about the Time Rings."
Beerus: "Yeah."

Episode: 53
Time: 10:00-10:12
Context: Gowasu ask Whis and Beerus on why they're on U10 instead of U7
Gowasu: "But if this is occurring in Universe 7, why would you come to our Universe 10 again?"
Whis: "We're in the process of visiting all the other universes.

Episode: 53
Time: 11:03-11:08
Context: Gowasu wants to see Zamasu's emotion against a human
Gowasu: "How well can he contain his emotions while fighting a human?"

Episode: 53
Time: 11:08-11:28
Context: Gowasu tells Zamasu to hold back but Beerus and Goku insist
Gowasu: "Zamasu. Remember to hold back."
Goku: "W-Wait a sec! Hey, don't hold back on me, okay?"
Zamasu: "What?"
Beerus: "He's right. There's no need to hold back."
Gowasu: "What are you saying?"
Beerus: "If you do, you'll die."

Episode: 53
Time: 11:49-11:54
Context: [F] Trunks wonders why a Kaio-sama from U10 have the same ki as Black
[F] Trunks: "Why would a Kaio-sama from Universe 10 have the same ki as Black?"

Episode: 53
Time: 16:33-16:51
Context: Goku transform into Super Saiyan 2 against Zamasu
Gowasu: "Oh, my! He's mutated!"
Whis: "It's called "Super Saiyan"."
Zamasu: "Super Saiyan? His ki's increased several-fold... no, several tenfold!"

Episode: 53
Time: 16:52-17:10
Context: Gowasu and Zamasu are both surprised that Goku fought Beerus
Goku: "I ain't fought a god since Beerus-sama."
Zamasu: "The God of Destruction?!"
Gowasu: "This man has fought against you, Beerus-sama?"
Beerus: "Well, yeah."
Gowasu: "Unbelievable! Then how... How is he still alive right now?"

Episode: 53
Time: 17:47-18:00
Context: Goku and the gods sensed Black's ki on Zamasu
Goku: "This feelin'..."
Beerus: "Whis, did you feel that?"
Whis: "Yes."
Goku: "Is this Black's ki? No, it's similar, but..."

Episode: 53
Time: 18:08-18:41
Context: Zamasu and Gowasu are both amazed on Goku's power
Zamasu: "This is a human's power?!"
Gowasu: "Z-Zamasu... Who is he? He's not even a god, yet his power rivals a God of Destruction!"
Beerus: "Did you say his power rivals mine?!"
Gowasu: "O-Oh, excuse me!"
Zamasu: "How can a human be this strong?"

Episode: 53
Time: 18:59-19:06
Context: Goku is amazed on Zamasu's power
Goku: "Yer strong for a Kaio-sama! The Kaioshin-sama in my universe wouldn't stand a chance!"

Episode: 53
Time: 19:54-20:24
Context: Whis, Beerus and Goku talks about Black and Zamasu having a same ki
Whis: "That cold heart he was suppressing, and that ki he unleashed. That was more than enough to give credibility to our suspicion that Zamasu is Black."
Beerus: "Maybe I should destroy him while we have the chance."
Goku: "He didn't seem like a bad guy to me at all."
Beerus: "You're just too trusting!"
Goku: "And the ki I felt was similar, but it wasn't exactly the same."
Whis: "There are quite a few mysteries here."

Episode: 53
Time: 20:25-20:56
Context: Goku's hand is tremblin after fighting Zamasu and haven't felt it since he fought Beerus
Goku: "Still, this tremblin' in my hand. It makes me think back to when I fought Beerus-sama."
Beerus: "What?! Don't compare him to me! I'm on a completely different level!"
Goku: "Nah, he's still got plenty of room for improvement. He might become a god as strong as you..."
Beerus: "Don't compare him to me! I'm on a completely different level! If you don't drop your insolence, I'll have you reduced to space dust right here and now!"
Goku: "There you go again! Don't say such scary stuff, Beerus-sama!"

54 Episode: Time rings/Vegeta trains Trunks!
Episode: 54
Time: 07:13-08:16
Context: After Whis explained to Trunks about Zamasu and why he's not Black
[F] Trunks: "In other words, there was nothing that linked Zamasu to Black?"
Whis: "Indeed."
[F] Trunks: "But you all felt Zamasu's ki from Black, right? What if Zamasu disguised himself as Black, or turned himself into a human using his divine powers? Are you saying that there was no chance of him having done anything along those lines?"
Whis: "Zamasu and Black were far too different for us to conclude that they were the same being. What we felt from Black was an immense evil ki. But Zamasu didn't have that level of evil in him. Furthermore, Zamasu did not know Goku-san, whereas Black spoke as if he did know him. They feel different in that regard as well. Their ki may be similar, but at the moment, it's hard to connect them from that alone."
Beerus: " "At the moment", anyway. We can't rule out the possibility that he might start having dangerous thoughts down the line."

Episode: 54
Time: 8:17-08:46
Context: Goku tells everyone that he fought Zamasu
Goku: "But still... I really can't imagine him bein' that bad a guy. I should know the best, considerin' I'm the one that sparred with him."
[F] Trunks: "You fought him?"
Goku: "Yeah! He used some pretty interestin' techniques."
Kid Trunks: "But you beat him, right?"
Goku: "Well, yeah."
Beerus: "He may be a god, but he's still just an apprentice Kaioshin. He wouldn't stand a chance against Goku, someone who's fought me."

Episode: 54
Time: 08:50-09:01
Context: Trunks is shock to learn that Goku fought Beerus
[F] Trunks: "Goku-san even fought the God of Destruction? Is there even a need for me to fight? Maybe Goku-san can beat Black on his own?"

Episode: 54
Time: 12:03-12:15
Context: Gowasu shows the Time Rings to Zamasu
Zamasu: "Aren't those the things the God of Destruction from Universe 7 came here to make sure were safe?"
Gowasu: "Yes. The Time Rings. As its name implies, they're rings that allow you to move freely through time."

Episode: 54
Time: 12:47-13:39
Context: Gowasu explains more details about Time Ring to Zamasu
Zamasu: "Can we really travel freely through time?"
Gowasu: "Yes. But only to the future. We can only go to the future, and then back to our own world."
Zamasu: "What about going back to the past?"
Gowasu: "That is impossible. And even if it wasn't, it is explicitly forbidden. Changing history always brings with it great danger. You remember the differently coloured rings in the box? Those came into beings because of different worlds being created due to history being changed."
Zamasu: "History? Different worlds?"
Gowasu: "Another ring appeared on that top row just a few years back. It appears that someone created another world again. What sort of fool would've done such a thing."

Episode: 54
Time: 13:48-14:11
Context: Gowasu tells Zamasu only Kaioshin can use Time Ring to travel through time
Gowasu: "The only ones who can use the Time Rings to travel through time are licensed Kaioshin. You are still in training, so you can't go. [] Put this on. I'm temporarily promoting you to a Kaioshin as well."

Episode: 54
Time: 14:12-14:28
Context: Gowasu warn Zamasu about Potara earings
Gowasu: "Put it on your left ear. Don't get it wrong."
Zamasu: "With one on my right ear and the other on your left, we would merge, wouldn't we?"
Gowasu: "Correct. We would merged and become a single, powerful Kaioshin, but we would never be able to change back."

Episode: 54
Time: 15:37-16:22
Context: [F[ Trunks remembers when he and Vegeta spend a year on ROSAT
[F] Trunks: "Father, I haven't forgotten the year I spent with you in the Room of Spirit and Time."
*A Flashback when Trunks and Vegeta spend a year on ROSAT to reach the level beyond than a Super Saiyan*
Vegeta: "You may be mere trash, but I supposed you're better than nothing. I may be a prodigy, but I would probably have needed a bit more time to surpass Super Saiyan if I was alone."
[F] Trunks: "You don't mean?"
Vegeta: "Look! This is a Super Saiyan beyond Super Saiyan! Super Vegeta!"

Episode: 54
Time: 16:30-16:39
Context: Trunks turn into SSjin2
[F] Trunks: "Now, Father. You don't have to hold back. Come at me in the same way Goku-san did! Using Super Saiyan 3!"

Episode: 54
Time: 16:45-17:32
Context: Vegeta shows his SSjinB form to Trunks
[F] Trunks: "T-That form! [] I can't sense his ki... But the pressure is overwhelming... What is this? *Trunks remembers that Goku fought Beerus* It can't be... There's no doubt about it. Father and Goku-san used this blue ki, the ki of Gods that transcends humanity, to battle the God of Destruction!"

Episode: 54
Time: 18:00-18:14
Context: [F] Trunks transform into Grade III form
Vegeta: "You disappoint me. Are you still relying on that slugging transformation?!"
[F] Trunks: "It worked!"
*As Trunks turn back into SSjin/2 and dodge Vegeta's punch*
Vegeta: "He showed me a useless transformation to make me drop my guard!"

Episode: 54
Time: 18:53-18:55
Context: While getting beat up by Vegeta
[F] Trunks: "He's strong... Far too strong!"

Episode: 54
Time: 19:12-19:50
Context: [F] Trunks doesn't think he need to get stronger since Goku and Vegeta will finish Black
[F] Trunks: "Super Saiyan Blue, huh. If we have Father and Goku-san. We can defeat Black. There was no need for me to become stronger."
Vegeta: "You fool! Is defeating Black your only goal?! Look further ahead! At the enemies you've yet to even see. At the universe's strongest! If you carry the blood of the proud Saiyans. If you are my son, I will not allow you to lose to anyone!"

55 Episode: Goku goes to Zeno palace, Zamasu/Gowasu over humans

Episode: 55
Time: 04:06-04:25
Context: Beerus warn Goku not to do anything stupid while meeting Zeno
Beerus: " Listen up! Do not do anything careless! I'm saying that the fate of the entire universe rests on your attitude! Listen up! All it takes is for you to ruin the King of All's mood, and the world, you, me... Everything will be wiped from existence! Don't forget that!"

Episode: 55
Time: 05:39-05:52
Context: Beerus warn Goku not to tell Zeno about Black and time machine
Beerus: "Hey! The whole thing with Black and the time machine has to remain secret, okay?! [] If the King of All hears about it, he's certain to get angry. You understand what will come next, right?"

Episode: 55
Time: 06:08-06:16
Context: Whis reveals to Goku that Kaioshin and God of Destruction are set.
Whis: "Kaioshin and the God of Destruction are a set. [] If Kaioshin dies, the God of Destruction will die as well!"

Episode: 55
Time: 11:04-11:37
Context: Goku feels The High Priest's strength
Goku: "That guy may not look like much, but he feels pretty strong!"
Whis: "I'm impressed you could tell. The High Priest is said to have one of the five highest battle powers in all universes."
Goku: "Amazin!"
Whis: "Shh... You absolutely must not say anything so rude as to ask to fight him."
Goku: "But I'm curious!"
Whis: "Let's just say that even I could not measure up to him."
Goku: "Wow, he's that strong? That makes comin here totally worth it!"

56 Episode: Goku/Vegeta VS Black
Episode: 56
Time: 10:18-10:39
Context: Goku meets future Yajirobe
Goku: "You wouldn't happen to be... Yajirobe?!"
[F] Yajirobe: "Son!"
Goku: "The future you's alive?"
[F] Yajirobe: "Weren't ya dead yerself?"
[F] Trunks: "Weren't you killed by the androids...?"
[F] Yajirobe: "Nah, I nearly was, but then Karin-sama went "Don't worry about me, you have to eat this", and gave me the last sage Bean... Just thinkin about it makes me about to cry."

Episode: 56
Time: 13:59-14:32
Context: Vegeta introduce his Blue form to Black
Vegeta: "Let me be perfectly clear... My Super Saiyan Blue is going to bury you!"
*Black wasn't surprised*
[F] Trunks: "He's completely unfazed at the sight of Super Saiyan Blue. It's like he's seen it before..."
Black: *Claps* "Wonderful. So that's what warrior race clad in godly ki looks like. *Black went in front of Vegeta's face* You've trained well. But you're still only human."

Episode: 56
Time: 14:33-14:48
Context: Vegeta is surprised on Black's speed and power
Vegeta: "How did he get so close so quickly? He's become stronger than he was when he fought Kakarrotto. However... It means nothing when facing Super Saiyan Blue!"

Episode: 56
Time: 15:05-15:15
Context: [F] Trunks ask Goku if Black is Zamasu
[F] Trunks: "Goku-san. He said "you're still only human". Wouldn't that mean Black really is a god -- really is Zamasu?"
Goku: "I guess it sorta might..."

Episode: 56
Time: 15:35-15:37
Context: Black smirked which surprises Vegeta
Vegeta: "What? What did I just sense from him..."

Episode: 56
Time: 16:04-16:09
Context: Black is still surprise to see how Vegeta got so strong
Black: "You have come surprisingly far for someone with a human body. Allow me to reward you by showing you something special."

Episode: 56
Time: 16:58-17:15
Context: Black transform into SSjinR
Black: What do you think of this color. Isn't it beautiful? If I were to name it the way you like doing, I would call it... "Rose". Yes... Super Saiyan Rose."

Episode: 56
Time: 17:24-18:02
Context: Black's speech
Black: "I have finally made Son Goku's power completely my own. Rejoice, Son Goku. Through me, you've reached the height of beauty. [] You are a mere human. Humans have no capacity to understand the dignity of my speech. Nor my desires, nor my beauty! Indeed, my whole existence is simply vastly superior."

Episode: 56
Time: 18:06-18:22
Context: Black doesn't consider Vegeta as a worthy opponent
Vegeta: Black! You should not be talking to thin air. I am your opponent!"
Black: "Do you not understand? You've had your turn.
Vegeta: "What?!"
Black: "The opening act needs to know when to leave the stage."

Episode: 56
Time: 18:56-19:16
Context: Black stab Vegeta
Vegeta: "W-What..."
Black: "I called you the opening act before. I correct myself. The opening course. You make a tasty appetizer, Vegeta."
Vegeta: "Damn... you..."

Episode: 56
Time: 19:28-19:40
Context: Black got stronger after stabbing Vegeta
Black: "The opening course has made me even stronger. Now I shall consume the main dish and rise to even further heights."

Episode: 56
Time: 19:49-19:55
Context: Goku turn into SSjinB to fight Black
[F] Trunks: "Goku-san's Super Saiyan Blue? Goku-san's going at full power from the start?"

Episode: 56
Time: 20:01-20:18
Context: As pain makes Black stronger
Goku: "You said earlier that pain makes you stronger. So this is what you meant."
Black: "I have now gone where mere humans can not reach. Don't you want to taste this power as well?"
Goku: "Yeah, maybe I do!"

Episode: 56
Time: 20:35-20:38
Context: As Goku and Black trade blows
[F] Trunks: "They're evenly matched...?"
Vegeta: "No... They're not..."

Episode: 56
Time: 20:46-20:48
Context: As Black knocked Goku to the ground
Goku: "He's strong..."

57 Episode: Goku/Trunks VS Black and Future Zamasu, Zamasu watches Godtube!
Episode: 57
Time: 0:4:09-04:11
Context: Vegeta's unconscious after Black stabbed him
[F] Trunks: "I can feel his ki. He's just unconscious."

Episode: 57
Time: 05:00-05:02
Context: [F] Zamasu dodged Goku's punch by his chop
Goku: "This ain't the same as the last time."

Episode: 57
Time: 06:50-07:00
Context: Goku and [F] Trunks team up together against Black and [F] Zamasu
Goku: "Trunks!"
[F] Trunks: "Goku-san, I'll fight too!"
Goku: "They ain't gonna be easy to beat."
[F] Trunks: "I'm prepared for that."
Goku: "All right! Let's show 'em how strong we are!"

Episode: 57
Time: 09:49-11:48
Context: [F] Zamasu tanked [F] Trunks's Final Flash
[F] Trunks: "What the-?!"
[F] Zamasu: "Thus invulnerable body... makes for a true god. An ultimately body truly befitting of me!"
[F] Trunks: "T-That's... impossible!"
[F] Zamasu: "Thank you, my dear Saiyans. Thanks to your meaningless strength, this body of mine was gifted with invulnerability."
[F] Trunks: "An invulnerability body?! I became a Super Saiyan and fired my strongest technique. And I know I cut you with my sword, but your wound healed. So that's why."
[F] Zamasu: "Do you realize how helpless you Saiyans are? Your attacks and whatnot are, in the end, powerless against the gods. [] You still intend to fight me? Challenge me as many times as you like, until you learn of your own powerlessness."

Episode: 57
Time: 12:03-12:08
Context: Goku learns that Zamasu is immortal
Goku: "Your attacks ain't workin' on him?"
[F] Trunks: "T-That's right."

Episode: 57
Time: 13:03-13:17
Context: Goku and [F] Trunks are beaten
[F] Trunks: "I can't believe even Goku-san was beaten... What are we going to do?"
Goku: "Invulnerability... That ain't fair..."
[F] Zamasu: "If I want a world without humans, I need that power."

Episode: 57
Time: 14:13-14:29
Context: Vegeta saved Goku and [F] Trunks from Black and [F] Zamasu attacks
[F] Zamasu: "Who was that?!"
Black: "Oh, it was Vegeta. To think he still had that much power left..."
[F] Zamasu: "It seems that warrior race won't stop struggling until the bitter end, no matter how pointless it is."

Episode: 57
Time: 14:30-14:43
Context: Goku and [F] Trunks escaped
Black: "Where are Son Goku and Trunks?"
[F] Zamasu: "They don't have enough strength to escape. They should be nearby. Let's finish off Vegeta first."

Episode: 57
Time: 16:50-16:57
Context: Black and [F] Zamasu tries to sense the Saiyans
Black: "They're barely emitting any ki at all. What's more, the other humans' ki is getting in the way."

Episode: 57
Time: 19:28-19:51
Context: Present Zamasu sees Goku SSjinB on GodTube
Zamasu: "That's Son Goku... And what is with this ki he's clad in? Isn't this divine ki? A mere human has... A mere human has clad himself in the power of gods?!"

58 Episode: Whis theory on Zamasu and Black
Episode: 58
Time: 03:30-03:35
Context: After Zamasu slap Zuno
Zamasu: "I am a Kaio. I could erase you in an instant if I desired."

Episode: 58
Time: 06:20-07:26
Context: After learning that the Goku, Vegeta and [F] Trunks lost to Black
Kid Trunks: "Even the three of you couldn't beat Black?"
[F] Trunks: "He wasn't alone."
Bulma: "There were more enemies?"
[F] Trunks: "Zamasu was there. He was an enemy too."
Bulma: "Wait, wasn't Zamasu that Universe 10 Apprentice Kaioshin whose ki was similar to Black's?"
Goku: "Yeah. I thought he was a nice Kaio-sama but he was a super enemy."
Kid Trunks: "So despite their ki being similar, they were different people..."
Vegeta: "And he was immortal, as well."
Kid Trunks: "How? Because he's a god?"
Bulma: "Even being a god shouldn't make someone immortal..."
Goku: "And on top, that Black turned into a Super Saiyan with huge power."
Kid Trunks: "A Super Saiyan?!"
Bulma: "What was it like?"
Goku: "Super Saiyan... What was it again? *Vegeta: Rose* Right! Rose!"
Bulma: "Rose? Super Saiyan Rose? That Black must have a weird taste for names..."

Episode: 58
Time: 14:00-14:08
Context: Kid Trunks ask Why Zamasu would made a copy of Goku
Kid Trunks: "But why would he have made a Goku-san?"
Whis: "That could be due to interest in Goku-san sparked by their recent bout."

59 Episode: Beerus kills Zamasu!
Episode: 59
Time: 08:36-09:26
Context: [F] Zamasu tells Black not to kill Goku immediately and also having an immortal body
[F] Zamasu: "If you kill Son Goku, the bait you've been using to heighten your battle power will be gone. You should take your time, let his power seep into your very bones, and then kill him. You too should have used the Super Dragon Balls to gain an undying body like I did. It's nice, having an undying body."
Black: "I'm satisfied with this power. This supreme battle power. Simply having an undying body wouldn't be enough. I will become a lot stronger. This infinitely rising power is necessary for our plan."

Episode: 59
Time: 17:51-18:15
Context: Supreme Kai explain to Gowasu about Zamasu's plan
Supreme Kai: "Zamasu's goal was to kill you, and steal the Time Ring. If only you were out of the way, there would be nobody left to interfere with his plans. To use the power of the Super Dragon Balls... obtain an undying body... create a fake Goku-san, and destroy the humans."

Episode: 59
Time: 20:47-22:53
Context: Beerus inform everyone that Zamasu is dead
[F] Trunks: "You destroyed Zamasu?!"
Whis: "Yes. Beerus-sama took him out in a single blow."
Beerus: "Now Black is gone, and the future is back to normal."

Episode: 59
Time: 21:08-21:22
Context: [F] Trunks disagree on Beerus's conclusion
[F] Trunks: "Has it really returned to normal? When we defeated the androids, my future didn't change."
Beerus: "Don't worry. That's just you human's logic. When one god exterminates another, it's gotta affect the time stream."

60 Episode: Future Trunks and Kid Trunks conversation, Black reveals himself!
Episode: 60
Time: 02:46-03:08
Context: [F] Trunks still disagree with Beerus's conclusion
Beerus: "What? Your face tells me you still can't believe me."
[F] Trunks: "I'm sorry. I just can't accept it."
Beerus: "You sure are stubborn. I'm a god! It's very disconcerting for you to doubt a god's power! And anyway, lately you guys haven't even thought about worshiping me, the god, have you?!"

Episode: 60
Time: 05:30-05:43
Context: Vegeta doesn't want to lose for a second time against Black and Zamasu
Vegeta: "It's dangerous to fight without a plan."
Goku: "What's up? You sure are calm."
Vegeta: "We can't lose this time. At this rate, we won't be able to save Trunks's future."

Episode: 60
Time: 15:41-15:50
Context: The future didn't change
Bulma: "This... is the future?"
[F] Trunks: "It didn't change. The power of the gods didn't affect this world after all."

Episode: 60
Time: 19:49-20:08
Context: Goku, Trunks and Vegeta meet Black and Zamasu again
[F] Zamasu: "Welcome back, Saiyans."
Goku: "Zamasu..."
Black: "Thanks to you, I can become stronger yet."
Vegeta: "This time won't turn out like the last!"
Goku: "Hey! What about the plan?"
Vegeta: "Defeat Black first!"
Goku: "Oh, that's the plan?"

Episode: 60
Time: 20:26-20:42
Context: Vegeta wants to defeat Black for [F] Trunks sake
Black: "You want to defeat me, right, Vegeta? You were quite pathetic last time."
Vegeta: "Shut up! I want to to defeat you, but it's not for my own sake! It's for Trunks and for this future!"
Black: "How un-Saiyan-like."

Episode: 60
Time: 20:43-21:46
Context: Goku tells Zamasu and Black how they figured it out but is wrong about it when Black reveals the truth
Goku: "We've got it all figured out! You guys used the Super Dragon Balls to do bad things!"
[F] Zamasu: "Oh, you saw through me?"
Goku: "To become invulnerable, and to create a fake me..."
Black: "Fake? That's not it. [] This is the genuine Son Goku. Your actual body. But the heart beating within, belongs to me, Zamasu! [] With the first wish I made to the Super Dragon Balls, you and I... switched bodies!"
Goku: "Then what happened to the me who had his body stolen?"
Black: "I killed him. [] With these hands."

61 Episode: Black reveals more, Trunks's sins!!!
Episode: 61
Time: 02:55-03:20
Context: [F] Zamasu introduced himself to the Saiyans
Goku: "If yer Zamasu [Black], then who are you, the guy with Zamasu's face?"
[F] Zamasu: "I, too, am Zamasu. This world's Zamasu. [] Looking at it from the perspective of your world, I am this world's... the future Zamasu. I teamed up with the Zamasu who came from the past. For the sake of justice!"
[F] Trunks: "The future...?"

Episode: 61
Time: 03:29-04:09
Context: Black tells Goku that he's Zamasu that Goku fought in the present
Black: "Haven't you noticed, Son Goku? It is I who, despite being god, was pitifully defeated by you, a mere human... The former Kaio, Zamasu. By abandoning the body known as Zamasu, my heart became one with your body, and I gained greater strength."
Goku: "But Beerus-sama destroyed ya, didn't he? I saw it!"
Black: "It was all brought about by this Time Ring. [] Whatever may happen in the past world, it has no effect on my current self."

Episode: 61
Time: 04:10-04:39
Context: Everyone learn that Zamasu killed Gowasu and become a Kaioshin
[F] Trunks: "He really did kill the Kaioshin!"
Black: "Indeed. The only ones who can use the Time Rings are the Kaioshin. I ended Gowasu's life with my own hand, and assumed the throne of Kaioshin."

Episode: 61
Time: 05:28-05:32
Context: Goku attacks Black and [F] Zamasu
Goku: "Now they've done it!"
Vegeta: "Did you forget that Zamasu is invincible?!"

Episode: 61
Time: 05:42-05:48
Context: [F] Zamasu return back to normal after his face got destroyed by Goku's blast
Bulma: "Despite taking Son-kun's attack head-on, he went right back to normal!"
[F] Yajirobe: "Again, he's invincible!"

Episode: 61
Time: 06:04-06:39
Context: Black explain why he recruit [F] Zamasu
Black: "In order to carry out my justice, I needed one who understood me completely. One who carries the same sense of justice. One who suffers in the same way due to the foolishness of humans. One with the same dreams of an ideal world in his heart."
[F] Zamasu: "in other words, me. In this world you call the future, I, too, had spent my days lamenting the foolishness of humans."
Black: "Using the Time Ring, I came to this world."

Episode: 61
Time: 08:02-08:33
Context: Black and [F] Zamasu reveals that they destroyed the Super Dragon Balls after their wish were fulfilled
[F] Zamasu: "And so I used the Super Dragon Balls to become invincible."
Black: "After I had obtained this body, I could use the Super Dragon Balls again without wasting any time waiting, thanks to the Super Dragon Balls."
[F] Zamasu: "And so that the wish we had gotten fulfilled..."
Black: "could never be reverted... we destroyed the Super Dragon Balls."

Episode: 61
Time: 08:34-08:51
Context: Black and Zamasu reveals that they're the only gods left in the future since they killed the other gods
Black: "Furthermore. Using this mighty body, I killed all the gods in all the universes."
Goku: "You killed all the gods?!"
[F] Zamasu: "As a result, the only ones wielding absolute power in this world are me and myself.."

Episode: 61
Time: 14:49-19:51
Context: Goku attacks [F] Zamasu
Goku: "So what if you're invincible?!"

Episode: 61
Time: 16:00-16:09
Context: Black powered up after Goku beats him up
Black: "Son Goku... Your anger feels pleasant!"
[F] Zamasu: "I can sense his power swelling."

Episode: 61
Time: 16:45-16:46
Context: Black powers up whenever his body gets beaten up
Black: "Magnificent. The body of Saiyans is the ultimate blessing from the gods! The more it gets beaten up, the more its power rises!"

Episode: 61
Time: 17:12-17:20
Context: Trunks wants to fight and destroy Black
[F] Trunks: "I'll deal with Black."
Vegeta: "What? He's too strong for you!"
[F] Trunks: "I swear I'll take him down! Even if I have to die myself!"

62 Episode: Enrage Trunks VS Black and Zamasu, the Mafuba!
Episode: 62
Time: 01:44-01:55
Context: The narrator talks about the previous episode
Narrator: "Black and Zamasu attacked Goku and the others, who had returned to the future again. Their power far exceeded that of Goku and his friends."

Episode: 62
Time: 03:37-03:38
Context: As [F] Trunks and Black trade blows on each other
Yajirobe: "He's keepin' up with'em!"

Episode: 62
Time: 04:51-04:57
Context: Black survive from [F] Trunks blast at him
Black: "I didn't expect you to have this much power. You'll make a fine dessert."

Episode: 62
Time: 18:35-17:02
Context: Piccolo ask how did Goku and Vegeta failed to defeat Black twice
Piccolo: "He didn't look like he'd be strong enough... for you to lose and come back twice."
Vegeta: "Their power is the real deal. Not only can Goku Black become a Super Saiyan, but his battle power increases the more he fights, and the future Zamasu has obtained an invulnerable body thanks to the Super Dragon Balls. And since they started out as the same being, the two of them fight perfectly sync. There's no beating them in a proper fight."

Episode: 62
Time: 17:32-18:19
Context: Piccolo suggest Mafuba to seal Black and [F] Zamasu
Piccolo: "There is one way."
Gohan: "What do you mean, Piccolo-san?"
Piccolo: "The Mafuba. [] The move that the Venerable Grand master and the others used... to try and seal off the Demon King when he was trying to take over the world. If you can hold them back, then you should be able to use the Mafuba."
Goku: "I get it. That's an idea. We won't beat'em, just seal'm away."
Vegeta: "Will that really work?"
Piccolo: "Yeah. As long as the seal isn't broken, they'll never come back out."

Episode: 62
Time: 21:29-21:50
Context: Beerus want Gowasu to do something in the situation since he can't travel in the future
Beerus: "What matter is Zamasu. I could easily destroy him if I went to the future... but a God of Destruction can't just cross the time stream."

63 Episode: Trunks VS Black and Zamasu, Whis is an angel, Vegeta VS Black!
Episode: 63
Time: 05:24-05:39
Context: Black talks about his power if he defeats Goku
Black: "Son Goku will be back, even stronger than before... If I defeat him then, my power will reach an ultimate level."
[F] Zamasu: "Nothing would be impossible for the strongest, would it?"

Episode: 63
Time: 08:19-05:27
Context: Black is surprise to learn that [F] Trunks still had strength left
Black: "It's Trunks... I didn't think he still had the strength. Could it be that he's immortal too?"

Episode: 63
Time: 08:45-08:56
Context: [F] Trunks makes a strategy on how he'll defeat Black and [F] Zamasu
[F] Trunks: "Since Zamasu is immortal, he drops his guard after getting hit by an attack. That's my chance to hit Black with everything I've got. There's always a chance at victory."

Episode: 63
Time: 09:10-09:15
Context: Trunks hit [F] Zamasu with energy blasts
[F] Zamasu: "Every time I'm hit, I'm filled with joy at my immortality!"

Episode: 63
Time: 11:16-11:22
Context: [F] Zamasu doesn't care on Trunks power
[F] Zamasu: "No matter how much you people awaken your power, you'll only serve as a foil for me."

Episode: 63
Time: 11:28-11:36
Context: Trunks plans to Self-Destruct to kill [F] Zamasu
[F] Trunks: "If I consider my remaining stamina, I've only got one attack left in me... I'll put everything in that attack!"

Episode: 63
Time: 11:51-11:56
Context: Trunks thinks there's a limit on [F] Zamasu's regeneration
[F] Trunks: "Immortal or not, there must be a limit to his regeneration! I'll blow him to pieces!"

Episode: 63
Time: 12:44-12:51
Context: Bulma is looking for [F] Trunks
Bulma: "Where's Trunks?"
Vegeta: "It looks like he's barely alive."
Bulma: "What do you mean by "barely?!""
Goku: "Trunks's energy is fadin away."

Episode: 63
Time: 16:05-16:12
Context: Supreme Kai reveals that Whis is an angel
Supreme Kai: "Goku-san, unfortunately when the god an angels serves dies... the angel ceases to function until the next god appears."

Episode: 63
Time: 18:02-18:06
Context: Vegeta feels confident on defeating Black
Vegeta: "I'm superior to the real you. There's no way I'll lose to a fake you!"

Episode: 63
Time: 18:28-18:39
Context: Black noticed that Vegeta powered up
Black: "He's increased his power this much in such a short time?! [] You aren't called a warrior race for nothing it seems."

Episode: 63
Time: 18:55-18:56
Context: [F] Zamasu noticed that Black is losing to Vegeta
[F] Zamasu: "He's being pushed back by Vegeta?!"

Episode: 63
Time: 19:28-19:29
Context: [F] Zamasu didn't take any damage from Goku
Goku: "Looks like he's really immortal."

Episode: 63
Time: 20:51-21:52
Context: Vegeta explain to Zamasu how Goku's body works
Vegeta: "Shall I tell you where you miscalculated?"
Black: "Miscalculated?"
Vegeta: "That body down to the very corners of its cells was made by Kakarot's long, fierce history of combat! For you it's just a borrowed vessel! Only a true numb skull like him can use the Saiyan cells within it to their fullest!"
Black: "Why is there such a difference in strength?"
Vegeta: "Would you like to know? It's because you're a fake. And I'm the Saiyan prince Vegeta sama! That's why!"

64 Episode: Black's Scythe, [F] Zamasu and the Mafuba, Merged Zamasu is born!
Episode: 64
Time: 03:50-03:58
Context: Black laughs after Vegeta beats him up
Black: "With both bodies and energy granted by the gods. You act like you own them, you arrogant mortals!"

Episode: 64
Time: 04:10-04:14
Context: After Vegeta shoot Black with a huge blast
Vegeta: "I know you're not one to be defeated just by that. Get out here, you impostor!"

Episode: 64
Time: 04:27-05:16
Context: Black learned how Vegeta power up
Black: "I now understand how you were able to improve so rapidly. It's anger, isn't? The anger that your son was hurt made you strong, didn't it? Now that I realize it, it's simple. Turn anger into power. It's an ugly method that only a mortal could think up, so I had overlooked it. I see... Anger. Anger at the mortals who disrespect the universe. Anger at the gods who overlook that disrespect. And anger at my powerless self for losing to a mere mortal."

Episode: 64
Time: 05:53-06:20
Context: Black powers up after he release a scythe from his hand
Black: "Look, you appetizer. By turning my anger into power, I've gained another new power. If anger can be a source of strength... then the anger I hold, greater than anyone else's, makes me the strongest. Just how strong the anger of a god is. Feel it for yourself!"

Episode: 64
Time: 06:47-07:10
Context: After Black's sliced open a new dimension
Black: "Is what we see a different universe? The far future or the past? It could even be the bottomless anger that I hold within me. My power has surpassed even my own understanding and approaches untouched heights."

Episode: 64
Time: 07:11-07:26
Context: [F] Zamasu talks about Black getting stronger
[F] Zamasu: "Fighting strong enemies brings us to even greater heights. That's truly the work of a god. Proof of a power that judges all existence!"

Episode: 64
Time: 09:49-09:52
Context: [F] Trunks will buy some time
[F] Trunks: "If it's just Zamasu, then even I can."

Episode: 64
Time: 11:14-11:17
Context: As more Black's clones number increasing instead of decreasing
Goku: "Hey, Vegeta! Their numbers are goin, up instead of down!"

Episode: 64
Time: 11:20-11:28
Context: Black mock the Saiyans
Black: "What happened to that earlier momentum? With strength like that you won't be able to pursue Zamasu."

Episode: 64
Time: 12:06-12:14
Context: Black wants to fight Goku and Vegeta only when they become stronger through anger
Goku: "No fair, Black! If you're gonna fight, fight us!"
Black: "Of course I will. After you fail to protect the ones you were supposed to and become even stronger through the power of your anger."

Episode: 64
Time: 12:17-12:30
Context: Vegeta tells Goku to use Instant Transmission technique to locate [F] Trunks power but Goku can't
Vegeta: "Stop dawdling, Kakarot! Find Trunks's energy and use your Instant Transmission at once!"
Goku: "I've been doin that! But, the energy around here's all messed up and I can't find Trunks's energy!"

Episode: 64
Time: 15:06-17:00
Context: [F] Zamasu being sealed by [F] Trunks
[F] Zamasu: "Wh-What is this attack?!"
[F] Trunks: "How's that, Zamasu?! This is the strength of us mortals!"
[F] Zamasu: "The strength of mortals?! You pathetic mortals. Don't talk to a god about strength!"
[F] Mai: "What can a selfish god like you claim to know about a mortals?!"
[F] Trunks: "That's right! Mortals... Mortals like us... *Mai and Trunks together* Don't underestimate us!"

Episode: 64
Time: 19:15-19-27
Context: [F] Zamasu returned from Mafuba
Black: "Zamasu's energy has been disappearing and reappearing. And it seems to be getting weaker now. Just what is going on over there?"

Episode: 64
Time: 19:55-20:13
Context: [F] Zamasu warn Black not to underestimate the mortals anymore or else
Black: "Look at yourself. Just what happened to you?"
[F] Zamasu: "It seems we've been making a terrible error in judgement. The mortals aren't a mere bugs. If we're careless, our ideals may disappear like dew."

Episode: 64
Time: 21:28-21:55
Context: Merged Zamasu is born
Merged Zamasu: "My form is justice. My form is the world! Revere me. Praise me. This noble and beautiful... immortal and most powerful god... Zamasu!"

65 Episode: Merged Zamasu VS Everyone!
Episode: 65
Time: 03:54-04:00
Context: Gowasu is amazed by Merged Zamasu's power
Gowasu: "This awesome power. He fused together."

Episode: 65
Time: 04:11-04:17
Context: Merged Zamasu feels his power
Merged Zamasu: "I feel it... Two powers melting together in this single body."

Episode: 65
Time: 04:20-04:23
Context: Merged Zamasu powers up
Vegeta: "His energy is getting even stronger!"

Episode: 65
Time: 04:50-05:00
Context: Merged Zamasu feels his power again
Merged Zamasu: "It feels good. This power that fills my body. This is true justice!"

Episode: 65
Time: 05:08-05:10
Context: After Merged Zamasu blast the Saiyans
Vegeta: "What energy!"

Episode: 65
Time: 05:56-05:58
Context: Gowasu is more amazed on Merged Zamasu's power
Gowasu: "Zamasu... I can't believe how powerful he is!"

Episode: 65
Time: 08:39-08:58
Context: [F] Yajirobe believes on Goku
[F] Yajirobe: "Son, I'm sure you'll be able to do somethin about that monster... For these kids, for this world... I'm countin' on ya!"

Episode: 65
Time: 08:54-09:06
Context: Goku and Vegeta are comments on Merged Zamasu's source of light
Goku: "So this is the power of the light of a god, huh?"
Vegeta: "Impossible... God or not, I've never seen anyone let off energy like this!"

Episode: 65
Time: 09:20-10:06
Context: Gowasu and Supreme Kai are still surprised on Merged Zamasu's power
Gowasu: "What terrifying energy... I've never seen such a powerful light."
Supreme Kai: "No. Me neither."
Gowasu: "By fusing, he's obtained even greater power. The immortal Zamasu and the most powerful Goku Black. When the two became one... his power didn't just merge together, it expanded to no end!"
Supreme Kai: "His standing as a god is beyond even our understanding!"
Goku: "But we gotta do somethin about that power or we can't save this world, right? Then all we gotta do is get even stronger than that!"
Supreme Kai: "But he has the two powers of immortality and ultimate strength. How do you beat that?!"

Episode: 65
Time: 14:46-14:51
Context: Goku and Vegeta won't give up
Vegeta: "Keep babbling! Saiyans have no limits!"
Goku: "Yeah! Here goes, full power!"

Episode: 65
Time: 16:59-17:06
Context: [F] Trunks goes enrage after witnessing Vegeta and Goku's defeat
Gowasu: "Is this the power of rage...?!"
Supreme Kai: "Trunks san's energy is expanding at an amazing rate!"

Episode: 65
Time: 19:08-19:13
Context: Vegeta tells Merged Zamasu not to underestimate the Saiyans
Vegeta: "Zamasu! Don't underestimate the potential of Saiyans... of mortals!"

Episode: 65
Time: 20:09-20:28
Context: Vegeta and Trunks thought they defeated Merged Zamasu
Vegeta: "Trunks, we did it..."
[F] Trunks: "Yes!"
*Merged Zamasu is still alive*
Vegeta: "Dammit! That immortal monster!"

66 Episode: Goku VS Merged Zamasu, Vegito VS Merged Zamasu and Trunks VS Merged Zamasu!
Episode: 66
Time: 03:40-03:45
Context: Goku KHH struggles against Merged Zamasu
Goku: "I ain't losing! Here's my full power!"

Episode: 66
Time: 04:50- 04:53
Context: Goku powers up into Kaio-ken
Goku: "King Kai Fist!"
Merged Zamasu: "What?!"

Episode: 66
Time: 06:13-06:47
Context: Merged Zamasu seems can't regenerate his body
Vegeta: "What's going on? Why isn't his body healing?"
Gowasu: "It's true that Zamasu's body is immortal. But Black's was not."
Vegeta: "Half of his body is Black... You mean his mortal body is having an effect on his immortal one?"
Gowasu: "Yes. If the balance between Zamasu's soul and body is becoming unstable... our chance may lie there. But for that, we will need an even greater power to hit him with than before."

Episode: 66
Time: 07:54-08:02
Context: Goku ask Vegeta to fuse with him
Goku: "Unless we fuse and merge our power together... we can't beat him! You know that, right?"

Episode: 66
Time: 08:25-08:30
Context: Gowasu explains how the fusion works to the mortals
Gowasu: "The fusion effects on those who aren't Supreme Kai only last for an hour."

Episode: 66
Time: 10:17-10:22
Context: [F] Trunks is amazed on Vegito's power
[F] Trunks: "The fusion between Father and Goku-san. What an unbelievable energy!"

Episode: 66
Time: 11:35-11:39
Context: As Vegito beats up Merged Zamasu
Vegito: "What's wrong? Is this all the power a god has?"

Episode: 66
Time: 13:07-14:15
Context: Vegito tells that Merged Zamasu is not immortal anymore and that he can never erase all the mortals
Vegito: "You ain't immortal anymore and won't be able to erase all mortals. Don't you realize? Now that you're fused, he'll always remain in your body. A mortal named Son Goku!"
Merged Zamasu: "Mortals truly are foolish. Son Goku shall remain in my body? Exactly! That is my wish! Listen, Saiyan... Listen, Son Goku... You are a mortal, yet you have gained power that surpasses even gods. You are the personification of the failure of the gods who created this universe! As such, by becoming one with Son Goku... I have taken on the sins of mortals and the failure of gods in this body! This is truly the duty of a god."

Episode: 66
Time: 15:00-15:47
Context: Gowasu explains Zamasu's emotion
Supreme Kai: "Zamasu... He's not healing, but falling apart?!"
Gowasu: "That ugly form... This is Zamasu's complex emotions made real."
Supreme Kai: "His emotions?"
Gowasu: "Zamasu was too obsessed with the contradiction between gods and mortals. Why mortals make mistakes and fight each other. Why the gods forgives mortals. Why gods and mortals share similar forms. But, Zamasu. That form full of rage and hate... Was that the form you wished for? If mortals are wiped out, will that satisfy your emotions?"

Episode: 66
Time: 17:00-17:06
Context: As Merged Zamasu can't keep up with Vegito
Vegito: "What's wrong?! Can't that body seeped in all your rage keep up with my speed?

Episode: 66
Time: 17:36-17:41
Context: As Vegito defuse
Supreme Kai: "It hasn't been an hour yet!"
Gowasu: "They've used up the power to sustain the fusion!"

Episode: 66
Time: 20:04-20:31
Context: As the Earthlings lend their energy to Trunks and formed a Genki-Dama
[F] Trunks: "This is... the light from the energy of everyone living on this planet!"
Goku: "Vegeta! Us too!"
Vegeta: "Right!"
[F] Trunks: "I feel it... Everyone, lend me your power!"
Merged Zamasu: "No matter how much your power of mortals is gathered, it will never stand up to a god!"
[F] Trunks: "Here goes, everyone! We'll defeat Zamasu!"

Episode: 66
Time: 21:07-21:23
Context: [F] Trunks stabs Merged Zamasu
Merged Zamasu: "What is this power?! So many energies are mixed together and boring into me! [] Such energy!"

67 Episode: "Zeno destroys the future U7
Episode: 67
Time: 04:00-04:09
Context: After [F] Trunks seemingly destroyed Merged Zamasu
Goku: "Your sword was like a Spirit Bomb there!"
[F] Trunks: "It's thanks to everyone. Everyone's power defeated him."

Episode: 67
Time: 05:10-05:16
Context: Goku and Vegeta doesn't have enough power to turn into SSjin
Supreme Kai: "It's because of the Final Kamehameha they used as Vegito. They don't have the power needed to become Super Saiyan!"

Episode: 67
Time: 05:57-06:00
Context: The combo of Kamehameha, Galick Gun and Final Flash didn't have any effect on Smoke Zamasu
Goku: "It's not havin' any effect!"
Vegeta: "Dammit!"

Episode: 67
Time: 06:03-06:16
Context: Gowasu explains what Zamasu is doing
Gowasu: "Zamasu... might be trying to become the universe. He's cast off his form as a god... and is trying to become justice and order itself."

Episode: 67
Time: 07:23-07:38
Context: Zamasu's effect on the present timeline
Whis: "Hmm... I sense... a flow of unpleasant energy that makes my skin tingle."
Beerus: "It's Zamasu. Something happened in the future. It's having an effect on the present."

Episode: 67
Time: 08:22-08:35
Context: {F] Trunks can't sense the earthlings remaining on Earth
[F] Trunks: "I can't sense the people's energy. The energy of the survivors I sensed when I defeated Zamasu. I can't sense any of it."
Bulma: "Does that mean everyone died from that attack?"

Episode: 67
Time: 09:52-09:53
Context: Goku ask Supreme Kai if Zeno is still alive
Goku: "Say, Supreme Kai sama. Is then Zen-Oh sama of this world still around?"
Supreme Kai: "What? Zen-oh sama? O-Of course he must still be alive. No matter who it is, Zen-Oh sama cannot be defeated."

Episode: 67-
Time: 11:12-11:51
Context: Goku ask Zen-Oh to erase Zamasu
Goku: "Don't you think you should erase him?"
[F] Zen-Oh: "You're right. A world like this... [] A world like this must disappear!"

Episode: 67
Time: 15:47-16:16
Context: Whis reveals that Beerus himself created a new timeline
Whis: "You've already created a Time Ring yourself, Beerus-sama. [] Have you forgotten? When you destroyed Zamasu, another world where Zamasu wasn't destroyed was born. You can't talk of justification... when you've done something naughty yourself, Beerus sama."
Beerus: "I-I see... I guess that makes sense."

Episode: 67
Time: 16:42-17:10
Context: Whis reveals that he have a better sealing than a Mafuba
Whis: "I have something much better than the sealing urn you lot took with you."
Vegeta: "Th-Then why didn't you?!"
Beerus: "Stop relying on us! You rely on the gods too much."

Hit Arc [Mini arc]:

71 Episode: Hit kills Goku!
Episode: 71
Time: 03:32-03:55
Context: Goku is trying to sense Hit while eating
Goku: "I don't sense him... I don't sense his energy... No. He might be purposefully masking it."

Episode: 71
Time: 04:48-05:17
Context: Beerus wants Goku to be the lead fighter of Universe 7 which pisses Vegeta
Beerus: "Hey, Whis. [] Is Son Goku getting stronger?"
Whis: "Well..."
Beerus: "He hasn't been coming to training recently. Just what is he doing?"
Whis: "Who knows?"
Beerus: "Don't give me "who knows?" The martial arts tournament could start on Zen-Oh sama's whim at any moment! Goku's the lead fighter for Universe 7!"
Vegeta: "Kakarot's the lead fighter?"

Episode: 71
Time: 05:25-05:39
Context: Beerus want Whis to train Goku and again which pissed Vegeta
Beerus: "If his fighting doesn't meet expectations and it sours Zen-Oh sama's mood... what do you think will happen to us?! Whis, take responsibility and train Goku yourself!"

Episode: 71
Time: 06:17-06:42
Context: Vegeta learns that Goku has been undergoing a special training
Vegeta: "I see. Very well. I shall increase my efforts to match Kakarot's intense training routine."
Whis: "Yes. That is quite a hard one."
Vegeta: "So he's undergoing special training after all! Don't avoid the issue! Give me the same training too!"
Whis: "You've only done a few repetitions of your hundred-round-training."

Episode: 71
Time: 17:55-18:00
Context: Goku's looking for Hit
Goku: "Behind that rock... It's faint, but I sense Hit's energy."

Episode: 71
Time: 18:14-18:22
Context: Goku turn into SSjinB
Piccolo: "I can't sense Goku's energy all of a sudden! He's become Super Saiyan Blue!"
Goten: "Father's energy!"

Episode: 71
Time: 19:00-19:09
Context: Hit is on Goku's back
Goku: "I didn't think you'd take my back so easily... since I've been trainin' pretty hard all year. I'd expect nothing less, Hit."

Episode: 71
Time: 20:23-20:47
Context: Goku is unable to hit Hit
Goku: "It's not hittin' him?! [] This is different from his Time-Skip! If hittin' don't work, how about this! [] No. that wasn't an attack. [] His punch can't hit me from there!"

72 Episode: Goku VS Hit II
Episode: 72
Time: 04:26-04:34
Context: Piccolo explains how Goku revived himself
Piccolo: "He fired an energy blast at himself beforehand in order to use the shock of it to revive himself. He's completely unbelievable."

Episode: 72
Time: 05:21-05:31
Context: Piccolo ask how could Goku died like that again after learning Hit's time-skip
Piccolo: "Son, I can't believe someone like you died. I thought you'd already figured out his Time-Skip."
Goku: "That wasn't his Time-Skip. It was somethin' even greater."

Episode: 72
Time: 06:48-06:59
Context: Gohan can't sense Hit
Gohan: "I hear his voice, but I can't sense his energy at all."
Goten: "Father, you were against someone this amazing?"
Piccolo: "He's an assassin all right. Hiding his energy is child's play for him."

Episode: 72
Time: 07:49-08:08
Context: Goku learn how Hit hide his energy
Goku: "I can sense your energy over there. That means you're not there. [] You can make fakes of your energy, can't you? You used that as a decoy to get behind me, right?"

Episode: 72
Time: 08:2008:41
Context: Goku having a hard time sensing Hit's energy
Goku: "This way? Yeah, he's not there. [] I can sense his energy from all around. They must be duplicated energies... Amazin'."

Episode: 72
Time: 09:57-10:05
Context: Goku letting off his light energy on purpose
Hit: "Letting off your energy in the darkness... That's like telling me where you are."
Goku: "I'm doin' it on purpose!"

Episode: 72
Time: 11:08-11:18
Context: Goku still unable to hit Hit
Goku: "I still can't hit him! [] Is that the Afterimage Technique? No, it's not!"

Episode: 72
Time: 11:45-11:52
Context: Goku learns that Hit is much stronger than he thought
Goku: "You're way stronger than you were at the Martial Arts Tournament. But you can go even further, can't you?"

Episode: 72
Time: 13:56-14:00
Context: Goku noticed something on Hit's new attack
Goku: "Somethin's off. It's like there's two of him."

Episode: 72
Time: 14:16-14:56
Context: Champa ask on why Goku can't hit Hit which Vados explain the time-skip
Champa: "But why can't Goku even touch his body?"
Vados: "Do you know why Hit's attack is called Time-Skip?"
Champa: "Because he stops time, right?"
Vados: "He's not actually stopping time. To be exact, he's skipping time."
Champa: "What's "skipping time"?"
Vados: "And Hit can store the time he's skipped."
Champa: "So what is that?"
Vados: "And with that stored time, he can create a separate space, a parallel world. And he can freely move to and from there. That's why he can be seen but not touched."

Episode: 72
Time: 15:39-15:44
Context: Champa consider Goku as a threat on the upcoming tournament
Champa: "He'll be a threat in the next tournament that Zen-Oh sama holds."

Episode: 72
Time: 15:59-16:17
Context: Goku starting to learn Hit's new attack
Goku: "You're somewhere else when you get attacked, aren't you?!"
Hit: "Exactly."
Goku: "But you can't attack staying there! That's why you come back here when attackin'. I aimed for that moment!"
Hit: "It's not that I can't attack."

Episode: 72
Time: 16:25-16:39
Context: Vados comments on Hit's new character
Vados: "He's not holding back on showing his attacks. He must really be enjoying his fight with Son Goku."
Champa: "An assassin shouldn't enjoy the fighting."
Vados: "He's not the Assassin Hit right now. He's a martial artist."

Episode: 72
Time: 16:43-16:53
Context: Goku consider Hit as one step above of him
Goku: "You really are amazin'! You're always one step ahead of me. Oh, ow, ow, ow... But I've never let anyone beat me and get away with it!"

Episode: 72
Time: 17:52-17:56
Context: Goku breaks Hit's Time-Skip
Hit: "What?!"
Champa: "He beat that attack?!"

Tournament Of Power Arc:

77 Episode: Goku ask Zeno to hold the tournament!
Episode: 77
Time: 11:51-12:02
Context: Trunks wants Goten to train with him
Trunks: "Are you going to train at Whis san's?"
Goten: "That's right."
Trunks: "Hey, Goten, if you're gonna train, do it with me! Sparring against those weak guys is boring."

Episode: 77
Time: 14:23-14:27
Context: Vegeta doesn't want to go with Goku to train because of Bulma giving birth
Goku: "Don't blame me if I end up a lot stronger than you, Vegeta."

Episode: 77
Time: 15:28-15:39
Context: Beerus notice Goku's scar
Beerus: "What's that scar?"
Goku: "Oh, this? I haven't fought anyone strong recently so I've gotten a little rusty. I came here to retrain."

Episode: 77
Time: 16:20-16:26
Context: After Beerus told Goku to forget about the Tournament
Goku: "But it sounds really fun! We get to find out who's the strongest in all the universes!"

Episode: 77
Time: 16:53-17:16
Context: Beerus tells Goku that Zen-Oh is the real danger
Beerus: "Zen-Oh sama's the real danger here."
Goku: "He's not that bad."
Beerus: "Don't press your luck! Zen-Oh sama may be innocent and noble, but that innocence makes him dangerous."
Whis: "Don't forget that he has the power to erase the universe itself."
Goku: "I know. I saw him do that right in front of me."

78 Episode: A World of Void, Basil VS Buu Round 1!!!
Episode: 78
Time: 03:10-03:16
Context: Beerus explains to Goku the World of Void
Beerus: "It's a world without time or space, filled with infinite nothingness."

Episode: 78
Time: 09:25-09:33
Context: Goku wants Gohan to enter the tournament
Goku: "It's fine! You'll get your fighting sense back in no time! I know all too well that you've got great power in you!"

Episode: 78
Time: 11:48-11:54
Context: Mr. Satan is amazed by Pan
Mr. Satan: "Well, you can really tell Pan chan's growing! Grandpa might lose at this rate!"

Episode: 78
Time: 17:40-17:50
Context: Goku's speech in front of the gods
Goku: "I heard there were lots of strong guys out there in the universes. That's why I asked Zen chan. I said I wanna fight such guys!"

Episode: 78
Time: 21:23-21:30
Context: As Basil kicks Buu around
Gohan: "His opponent seems adept at kicks."
Goku: "Yeah. He's pretty good."

Episode: 78
Time: 21:35-21:40
Context: Basil mocks Buu
Basil: "Looks like the first guy from Universe 7 is a real buffoon."

79 Episode: Boo VS Basil!
Episode: 79
Time: 03:20-03:25
Context: Basil keeps mocking Buu
Basil: "Man, what a weakling! He's not even good enough for killing time!"

Episode: 79
Time: 03:27-03:31
Context: Supreme Kai is amazed to see Basil defeats Buu
Supreme Kai: "I can't believe that Majin Buu could be taken down so easily!"

Episode: 79
Time: 03:45-03:59
Context: Roh introduce the Trio De Dangers
Roh: "The strongest and most ruthless warriors of my Universe 9! They are the... Trio De Dangers!"

Episode: 79
Time: 04:08-04:14
Context: Roh introduce Basil
Roh: "The one fighting now is the youngest brother, Basil the Bullet Shoot!"

Episode: 79
Time: 05:03-05:07
Context: Buu laughs on Basil's attacks
Helles: "Why is he so happy? He's being beaten."

Episode: 79
Time: 05:25-05:34
Context: Buu is playing around
Mr. Satan: "He's playing. Buu san's playing just like I told him to do."
Beerus: "Playing?"

Episode: 79
Time: 06:26-06:54
Context: Goku and Gohan can't sense the Trio De Dangers
Goku: "This time, his opponent's kinda weird."
Mr. Satan: "Weird? What's weird about him?"
Goku: "You probably can't tell, Satan, but I can't sense any energy from those Universe 9 guys."
Mr. Satan: "Energy?"
Gohan: "Yes. They look normal, but we can't sense energy from them. Since we're unable to sense their energy, we can't tell how strong they are. That makes them very tricky opponents for us."

Episode: 79
Time: 07:02-07:27
Context: Goku tells the reason why he wants to fight the strongest fighters of all the universes
Goku: "There are guys that our norm don't apply to. Strong guys we've never seen from all sorts of universes. I wanna have amazin' fights with them. That's why I asked Zen chan to hold the Tournament of Power. I'm excited to see what sort of guys from other universes will be there."

Episode: 79
Time: 07:45-08:23
Context: Goku ask Basil to show his full power against Buu
Goku: "That's not enough to playin' to satisfy Buu! C'mon! Show your real power!"
Roh: "He certainly talks big."
Bergamo: "No, Supreme Kai sama. He's right that Basil hasn't shown his real power yet. That guy's got some potential. Hey, Basil! Show them your killer move!"
Basil: "You don't have to tell me that, bro. Don't blame me. Your buddy was the one who told me to show my real power."

Episode: 79
Time: 10:25-10:33
Context: U9 are shocked to see Buu's stomach hole and still alive
Basil: "Wh-Why doesn't he fall?!"
Sidra: "What an unusual creature."
Roh: "Don't lose your calm. The universe is full of such creatures!"

Episode: 79
Time: 14:08-14:29
Context: Beerus accuse Basil powering up by cheating
Beerus: "Using drugs to power up? What the heck is that? Cheating! That's cheating!"
Roh: "Your accusation wounds me. Then, what about your warrior? He healed too!"
Beerus: "That's Buu's ability! You can't compare them! Cheating! They lose for cheating!"

Episode: 79
Time: 16:52-16:57
Context: After Basil fired up his Wolfgang Pressure
Roh: "See that, Universe 7?! This is the power of my Universe 9!"

Episode: 79
Time: 17:28-17:39
Context: As Buu survived from Basil's Wolfgang Pressure
Buu: "You're strong. But... I'm even stronger!"
Basil: "Impossible!"

Episode: 79
Time: 18:16-18:33
Context: Basil seemingly survived from Buu's full power attack
Gohan: "Buu san's full power attack. He took it and is still standing, Dad!"
Goku: "Yeah. It's surprisin'."
Supreme Kai: "It looks like this battle won't be so easy..."
Elder Kaioshin: "But it looks like that one's reached his limit."

Episode: 79
Time: 20:14-20:20
Context: Sidra is angry on Basil's defeat
Sidra: "That pathetic Basil! We may have underestimated Universe 7."

Episode: 79
Time: 20:23-20:42
Context: Lavender is next
Roh: "Lavender! You're not going to lose, are you?"
Lavender: "Well, if I can kill my opponent..."
Bergamo: "Kill him! To your heart's content."
Lavender: "Then I can win. I can win... I can win!"

Episode: 79
Time: 20:47-20:01
Context: Gohan is next
Gohan: "Dad. I'll fight next. Please see how strong I am now."
Goku: "Those Universe 9 guys are unknown to us. Be careful!"

Episode: 79
Time: 20:18-21:26
Context: The Great Priest reveals to Zenos that Gohan is Goku's son
Great Priest: "Son Gohan. He is Son Goku's son."
Zeno: "Goku's son?!"
[F] Zeno: "Is his son strong?!"

80 Episode: Gohan VS Lavender and mortal levels revealed!
Episode: 80
Time: 03:24-03:45
Context: Gohan fights Lavender and Goku gives him an advice
Gohan: "I haven't been in a tournament for a while. I'd better take it slowly to get my fighting sense back. Since I can't read his energy, I'll need to see what he does."
Goku: "Gohan. Don't wait to see his moves because you can't read his energy! You're strong. Don't hold anything back!"

Episode: 80
Time: 03:55-03:59
Context: Gohan wants to see how strong he is now
Gohan: "Forget my opponent. I need to see how strong I am now."

Episode: 80
Time: 05:28-05:34
Context: As Lavender blinds Gohan by his poison
Goku: "He started by blindin' him."
Whis: "That looks like a rather powerful poison."

Episode: 80
Time: 05:40-05:49
Context: Roh introduce Lavender
Roh: "How about that, Universe 7! That's the Trio De Danger's second brother, Lavender's Poison Blow! Enjoy writing from that poison!"

Episode: 80
Time: 06:10-06:24
Context: Gohan's body will be rot if he don't give up
Lavender: "You like my poison? Too much of it and your body'll rot."
Roh: "Universe 7, you should probably give up now! Before his body rots!"

Episode: 80
Time: 06:34-06:52
Context: Gohan doesn't want any help or interference from U7
Gohan: "Supreme Kai sama! I don't need Senzu Beans! [] Everyone... Please don't interfere. I want to fight using only my own strength!"

Episode: 80
Time: 06:55-57
Context: Bergamo wants to see how long Gohan will last with that poison
Bergamo: "Let's see how long he'll last with that poison."

Episode: 80
Time: 07:14-07:20
Context: Goku tells everyone that Gohan needs to fight alone
Goku: "He can't sense energy and he can't see. It's the perfect trainin' for Gohan who hasn't fought for a while."

Episode: 80
Time: 07:24-07:48
Context: Lavender tells Gohan what poison does to his body while Gohan tries to sense Lavender's movements
Lavender: "My poison is... gradually absorbed and rots your body."
Gohan: "Don't be deceived by his voice... His movements... His presence... Sense them with your body."

Episode: 80
Time: 08:42-09:00
Context: Roh is surprised to see Gohan holding his own against Lavender despite being blind
Roh: "Impossible!"
Bergamo: "No, Roh sama. By being blinded, his other senses have been heightened. This is someone's worth fighting."
Gohan: "I can sense your movements."

Episode: 80
Time: 09:37-09:54
Context: Lavender fly in order for Gohan not to sense him
Gohan: "His footsteps have disappeared. Where is he?"
Whis: "Not a bad idea."
Supreme Kai: "At that distance, detecting him will be difficult."

Episode: 80
Time: 10:15-10:25
Context: As Lavender shoots Gohan around by his blasts
Mr. Satan: "This is bad!"
Goku: "Yeah, it could be bad. [] But, I'm sure that deeper in trouble Gohan gets, the better he'll be able to overcome it."

Episode: 80
Time: 10:46-10:50
Context: Gohan won't give up
Gohan: "Not yet... My power hasn't fully been unleashed yet."

Episode: 80
Time: 11:00-12:01
Context: Gohan transform into a Super Saiyan
Lavender: "Wh-What is that?!"
Roh: "So what if he's shining a little?"
Zeno: "Wow! What's that?"
Grand Priest: "It's a Super Saiyan."
[F] Zeno: "It's pretty. And shiny."
Zeno: "And it's strong."
Khai: "Super Saiyan?"
Toppo: "It seems they're beings that can alter their power level."
Lavender: "You might shine and increase in power a little, but you still can't sense my attacks!"

Episode: 80
Time: 12:45-13:15
Context: As Gohan able to hold himself despite Lavender in the air
Lavender: "Can you see me?!"
Gohan: "Even if I can't, my energy tells me where you are!"
Goku: "Not bad, Gohan!"
Supreme Kai: "He's detecting his opponent's movements by reflecting his energy off of him."
Whis: "It's basically an active radar. He's utilizing the abilities of a Super Saiyan, but this could be a double-edged sword."
Goku: "Oh, no! He needs to finish this quick."

Episode: 80
Time: 13:48-14:10
Context: As the poison starts to rot in Gohan's body
Beerus: "Indeed, in trying to corner his enemy, he cornered himself as well."
Whis: "Yes. The spread of poison was accelerated."
Supreme Kai: "That's what you meant by double-edged sword?"
Whis: "By becoming Super Saiyan, it seems the poison that entered his body began rapidly spreading through him."

Episode: 80
Time: 14:32-14:35
Context: Gohan transform into a Super Saiyan again
Supreme Kai: "Don't! Using your power will make the poison spread!"

Episode: 80
Time: 15:40-16:44
Context: Gohan holds Lavender in a nelson lock
Lavender: "You made me let my guard down!"
Gohan: "If we're this close, it doesn't matter if I'm blind!"

Episode: 80
Time: 16:43-16:46
Context: The second match is tie
Supreme Kai: "A tie."
Whis: "It seems the poison has already spread."

Episode: 80
Time: 17:38-18:31
Context: The Great Priest reveals the U7 and U9 mortal battle
Great Priest: "Zen-Oh sama is very moved that beings of the lowest mortal level rank could put on such a wonderful fight."
Supreme Kai: "Mortal..."
Beerus: "Level?"
Great Priest: "Zen-Oh sama has evaluated all the 12 universes and ranked them accordingly."
Beerus: "Then, the level of our Universe 7 is..."
Great Priest: "The average level of the mortal-inhabited stars of Universe 7 is 3.18. It's not good. It's second from the bottom."
Whis: "If we're second from the bottom, which universe is below us?"
Great Priest: "Surely you can tell."
Roh: "Y-you mean..."
Great Priest: "That's right. Universe 9's average level is the lowest. It's 1.86."

Episode: 80
Time: 18:33-19:10
Context: Great Priest reveals to everyone what happens to the universes if they lose
Great Priest: "For this upcoming Tournament of Power, Zen-Oh sama has often said there are too many universes. And so, Son Goku san from the Universe 7's proposal was the perfect opportunity. By his hand, Zen-Oh sama will erase the universes that lose the Tournament of Power."
Champa: "Erase?"
Roh: "Does losing the Zen Exhibition Match mean getting erased as well?!"
Great Priest: "No. That's not the case."

Episode: 80
Time: 19:25-19:48
Context: Supreme Kai ask Great Priest about the defeated universes and also reveals the mortal levels of U1,2,5,8
Supreme Kai: You said the defeated universes would be erased. Do you mean every universes that loses the Tournament of Power?"
Great Priest: "Yes. However, Universe 1 and Universe 12, and Universe 5 and Universe 8 are exempt from entering. The average mortal of those four is over 7, so they won't be erased."

Episode: 80
Time: 19:49-20:06
Context: Whis reveals the purpose of the tournament
Whis: "So in other words, the low level universes were already going to be erased, but if they win, they can remain. Is that the true purpose of this tournament?"
Great Priest: "Well, that sums it up."

Episode: 80
Time: 20:30-20:42
Context: Beerus blames Supreme Kai for their mortal level
Beerus: "This is your fault! You're always taking a back seat, saying it's pointless unless mortals develop their planet's level on their own!"
Supreme Kai: "Y-You're the one who's asleep all the time!"

Episode: 80
Time: 20:46-21:10
Context: Great Priest reveals that the gods will be erase along with their universe if they lose except the angels
Elder Kaioshin: "Just a moment, Great Priest sama. W-Well, if we lose, what will happen to us gods?"
Great Priest: "You'll be erased at the same time of course. Everything but the angels."
Beerus: "Whis?! You...!"
Whis: "My position is different from yours, Beerus sama."
Champa: "Vados, you too?!"

81 Episode: Goku VS Bergamo!
Episode: 81
Time: 05:59-06:23
Context: Zenos accepts Bergamo's request
Great Priest: "So if Universe 9 is victorious, the rule that defeated universes will be erased shall be rescinded. [] However, Goku-san. If you should hold back because you don't want to be erased, Zen-Oh sama will erase all the universe immediately."
Goku: "Right. I don't like losin' either. I'm goin' full on!"

Episode: 81
Time: 07:19-07:24
Context: As the gods ask Champa about Goku
Champa: "I dunno. That man, Son Goku... His limit seems unfathomable."

Episode: 81
Time: 10:23-10:30
Context: As Bergamo absorbs Goku's punches
Gohan: "Dad, be careful! He's using your power!"
Goku: "Yeah. Looks like it."

Episode: 81
Time: 10:31-10:45
Context: Roh introduce Bergamo's ability
Roh: "See that, Universe 7?! Bergamo The Crusher is a warrior who can turn his enemy's attacks into his own power and return them twofold! His strength is truly limitless!"

Episode: 81
Time: 11:14-11:17
Context: Bergamo absorbs SSjin Goku's power
Bergamo: "This is the power you gave me! Take it back!"

Episode: 81
Time: 11:32-11:36
Context: Goku calls Bergamo's ability as unoriginal
Goku: "The ability to use your opponent's power, huh? That's pretty unoriginal!"

Episode: 81
Time: 12:04-12:10
Context: As Goku keeps attacking Bergamo
Roh: "It's pointless no matter how much you attack! The more he's hit, the stronger Bergamo becomes!"

Episode: 81
Time: 12:11-12:16
Context: Goku keeps running away from Bergamo's attack
Bergamo: "Is running all you can do? Not like there's a choice. You'll only make me stronger!"

Episode: 81
Time: 13:18-13:42
Context: Goku attacks Bergamo by his ki blasts
Goku: "C'mon, try to get even stronger!"
Mr. Satan: "At that rate he's just giving the other guy power."
Gohan: "Dad gets excited the stronger his opponent is. He's making him stronger on purpose."
Beerus: "Honestly, Saiyans are a bothersome bunch."

Episode: 81
Time: 14:05-14:14
Context: Goku turn into Super Saiyan Blue
Khai: "This pressure...!"
Roh: "Power that rivals the gods!"
Sidra: "How terrifying... That Universe 7."

Episode: 81
Time: 14:27-14:33
Context: Goku want to give Bergamo more power
Goku: "That's not enough! I'll give you some extra big power! King Kai Fist!"

Episode: 81
Time: 16:01-16:06
Context: Zen-Ohs are surprise to see Goku's power
[F] Zen-Oh: "Goku's strong!"
Zen-Oh: "Goku's really strong!"

Episode: 81
Time: 16:18-16:27
Context: Whis explains how Goku defeated Bergamo
Whis: "He gave as much power as possible, then defeated him with an even greater super power. He really does love fighting on the edge."

Episode: 81
Time: 16:40-16:51
Context: Goku wants to see Bergamo's true strength
Goku: "I never really got to see your real strength. All you did was use my power. Show me how you get serious in the Tournament of Power."

82 Episode: Goku VS Toppo
Episode: 82
Time: 02:05-02:19
Context: Bergamo got stronger but got slower
Narrator: "Surprisingly, Bergamo had the ability to turn enemy attacks into his own power. But Goku didn't miss that his speed dropped as a result."

Episode: 82
Time: 04:00-04:15
Context: Khai wants to make a statement on every universes
Khai: "We demonstrate our strength, and show that we, Universe 11, are who will survive the Tournament of Power. Have you any objections?"
Bermold: "No. I agree."

Episode: 82
Time: 05:40-05:51
Context: Beerus is worried of Goku fighting Toppo
Beerus: "Dammit, if we let them see any more of Goku's fighting, the other universes will get a chance to analyze him."
Whis: "But we have a chance to analyze that Toppo fellow too."

Episode: 82
Time: 05:53-06:54
Context: Gohan tells Mr. Satan that Toppo is strong
Mr. Satan: "Goku san! Wipe the floor with him! The big muscle guys are actually weak!"
Gohan: "That's not true. That man is strong."

Episode: 82
Time: 06:36-06:46
Context: Gohan feels excited before Goku and Toppo's match begin
Gohan: "I guess Saiyan blood really does flow in my veins. This match is getting me excited."
Beerus: "What a bothersome family."

Episode: 82
Time: 08:51-08:22
Context: As Toppo dislocate Goku's shoulder
Whis: "Despite his physique, he's quite acrobatic and nimble."
Beerus: "He easily dislocated Goku's shoulder. He must be good at joint locks."

Episode: 82
Time: 11:32-11:34
Context: Goku turn into Super Saiyan Blue against Toppo
Toppo: "So you were saving your power."

Episode: 82
Time: 14:05-14:15
Context: As Toppo powers up and so does Goku
Goku: "Go ahead. Show me your real power. I'll show you what it looks like once I've passed my limit!"

Episode: 82
Time: 15:16-15:25
Context: Goku compliments Toppo
Goku: "Toppo. You surprised me. I didn't think there'd be someone strong like you. I'm lookin' forward to the tournament!"

Episode: 82
Time: 15:38-15:57
Context: Toppo warns Goku about Jiren
Toppo: "I hate to bring joy to you, evil, but I am not the strongest being in our Universe 11. My sworn friend is called Jiren The Gray. If you are equally matched with me, you will never be able to win."
Goku: "Jiren..."

Episode: 82
Time: 16:03-16:32
Context: Goku reveals to everyone about Jiren
Goku: "But apparently there's somebody stronger than Toppo named Jiren."
Gohan: "Universe 11 is a formidable opponent!"
Goku: "The universe is really big! I can't believe there's more guys that great! I'm really exci-"
Beerus: "This isn't the time to get excited! Having a close match with their second strongest is no good! Our universe is at risk of erasure! Be more worried and nervous! No more getting excited from now on!"

Episode: 82
Time: 16:46-16:54
Context: Belmod ask Toppo if he can beat Goku in the tournament
Belmod: "Can you beat him in the tournament?"
Toppo: "I do not know. But even should I fall, there is still my sworn friend, Jiren."

Episode: 82
Time: 17:38-17:51
Context: Goku ask Great Priest on how long the stage will be done
Goku: "How long until the fightin' stage is done?"
Great Priest: "In five tiks."
Goku: "Uh... So five tiks is...?"
Great Priest: "By Universe 7's Earth time, it's in about 40 hours."

83 Episode: Goku and Gohan name the fighters for Universe 7!
Episode: 83
Time: 05:12-05:20
Context: Supreme Kai ask everyone to pick the members
Supreme Kai: "Um, everyone. Shouldn't we first pick the members?"
Beerus: "It doesn't matter who, hurry up and pick. But make sure they're warriors who can win."

Episode: 83
Time: 05:29-05:40
Context: Gohan ask Supreme Kai on how many planets with mortals in U7
Gohan: "Before that, Supreme Kai sama. How many planets in Universe 7 have mortal life on them?"
Supreme Kai: "We've lost Planet Sadala, Planet Vegeta, Planet Namek, and such, so there are about 28 now."

Episode: 83
Time: 05:41-06:13
Context: Gohan ask if there are strong fighters from their universe that can participate in the tournament
Gohan: "Is there anyone among them who could fight in the Tournament of Power?"
Supreme Kai: "I don't know. We don't observe them in terms of power levels."
Beerus: "It's because you don't check that stuff that we get called a low level universe."
Elder Kaioshin: "Out of 12 universes, the mortal level of ours is second from the bottom. Good grief. Eight universes will be in the tournament. That means our chances of winning are only 12.5%. This looks to be a pickle."

Episode: 83
Time: 06:24-06:33
Context: Goku tells Beerus not to worry about losing in the tournament
Goku: "Don't worry, Beerus sama. All we gotta do is win. I'm lookin' forward to what kind of strong guys are gonna enter."
Beerus: "Honestly, you're unbelievable..."

Episode: 83
Time: 08:53-09:04
Context: Goku tells Gohan that Krillin has been training
Goku: "Krillin'll be all right. He started trainin' again."
Gohan: "What? Krillin san has?"
Goku: "He's got amazin' attacks you don't know about. He'll be all right."

Episode: 83
Time: 09:05-09:21
Context: Supreme Kai suggest Goku to let Goten and Trunks participate but Goku denies
Supreme Kai: "What about Goten san and Trunks san? They seem to have high potential."
Goku: "They're no good. They're too straightforward. This tournament isn't just a contest of power. You gotta drop rivals off the stage to win. They're too inexperienced."

Episode: 83
Time: 09:22-09:30
Context: Gohan suggest Roshi to join
Gohan: "Then what about Master Roshi sama? He has plenty of experience and lots of tricky attacks."
Goku: "Yeah! Master Roshi could hold his own."

Episode: 83
Time: 09:35-09:56
Context: Mr. Satan suggest No.18 which Gohan later suggest No.17 as well
Mr. Satan: "Excuse me... What about No. 18 san?"
Goku: "Oh! No.18, huh?"
Gohan: "Then we should get No.17 san too. Let's ask No.18 san where he is."
Supreme Kai: "Is it all right? Aren't those two androids?"
Gohan: "They're originally human. They've just been modified on a cellular level to be superhuman."

Episode: 83
Time: 10:16-10:20
Context: Supreme Kai will check the other planets to see a mortal with a high power level
Supreme Kai: "There might be mortals with high power levels on other planets too. I'll go check."

Episode: 83
Time: 10:38-10:52
Context: Whis tells to Goku that Senzu Beans are not allowed in the tournament
Goku: "Oh yeah. We should get Senzu Beans from Karin sama."
Whis: "I believe that would be cheating. Senzu Beans are those beans that heal your stamina, correct? They're not a warrior's ability so you can't use them."

Episode: 83
Time: 11:14-11:29
Context: Goku tells Vegeta about Toppo
Goku: "Great news, Vegeta. You get to fight really strong guys! The universe really is big! I wasn't sure if I could beat this guy, Toppo from Universe 11, even in Blue form."
Vegeta: "What? Even in Blue form?"

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
84 Episode: Gohan VS Krillin and Goku VS Krillin!
Episode: 84
Time: 07:06-07:20
Context: Gohan wants to test Krillin's power
Gohan: "Please show me your current power, Krillin san. I'm sorry to test you. The match will be a battle royal with friend and enemies fighting at once. I'd like to know everyone's strength so I can work out a plan."

Episode: 84
Time: 07:44-07:53
Context: Gohan is worried of Krillin fighting in the tournament
Gohan: "The Krillin san's power that I know won't stand up in the Tournament of Power. I want to know why Dad selected Krillin san."

Episode: 84
Time: 09:17-09:20
Context: As Krillin attacks Gohan
Krillin: "What's wrong?! Can't go full strength against me?!"

Episode: 84
Time: 09:55-10:01
Context: After Krillin use his Solar flare to the new level
Gohan: "Even with my eyes closed, I can't block it all! I can't sense Krillin san's energy. Where is he?"

Episode: 84
Time: 10:14-10:22
Context: Krillin reveals his new technique
Krillin: "I call it Solar Flare x 100."
Gohan: "Solar Flare x 100... That's an amazing attack!"

Episode: 84
Time: 11:14-11:35
Context: Krillin tells Gohan to train together
Krillin: "Gohan. Let's get stronger together again. Let's use our heads, try hard, and get hundreds of times stronger! Let's win the Tournament of Power! With my skill and experience and your power, it'll be a snap!"
Gohan: "Krillin san... I really am inexperienced."

Episode: 84
Time: 12:50-12:59
Context: No.18 warn Krillin on facing Goku
No. 18: "Don't get cocky! Solar Flare x 100 is for surprise attacks. It won't work again and again! Don't you understand? You're up against Son Goku."

Episode: 84
Time: 16:00-16:13
Context: The ground underneath Goku suddenly gives way
Goku: "Man! So close! When did you do that?!"
Krillin: "I launched a small fourth Destructo Disc and sliced it earlier."
Goku: "The three Destructo Disc were a distraction?!"

Episode: 84
Time: 16:14-16:21
Context: Tournament of Power is not all about power
Gohan: "It's the Tournament of "Power", but such battles of the mind are also necessary."
No.18: "Yeah. If you run in without a plan, you'll lose right away."

Episode: 84
Time: 16:43-17:09
Context: Goku turns into Super Saiyan Blue
Krillin: "Super Saiyan Blue... I've seen it up close many times, but now that I'm standing against it as an opponent, I can feel amazing pressure!"
Gohan: "This difference in power... Does Krillin san have a plan?"
No. 18: "No. One-on-one with this power difference, there's nothing he can do. But the Tournament of Power is a battle royal, right?"

85 Episode: Slim Boo, Champa needs more Saiyans!
Episode: 85
Time: 09:23-09:27
Context: Goku is amazed by Buu's power and speed
Goku: "Amazin', Buu! You're faster and you've got that power!"

Episode: 85
Time: 10:44-10:47
Context: Goku compliments Buu
Goku: "Buu. You really are a genius at fightin'."

Episode: 85
Time: 15:55-16:04
Context: Belmod makes a statement
Belmod: "Universe 7 won't stand a chance against our Universe 11. Not against our Pride Troopers led by Toppo."

Episode: 85
Time: 20:42-20:49
Context: Champa demands Cabba to bring more Saiyans
Champa: "Hey, we need someone stronger than you! I want Saiyans! Give us more Saiyans!"

Episode: 85
Time: 21:08-21:13
Context: Piccolo wants to retrain Gohan's body
Piccolo: "That soft, weakened body of yours... I'll retrain it!"

86 Episode: Goku VS 17
Episode: 86
Time: 04:57-05:25
Context: Dende reveals that Android is stronger than ever
Dende: "No. 17 san is as strong as ever. Rather, he's even stronger than people. It would have been terrifying if he was still an enemy."
Goku: "How strong has he gotten?"
Mr. Popo: "Recently, you've been focused on nothing but space all the time and haven't noticed what's been happening on Earth."
Goku: "Well, really strong guys keep showin' up. But, he's gotten that strong, huh? I wonder if he's still trainin'."

Episode: 86
Time: 05:26-06:07
Context: Dende reveals to Goku about Uub
Dende: "Also, did you know that in a small village near here, there's a boy with unbelievable martial arts talent?"
Goku: "A boy? No, I didn't know."
Dende: "He is a genius. Even he is unaware of it himself. He is still very young though. [] Once he is older, you should teach him how to use his power, Goku san."
Goku: "Huh? Why me? I'm no good at that stuff."
Dende: "The boy is a reincarnation... of the Evil Majin Buu."

Episode: 86
Time: 07:41-07:47
Context: Goku search for Android 17
Goku: "I wonder where No.17 is. I can't sense his energy so this'll be tough."

Episode: 86
Time: 12:43-13:01
Context: Goku wants to test Android 17's power
Goku: "I was hopin' you'd let me test your current strength. [] I need strong friends right now."

Episode: 86
Time: 14:03-14:13
Context: Goku's surprise to see Android 17's power
Goku: "I'm surprised you're this strong!"
Android 17: "It's not like I've just been spending my time relaxing."
Goku: "I'm a heck of a lot stronger than I was back then too."

Episode: 86
Time: 14:53-15:06
Context: After Goku turn into Super Saiyan Blue
Android 17: "So you can transform like that too."
Goku: "To be honest, I didn't intend to."
Android 17: "So you were holding back. How condescending."
Goku: "Well it looks like you weren't goin' full power either."

Episode: 86
Time: 16:53-17:09
Context: After they finish their fight
Goku: "Dende was right. I'm glad you're not an enemy."
Android 17: "If we'd fought back then, I probably would've lost."
Goku: "I dunno..."
Android 17: "You're not at full power are you?"
Goku: "You're still savin' your strength too, ain't you?"

Episode: 86
Time: 19:34-19:41
Context: Goku tells No.17 about Goten
Goku: "He's my kid. He's really strong, so it'll be fine."
Android 17: "Just being strong isn't enough for this job."

87 Episode: Goku and No.17 II
Episode: 87
Time: 04:35-04:42
Context: Poachers arrives in the island
Android 17: "Someone's approaching this island."
Goku: "Yeah. I can sense their energy. And there's a whole lot of them."

Episode: 87
Time: 16:05-16:12
Context: Goku tells King Kai not to worry about the self-destruct of that Poacher
Goku: "It's fine. He's not strong enough to stand in this gravity, so he can't move."

Episode: 87
Time: 20:59-21:12
Context: Android 17 ask Goku if Krillin will participate in the tournament
Goku: "Of course he's on it. Krillin's stronger too. And Buu's on it too."
Android 17: "Buu? The one you beat with that Spirit Bomb?"
Goku: "Yeah. But don't worry. He's not the old bad Buu anymore."

88 Episode: Gohan VS Piccolo, Cabba and Renso!
Episode: 88
Time: 03:34-03:36
Context: After sparring a bit with Gohan
Piccolo: "So that's your level now."

Episode: 88
Time: 04:14-04:41
Context: Piccolo ask Goku about Gohan and he wants to train him
Piccolo: "How is Gohan, by the way?"
Goku: "He's out of practice, but he was doin' his best at the Zen Exhibition Match. But considerin' Gohan's original power, he shoulda been able to do better."
Piccolo: "Goku, got any Senzu Beans?"
Goku: "Not right now."
Piccolo: "Bring me two beans right away. I'll train him to get his fighting sense back."

Episode: 88
Time: 04:51-04:58
Context: Piccolo will train Gohan more
Piccolo: "It's going to get tough from here!"
Gohan: "I'm ready for it. I have to become even stronger!"

Episode: 88
Time: 09:24-10:49
Context: Piccolo tells Gohan what he was doing wrong and gives him a confidence
Piccolo: "I see nothing but overeagerness. You won't get anything done like that. Training much less getting stronger. If you can't even evoke your original strength, you'll never be able to protect your family! It's true, the wish to protect can give you strength. But, wishing too strongly can be dangerous. If you can't control it properly, it will impede more than benefit. If you obsess with winning, you can't calmly assess the situation, and you'll misjudge an enemy's true strength."
Gohan: "I see... I couldn't even recognize that..."
Piccolo: "No fight is assured victory! If you lose, this universe will be erased. First accept that fact! And then win! [] Don't worry. You can win. I'm the one telling you this. Have some confidence."

Episode: 88
Time: 11:08-11:21
Context: Cabba doubt their chances on winning
Cabba: "I can't believe we'll be fighting for the existence of the universe. Hit san may be strong, but against 70 opponents, victory isn't guaranteed. Selection of the other members will be key."

Episode: 88
Time: 12:39-12:56
Context: Renso ask Cabba to show his new power
Renso: "Anyway, I hear you've gained a new power. Can you show me?"
Cabba: "Oh, yes."
*turn into SSjin*
Renso: "What amazing power! As long as you're here, this universe is safe."

Episode: 88
Time: 13:09-14:15
Context: After Cabba reveals the Tournament of Power
Cabba: "Please, please participate in the Tournament of Power. We need your strength, Renso san!"
Renso: "I've already retired from the Sadala Defense Force. Besides... With this leg..."
Cabba: "Even if you can't use your old power, the tournament is a battle royal with 80 people. Your battle experience will surely come in handy, Renso san."
Renso: "You overestimate me. [] I don't have what it takes to be trusted with something that big now. But if you insist, take my sister, Caulifla. [] She may look like a simple punk, but Caulifla's potential power is far beyond my own."

Episode: 88
Time: 14:33-15:02
Context: Piccolo tells Gohan to get serious
Piccolo: "That's enough of a warm-up. From here it's a serious fight. Come at me with your full strength!"
Gohan: "Yes!"
*Gohan turns into SSjin2*
Piccolo: "It's true that you're powerful, but you have a weakness. Unless you can overcome it, you probably won't last in the tournament. I'll show you that weakness."

Episode: 88
Time: 15:38-15:57
Context: Piccolo chokes Gohan
Piccolo: "What's wrong, Gohan? Is that all you've got? You'll be strangled to death!"
Gohan: "Th-This is... When did you get such power?"
Piccolo: "Did you think I was doing nothing while you were studying and researching?!"

Episode: 88
Time: 16:07-16:53
Context: Piccolo tells Gohan's weakness
Piccolo: "Gohan, you lose. You're strong. But your heart hasn't fully become that of a warrior's. You let your guard down at vital moments! You always have. When Elder Kai drew out of your power to fight Buu, you become arrogant and over-estimated your power. You got drunk on that power. No matter how strong you become, so long as you have that arrogance, you can't win the tournament. Become a warrior! Whoever you're against, fight with all you've got!"

Episode: 88
Time: 16:54-18:00
Context: Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan and to beyond his limits
Piccolo: "Super Saiyan isn't your full power, is it? That power you used when you fought Buu... Awaken that real you!"
*After Gohan surpassed his limits*
Gohan: "Piccolo san, I won't be holding back."
Piccolo: "Bring it on."

Episode: 88
Time: 18:32-18:42
Context: Piccolo praise Gohan
Piccolo: "Well done, Gohan. That's it. If you can fight like that, you won't lose to enemies from other universes."

Episode: 88
Time: 18:50-19:14
Context: Piccolo sneak attacked Gohan and reminds him his weakness
Piccolo: "You still let your guard down. It's just like when you fought Buu. Back then, you assumed the fight was over, got careless, and got absorbed by Buu. I suppose that letting your guard down comes from your father. Listen to me, Gohan. Lose your arrogance, and never let your guard down until the fight is over."

Episode: 88
Time: 19:40-20:31
Context: Piccolo wants Gohan to get even stronger and Gohan suggest Piccolo together to make a new move
Piccolo: "No. The real training comes next. Gohan, I don't believe that is the extent of your power. You should be able to go much further. Don't you want to see it? Just how far you can go. How strong you can become. There's still time until the tournament. Want to try me? To see how strong you can become in the time we have left."
Gohan: "Even stronger... Yes please! Oh, then why don't we create a double-team maneuvers or a combination?"
Piccolo: "With you?"
Gohan: "Yes. I'm sure it will be a useful weapon."
Piccolo: "Seems interesting. All right."

89 Episode: Goku VS Roshi!
Episode: 89
Time: 02:02-02:34
Context: Gohan is once again Ultimate
Narrator: "By overcoming the weakness that Piccolo pointed out, Gohan was able to get back his original power. [] Gohan was aiming for greater heights with Piccolo."

Episode: 89
Time: 03:57-04:05
Context: Tien teaches his students
Tien: "Lower your stances. Concentrate your effort just below your navels. Focus your energy."

Episode: 89
Time: 07:28-07:32
Context: Tien tells the reason why he keeps training
Tien: "Always heighten oneself. That's the principle for martial artist."

Episode: 89
Time: 09:57-10:04
Context: Tien declines on participating in the tournament
Tien: "I know fighting strong warriors from other universes would be good training. But I can't just go off leaving my students."

Episode: 89
Time: 11:14-12:19
Context: Caulifla doesn't want to join in the tournament
Cabba: "Your brother, Renso san, holds your abilities in high regard, Caulifla san. Are you going to just sit here when you could be aiming even higher?"
Caulifla: "Not bad words from the Sadala Defense Force elite. [] You've piqued my interest. Both in the idea that I can go even higher and this Super Saiyan thing."

Episode: 89
Time: 12:28-12:36
Context: As the students of Tien are terrorizing the village
Roshi: "It's witchcraft. Someone's used witchcraft on them. The area is full of sinister energy."

Episode: 89
Time: 12:46-12:52
Context: Chouzu's psychic can't remove the witchcraft
Chouzu: "My psychic abilities don't work!"
Yurin: "Dummy! You think such childish trick would work?"

Episode: 89
Time: 15:18-15:23
Context: As Yurin's punches aren't working on Roshi
Yurin: "It's not working?!
Roshi: "What? Was that suppose to be an attack?"

Episode: 89
Time: 15:53-15:54
Context: After Yurin kick Roshi in the nuts
Yurin: "Eroticism was your ruination."

Episode: 89
Time: 16:34-16:37
Context: After Roshi punch Tien away
Tien: "Even under her spell, he's still Master Roshi sama."

Episode: 89
Time: 17:58-18:34
Context: Roshi powers up and fights Goku
Goku: "Amazin' energy. Master Roshi, you've been hidin' your power from us! [] What a sensation. My fists are tinglin'! [] This is Master Roshi's power when he's not holdin' back. You've been doin' a lot of trainin' in secret. [] Master Roshi... I wanna keep fightin' you, but there's no time."

Episode: 89
Time: 19:50-20:15
Context: Tien invites Yurin to train in his dojo
Tien: "If you're going to train, why not do it at my dojo?"
Chouzu: "Tien san?!"
Yurin: "At the three-eyed baldy dojo?"
Tien: "Regardless of your motives, your wish to be stronger is real. How about it? You can fight me all you like here."
Yurin: "Oh very well. If you're going to insist, then I'll be your student."
Tien: "Good. I'll be strict with your training."

90 Episode: Goku VS Gohan!
Episode: 90
Time: 03:32-03:51
Context: Piccolo wants to test Gohan's current power but not by himself
Piccolo: "Gohan. My training for you ends here. Before the Tournament of Power, you need to test your current power. Let's see the perfect person for that. You know who."
Gohan: "Yes!"

Episode: 90
Time: 04:18-04:35
Context: Roshi ask Goku what he's going to do before the tournament
Roshi: "Anyway, Goku. There's still some time until the tournament. What do you plan to do?"
Goku: "Well... Say, Master Roshi, could you train me?"
Roshi: "Okay. I can teach you some of my attacks."

Episode: 90
Time: 04:51-05:05
Context: Gohan ask everyone to test his power
Gohan: "Dad, please train me."
Roshi: "You seem to have really pushed yourself."
Gohan: "Dad, Tien san. Please let me test my current power!"

Episode: 90
Time: 05:50-06:00
Context: Roshi praise Goku and Gohan
Roshi: "That monkeyish little tyke Goku became the strongest martial artist. And now, his son seeks those same heights."

Episode: 90
Time: 06:55-07:02
Context: Gohan pushes Goku away
Goku: "Not bad."
Gohan: "I'm not even close to full power yet."

Episode: 90
Time: 07:54-07:56
Context: As Goku and Gohan trade blows
Chouzu: "They're fast!"

Episode: 90
Time: 10:28-10:40
Context: Roshi thinks the fight isn't over yet
Roshi: "Gohan... His fighting was impressive. His combination with Piccolo was also impressive. But... this isn't over yet."

Episode: 90
Time: 10:42-10:49
Context: Goku praise Gohan
Goku: "Good job. Looks like you got your fightin' sense back with just a little trainin', Gohan."

Episode: 90
Time: 11:02-11:06
Context: Gohan ask Goku to fight him one-on-one and Tien tries to stop him but failed
Tien: "We've already seen your power. There's no point in continuing!"

Episode: 90
Time: 14:00-14:18
Context: Gohan and Goku ate Senzu Beans before they start their match
Chouzu: "S-Senzu Beans?"
Roshi: "They're going to go all the way."
Tien: "Talk about a waste of Senzu Beans. But, now that it's come to this... A serious fight between the warrior Saiyan race... I can't contain my desire to see it through to the end."

Episode: 90
Time: 14:34-14:36
Context: Goku turn into Super Saiyan 2 and tells Gohan to power up as well
Goku: "Now, release your power!"

Episode: 90
Time: 14:54-14:58
Context: As Gohan powers up to his maximum
Roshi: "Gohan has a tremendous intensity."
Chouzu: "It tingles."

Episode: 90
Time: 15:09-15:44
Context: After Gohan powered up to his maximum
Gohan: "Dad. This is my current full power."
Goku: "You ain't gonna go Super Saiyan?"
Gohan: "No! My goal is an ultimate form that no one has ever seen before. I'm going to aim for that with a different method than you."
Goku: "Strong guys from all the universes are gonna gather at the tournament. I thought there'd be no better place to train myself. But I've been forgettin', Gohan, that you've... been right here beside me!"

Episode: 90
Time: 16:51-16:54
Context: After Goku knocked Gohan to the ground
Tien: "He attacked by blocking Gohan's vision."
Piccolo: "Yeah."

Episode: 90
Time: 17:14-17:16
Context: As their KHH clashed each other
Goku: "Gohan, unleash more power!"

Episode: 90
Time: 17:55-18:01
Context: As both Gohan and Goku trade blows on each other
Chouzu: "Amazing. So this is a serious fight between Saiyans."
Roshi: "The ground is shaking!"

Episode: 90
Time: 18:08-18:10
Context: Gohan begs Goku to get serious
Gohan: "Please get serious, Dad!"

Episode: 90
Time: 18:19-18:38
Context: Gohan throw Goku away
Gohan: "Fight me at full strength!"
*Goku turns into SSjinB*
Gohan: "At full strength!"
Piccolo: "Go, Gohan!"
Gohan: "See my full strength!"

Episode: 90
Time: 18:46-19:02
Context: Gohan still wants to fight Goku's full strength
Gohan: "At my full strength!"
*Goku powered up his SSjinB with Kaioken*
Goku: "C'mon, Gohan!"

Episode: 90
Time: 20:24-20:28
Context: As Gohan's unconscious
Goku: "Let's go together... Even further ahead."

Episode: 90
Time: 21:08-21:20
Context: After Goku and Gohan match
Narrator: "Son Goku. Son Gohan. The father and son tested each other's strength, and accepted each other. They have now reached their greatest morale ever."

91 Episode: "Great Priest and two Zenos watches the universes!
Episode: 91
Time: 02:26-02:33
Context: Narrator states that Gohan rivals Goku in terms of power
Narrator: "Gohan showed power that rivals Goku's. At last, the strong Gohan has returned!"

Episode: 91
Time: 04:35-04:41
Context: Mr. Popo warns Vegeta
Mr. Popo: "Wait. Break the room again, and you're banned."

Episode: 91
Time: 04:55-05:04
Context: Vegeta makes another statement
Vegeta: "The one who'll defeat Kakarot and survive to the end of the tournament... is me, Vegeta sama!"

Episode: 91
Time: 05:10-05:33
Context: Elder Kaioshin offers Goku to release his potential beyond to its limits
Elder Kaioshin: "I could summon forth your potential power beyond its limits."
Goku: "Really?"
Beerus: "That's a great idea!"
Supreme Kai: "Elder Kai sama. If I may interject, summoning forth one's potential power beyond its limits takes around 25 hours. We wouldn't make it before the tournament."
Elder Kaioshin: "Oh that's right."

Episode: 91
Time: 07:43-08:02
Context: Zeno ask [F] Zeno on which universe he thinks that's gonna win
Zeno: "Say, which universe do you think will win?"
[F] Zeno: "I think Goku's universe will win."
Zeno: "But Universe 6 is pretty strong too."
Great Priest: "Precisely. Those two universes form a pair, so their power rivals one another."

Episode: 91
Time: 09:44-09:50
Context: After Frost attack Hit and failed
Hit: "You've gotten better. Being on the run for so long has strengthened your spirit."

Episode: 91
Time: 10:37-11:02
Context: Hit tells Frost that weapons are not allowed
Hit: "But don't use your poison needles. A foul will get you erased on the spot."
Frost: "Erased..."
Hit: "Lose the poison needle in your heel as well."
Frost: "So you knew."

Episode: 91
Time: 11:51-12:14
Context: Roshi wants to overcome his pervy mind
Yamcha: "What? You need Puar?"
Roshi: "Exactly. I need Puar to transform into a young gal."
Yamcha: "Why do you need that?"
Roshi: "Why? Even I have my weakness. My only weakness... I want to overcome my pervy mind."

Episode: 91
Time: 15:45-16:12
Context: Great Priest talks about the U11 fighters
Great Priest: "Universe 11, which fought Son Goku san at the Zen Exhibition Match is one of the favorites to win. All of Toppo san's friends are very strong warriors with good character. [] However, Universe 11's pair, Universe 2 is actually rather interestiing."

Episode: 91
Time: 18:14-18:23
Context: Great Priest talks about U10
Grand Priest: "Next is Universe 10. They seem to have gathered ten warriors too. They're doing something interesting to strengthen their team's unity."

92 Episode: Universe 3, Cabba and Caulifla!
Episode: 92
Time: 03:23-03:36
Context: Mr. Satan reveals Buu's sleeping problem
Mr. Satan: "Normally, all he needs is a second of sleep and he's full of energy."
Goku: "A second?!"
Mr. Satan: "But once he's asleep this deep, it's over. He won't wake up for two months."

Episode: 92
Time: 07:06-09:12
Context: Universe 3 prepares for the tournament
Nigirisshi: "Yes. I Nigirrisshi shall focus all my energies on this situation."
Ea: "We expect a lot from you, Nigrishi. You are Universe 3's greatest modified warrior after all."
Campari: "Mosco sama says "Fight. Win. Survive.""
Nigirisshi: "Yes. Please observe a warrior who has been upgraded just for the Tournament of Power. [] A super survival specifications modified warrior, Narirama."
Campari: "And?"
Ea: "What exactly are the super survival specifications like?"
*explaning how Narirama works*
Nigirisshi: "First, his iron claws prevent falling from the stage. If he should fall from the fighting stage, he can use this function to avoid a ring out."
Campari: "Mosco sama says "What if that arm is cut off?"
Nigirisshi: "In that case, he can adhere with these super suctions cups! He's guaranteed to survive. With extendable arms and legs, he'll wipe enemies away! These are Narirama's super survival specifications. The other Universe 3 members are being modified for the Tournament of Power. Our Universe 3 shall be the one to survive."

Episode: 92
Time: 12:44-12:47
Context: Vegeta turn into Super Saiyan Blue which destroys the ROSAT
Piccolo: "That bastard forced his way out again."

Episode: 92
Time: 13:33-13:38
Context: After Cabba turn into Super Saiyan
Cabba: "This is Super Saiyan."
Caulifla: "I can feel amazing power!"

Episode: 92
Time: 14:36-14:41
Context: Cabba explains another way to turn into a Super Saiyan
Cabba: "Once you're used to it, if you focus your strength in your back around here..."

Episode: 92
Time: 16:10-17:22
Context: Caulifla mastered the Super Saiyan
Cabba: "Amazing. I can't believe you mastered it so fast."
Caulifla: "Not bad. I feel power overflowing."
Cabba: "Caulifla san, you really are a genius! [] It's her first time, and such power..."
Caulifla: "Huh. The power just keeps overflowing. I could probably beat you like this."
Cabba: "You might be able to."
Caulifla: "Say, how do I change back?"
Cabba: "You release the tingly-like feeling in your back. [] It can be really draining until you get used to it, so be careful."

Episode: 92
Time: 19:43-19:51
Context: Goku begs Krillin to join the tournament
Goku: "Please, Krillin! We can't win this tournament with power alone. We need your quick-thinkin' fightin' style!"

93 Episode: Goku and Freeza, Kale turns into SSjin, Quitella!!!
Episode: 93
Time: 02:56-03:11
Context: Goku reveals what happened to Freeza
Goku: "Dende told me before. He went to hell, but he ain't repentin', his soul won't cross over and King Yemma sama's frustrated."
Bulma: "So''
Goku: "He's still in hell."

Episode: 93
Time: 03:22-03:36
Context: Goku tells everyone how he's gonna bring Freeza to the tournament
Goku: "But I ain't usin's the Dragon Balls. I'll ask Forturneteller Baba to bring him back for only 24 hours. Just like she did with me and Vegeta before."

Episode: 93
Time: 04:21-04:51
Context: Goku ask Whis about their chances of winning and also Whis reveals a mortal that is stronger than a God of Destruction
Goku: "Whis san. Do you think our Universe 7 is sure to easily win?"
Whis: "Who knows? I don't know that much about the other universes. However, there is a universe where lives a mortal even a God of Destruction can't defeat. That God of Destruction happens to be stronger than Beerus sama."
Beerus: "Don't go saying that. I only lost once at an arm wrestling match!"

Episode: 93
Time: 05:51-05:06
Context: Goku tells what happens if Freeza betrays them
Goku: "It's fine. If Freeza betrays us, me or Vegeta'll defeat him."

Episode: 93
Time: 08:08-08:15
Context: Caulifla teaches Kale how to turn into a Super Saiyan
Caulifla: "Watch me. Focus your strength in the middle of your back, and make it all tingly-like!"

Episode: 93
Time: 09:53-
Context: Caulifla teaches Kale the other way of turning into a Super Saiyan
Caulifla: "Kale. Let's try the other way. Let's release the energy of your anger. Apparently you can become Super Saiyan through anger too."

Episode: 93
Time: 11:58-12:06
Context: As Kale turning into a Super Saiyan [Or LSSjin]
Caulifla: "Hey, isn't that a little different?"
Cabba: "Um, Kale san. Don't increase your energy any more."

Episode: 93
Time: 12:28-12:36
Context: After Kale turned into a Super Saiyan
Caulifla: "That's..."
Cabba: "Kale san's... Super Saiyan?!"

Episode: 93
Time: 12:57-13:10
Context: Quitella learn that U7 are bringing a dead warrior in the tournament
Quitella: "They're even resurrecting the dead to get a warrior? Looks like Beerus is pretty desperate."
Ganos: "Apparently, he's very powerful. He may be a problem for our Universe 4."

Episode: 93
Time: 14:20-14:28
Context: Freeza's hell
Goku: "What is this? Looks like a fun place for hell."
Freeza: "There's no greater hell for me."

Episode: 93
Time: 15:11-15:14
Context: Kale attacks Cabba
Caulifla: "I can feel amazing power from you, Kale!"

Episode: 93
Time: 16:01-16:03
Context: Kale knocks out Cabba
Kale: "Energy increasing... Overflowing..."

Episode: 93
Time: 17:58-18:23
Context: Freeza tells Goku about his terms
Freeza: "Then these are my terms. If we win that tournament, and this universe remains... Use the Dragon Balls to resurrect me."
Goku: "You... Do you think you're in a position to bargain?"
Freeza: "Are you sure? I can still become much stronger."

Episode: 93
Time: 18:37-19:57
Context: After Freeza turn into his Golden form
Freeza: "I was hoping to fight you again. You're hopelessly curious about my evolution. Isn't that right?"
Goku: "You really are the most evil guy in the universe. You're takin' advantage of my weak spot."
Freeza: "What will it be?"
Goku: "The best warrior wins Super Dragon Balls in the Tournament of Power. Get those and resurrect yourself."
Freeza: "In that case, even if the team wins, I'm not guaranteed resurrection. The Earth's Dragon Balls will do."
Goku: "So you'll enter the tournament?"
Freeza: 'If you'll promise me."
Goku: "Fine. I promise. But it'll take a while to gather them."
Freeza: "Fine."
Goku: "There's no point in runnin'. We lose and our universe itself gets erased."
Freeza: "I understand. Incidentally, in that tournament, can I kill our opponents?"
Goku: "Of course not."

Episode: 93
Time: 21:05-21:08
Context: Ganos analyse the U7
Ganos: "By my analysis, Universe 7 cannot be underestimated."

94 Episode: Freeza returns!
Episode: 94
Time: 03:38-04:09
Context: After learning that Freeza will be resurrect if they win the tournament
Vegeta: "What?! Is your head on straight?"
Krillin: "You'll fully resurrect Freeza?!"
Bulma: "Are you stupid?!"
Goku: "Don't be so mad."
Whis: "It should be fine. Compared to the very universe's erasure, the full resurrection of Freeza san is but a tiny issue, no?"
Krillin: "Well, yeah..."
Goku: "If Freeza starts trouble, we'll just beat him again."

Episode: 94
Time: 10:04-10:11
Context: Roshi's strategy
Roshi: "In a fight where out of bounds apply, attacks that stop enemies like this or the Evil Containment Wave should be effective."

Episode: 94
Time: 10:29-11:01
Context: Karin ask Roshi
Karin: "Say, why choose this place for your final training?"
Roshi: "The days I spent when I was young and trying to be a martial artist under Karin sama... I suppose I wanted to remember them well. But you've read my mind, haven't you?"
Karin: "I wanted to hear you say it. Go fight to your heart's content."

Episode: 94
Time: 11:26-11:57
Context: Roh and Sidra talks about Freeza
Roh: "Freeza... From what I've seen on GodTube, he'll destroy a planet without flinching. A cruel, despicable scoundrel indeed."
Sidra: "What do you think of Quitela's idea, Supreme Kai Roh?"
Roh: "Why hesitate? It should be done immediately. We'll crush Universe 7!"
Sidra: "So our opinions are united."
Roh: "Yes. Now hurry and prepare to send in assassins! Begin the assault!"

Episode: 94
Time: 14:13-14:25
Context: Android 17 ask Krillin about Goten and Trunks
Android 17: "Will it really be all right with those squirts?"
Krillin: "Not to worry. After all, they're Goku's and Vegeta's sons."

Episode: 94
Time: 14:52-14:56
Context: Marron wants to stay with Goten and Trunks but Krillin doesn't want to
Android 18: "It's fine. Marron's a lot tougher than you think?"

Episode: 94
Time: 15:53-15:57
Context: Vegeta doesn't need teamwork
Vegeta: "We don't need teamwork! Not if I just beat all of them myself."

Episode: 94
Time: 16:12-16:18
Context: Piccolo talks to Android 17
Piccolo: "Are you stronger than you were back then?"
Android 17: "What about you?"

Episode: 94
Time: 20:18-20:31
Context: Freeza wants to warm-up
Freeza: "My body's gone soft in hell. I was just hoping to loosen it up. Join me. It's only a little warm-up!"

95 Episode: Goku and Freeza against the Assassins, Sidra and Roh interacts with Freeza!
Episode: 95
Time: 04:41-05:34
Context: Freeza explains what he's been doing in hell
Freeza: "Do you still think that Golden Freeza is a form that rapidly drains my stamina? Not to worry. I've spent what felt like an eternity in hell. The only way I survived that terrifying torture was by maintaining my composure through mental concentration. As a result, my energy control skills have dramatically improved. Delicacy that wouldn't even stir water together with the ultimate intensity in the true Golden Freeza! That is who I am."

Episode: 95
Time: 06:00-06:04
Context: While killing the assassins
Frieza: "Well? How do you like the new and improved me?"

Episode: 95
Time: 07:44-08:01
Context: Sidra gives some of his Energy Of Destruction to the assassin
Sidra: "I shall grant you some Energy of Destruction. If hit by that energy, no one would survive unscathed. They won't go to the other world and their existence will be destroyed."

Episode: 95
Time: 08:08-08:28
Context: As the assassin dog is about to kill Frieza by Energy of Destruction
Frieza: "Be sure to aim properly. [] Despite the obvious difference in power, the reason your friend's eyes weren't completely full of despair is because you have that energy, isn't it? Now... Whenever you're ready."

Episode: 95
Time: 09:28-10:18
Context: As Frieza is about to release himself from Energy of Destruction
Frieza: "Allow me to show you the true power of the Golden Frieza!"
*After Frieza released himself from Energy of Destruction*
Assassin: "That's impossible! That's Sidra sama's Energy of Destruction..."

Episode: 95
Time: 10:52-11:36
Context: Goku is surprised to see Frieza released himself from Energy of Destruction
Goku: "I can't believe you managed to get out of that."
Frieza: "It's a simple warm-up exercise."
Goku: "You weren't able to move, but your power's really increased. Say, what's that?"
Frieza: "Who knows what it is..."
Goku: "I can feel amazin' power."
Frieza: "Yes. Such pure energy probably comes from a god."
Goku: "That means..."
Frieza: "This assault was probably plotted by the God of Creation or God of Destruction of some universe."
Goku: 'So they came to assassinate you and me, huh, Frieza? I don't know what universe it is, but they must be desperate to survive."

Episode: 95
Time: 12:46-13:42
Context: As Frieza trapped Goku in the Energy of Destruction
Freeza: "I've been thinking about killing you. And yet you turn your back to me. It looks like you're as soft as ever. But, anyway, you'd better hurry and escape from that Energy of Destruction. I could do it. *Goku seems can't release himself from Energy of Destruction* But it looks like you can't. Perhaps I've become too strong."

Episode: 95
Time: 15:27-16:32
Context: Frieza wants to join in U9 team
Frieza: "I'd like you to pick me as a warrior for the Universe 9 team. [] I've captured Son Goku in your Energy of Destruction. Without Son Goku, the Universe 7 team won't be able to win the Tournament of Power. This universe will be erased. I'd rather not be collateral damage. I believe you already recognize my strength. If you pick me and resurrect me, I promise to perform well in the Tournament of Power. Well? Not a bad deal, is it?"
Sidra: "Well... But... Are you sure?"
Frieza: "About what?"
Sidra: "Your own universe is going to be erased!"
Frieza: "Yes."
Roh: "Even if you're a villain, surely you have something to protect. A loved one... scenery... memories!"
Frieza: "I'm sorry. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

Episode: 95
Time: 16:35-17:12
Context: Sidra and Roh are arguing about Freeza joining their team
Sidra: "Hey, can we even make someone from another universe a warrior?"
Roh: "It doesn't look like it's forbidden."
Sidra: "So it's okay, right?"
Roh: "Wait! We may be the treacherous Universe 9, but that guy is too much for us! He's a psychopath who doesn't care if his universe gets erased. He's more of a God of Destruction than you, Sidra."
Sidra: "Then he's perfect!"
Roh: "Once a traitor, always a traitor!"
Sidra: "I know that! If he betrays us, I'll just destroy him."
Roh: "Like it'll be that easy!"

Episode: 95
Time: 18:26-18:43
Context: Frieza learned how the tournament worries the gods
Frieza: "Now I'm sure of it. This tournament that risks erasure of the universe is the perfect chance to manipulate even the gods! I'll have the last laugh. You won't be doing as you please forever, Beerus."

Episode: 95
Time: 19:18-19:45
Context: Frieza talks in his mind before he fights Goku
Frieza: "The mental concentration I did in hell wasn't something as simple as banishing evil intent and emptying one's mind. I did nothing but focus my mind on an endless battle simulation of killing you! I see it. Your movements... My victory... I can imagine it completely and totally!"

Episode: 95
Time: 20:27-21:03
Context: As Goku and Frieza punch each other square in the face at the same time
Goku: "While you were in hell, I've been fightin' strong guys from other universes. You ain't the only one who became stronger! Next time you kill bystanders, I ain't gonna forgive you. Got it?"
Frieza: "I don't intend to take orders from you. This isn't over between us!"
Goku: "Yeah. I know."
Beerus: "So he's evenly matched with Goku."
Whis: "Frieza san isn't bad, is he?"

96 Episode: All Universes Gathers to the World Of Void!
Episode: 96
Time: 01:51-02:51
Context: The Narrator talks about Frieza of the previous episode
Narrator: "Frieza was trapped in hell for a long time. However, having powered up and dramatically, he killed the assassins from Universe 9 one after another. His cruelty was truly the same as ever. But Goku forced Frieza to yield by using his power and made him the tenth ally."

Episode: 96
Time: 04:18-04:36
Context: The Grand Priest made sure that the fighting stage wouldn't break
Grand Priest: "In any case, I see you're worried that the fighting stage might break? [] This fighting stage is made from Kachi Katchin, a material harder than the Katchin mined in Universe 7. You need not worry."

Episode: 96
Time: 08:14- 08:21
Context: Beerus warn Frieza not to do anything stupid
Beerus: "Do anything stupid and you'll be dealing with me."
Freeza: "I know that, Beerus sama."

Episode: 96
Time: 09:13-10:55
Context: Supreme Kai tells everyone about their strategy
Supreme Kai: "Now, now. Now that we're all here, let me explain our plan to win."
Vegeta: "We don't need it! Just take ones who look strong. That's enough."
Frieza: "As expected from Vegeta san. I share the opinion."
Piccolo: "Vegeta, don't you get it? If this universe gets erased, Trunks and Bulla will disappear too!"
Gohan: "We've had our issues in the past, but to win we need teamwork."
Goku: "Gohan's right. Who knows what strong guys we'll be against."
Vegeta: "I'll hear what you have to say."
Supreme Kai: "The Tournament of Power is a battle royal between eight teams from eight universes. In the beginning, stick together and save your stamina. Fight together when an enemy approaches. Don't focus on fighting alone. For a single enemy, fight with two. For two, fight with three."
Goku: "Huh? Wait, isn't that a little unfair?"
Supreme Kai: "What?"
Vegeta: "We Saiyans are a proud warrior race. We don't rely on numbers to fight!"
Beerus: "Unfair or not, winning is everything!"
Piccolo: "Goku and Vegeta are Saiyans to the core. They're looking forward to this fight."
Gohan: "I know, Piccolo san. Let's take command and encourage team play."

Episode: 96
Time: 13:46-14:34
Context: Flying is not allowed in the tournament
Vegeta: "We can fly, can't we?"
Whis: "You probably can't."
Goku: "Really? Lemme see... *Goku tries to fly but fail* He's right."
Whis: "This place is controlled so you can't use skills like Flight. You have to knock your opponents off, so it's only natural."
Android 17: "Hey. Those guys are flying *Pointing on U10 fighters*
Whis: "Like Earth's birds, they wings to begin with. Also, for fairness, each warrior will feel the same gravity as their birth planet."

Episode: 96
Time: 15:53-16:04
Context: Krillin ask Roshi if Roshi can handle his desires around the women
Krillin: "Are you all right, Master Roshi sama? Against women you--" *Roshi smack Krillin in the head*
Roshi: "Fear not, Krillin. I've already overcome my desires."

Episode: 96
Time: 16:57-17:24
Context: The Pride Trooper arrives
Goku: "Th-This energy..."
Vegeta: "Who are those guys?"

Episode: 96
Time: 17:57-18:03
Context: Goku tries to talk to Jiren
Goku: "Say, you."
*Jiren goes on Goku's back*
Jiren: "Get lost."
Goku: "When did you?"

Episode: 96
Time: 18:40-18:52
Context: Jiren himself remains perfectly still, and the blocks pass right by him
Goku: "He didn't even move! [] He completely read the block's movements. He really is no ordinary guy."

Episode: 96
Time: 19:14-19:20
Context: A Yadrat fighter from U2
Goku: "Isn't that a Yadrat?"
Vegeta: "The ones with Instant Transmission?"
Goku: "We should watch out."

Episode: 96
Time: 20:33-20:39
Context: After the Grand Priest introduced the teams from different universes
Krillin: "Every one of them all look pretty formidable."
Tien: "Yes."
Android 18: "Don't lose your nerve!"

Episode: 96
Time: 20:40-20:56
Context: Gohan tells everyone about their strategy
Gohan: Once it starts, gather and strengthen our defense. If enemies approach, work together to beat them. Got it?"
Vegeta: "Enough already."
Frieza: "I suppose I'll keep it in mind."
Roshi: "It's no use telling those guys."

97 Episode: Tournament Of Power Begins!
Episode: 97
Time: 04:30-05:37
Context: The Grand Priest explain the rules of ToP once more
Grand Priest: "And now, I shall explain the rules of the Tournament of Power once more. The time limit is 100 taks. The central pillar will descend as time passes. When it reaches the floor level, the tournament is over. [] Weapons other than techniques are forbidden, as is killing. Just knock of your opponents off of the fighting stage. Even incapacitated warriors are safe until they are knocked off the stage. [] Skills to prevent falling, such as floating, cannot be used. However, warriors with wings can still fly. No matter how wounded, using items to heal is forbidden. That is all for the rules."

Episode: 97
Time: 04:49-04:55
Context: Piccolo tells Krillin how long is a 100 taks
Krillin: "100 taks?"
Piccolo: "That's the equivalent of 48 Earth minutes."
Krillin: "That's short."

Episode: 97
Time: 05:14-05:19
Context: While learning the rules of ToP
Roshi: "So it looks like we'll have to fight creatively."

Episode: 97
Time: 06:21-06:41
Context: As Kale seems to be really scared around the fighters
Caulifla: "Kale. What are you scared for? They'll look down on us Universe 6!"
Kale: "But... Everyone looks so strong. It's scary."
Caulifla: "What's to be scared of? You just gotta go all roary and flashy. It's a piece of cake!"

Episode: 97
Time: 07:41-07:50
Context: Quitella teases Beerus
Quitella: "I heard that. Beerus of all people is spouting teamwork. How pathetic!"
Beerus: "I'm ignoring that."
Whis: "Oh, you're not going to retort? How unexpected!"
Beerus: "I'm not good with that guy."

Episode: 97
Time: 16:03-16:07
Context: As the warriors didn't take any damage from Gohan, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin and Roshi's combo attacks
Roshi: "They're indeed strong warriors worthy of entering the tournament."

Episode: 97
Time: 16:46-17:15
Context: As Napapa managed to not fall from the stage
Gowasu: "Oh! Napapa, that was well endured!"
Rumoosh: "Of course it was. Napapa is called the Magician of the Edge Ring. He's the Yokoduna of Dohyodoru."
Two Zenos: "Dohyodoru?"
Grand Priest: "It's a martial art of Universe 10. The Yokoduna is the strongest Rikisi."

Episode: 97
Time: 18:13-18:20
Context: As one of the fighter didn't fight Jiren
Khai: "Jiren isn't moving."
Belmod: "Good, good. That's Jiren's style."

Episode: 97
Time: 18:36-18:38
Context: As Goku got distracted by Jiren which allows Nink to hold him up
Elder Kaioshin: "For Pete's sake, he let his guard down again."

Episode: 97
Time: 19:00-19:05
Context: As Nink holds Goku in a nelson hold
Beerus: "Goku, use your full power! You've got more than that, don't you?"

Episode: 97
Time: 20:19-20:32
Context: After Goku used SSjiB to break the hold from Nink
Beerus: "Hey! Dammit, Goku! If you can beat him with Blue, why didn't you do it sooner?!"
Goku: "Sorry, Beerus sama. I wanted to save my power."
Whis: "That's fine, but there's no point if you lose."

98 Episode: Goku and Vegeta VS U9
Episode: 98
Time: 03:15-03:30
Context: As the U9 warriors surrounds Goku
Goku: "I'm glad to fight you guys again. Especially Bergamo. You used my power and hid your own, didn't you?"
Bergamo: "Keep playing it cool. We'll make sure you understand our power!"

Episode: 98
Time: 03:53-04:17
Context: Supreme Kai wonder why Goku isn't using SSjinB against U9
Supreme Kai: "Why isn't Goku san going Blue to take them all out at once?"
Whis: "He's pacing himself. Super Saiyan Blue drains stamina heavily. Healing items, like Senzu Beans, can't be used in this Tournament of Power, therefore he must consider how to pace his stamina so he can fight until the end."

Episode: 98
Time: 04:43-04:55
Context: Champa wants Goku to lose against the Trio De Danger
Champa: "That Son Goku is unlikely to lose easily. But without him, Universe 7's fighting power will go way down! I've got high hopes for those three dogs."

Episode: 98
Time: 04:58-05:04
Context: Basil is confident enough to take down Goku with the help of his brothers
Basil: "Will you be able to break the manifestation of our brotherly bond?"

Episode: 98
Time: 05:18-05:29
Context: Beerus tells Goku to eliminate the Trio De Dangers
Beerus: "Goku! You know that you just have to drop them off, not beat them, right?! Don't go all out and waste your stamina on such weaklings!"

Episode: 98
Time: 06:32-06:43
Context: As Goku used his barrier to prevent himself from Lavender's poison
Elder Kaioshin: "Ooh! A barrier!"
Lavender: "My poison doesn't work?!"
Goku: "We've already seen your attack once. I thought up a countermove with Gohan!"

Episode: 98
Time: 07:55-08:13
Context: The Trio De Dangers are confident on defeating Goku as a team
Basil: "Together, we three brothers are the strongest Trio De Dangers!"
Bergamo: "To survive in the garbage dump-like Universe 9, we three brothers worked together!"
Lavender: "We used this supreme combination to demolish strong enemies we couldn't beat alone!"

Episode: 98
Time: 08:20-08:28
Context: Whis and Beerus are worried on Goku
Whis: "Continuous attacks from three directions. Goku san is having a hard time fighting back."
Beerus: "It's a pain considering each one is a weakling."

Episode: 98
Time: 08:35-08:51
Context: As the Trio De Danger surrounds Goku with their technique
Roh: "How's that? Once you enter, it's like an antlion pit with no escape. The inescapable Trio De Dangers' triangle of Death! Better known as the Danger's Triangle!"

Episode: 98
Time: 09:46-09:58
Context: As Vegeta step in to help Goku against the Trio De Danger
Vegeta: "Why the hell are you playing around with these mutts?!"
Goku: "The guys from Universe 9 are a bit troublesome. You can't sense their energy. With three at once, it's a little tough."

Episode: 98
Time: 11:06-11:23
Context: Supreme Kai ask if Goku and Vegeta can win against the Trio De Danger
Supreme Kai: "Thank goodness Vegeta san came. Together they'll be all right, won't they?"
Whis: "I wouldn't be so sure. [] True, if they worked together, eight enemies would be nothing, but I can't imagine those two working together."

Episode: 98
Time: 13:05-13:15
Context: As Goku's punch didn't damage Chappil
Goku: "He didn't even budge."
Roh: "How's that? Chappil is a warrior with iron skin. He's known as the Iron Skin Battler!"

Episode: 98
Time: 13:28-13:33
Context: As Goku keeps punching Chappil
Chappil" "What's wrong? Are you trying to hit me? That doesn't even tickle."

Episode: 98
Time: 13:59-14:08
Context: Champa explains why he's cheering on U9
Champa: "It's obvious! Without Son Goku and Vegeta, Universe 7 is easy pickings! They aren't even contenders."

Episode: 98
Time: 14:13-14:23
Context: Beerus and Whis are curious about U9's plan
Beerus: "Still, those guys..."
Whis: "Are you curious as well, Beerus sama?"
Beerus: "Yeah, the Universe 9 guys have something else in mind."

Episode: 98
Time: 14:35-14:48
Context: As Vegeta struggles against Lavender and Hop
Lavender: "Come on, what's wrong? Are you scared of my poison so much? You can't win through defense only!"
Vegeta: "These guys are getting cocky."

Episode: 98
Time: 15:16-15:18
Context: Vegeta still struggling against Lavender and Hop
Vegeta: "I need to break their coordination somehow."

Episode: 98
Time: 15:27-15:38
Context: As Hyssop freezes Vegeta's arm
Beerus: "That's what they were after.
Roh: "How's that? Hyssop's attack is absolute zero! The one-touch-ends-all Freezing attack instantly freezes to the bone on contact!"

Episode: 98
Time: 16:36-17:02
Context: Whis explains how Vegeta and Goku managed to eliminated 3 U9's warriors
Whis: "They seized the decisive moment. By freezing Vegeta san's right hand, they rushed to finish things and their coordination got sloppy. Vegeta san caught them off guard. Goku san reacted to that and was also impressive."
Elder Kaioshin: "It's the warrior race Saiyan's instinct to sense the decisive moment of victory."
Beerus: "Honestly, they're having too much trouble with these buffoons!"

Episode: 98
Time: 17:08-17:27
Context: As Oregano managed to caught Vegeta off guard with his threads technique
Oregano: "You let your guard down. With these threads of mine, you can't move anymore!"
Hyssop: "Well done, Oregano!"
Vegeta: "Did you think such a thing would keep my power in check?"
*Vegeta turn into a SSjin*
Vegeta: "Don't underestimate the power of Vegeta sama!"

99 Episode: Krillin And Android 18 teamwork
Episode: 99
Time: 04:01-04:18
Context: After the two Zenos erased U9
Vegeta: "They really erased it?"
Goku: "Yeah. This is the second time we've seen a universe erased. [] If Zen chan decides to erase somethin' it's gettin' erased."

Episode: 99
Time: 04:48-05:13
Context: Anat explains what ToP is all about
Anat: "Universe 9's erasure... was a necessary sacrifice. The universes that would have been arbitrarily erased by Zen-Oh sama were given a chance to survive thanks to Son Goku. But once defeated, they must be erased to balance the levels of all universes. That is the purpose of this Tournament of Power."

Episode: 99
Time: 05:19-05:34
Context: U7 Kaioshins are still shocked of U9 being erased
Supreme Kai: "I can't feel Supreme Kai Roh sama or God of Destruction Sidra sama's energies at all."
Whis: "Of course. To be erased is to become nothing."
Elder Kaioshin: "But I can't believe they erased without any hesitation at all."

Episode: 99
Time: 06:39-06:54
Context: Frieza makes promise to reign over the two Zenos
Frieza: "Those colorful brats. The difference between their cute voices and horrendous acts. I find it quite vexing. One day, I promise I shall reign over you."

Episode: 99
Time: 07:19-07:29
Context: Android 17 tells Android 18 to use their infinite energy as an advantage
Android 17: "But we should be utilizing out advantage as androids of infinite energy now. We never tire. That's quite an advantage, isn't it?"

Episode: 99
Time: 08:18-08:24
Context: Vegeta reminds Goku not to waste his power
Vegeta: "kakarot, don't waste your power."
Goku: "You better not play around too much either."

Episode: 99
Time: 08:54-09:02
Context: As Vegeta keeps punching Botamo's body
Champa: "Botamo's body doesn't take damage. Do it, get him! Go, Botamo!"

Episode: 99
Time: 11:24-11:33
Context: As Vegeta insults Magetta but it's no use
Champa: "It's no use! Of course we prepared for that. The Metalman, Otta Magetta, has overcome his mental weakness."

Episode: 99
Time: 11:44-11:54
Context: Botamo sits on Magetta’s shoulders and covers his ears
Botamo: "An invincible body and a steel psyche. Our mighty Bota Magetta!"
Vegeta: "You're just covering his ears!"

Episode: 99
Time: 12:59-13:04
Context: As Shosa managed to caught Android 18 off guard by pretending to be dead
Quitella: "See that? Shosa's specialty, playing dead! Take that, Beerus!"

Episode: 99
Time: 15:06-15:09
Context: As Krillin and Android 18 keeps passing the ball between them
Shosa: "Damn, it's getting faster and bigger!"

Episode: 99
Time: 16:21-16:32
Context: After Android 18 save Krillin from Majora
Majora: "You actually got me with a surprise hit. I let my guard down. But it won't happen again. Can you guys defeat one such as me?"

Episode: 99
Time: 17:12-17:43
Context: Majora is unaffected by Solar flare 100x
Krillin: "Why doesn't Solar Flare work?"
Majora: "My eyes have long since lost their sight."
Krillin: "So that's why. But how did you know where we were in that light?"
Majora: "Take a guess."
Android 18: "There's one possibility. And that's, scent! [] To compensate for his lack of sight, his sense of smell is probably much stronger."
Majora: "Correct. You've figured it out."

Episode: 00
Time: 18:16-18:32
Context: Krillin thought up a secret plan to beat Majora
Krillin: "I thought up a secret plan to beat him."
Majora: "A secret plan to beat me? Hah! I've never been mocked this much before! With my sense of smell I can tell exactly where you are. I'll use my strength to beat you!"

Episode: 99
Time: 20:37-20:39
Context: After Frost eliminate Krillin
Frost: "You let your guard down."

100 Episode: Berserk Kale
Episode: 100
Time: 02:07-02:14
Context: The narrator talks about Krillin's performance on the previous episode
Narrator: "With his well-trained attacks and combinations with No. 18, Krillin showed a great performance."

Episode: 100
Time: 03:18-03:21
Context: As Krillin's elimination pissed off Android 17
Android 17: "Anyway, getting knocked off because he let his gard down is pretty pathetic."

Episode: 100
Time: 04:56-05:20
Context: As Narirama is about to charge an attack against Hit despite not having his arms
Ea: "His arms are destroyed, but Narirama's core unit is his body. His main cannon is still there! *Hit destroys Narirama* Impossible! How could Narirama get knocked off so easily?"

Episode: 100
Time: 05:23-05:25
Context: Hit sensed something
Hit: "I sense a disturbing presence."

Episode: 100
Time: 07:02-07:06
Context: Caulifla turn into a SSjin against U10's two fighters
Caulifla: "You bastards will be the ones crying! Don't underrestimate me."

Episode: 100
Time: 09:32-09:37
Context: Goku doesn't think that Caulifla can curn into a SSjinB
Goku: "I just don't think you're ready for Blue yet."

Episode: 100
Time: 10:48-12:32
Context: Goku explains to Caulifla why the Grade III form is useless and recommend SSjin2 instead
Goku: "You sacrificed speed for power. [] One more thing. That form ain't good for long fights. So I wouldn't recommend usin' that transformation. The form you should be aimin' at for now... is this! [] This is Super Saiyan 2!"
Caulifla: "That's it! I did it once but haven't been able to do it well since! [] Is it all about the back? Making it all tingly-like?"
Goku: "Somethin' like that."
*Caulifla turn into SSjin2*
Caulifla: "Yes! I did it!"
Goku: "Huh. Not bad. You might actually reach Super Saiyan 3 in this fight."
Caulifla: "There's a 3?!"
Goku: "Yeah. But you should master 2 first."

Episode: 100
Time: 13:12-13:17
Context: Caulifla is amaze on her SSjin2 power
Caulifla: "Wow! Super Saiyan 2 is insane!"

Episode: 100
Time: 15:30-15:35
Context: After Kale went berserk
Goku: "That's amazin' energy."
Vegeta: "What happened?!"
Cabba: "Kale san transformed!"

Episode: 100
Time: 15:58-16:00
Context: Hit save Caulifla from being eliminated
Caulifla: "That was your Time-Skip! Thanks a million."

Episode: 100
Time: 16:13-16:18
Context: Vegeta is suprised by Kale's form
Vegeta: "Wh-What is that sinister form? Are you saying that's a Super Saiyan too?!"

Episode: 100
Time: 16:19-16:22
Context: Goku is amaze on Kale's power
Goku: "Oh wow! So that's your full power!"

Episode: 100
Time: 16:25-16:34
Context: Vegeta warn Goku about Kale's form
Vegeta: "Be careful, Kakarot!"
Goku: "I'm bein' careful!"
Vegeta: "That might be the Saiyan's true form!"

Episode: 100
Time: 17:45-17:47
Context: Goku turn into a SSjinB
Goku: "I'm gonna let out more power!"

Episode: 100
Time: 18:49-18:51
Context: Piccolo notice something on Kale
Piccolo: "She can't control her power!"

Episode: 100
Time: 19:51-20:02
Context: Vuon tied Kale with his Justice Whip
Vuon: "My Justice Whip renders evil criminals powerless."
*Kale breaks the whip*
Vuon: "Impossible!"

Episode: 100
Time: 20:20-20:23
Context: Kale's scream erupts the stage
Toppo: "Even her voice alone is this powerful!"

Episode: 100
Time: 21:33-21:37
Context: After Jiren defeated Berserk Kale
Narrator: "Jiren defeated the Super powered-up Kale in an instant."

101 Episode: Pride Troopers Attack!
Episode: 101
Time: 04:28-04:32
Context: Toppo to Jiren
Toppo: "We will temporarily retreat and save our stamina."

Episode: 101
Time: 07:26-07:36
Context: Muten Roshi uses his Bankoku-Bikkuri-Sho technique to paralyze U3's The Preecho
The Preecho: "Wh-What is this attack?!"
Roshi: "Can't move, can you? Of course, I can't do anything while holding it either."

Episode: 101
Time: 09:26-09:33
Context: As Tupper climbed on Goku's back
Tupper: "You let your guard down. I can control my weight at will. Let's see how much you can take."

Episode: 101
Time: 11:22-11:27
Context: After Android 17 kicked Kahseral's face out of nowhere
Kahseral: "Unbelievable. You got behind me without my sensing it."

Episode: 101
Time: 11:59-12:02
Context: As Kahseral use his Justice Saber
Android 17: "Making weapons from energy."
Android 18: "That's a useful ability."

Episode: 101
Time: 12:28-12:40
Context: As Kahseral and Android 17 fighting each other
Belmod: "Kahseral is a battle professional who's conquered many planets. He can focus his energy to form weapons that he uses in a versatile manner."

Episode: 101
Time: 12:57-13:00
Context: As Tupper gets heavier
Goku: "This guy's gettin' heavier!"

Episode: 101
Time: 16:00-16:05
Context: Cocotte creates a dome-shaped "Cocotte Zone Max” around them to prevent any other warriors from interfering
Goku: "What the? I can't sense the energy in there."
Android 17: "Looks like it's another dimension in there."

Episode: 101
Time: 17:35-17:39
Context: As Kale turn into a SSjin but not berserk
Caulifla: "You're not going berserk and are in perfect control of your energy!"

Episode: 101
Time: 17:49-17:58
Context: After Kale turn into a normal SSjin
Kahseral: "Dammit! No fear! Her hair color changed, that's all. Let's attack together!"

Episode: 101
Time: 20:04-20:11
Context: Goku ask if Kale is not berserk anymore
Caulifla: "Yeah. She's got this ultra super power completely under control. Impressive, huh?"

Episode: 101
Time: 20:46-20:50
Context: After the five Pride Trooper's members got eliminated
Khai: "This may not be the time to be saving our power."

Episode: 101
Time: 21:10-21:18
Context: Caulifla ask if its ok for them to escape
Goku: "I could tell seein' you before. Both of you are gonna get even stronger. Our real fight will be then!"

102 Episode: U2 attacks
Episode: 102
Time: 03:09-03:15
Context: Ribriane calls her friends/allies to show their power
Ribriane: "Sanka! Su! Now is the time to show your power!"

Episode: 102
Time: 06:28-06:39
Context: After Toppo and Goku approve Ribriane and her friends to transform
Goku: "Now show us your full power!"
Beerus: "That idiot! He's supposed to eliminate enemies before they go full power!"

Episode: 102
Time: 08:25-06:35
Context: After the U2 warriors transformed
Helles: "This is the greatest form of Universe 2's warriors. Their mortal level may not be sufficient, but their love level is the highest in all the universes."

Episode: 102
Time: 09:49-09:58
Context: As the trio start off by firing their “Light of Love” technique
Helles: "The light of love. Once bewitched by its sweet aroma, it's all over. Unable to resist, you will just burn."

Episode: 102
Time: 10:09-10:30
Context: As the U7 fighters managed to tough it out including Roshi
Whis: "It looks like they're fine. They're all rather stoic after all. What's more... Look who we would've had to worry about the most."
Roshi: "Puar... At this moment, our training is paying off!"

Episode: 102
Time: 10:58-11:13
Context: Beerus and Champa are surprise to see the U2's real power
Beerus: "Universe 2 was hiding a real nuisance of a power."
Champa: "They look bizarre, but they've shaken up the tournament."
Helles: "Precisely! The true strength hidden by their lovely presence... Let it burn into your eyes!"

Episode: 102
Time: 11:29-11:44
Context: Vegeta mocks the “Light of Love” technique as not being worth the wait
Vegeta: "That's a stupid attack, Universe 2. Don't tell me this is your full power after making us wait so long."
Ribrianne: "You are impatient. That was just a little greeting. The real fight starts now."

Episode: 102
Time: 12:14-12:18
Context: As Vegeta and Ribrianne trade blows
Vegeta: "I see. That transformation wasn't just for show."

Episode: 102
Time: 13:48-14:26
Context: Goku is having a hard time against Rozie
Krillin: "Goku's getting pushed back?!"
Helles: "The fighting style Rozie has mastered, the Yacchaina Fist. Her punches become sharper, stronger and more powerful the more she attacks! [] Gentle and at times intense. They're flexible attacks, like the heart of a maiden."

Episode: 102
Time: 14:55-16:02
Context: 17 likewise seems to be having a hard time against Kakunsa
Helles: "Kakunsa is a beast warrior with the instinct of a wile animal. A hunter who graciously takes down any prey she sets her eyes on. [] Indeed. The field of rubble is the perfect stage for Kakunsa to showcase her true power. There's no escaping her relentless attacks from all directions. Simply continuing to dodge is futile. Beast warriors have unparalleled stamina and never cease their assault. Not until their prey falls."

Episode: 102
Time: 15:26-15:39
Context: 17 likewise seems to be having a hard time against Kakunsa
Krillin: "Continuous attacks using the rubble as footing."
Elder Kaioshin: "She's making good use of the ruined fighting stage."
Whis: "Scratching, biting, leaping around... She's truly wild."

Episode: 102
Time: 16:33-16:49
Context: Android 17 wasn't having a hard time at all
Kakunsa: "A barrier?!"
Android 17: "Too bad. Did you think you had a chance?"
Kakunsa: "You pretended to be weak?!"
Android 17: "I've got some confidence in my stamina. I can't believe you fell for it, though."

Episode: 102
Time: 18:28-18:37
Context: Android 17 is about to get serious
Android 17: "Fighting that beast, I thought about the animals back on the island and got sloppy. Time to get serious."

Episode: 102
Time: 20:19-20:27
Context: 17’s real reason for firing this beam was to propel himself backwards onto the glowing orb that lights the stadium.
Kakunsa: "Wh-What?!"
Supreme Kai: "He's using the light as footing!"
Beerus: "That's what he was going for with his earlier attack."

Episode: 102
Time: 20:56-21:09
Context: After Android 17 eliminate Kakunsa
Goku: "Not bad, No.17 You didn't use an attack like that when we fought on the island. I knew you were still hidin' some powers too."

Episode: 102
Time: 21:42-21:52
Context: The narrator tells how much time left
Narrator: "Warrior after warrior falls. The tournament of Power. There are 39 minutes remaining until all the universes' fates are decided."

103 Episode: Universe 10's last
Episode: 103
Time: 02:11-02:22
Context: The Narrator narrates the previous episode
Narrator: "The fate of universe is at stake in the Tournament of Power. The transformed warriors began their attack with sweet, bewitching energy blasts."

Episode: 103
Time: 04:34-04:47
Context: Android 17 challanges Ribirianne
Android 17: "Then my wish or your love... Let us decide which is stronger!"
Ribrianne: "Bring it on. I, Ribrianne, shall show you my power!"

Episode: 103
Time: 05:31-05:35
Context: Goku seems to have trouble against Rozie
Beerus: "What is he doing?!"
Supreme Kai: "She's mixing in feints with her attacks. That's troublesome."

Episode: 103
Time: 06:30-06:33
Context: As Rozie fires a barrage of energy balls to fully surround Goku, cutting off all escape routes
Beerus: "That moron let his guard down!"

Episode: 103
Time: 07:10
Context: Goku begins his counterattack, having now grown accustomed to Rozie’s fighting style
Goku: "I'm gettin' used to your fightin' style! [] Your fightin' style was worth studyin'."

Episode: 103
Time: 08:41-08:56
Context: Android 17 tells Goku not to let his guard down
Android 17: "Be sure not to let your guard down."
Goku: "I know that."
Beerus: "That bastard Goku. The way he fights is so unnerving!"

Episode: 103
Time: 09:50-09:57
Context: Piccolo is curious on Gohan's strategy against Botamo
Piccolo: "You know that Botamo can't be damaged and doesn't lose stamina. How will you fight, Gohan?"

Episode: 103
Time: 10:03-10:08
Context: As Gohan keeps punching Botamo which pissed Beerus off
Beerus: "What are you doing, kid?! At this rate, you'll tire out first!"

Episode: 103
Time: 10:27-10:44
Context: Piccolo ask Goku about Gohan's fight against Botamo
Piccolo: "What? Interested in your son's fight? How is it look?"
Goku: "Piece of cake. I told him about when I fought Botamo. I'm sure Gohan thought over a way to fight him."

Episode: 103
Time: 10:50-11:27
Context: As Gohan keeps punching Botamo
Botamo: "I'm gonna start fighting back now."
*As Gohan's punches lifted Botamo"
Beerus: "Yes!"
Krillin: "He lifted him!"
Botamo: "D-Dammit! M-My feet! My feet can't reach!"
Champa: "Idiot, you're gonna get knocked off like that! Fight back! Fight!"
*Botamo tries to fire lasers on Gohan but failed*
Botamo: "I can't hit him!"
Champa: "Run! Jump!"
Botamo: "I can't!"

Episode: 103
Time: 11:45-12:38
Context: After Gohan fired his KHH to eliminate Botamo*
Gohan: "Someone who would overestimate their power... could never be an enemy!"
Botamo: "Dammit. I'm taking you with me!"
Elder Kaioshin: "He let his guard down again! *Gohan deflects Botamo's attack which eliminated Botamo for good* I guess I've got nothing more to say."
Goku: "That's our Gohan. Well, I'll keep it up too!"
Piccolo: "Don't let your guard down."

Episode: 103
Time: 12:40-12:59
Context: Obuni meets Gohan and Piccolo
Obuni: 'An impressive fight. Warrior of Universe 7. I am the warrior of Universe 10, Obuni. [] I see you are a warrior worthy of fighting me. Fight with me!"

Episode: 103
Time: 14:31-14:34
Context: As Gohan and Obuni are about to fight each other
Gohan: "His stance shows no opening. I can't drop my guard with him."

Episode: 103
Time: 14:58-15:10
Context: As Gohan and Obuni trade blows
Obuni: "So you're following me. I was right about you. I've been waiting for a warrior like you!"
*Obuni use his unknown technique*
Gohan: "What? I can sense him, but can't find him."

Episode: 103
Time: 15:47-16:22
Context: Whis explains Obuni's technique
Whis: "That's a rather difficult fight. Gohan san reacts not just by using his eyes, but by instinctively sensing his enemy's internal energy. Obuni san shifts his internal energy from his body's movements to prevent enemies from reading his movements."
Elder Kaioshin: "So he controls his internal energy to use feints?"
Whis: "It seems mundane, but it's a secret technique of using energy."
Krillin: "A secret technique..."
Beerus: "Surprisingly, we can't underrestimate Universe 10."

Episode: 103
Time: 16:32-16:40
Context: Piccolo fires his blasts everywhere
Rubalt: "A desperate attack. But it's not hitting at all!"
Piccolo: "I just wanted to make things easier by cutting you off."

Episode: 103
Time: 17:21-17:27
Context: Rubalt apologized to Gowasu after being eliminated
Gowasu: "Don't worry about it. So long as we have Obuni, we'll win. There's no way we can lose."

Episode: 103
Time: 18:26-18:46
Context: As Gohan finds out a way to counter Obuni's technique
Beerus: "He can't sense his enemy's movements, so he's getting hit for a counter!"
Whis: "But with that method, every time he gets hit, he'll certainly take damage."
Beerus: "His enemy won't stop regardless of getting countered. They're both going for broke. Dammit, don't lose, Goku's kid!"

Episode: 103
Time: 19:23-19:32
Context: Gohan's attack started to hit Obuni
Krillin: "Gohan's attacks have started hitting!"
Whis: "He's used up too much energy for his feints."

Episode: 103
Time: 21:48-
Context: Only 37 minutes left
Narrator: "There are 37 minutes remaining until the tournament's end!"

104 Episode: Goku and Hit Tag Team!
Episode: 104
Time: 01:51-02:14
Context: The Narrator talks about the previous episode
Narrator: "Botamo from Universe 6 was a powerful enemy. But he was no match for the merciless Gohan. [] The last remaining warrior of Universe 10, Obuni. His master skills overwhelmed Gohan."

Episode: 104
Time: 05:45-05:53
Context: Beerus is surprised to see Hit getting beaten by Dyspo
Beerus: "I can't believe a guy like Hit is getting beaten."
Supreme Kai: "He's against a Universe 11 warrior. They've gathered powerful warriors indeed."

Episode: 104
Time: 06:28-06:33
Context: Champa panicks after Hit got hit twice
Champa: "He can't use his assassination attack. Hit is in trouble, isn't he?"

Episode: 104
Time: 07:11-07:16
Context: Hit is surprised on Dyspo's attack
Hit: "I can't see his initial attack. It's like he's using Time Skip on me."

Episode: 104
Time: 07:17-07:28
Context: Toppo praises Dyspo
Toppo: "That's our blitz captain, Dyspo. Through repeated battles, he's surpassed the speed of sound and light. He's the super speed warrior. That's true justice!"

Episode: 104
Time: 07:56-08:28
Context: Hit figured out how Dyspo managed to hit him twice
Hit: "I see. Right before I use Time Skip in the blink of an eye, you move at superhuman speeds."
Dyspo: "Well done. I can increase my movement speed thousands of times in an instant."
Hit: "No wonder I can't see it."
Dyspo: "This is your next thought. "How can he match his attacks to when I use Time Skip?""
Hit: "We'll see soon enough."

Episode: 104
Time: 08:53-10:10
Context: As Dyspo hit Hit 3x
Dyspo: "I'll be the same every time."
Hit: "The sound... When I use Time Skip for a moment, I tense up my entire body. You're listening for the sound made by my muscles when they vibrate."
Dyspo: "Well done. But even you get it, there's nothing you can do. Whenever someone makes an action, their bodies make noise. Especially with special abilities."
Hit: "You may beat my Time Skip, but you won't defeat me."

Episode: 104
Time: 09:41-09:50
Context: Vados explains to Champa why his idea wouldn't work
Vados: "I believe he distinguishes the frequency. He can probably hear the target sound even among loud noise."

Episode: 104
Time: 09:57-10:02
Context: Beerus figured out how Dyspo managed to land a hit on Hit
Beerus: "Right before a Time Skip, there's a brief pause where he tenses up. He's targetting that."

Episode: 104
Time: 10:23-10:43
Context: As Hit getting beaten up by Dyspo
Kunshi: "A clear victory."
Toppo: "No it's not. That warrior, Hit , is adapting to Dyspo's speed. [] You can see he's getting hit, but he's avoiding blows to vital areas. Could he be getting hit on purpose? It's a trap! Kunshi!"
Kunshi: "Got it. Leave it to me."

Episode: 104
Time: 12:26-12:32
Context: After Dyspo survived from falling down off the stage
Toppo: "He dodged the attack by crossing dimensions. That Hit isn't just an average warrior for sure."

Episode: 104
Time: 12:35-12:43
Context: Champa consider Kunshi's rope as cheating
Champa: "Hey! That rope thingy is cheating!"
Champa: "No, that's not a weapon. It's energy from his body."

Episode: 104
Time: 12:46-12:50
Context: Dyspo reliazed his mistake
Dyspo: "He treated to the edge on purpose to get me to fall off."

Episode: 104
Time: 14:37-14:48
Context: As Goku in his Super Saiyan God form
Supreme Kai: "Th-That's..."
Beerus: "It's Super Saiyan God."
Whis: "He's faster than Super Saiyan, and consumes less stamina than Blue."

Episode: 104
Time: 15:33-15:44
Context: Goku praise Dyspo's speed
Goku: "You're really fast. I see why Hit was havin' trouble. *Goku tried to use IT but failed* [] There's no time for Instant Transmission?!"

Episode: 104
Time: 15:51-16:33
Context: As Goku turn into Blue form and was able to switched it back to Red form
Dyspo: "He read my movements?!"
Goku: "Your speed's pretty impressive, but your movement are too linear. So long as I time it right, it ain't too hard."
Beerus: "That's our Goku."
Whis: "He even changed to Blue for an instant when attacking and maximized his speed and power."

Episode: 104
Time: 16:18-17:11
Context: As Hit dodges Kunshi's energy blasts
Kunshi: "I'm impressed you knocked my energy blasts away!"
Hit: "You've dropped trash everywhere."
Kunshi: "Touch it if you think it's trash!"
Hit: "Will they explode if I do?"
Kunshi: "Exactly."
Hit: "So it's an impregnable defense."
Kunshi: "You may stop time with your Time Skip, but you won't even be able to get close to me."
Hit: "I don't intend to. [] I'll make it quick."
*As Hit shoot a shockwave to Kunshi*
Kunshi: "Was that a shockwave?!"
Belmod: "It [assed through the mine field and blasted Kunshi away?!"
Margarita: "I think it is an invisible energy blast that only affects people, yes."
Vados: "That's the attack he used when he fought Goku san."

Episode: 104
Time: 17:32-17:36
Context: After Goku trade blows with Dyspo
Goku: "They're Universe 11 warriors all right. They're pretty tough."

Episode: 104
Time: 17:48-16:03
Context: As Hit finally managed to land a hit on Dyspo
Dyspo: "What the?!"
Hit: "I used the same muscle movements as a Time Skip to lure you in."
Dyspo: "You pretended to use Time Skip to get me to attack and countered it?!"
Hit: "That's right."

Episode: 104
Time: 18:50-19:12
Context: Hit punches Dyspo again
Dyspo: "I-It was a Time Skip this time?!"
Hit: "That's right. Which will it be next? Use your ears and listen carefully."
Champa: "Dyspo's getting confused."
Vados: "In battles of incredible speeds, a moment's hesitation spells defeat."

Episode: 104
Time: 20:19-20:25
Context: After Kunshi is eliminated
Belmod: "Damn. We've got three left."
Khai: "Two of them are Jiren and Toppo. There's nothing to fear."

Episode: 104
Time: 21:02-21:10
Context: Goku wants to beat Dyspo once he heals up
Goku: "Hit, you've gotten stronger again. But once that Dyspo guy heals up, I'm gonna defeat him."

Episode: 104
Time: 21:31-
Narrator: "Goku and Hit. By forming the ultimate tag team, they successfully broke the Universe 11 team's coordination. [] The time until the tournament to decide their fate ends is 35 minutes!"

105 Episode: Roshi surpassed his own limit!
Episode: 105
Time: 04:30-05:05
Context: After Roshi dodged Caway's hammer formed by her energy
Roshi: "So you form your energy into weapons. A rather interesting way of fighting."
Caway: "Oh, you can move fast for an old man."
Roshi: "Young lady, you don't have the strength to beat me. [] I'd rather not raise a hand to a girl."
Caway: "You seem confident, but are you aware of my power?"
Roshi: "I've been observing the whole time. Ever since the tournament began. Who uses what attacks and how strong they are."
Caway: "In that case, do you know my other specialty?"

Episode: 105
Time: 05:18-05:35
Context: As Caway tries to seduce Roshi
Krillin: "What an idiot. Master Roshi sama suppressed his desires before entering this tournament. That won't work at...*Roshi loses control* It's working!"

Episode: 105
Time: 06:10-06:18
Context: As Roshi dodged Caway's spear and hold it
Roshi: "That was close."
Caway: "How can an old man be this strong?!"

Episode: 105
Time: 06:35-07:17
Context: Roshi boasts that his body is now brimming with all the energy he once wasted
Roshi: "I've always lived accordingly to my desires. Yet I've suppressed those desires. Do you understand that? All that energy I would have wasted is pent up in this body beyond its limits. It's boiling up like magma! You've tried using seduction on me in this state. You... Don't blame me for what happens."

Episode: 105
Time: 08:26-08:31
Context: After Roshi deals with Darkori’s illusions
Roshi: "No heat. It's an illusion after all.

Episode: 105
Time: 08:43-08:57
Context: As Darkori creates 76 attacks and 129 illusions
Darkori: "It looks like you've seen how I fight and have planned against it. But, my mystic talisman technique consists of 76 attacks along with 129 illusions. Will you be able to see through them?"

Episode: 105
Time: 09:38-10:42
Context: As Darkori trapped Roshi in a dark area of the arena
Darkori: "I've bound your shadow. You can no longer move from that spot. My planet exists in a dark place where light barely reaches. I hate bright places. However... in shadow, I'm unstoppable!"
Roshi: "So, a power up in addition to illusions. [] So it seems. That's why it's fortunate that I was your opponent. My teammates are incredibly strong in competitions of power. But their attacks and spirits are too straightforward. They're prone to getting tripped up by enemies who use deception. Therefore taking care of enemies with troublesome attacks like yours is my job!"

Episode: 105
Time: 12:05-12:17
Context: Krillin is worried about the toll using the Mafuba must have taken on Roshi body, though Roshi seems more than fine at the moment.
Krillin: "I wonder if Master Roshi sama's all right. It must've taken a toll on his body using the Evil Containment Wave on someone that powerful."

Episode: 105
Time: 13:42-14:38
Context: As Roshi having an easy time against Ganos
Roshi: "How straightforward. I don't even have to read your movements."
Ganos: "Damn. I let my anger get to me. All I need is one good hit."
*Ganos still can't hit Roshi*
Ganos: "Why can't I hit him?!"
Roshi: "You may transform, but your fighting is the same."
Ganos: "I should be faster than he is!"
Roshi: "You're also stronger. But, I have more experience."

Episode: 105
Time: 15:36-15:52
Context: As Ganos seemingly powered up and starting to beat Roshi up
Quitella: "He underestimate Ganos's youth. [] In this tournament of mighty warriors, in this extreme condition, Ganos gets stronger every second of every minute. Basically, he's growing."

Episode: 105
Time: 16:21-16:36
Context: As Roshi seemingly losing the fight
Ganos: "Looks like you're out of stamina, old man."
Roshi: "At this rate, he'll keep getting stronger and could trip up Goku and the others. I have to stop him here!"

Episode: 105
Time: 17:14-17:18
Context: After Ganos shot himself in order to escape from Roshi's hypnotic lullaby technique
Ganos: "If it was me five minutes ago, Id' have been beaten."

Episode: 105
Time: 18:13-18:32
Context: Roshi appreciates Goku and Krillin for allowing him
Roshi: "Goku... Krillin... You two are the ones who taught me that this old man has a future and it's too early to decide my limits. You're the ones who taught me that by continuing to aim for higher heights."

Episode: 105
Time: 21:45-21:54
Narrator: "And so, Master Roshi surpassed his own limits. The time until the tournament ends is 34 minutes."

106 Episode: Tienshinhan's fight
Episode: 106
Time: 01:56-03:06
Context: The Narrator talks about Roshi from previous episode
Narrator: "Having overcome his weakness, Master Roshi took down strong enemies one by one. But, having reached the limits of his stamina, Master Roshi was imperiled by Universe 4's Ganos. He surpassed his limits through will and tenacity and successfully defeated Ganos with his Kamehameha."

Episode: 106
Time: 04:55-05:55
Context: As an unknown sniper shots Gohan and Piccolo from far distance
Piccolo: "It's an attack that focuses energy in one point like my Special Beam Cannon and is shot from far away."
Gohan: "That's incredible accuracy."
Piccolo: "I can't sense energy at all. We can't move like this. [] At this rate, we're trapped like rats. Hide your energy as much as possible. Let's move to that rubble without our enemy seeing us."

Episode: 106
Time: 06:33-06:42
Context: As the sniper shots Piccolo's arm off and Piccolo regenerate it later
Gohan: "But, your stamina..."
Piccolo: "I said don't worry! More importantly, we have to find where our enemy is first."

Episode: 106
Time: 10:44-10:55
Context: Piccolo explains how the sniper can find them
Piccolo: "It's body heat. Our enemy is locking onto our body heat."
Gohan: "What? We can hide our energy, but our body heat."

Episode: 106
Time: 11:50-12:02
Context: As Gohan and Piccolo dodging the sniper's attacks
Vegeta: "What? They're just getting shot at without fighting back. Pathetic!"
Goku: "It looks like there's someone shootin' and someone reflectin' the shots."

Episode: 106
Time: 13:30-14:23
Context: As Prum reflect Vegeta's Galick Gun back at them
Vegeta: "Wh-What?!"
Goku: "This guy can reflect ki waves?!"
Prum: "That's right. I knew you'd come after me first. [] My job is to observe enemies and simultaneously act as a mirror!"
Vegeta: "So we should have gone for the source of the attacks first. [] Kakarot, listen! You take care of this guy. I'm gonna get the other one!"

Episode: 106
Time: 15:04-15:37
Context: As Tien splits into 4 clones
Beerus: "What is that attack?"
Krillin: "It's called Multi-Form and let's him create four clones."
Supreme Kai: "So, he was hiding such a wonderful attack? We're sure to win now!"
Krillin: "Well, that attack has a weakness. When he splits, his speed and power are splits into four as well."

Episode: 106
Time: 15:42-16:21
Context: As Tien tries to reach to Hermilla before all of his clones are shot down
Tien: "It looks like he moves when he shoots each time. Now he's there! But with these nine eyes of mine. I can find my enemy!"
Supreme Kai: "He used a clone as a shield?!"
Krillin: "Tien's eyes are good enough that he can see an enemy's attack. But, he doesn't have the defensive ability to guard against it."
Beerus: "I see. Either he reaches the enemy first, or all four clones will get taken down. It's a risky gamble either way."

Episode: 106
Time: 18:47-18:49
Context: As Tien fell off from the stage by Hermilla
Piccolo: "He let his guard down at the very end!

107 Episode: Revenge Of Frost!
Episode: 107
Time: 06:11-06:43
Context: As U7 are wondering on other 2 members of U4
Krillin: "We've only seen eight since before the tournament started, haven't we?"
Tien: "Yes. I sensed a faint presence then, but I never saw anyone."
Whis: "That's a problem. I hear many of Universe 4's warriors have special abilities. They might try to do something at a pivotal moment."
Beerus: "Dammit! Where are the last two? What is Quitela up to?"

Episode: 107
Time: 07:06-07:20
Context: Belmod tells Marcarita not to worry about their number of warriors
Belmod: "The remaining warriors, with Jiren at the top, are our universe's strongest three. It's not about numbers. Quality over quantity, right?"
Khai: "Plus Jiren and Toppo have almost no damage. We're probably at an advantage."

Episode: 107
Time: 08:05-08:09
Context: As Maji Kayo's body got destroyed by Dyspo
Toppo: "He has a strange body. Don't lower your guard, Dyspo."

Episode: 107
Time: 08:38-08:49
Context: As Maji Kayo caught Dyspo off guard and hold him by his liquid body
Ea: "Well done, Maji Kayo san! The man with an extraordinary body!"
Belmod: "He regenerated his obliterated body in an instant!"
Khai: "There's no trace of any damage left."

Episode: 107
Time: 09:57-10:00
Context: After Jiren eliminates Maji Kayo
Ea: "W-With just the force from his fist?!"

Episode: 107
Time: 10:41-10:45
Context: As Fuwa is terrified by Jiren's power which made Champa angry
Fuwa: "But, that Jiren fellow seems terribly strong."

Episode: 107
Time: 12:29-12:35
Context: After Frost knocks Roshi to the rocks
Frost: "This is rather difficult. Trying to pull my punches so not to kill my opponent."

Episode: 107
Time: 14:55-15:03
Context: Beerus tells to Krillin that Roshi is done
Beerus: "Get one of those Senzu Beans ready. That old man's at his limit. Be ready to feed him one before he dies."

Episode: 107
Time: 15:54-16:40
Context: Vegeta thinks that Frost has gotten stronger than before but Frost disagree
Vegeta: "You may be stronger than before, but you're still no match for me."
Frost: "Oh no. Compared to then, I've gotten weaker. As a result of my misdeeds being exposed in Universe 6, I spent a long time as a fugitive and my body has gotten weaker. As you can see, I'm already dizzy from your last punch. Another hit and I just might die."
Vegeta: "Stop trying to buy time."
Frost: "So you saw through it. Not bad, Vegeta san. It seems my intent was all to clear."

Episode: 107
Time: 17:17-17:20
Context: As Vegeta's big bang didn't do any damage on Magetta
Frost: "Such attacks won't work on Magetta san."

108 Episode: Frost and Frieza!
Episode: 108
Time: 04:06-04:10
Context: As Ribrianne blasts Goku by her attacks
Krillin: "Goku's getting confused by Ribrianne's love attacks."

Episode: 108
Time: 04:45-04:50
Context: As the Kaioshins are watching the tournament
Ugg: "Universe 11 has only three warriors left, but they're quite powerful."

Episode: 108
Time: 06:43-06:51
Context: As Jimeze and Gohan are about to fight
Gohan: "Yadrats can use Instant Transmission. Dropping my guard for an instant will cost me."

Episode: 108
Time: 07:28-08:05
Context: As Gohan struggles to keep up with Jimeze's instant transmission
Krillin: "He's accurately going for Gohan's blind spots!"
Roshi: "He's using Instant Transmission superbly. That Jimeze isn't that bad! [] He's faster than imaginable! Gohan is being stumped by someone's speed."

Episode: 108
Time: 07:44-07:58
Context: Gohan is amazed on Jimeze's speed
Gohan: "What speed! An impressive Instant Transmission user. [] If I could do something about his Instant Transmission."

Episode: 108
Time: 08:07-08:20
Context: Gohan seems to be losing against Jimeze
Gohan: "H-He's strong."
Jimeze: "You have great potential as a warrior. But you're up against the wrong opponent. If we meet again, I shall teach you my attacks."

Episode: 108
Time: 08:41-08:58
Context: Frieza is disappointed on Gohan's performance against Jimeze
Frieza: "You're having trouble with an opponent of this level. You're not as good as I thought. I'm disappointed."
Gohan: "What?"
Frieza: "Saiyan warrior race? What a laugh. But this could be an opportunity."

Episode: 108
Time: 12:18-12:30
Context: As Frieza doesn't consider Jimeze's Instant Transmission as a threat against him
Frieza: "So long as I know you can use Instant Transmission, it's a child's play. [] I told you that it's a child's play."

Episode: 108
Time: 13:44-14:46
Context: Frieza blames Gohan for not finishing Jimeze immediately
Frieza: "Oh? What's with that look? This is because you wouldn't fight full strength right away. You should have just gone Super Saiyan and fought back. You anticipate your enemy too much. If that's how Saiyans fight, it's beyond my comprehension."

Episode: 108
Time: 14:19-14:30
Context: As Frost arrives and congratulates Frieza
Champa: "What's he showing up for?!"
Vados: "Perhaps he intends to fight Frieza san."
Champa: "What?! *Champa to Frost* Don't be stupid! You're no match for him."

Episode: 108
Time: 15:11-15:20
Context: As Frost and Frieza turns to be a cahoots
Roshi: "So that's what's going on. The reason he didn't immediately help Gohan against Jimeze was to deplete Gohan's stamina so he could ensure his defeat."

Episode: 108
Time: 17:13-17:20
Context: As Gohan powers up and punches Frieza in the face
Frieza: "So, is that your true power? Then I suppose I should go full strength too."

Episode: 108
Time: 18:21-19:08
Context: After Frieza knocked Gohan out
Frost: "Magnificent. I didn't know you possessed such power."
Frieza: "With training, you can do it too."
Frost: "Really?!"
Frieza: "Maybe not Golden... *Frieza returned to his normal state and powered up to his 100%* but you should at least be able to do this."
Frost: "Yes, that much I can. *Frost goes 100% form*"
Frieza: "Good. There's an efficient way to fight in that form. Would you like to learn? [] In battle, it's best to use your full potential early on. That form drains stamina heavily after all."

Episode: 108
Time: 19:47-20:02
Context: Gohan explains Frieza's plan
Gohan: "When he hit me for the first time, I felt that he wasn't serious. So I decided to play along with Frieza's plan."
Frieza: "If you were too stupid to realize it, I would have killed you."

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
109 Episode: Goku VS Jiren I
Episode: 109
Time: 03:09-03:11
Context: Goku compliments Ribrianne
Goku: "You got amazin' power."

Episode: 109
Time: 05:38-05:42
Context: As Ribrianne absorbed the power of love from her teammates
Goku: "I feel amazin' power. Time to use more power!"

Episode: 109
Time: 08:20-08:27
Context: Belmod talks to Jiren telepathically
Belmod: "The time for saving your strength is over. Start by crushing Son Goku."

Episode: 109
Time: 08:47-09:10
Context: As Jiren walks towards to Goku and everyone can sensed Jiren's power
Caulifla: "Did you feel that, Kale?"
Kale: "Yes, Sis."
Vegeta: "What's this energy?"
Android 17: "Feel that?"
Android 18: "Yeah. The air... The whole World of Void is shaking."
Frieza: "My, my. It looks like quite the monster is on the move."

Episode: 109
Time: 09:50-09:54
Context: Jiren powers up
Beerus: "Is this really the energy from just one warrior?!"

Episode: 109
Time: 10:46-10:50
Context: As Goku fires his Kamehameha on Jiren but its not working
Iwne: "This is..."
Anat: "The force from his enormous energy is forming a sort of wall."

Episode: 109
Time: 10:51-12:00
Context: Supreme Kai is wondering about Goku not using his full power
Supreme Kai: "Why doesn't he become Blue? Could he be underestimating his enemy?"
Krillin: "No, Supreme Kai sama. It's the opposite. Goku's testing his own and Jiren's power."
Supreme Kai: "What do you mean?"
Krillin: "Martial artists, especially master-level ones want to fight their enemies after bringing out their full power. By seeing how their opponents move and showing their own power, ultimate battles unfold."
Tien: "But what if Jiren isn't interested in Goku..."
Krillin: "There's no way he isn't. Jiren's been observing Goku intently. I'm sure he wants to see all of Goku's power."
Roshi: "They both see each other as an opponent worthy of enhancing themselves. [] Martial artists are the same no matter what the generation or world."

Episode: 109
Time: 12:08-12:11
Context: As Goku turns into Red form which warrants Jiren to use a hand to block him
Krillin: "He moved! Yes, keep at it, Goku!"

Episode: 109
Time: 12:23-12:29
Context: Seeing Jiren can't get serious like this, Goku reverts to base then powers up to his blue form
Goku: "You can't get serious like this, can you? Then here goes."

Episode: 109
Time: 13:01-13:56
Context: After Goku turns to his Blue form
Khai: "He finally showed the power of Super Saiyan Blue."
Belmod: "Nonetheless, it's a pointless effort."
Khai: "No, it's not pointless, Belmod sama. This will likely be an important fight. [] Please look. That Universe 7 warrior, Son Goku, is quite capable. If Jiren beats him in his full power state, the remaining warriors will lose their will to fight. They'll see it's futile to stand against Jiren."
Belmod: "So Son Goku is a sacrifice to show Jiren's overwhelming power."
Marcarita: "Even so, we cannot be too cautious, yes."
Belmod: "It's foolish to speak of Jiren in such a practical sense. Jiren is a being who will never lose. No matter who he's up against."

Episode: 109
Time: 16:10-16:33
Context: As Jiren seems unstoppable
Piccolo: "What happened?!"
Vegeta: "Even I couldn't see it. That guy's ridiculous!"
Android 17: "He hit him multiple times in that instant."
Android 18: "I didn't even see him move."

Episode: 109
Time: 16:39-17:07
Context: Krillin thinks that Goku still has a chance against Jiren but Beerus and Whis disagree
Roshi: "That Jiren fellow is beyond imagination."
Tien: "At this rate, Goku..."
Krillin: "No, not yet! Goku should be able to stand using King Kai Fist x 20 as Blue now."
Beerus: "He can't."
Krillin: "Huh? What do you mean?"
Whis: "It appears that what Goku san is using... is that King Kai Fist x 20."

Episode: 109
Time: 17:17-17:36
Context: Goku reveals that he still have a final attack
Goku: "This is bad. I can't believe even King Kai Fist x 20 as Blue won't damage him. [] I get how strong you are. Now I'll show you my trump card!"

Episode: 109
Time: 17:45-17:52
Context: Tien is curious on why Goku revert back to his normal state to form a Spirit Bomb
Tien: "Why did he return to normal?"
Krillin: "As a Super Saiyan, he can't gather energy because maliciousness creeps inside him."

Episode: 109
Time: 18:30-18:42
Context: As Goku has to wait to form a successful Spirit Bomb, Jiren gives him more time to do it
Jiren: "I'll wait. I said I'll wait. That's your special attack, isn't it? Come with all your strength!"

Episode: 109
Time: 18:44-18:56
Context: As the Gods from U11 doesn't consider a Spirit Bomb as a threat to Jiren
Khai: "He takes his enemy's greatest attack and crushes it with overwhelming power."
Belmod: "That's Jiren's style. Isn't it riveting?"
Marcarita: "I'm a little worried, yes."

Episode: 109
Time: 19:18-19:28
Context: The God of Destruction of other universes are surprise of the Spirit Bomb
Iwne: "I see. That's quite an interesting attack."
Arack: "I didn't expect warriors of this caliber in lowly universes."
Gene: "This fight is worth watching."

Episode: 109
Time: 20:28-20:33
Context: As Jiren pushes the Spirit Bomb back to Goku
Piccolo: "Impossible! It's getting pushed back!"
Gohan: "Even though Dad has more than enough stamina?!"

110 Episode: Ultra Instinct Goku VS Jiren II
Episode: 110
Time: 02:04-02:12
Context: Roshi thinks that Goku could have won had Goku pushed the Spirit Bomb successfully
Roshi: "If he could have pushed it all the way, Goku would have won. That Jiren is unbelievably tremendous."

Episode: 110
Time: 02:12-02:32
Context: The Spirit Bomb made Belmod worried a bit.
Belmod: "Well done, Jiren. That giant energy ball had me worried a bit. But, for Jiren, it was a piece of cake."

Episode: 110
Time: 03:58-04:13
Context: Anat praise Goku especially Jiren
Anat: "Neither of them could have attained their strength through normal training. Especially Jiren. The willpower to control that just his glare... I sense a far higher power from him."

Episode: 110
Time: 04:58-05:36
Context: The U7 Gods thinks that Goku has reach his limit and amazed by Jiren's power
Whis: "It appears he's at the limit of his limit. Meanwhile, Jiren appears to be far from full power."
Supreme Kai: "This power feels different from anyone we've ever faced before. He's strong. Plain and simple."
Whis: "I daresay... like a God of Destruction. He is one who has reached that state. Perhaps even surpassed it. "There is a universe where lives a mortal even a God of Destruction can't defeat." It appears the rumor is true."

Episode: 110
Time: 05:37-05:46
Context: Belmod wants Jiren to destroy Goku
Belmod: "That's it, Jiren. Show all the universes your power. Destroy Son Goku!"

Episode: 110
Time: 05:51-06:00
Context: As the Spirit Bomb keeps expanding
Champa: "Doesn't that look a little dangerous?"
Vados: "The expansion of the energy caught between their force is reaching its limit."

Episode: 110
Time: 12:54-13:10
Context: As Goku seems to be different from before
Krillin: "Something's different from before."
Tien: "Yes. He's emitting a tremendous amount of heat, but..."
Roshi: "His energy seems frighteningly calm."
Whis: "Let us observe for now. After all, this is the first time I've ever seen Goku san like that."

Episode: 110
Time: 14:01-14:22
Context: After Goku and Jiren seemingly had a warm up fight
Piccolo: "It's only grazed him, but Goku's attacks are working! Even though he was no match as Blue before..."
Gohan: "Those movements... They're nothing like Dad's usual movements. He's not just fast. I couldn't even sense him moving to attack at all."
Piccolo: "Yeah. It's the same when he dodges."

Episode: 110
Time: 14:22-14:31
Context: After Goku and Jiren seemingly had a warm up fight
Vegeta: "What is going on? I see it with my own eyes, yet his actions feel unreal. What happened to you, Kakarot?"

Episode: 110
Time: 14:27-14:51
Context: After Goku beats Toppo and Dyspo like nothing
Roshi: "This is not normal!"
Tien: "The speed of his response, the accuracy of his movements..."

Episode: 110
Time: 15:52-16:04
Context: As Goku and Jiren trade punches and kicks
Android 18: "Who seems to have the advantage?"
Android 17: "I can't tell just yet. But somehow Goku instantly overcame that overwhelming difference in power. And...

Episode: 110
Time: 16:05-16:16
Context: As Piccolo notice Goku's movements improving
Piccolo: "Even now, as he fights, he continues to evolve. With every block, he hits Jiren more quickly, sharply, and heavily."

Episode: 110
Time: 16:16-16:25
Context: As the Gods of U11 are in shock of Goku's new power
Khai: "I can't believe someone who could gain on Jiren this much even exist!"
Belmod: "It's not possible! It can't be possible!"

Episode: 110
Time: 17:18-17:29
Context: As the Gods learned from Beerus that Goku has reached Ultra Instinct
Anat: "I see. Those movements... But, for a mortal like Son Goku...? That is a state not even a god can easily attain."

Episode: 110
Time: 18:23-19:30
Context: Beerus is surprised on how Goku achieved that Ultra Instinct in which Whis explains everything
Beerus: "But why did it happen so suddenly?"
Whis: "I believe the Spirit Bomb was the trigger."
Krillin: "You mean he powered up by absorbing the Spirit Bomb?"
Tien: "But the power of the Spirit Bomb didn't work on Jiren. Even if that power boosted him, it didn't explain how he can match him."
Whis: "Precisely. The energy of the Spirit Bomb must be acting as a temporary source of power for his depleted body. However, the main point is something else. In that big explosion, the ranging power of the Spirit Bomb that entered Goku san, and Goku's san's own power to resist it. Beyond that clash of power. Goku san broke through the shell to the deeper potential within himself. That's my assumption. [] That's all fine. However... That heat... I'm not sure about this."

Episode: 110
Time: 20:36-20:56
Context: As Goku punch Jiren who blocked it and Goku has reached his limit
Jiren: "Saiyans... Quite interesting beings. But... This heat... That is your limit."

Episode: 110
Time: 21:01-21:10
Context: As Goku's Ultra Instinct form wore off
Khai: "It appears to have only been temporary."
Belmod: "Of course. No one could achieve that so easily."

Episode: 110
Time: 21:24-21:30
Context: As Jiren managed to block Hit's punch out of nowhere
Vados: "Warriors are most open when finishing their enemies. Jiren doesn't have even that weakness."

111 Episode: Hit VS Jiren
Episode: 111
Time: 03:58-04:27
Context: After Frieza revived Goku of some of his power and wants him to defeat Jiren
Goku: "My power..."
Frieza: "I've shared a little bit of my energy with you. Knowing, you should be able to move well enough, even in your shape. Now, all debts are settled. I'll need you to keep working out there. Particularly, fighting that monster, Jiren... is something I want to avoid."

Episode: 111
Time: 05:41-05:50
Context: After Hit and Jiren fought for a bit
Hit: "So these are the attacks from Jiren that Son Goku took. Now I've felt them. They're heavy indeed."

Episode: 111
Time: 06:04-06:06
Context: As Jiren and Hit are about fight again
Toppo: "That guy. He's doing surprisingly well against Jiren."

Episode: 111
Time: 06:23-06:46
Context: As Hit's illusion technique doesn't work on Jiren
Krillin: "What was that?"
Whis: "Hit san can hide in a separate space he's created by storing the time he's skipped. In the real world, he leaves a phantom of himself."

Episode: 111
Time: 06:47-06:54
Context: As Hit's illusion doesn't work on Jiren
Champa: "How can his attacks be detected and not work when he's in another space?!"
Vados: "What a frightening strength."

Episode: 111
Time: 07:21-07:23
Context: Jiren adapted Hit's time-skip
Hit: "He's completely adapted to my Time-Skip."

Episode: 111
Time: 07:39-08:06
Context: As Hit attacks aren't working on Jiren
Vados: "Not a single attack of Hit san's has worked on Jiren. [] Jiren sees through his movements."
Champa: "Then why does he keep using Time-Skip?"
Supreme Kai: "That's true. Why would someone like Hit keep using Time-Skip when it doesn't work?"

Episode: 111
Time: 11:11-11:24
Context: As Hit seems in trouble and Caulifla wants to help him but Cabba doesn't think so
Cabba: "Wait, please! Hit san seems to have a plan. [] Hit san is making sure to block whenever Jiren hits him. His damage should be minimal. He must be waiting for his chance to strike back."

Episode: 111
Time: 11:25-11:59
Context: As Hit memorized Jiren's move-sets
Hit: "I've memorized the timing of his counters with my body. It's time to finish up my job." *Hit hits Jiren in the chest* "I needed this one hit. This hit will bind you in a cage of time!"

Episode: 111
Time: 14:08-14:37
Context: Vados explains Hit's plan
Vados: "It seems Hit san intends to use all of his power for that attack. He's prepared to go out just keeping Jiren frozen. What must be done to ensure the survival of Universe 6? Despite being a solitary assassin, this is the conclusion he reached in this case. In other words, he decided that help from allies is essential. I sense Hit san's unwavering resolution."

Episode: 111
Time: 15:09-15:27
Context: As Jiren is able to hardly move despite being frozen
Hit: "My power won't last long enough to keep him frozen until the end. Then I'll just have to put all my chips on the table! Even though gambling is not very assasin-like."

Episode: 111
Time: 15:44-16:42
Context: As everyone are shocked to see Hit's final blow is block by Jiren's glare
Goku: "What?! He stopped it with just his glare!"
Champa: "He beat Hit's last resort attack?!"
Vados: "He's far beyond comprehension. This means Jiren possesses power that transcends time itself."
Tien: "What in the world is he?!"
Supreme Kai: "Are you telling me that even time itself means nothing against Jiren's strength?!"
Belmod: "He's on a whole other level!"
Marcarita: "He's in a class of his own, yes."
Khai: "Jiren is truly the pride of Universe 11!"

Episode: 111
Time: 18:06-18:10
Context: Hit already predicted his defeat
Hit: "The moment I couldn't end it in one hit, my loss was confirmed."

Episode: 111
Time: 19:57-20:16
Context: As Jiren starts meditating since there's no threat anymore which made Beerus and Goku angry but not Belmod
Belmod: "We've come this far and there's no one who threatens Jiren. Talk about a disappointment."
Beerus: "That bastard. So, no one else is worth fighting?"
Goku: "So You're sayin' I'm not worth your while like this?"

Episode: 111
Time: 20:46-21:01
Context: As U3 Katspera can't pass Jiren's wall of energy
Piara: "What's going on?"
Dyspo: "You chump, don't you get it? You're not worthy enough to fight Jiren!"
Toppo: "If you can't get through Jiren's wall of energy, you never stood a chance in the first place!"

112 Episode: Cabba's last moment

Episode: 112
Time: 01:49-02:46
Context: The Narrator talks about Jiren and Hit fight
Narrator: "At last, Universe 6's Hit and Universe 11's Jiren clashed. At first, it was a one-sided fight against Hit. But by evolving his Time-Skip, he miraculously stopped Jiren's movements. However... Against Jiren's devastating power, Hit's attack crumbled. And in the end, he was knocked out."

Episode: 112
Time: 05:44-05:48
Context: As Gohan and Piccolo fought the U6 Namekians for a bit
Piccolo: "I didn't think another universe would have Namekians this strong."

Episode: 112
Time: 06:12-06:40
Context: Caulifla tells Kale not to be afraid of Jiren
Caulifla: "Stop looking so glum!"
Kale: "But his strength is unimaginable." "Aren't you scared, Sis?"
Caulifla: "Of course I'm scared... of my own infinite potential! Seeing Jiren and Son Goku fight made me certain. I'm a Saiyan too. I'm sure I can still get much stronger."

Episode: 112
Time: 08:06-08:08
Context: As Cabba struggles to holds off Mona
Cabba: "I see you've got power."

Episode: 112
Time: 10:34-10:39
Context: Cabba is about to fall out of the stage by Mona
Cabba: "Dammit. I couldn't even drain the enemy's stamina."

Episode: 112
Time: 14:34-14:38
Context: Mona beats up Cabba
Mona: "How weak! Is this all the strength a Saiyan has?!"

Episode: 112
Time: 17:34-18:16
Context: Freeza wants to fight Cabba
Freeza: "You seem rather strong. I'd like for you to fight me." "Feel free to give me all you've got." *Freeza blocks Cabba's punches* "I should tell you that I love strong people. But, I absolutely loath Saiyans. After I defeat you, I'll go play with your Saiyan friends. So don't worry."

Episode: 112
Time: 19:14-19:19
Context: As Freeza eliminated Cabba by his golden form
Freeza: "Spending excess stamina on trash is a waste, after all."

Episode: 112
Time: 20:58-21:09
Context: As Caulifla saves Goku from U3 machines
Caulifla: "Thanks to Cabba, I've got all my power back. Son Goku. Fight me!"

113 Episode: Goku Vs Caulifla and Kale
Episode: 113
Time: 03:14-03:20
Context: Cabba turn into SS2 in the previous episode
Narrator: "To keep his promise with Vegeta, Cabba became Super Saiyan 2 and defeated Monna."

Episode: 113
Time: 04:58-05:14
Context: Caulifla powers up to SS2 and tells Goku about her intentions
Caulifla: "We lost Hit then Cabba. Yet, I couldn't do anything. In order to take on their share and survive this, I need to get even stronger. Teach me how to go beyond Super Saiyan 2, to 3!"

Episode: 113
Time: 05:27-05:54
Context: Goku intends to fight Caulifa on his normal state
Caulifla: "Aren't you transforming?"
Goku: "I'm tired from just fightin' Jiren. I'll slowly pick up the pace. Don't worry."
Champa: "This could be an opportunity. Son Goku just fought Jiren and hasn't fully regained his stamina yet."

Episode: 113
Time: 07:56-08:11
Context: As Goku knock Caulifla to the rocks
Goku: "What's wrong? You can't beat me like that."
*Caulifla seems can't hit Goku*
Caulifla: "Why? Why can't I hit him?"

Episode: 113
Time: 08:17-08:47
Context: Caulifla seems to be losing to Goku and Whis explains why is that
Champa: "What the hell's going on? How can she be losing?! Aren't Super Saiyans supposed to be more powerful?!"
Whis: "Martial arts isn't like street fighting. It's not like just blindly attacking will be effective. You calculate your distance, sense your opponents' rhythm and movements, find your opportunity, and take advantage of it. Only a true martial artist could do that. It's more than just being a simple brawler."

Episode: 113
Time: 09:31-09:42
Context: Goku uses after-image technique against Caulifla
Caulifla: "Hey! Using funny attacks is cheating! Fight me fair and square!"
Goku: "If you can't beat my Afterimage Technique, you'll never achieve Super Saiyan 3."

Episode: 113
Time: 10:01-10:40
Context: Caulifla keeps up with Goku
Krillin: "She saw through Goku's attack!"
Roshi: "Unbelievable! Caulifla is responding to Goku's movements! What astounding adaptability!"
Krillin: "Super Saiyan or not, this is Goku she's fighting!"
Whis: "It means that Caulifla san had this potential within her from the start. By fighting Goku san, that power is steadily being unleashed."

Episode: 113
Time: 11:24-12:03
Context: As Goku forced to turn into SS2
Caulifla: "Don't you think you should transform now? You might lose before you go full strength."
Goku: "You're right. I guess I will."
*Goku turn into SS2*
Caulifla: "Don't you wanna go Super Saiyan 3?"
Goku: "I haven't recovered the stamina for that yet."

Episode: 113
Time: 12:11-12:13
Context: Caulifla gets knock off by Goku
Caulifla: "Is this really the same Super Saiyan 2 power?!"

Episode: 113
Time: 13:50-14:08
Context: Goku is surprise by Caulifla's development
Goku: "I know I told you that you'll need to master Super Saiyan 2 first, but this is beyond what I imagined. Not bad, Caulifla."
Caulifla: "When I'm fighting, I feel power bubbling up from inside! I wanna beat you quickly and become Super Saiyan 3!"

Episode: 113
Time: 14:14-14:36
Context: After they spar on a bit and Goku kicked Caulifla
Goku: "Not yet! I haven't show you my power yet!"
Caulifla: "I won't lose!"
*Both powers up*
Krillin: "Just how far are they going to go?"
Roshi: "There's no telling who's going to win!"
Cabba: "Amazing! I didn't realize Caulifla san had such power!"

Episode: 113
Time: 15:18-15:23
Context: As both Goku and Caulifla fighting which destroy their surroundings
Krillin: "Unbelievable! So this is a fight between two Super Saiyan 2s."

Episode: 113
Time: 15:45-15:54
Context: Goku is again amazed by Caulifla's power
Goku: "I can't believe you've gotten this strong, Caulifla. You might just go beyond Super Saiyan 3."

Episode: 113
Time: 16:09-16:12
Context: Goku invites Kale to join them
Champa: "Great! With two of them we can win!"

Episode: 113
Time: 17:37-17:54
Context: Goku seems to have a trouble against Caulifla and Kale
Supreme Kai: "Goku san is getting pushed back! I knew taking on two Super Saiyans was an absurd idea!"
Krillin: "But that's how Goku does things. He always pushes himself to the edge to further himself. That's who Goku is."

Episode: 113
Time: 18:28-18:33
Context: Goku seems to managed to hold himself agaisnt Caulifla and Kale
Supreme Kai: "Goku san isn't losing!"
Champa: "Impossible! We've got two Super Saiyans!"

Episode: 113
Time: 18:38-19:12
Context: Roshi think that Goku is currently using Ultra Instinct
Roshi: "Could it be that thing?"
Krillin: "What are you talking about?"
Roshi: "You know. The thing he did when he fought Jiren."
Beerus: "You mean...?! Ultra Instinct?!"
Whis: "That's not possible. Ultra Instinct is extremely difficult to achieve, even for a God of Destruction. Not even Goku san would be able to achieve it that easily. Goku san's senses are being sharpened by Caulifla san and Kale san's attacks."

Episode: 113
Time: 19:51-20:23
Context: Goku turn into SS3
Goku: "This is thanks to you. Fightin' you, I feel unbelievable power boilin' up from inside."
Caulifla: "Wh-What amazing power! This is... Super Saiyan 3?!" *Goku return back to his SS2 form* "huh?!"
Goku: "I got carried away and went to 3, but I haven't recovered the stamina to keep this form."

Episode: 113
Time: 20:30-21:32
Context: After seeing SS3 once and Kale gone berserk again
Caulifla: "But, we got to see that power. Beyond Super Saiyan 2. Super Saiyan 3. We're gonna beat you and become that form. Both of us together!"
Kale: "I'll get stronger too. I'll get stronger, and with Sis..."
*Kale powers up further*
Krillin: "Is she going to...?!"
Cabba: "No, Kale san! If you increase your energy any more..."
*Kale goes berserk again*
Supreme Kai: "That's the form from before!"
Beerus: "She's gone berserk again!"

114 Episode: Goku VS Kale and Caulifla Part 2; Kefla is born
Episode: 114
Time: 03:22-03:29
Context: The Narrator explains why Kale went berserk again
Narrator: "Her strong passion to fight together with Caulifla is what drove Kale berserk again."

Episode: 114
Time: 05:25-06:46
Context: After Kale reached her berserk form, Caulifla compliments her
Caulifla: "How huge. What amazing energy! Kale, I knew you could do it! You've finally made that power your own!" * Kale attacks Caulifla because of her rage* "Can't you recognize me? You surpassed your limits and summoned so much power you lost control. Thanks, Kale. Your amazing! You're seriously amazing! With this power, we can beat Son Goku! That's my protegee for you. Maybe I can't beat him alone, but if we unite our strength, we're the strongest in all the universes, right? You're the only one who can fight by my side, Kale. You're my precious protegee, and the best friend I've ever had!"

Episode: 114
Time: 07:05-07:15
Context: Kale went back to her SS form and retained her berserk power
Krillin: "She's not berserk. She has that power completely under control."
Tien: "Not only that, but Kale's energy has massively increased!"

Episode: 114
Time: 07:23-07:35
Context: As Kale and Caulifla are ready to fight Goku again
Goku: "I can't stop shakin'. That must be her Saiyan instinct. Not bad. I better be careful or this could get messy."

Episode: 114
Time: 14:26-14:39
Context: Goku turns into SSG
Elder Kai: "He became Super Saiyan God!"
Supreme Kai: "I thought he hadn't fully recovered yet."
Krillin: "That's Goku. No matter how bad things are, He's always exceeded our expectations."

Episode: 114
Time: 15:52-16:06
Context: Goku withstood Kale's close range ki blast
Caulifla: "He withstood that?!"
Beerus: "Good! Keep it up Goku!"
Elder Kai: "It looks like he really does exert power beyond his limitations."
Supreme Kai: "Well done, Goku san! He's in a different class from those two Universe 6 Saiyan women!"

Episode: 114
Time: 19:45-19:56
Context: After Kale and Caulifla merged
Vados: "The new body and personality born from a Potara fusion are more than the sum of their parts and their power increases tens of times."

Episode: 114
Time: 20:25-20:35
Context: As Kefla powers up
Kefla: "I feel great! I can feel infinite power bubbling up from deep inside!"
Goku: "It's so massive, I can'r sense a limit to her energy."

Episode: 114
Time: 20:41-20:44
Context: Vegeta sense Kefla's powering up
Vegeta: "What's that? I sense an incredible energy near Kakarot."

Episode: 114
Time: 21:00-21:04
Context: As Kefla prepares to fight Goku
Kefla: "Time to test just how far I can go with this power!"

115 Episode: Goku VS Kefla
Episode: 115
Time: 03:18-03:25
Context: The narrator talks about Kefla's power from previous episode
Narrator: "Amazingly, they fused using the Potara and overwhelmed Goku with unbelievable power and speed."

Episode: 115
Time: 03:58-04:08
Context: Kefla powers up again
Kefla: "This bubbling power is out of this world!"
Krillin: "Just how much is Kefla's energy going to increase?!"

Episode: 115
Time: 04:41-04:44
Context: Goku and Kefla fought for a bit
Goku: "Her power and speed are far greater than when she was two people!"

Episode: 115
Time: 06:14-06:19
Context: Vegeta sensed Kefla's power while he's fighting Toppo
Vegeta: "The Saiyan women Kakarot's been fighting. Their energy's swelled even more.

Episode: 115
Time: 08:04-08:13
Context: U2 Kaioshin thinks they need Potara fusion as well to defeat Jiren or Goku which Helles agrees
U2 Kaioshin: "It will be difficult for a single warrior to defeat Jiren or Son Goku. Therefore, why not have Zarbuto and Rabanra use the Potara?"

Episode: 115
Time: 10:33-10:49
Context: Goku seems to be losing against Kefla and Champa brags about it
Roshi: "I can't believe Kefla is overwhelming Goku this much."
Champa: "Sorry, Beerus! Son Goku's used up a lot of his stamina so far. Even he's no match for Caulifla and Kale when they're fused as Kefla!"

Episode: 115
Time: 11:21-11:26
Context: Goku turns into SSB
Roshi: "Super Saiyan Blue?!"
Tien: "Has Goku's stamina completely recovered?"

Episode: 115
Time: 11:28-11:58
Context: After Goku turn into SSB
Kefla: "I've been waiting for that Blue form!"
Goku: "I got the feelin' that things'll be bad if I hold back anymore."
Kefla: "Looks like you got the right idea. In that case, I'm going all-out too!"
*Kefla turns into SS*
Krillin: "We can feel her energy from here!"
Cabba: "I can't believe it's this great!"

Episode: 115
Time: 13:03-13:26
Context: Vados is worried about Kefla using SS
Vados: "She's fighting the Super Saiyan Blue Son Goku san. Shouldn't she take things carefully?"
Champa: "Son Goku hasn't recovered his stamina from fighting Jiren."
Vados: "You're saying Super Saiyan Kefla san can take him?"
Champa: "Yeah! I didn't think Kefla's energy as a Super Saiyan would be this much. What a happy miscalculation."

Episode: 115
Time: 14:08-14:17
Context: As Goku and Kefla fight each other
Whis: "Their energy is getting even stronger."
Beerus: "Just how far are they going to go?!"
Champa: "Are they trying to break the fighting stage?!"
U6 Kaioshin: "Amazing!"

Episode: 115
Time: 15:44-16:05
Context: Beerus is worried on Goku using too much power
Beerus: "Goku's really pushing himself. He's using King Kai Fist without full stamina. It'll put quite a strain on his body."
Whis: "Against the terrifying power of Super Saiyan Kefla, he must have decided he couldn't defeat her otherwise."

Episode: 115
Time: 17:44-18:09
Context: Kefla survived from Goku's clean hit
Krillin: "She's a persistent one."
Tien: "She took a clean blow from Goku."
Roshi: "That Kefla is well beyond her limit. And yet, she still fights back."
Whis: "What drives Kefla san is the Saiyan blood flowing in her."
Beerus: "You can't use King Kai Fist at your current stamina anymore. You know you have to finish this in the next shot, right, Goku?"

116 Episode: Ultra Instinct Goku VS Kefla
Episode: 116
Time: 04:06-04:08
Context: As UI Goku powers up
Frieza: "Keep getting stronger, Son Goku san."

Episode: 116
Time: 04:46-05:05
Context: Whis explains how Goku reached UI again
Whis: "The trigger that set it off this time was probably Kefla san."
Beerus: "Her massive energy."
Whis: "Kefla san's energy rivaled the power of the Spirit Bomb he bathed in. It incited Goku san allowing him to break through another of his self-limiting shells."

Episode: 116
Time: 06:15-06:21
Context: Kefla powers up to SS2 and Goku keeps powering up as well
No. 18: "What a storm of energy! Don't they understand moderation?"
No.17: "Is that Son Goku and Kefla?"

Episode: 116
Time: 06:26-06:42
Context: Kefla still powering up to SS2
Kefla: "Yes, yes, yes! My power's skyrocketing. Hooray for being born a Saiyan! Go ahead and power up even more. I'll just go even higher than that!"

Episode: 116
Time: 06:48-06:55
Context: As Goku and Kefla powers breaking the stage
Krillin: "The stage's breaking again!"
Roshi: "If those two hit each other head-on, they'll tear everything apart!"

Episode: 116
Time: 07:00-07:25
Context: As Goku and Kefla powers breaking the stage
Gohan: "What's going on? That's... Dad and Kefla?!"
Piccolo: "What are they?! If one powers up, the other is incited into increasing their power too."
Gohan: "You mean the change in Dad is drawing out Kefla's power more?"
Piccolo: "Yeah. Kefla is definitely growing. Her power is unbelievable."

Episode: 116
Time: 07:39-07:48
Context: Kefla charges a blast
Kefla: "I like this one! I feel I could blow away an entire universe in one shot with the power that's bubbling in me!"

Episode: 116
Time: 07:50-08:10
Context: Piccolo is still amazed by Kefla's power
Piccolo: "This power... It might even surpass Son's earlier level! [] But if Kefla's power up could further draw out Son's power..."

Episode: 116
Time: 08:58-09:08
Context: Goku dodging Kefla's attacks
Krillin: "He's dodging everything."
Roshi: "Goku is barely moving from that spot."
Supreme Kai: "Amazing! "He's reading every punch of that powered up Kefla!"

Episode: 116
Time: 09:20-09:25
Context: Champa is angry on Kefla's performance against Goku
Vados: "Kefla san's current power and speed are quite impressive, but Goku san's reaction is better."

Episode: 116
Time: 14:28-15:00
Context: Whis explain why Goku's punches aren't working
Whis: "Kefla san's vigor is indeed impressive, but at present, it appears Goku san's attacks are ineffective. It's likely because he can't fully utilize Ultra Instinct when he switches to attack. If he can't end it with the next hit, his stamina may not last."

Episode: 116
Time: 15:15-15:18
Context: Kefla powers up again
Cabba: "Kefla san's energy is swelling even more!"

Episode: 116
Time: 16:03-16:08
Context: Kefla's remaining power release like a lasers in every direction
Whis: "It appears that being cornered gas awakened a rather unpleasant power in her."

Episode: 116
Time: 16:31-16:39
Context: Goku barely avoid Kefla's aura laser
Roshi:"Oh no! If that hits him, not even Goku will be able to survive!"
Krillin: "Does Kefla intend to use up all of her energy?!"

Episode: 116
Time: 19:48-
Context: Whis explain why Goku used KHH against Kefla
Whis: "Since he had little stamina left and had to finish it in one blow, he was wise to choose his Kamehameha. He could unconsciously dodge while building up energy and put everything into the final blow.
Roshi: "But it's unlikely he'll be able to use the same tactic again. Not with Jiren and the other still remaining."
Tien: "You're absolutely right. If he could attack unconsciously..."
Whis: "That's the hard part. Everyone thinks about what attacks will be effective. The reason why all of Goku san's attacks were inadequate was because in that instant, his thoughts were focused on them. To separate the mind from the body and leave everything to instinct. I wonder if Goku san will be able to achieve that in the time he has left. This will be interesting."

Episode: 116
Time: 20:51-20:59
Context: After Goku eliminated Kefla
Dyspo: "Jiren, Son Goku's movements have become even more polished."
Toppo: "Son Goku is going to grow even stronger."

Episode: 116
Time: 21:16-21:55
Context: Goku loses his UI form
Frieza: "Ultra Instinct. I see... After all, to gain that incredible power, he must endure a great deal of physical strain."

117 Episode: Androids VS U2
Episode: 117
Time: 16:33-16:38
Context: Ribrianne reverts back to her base form
No.18: "What can you do now that you'ge reverted and powered down?"

Episode: 117
Time: 19:20-19:23
Context: No.18 block Ribrianne's giant fist
Ribrianne: "Why? Where could one without love have such strength?"

There aren't much to collect in this episode.

118 Episode: U7 VS U2 and U6
Episode: 118
Time: 03:59-04:14
Context: As Goku is fighting U2 remaining warriors despite out of stamina
Supreme Kai: "Goku san's still tired from continuous fighting."
Old Kai: "It looks like he's purposely fighting without rest to challenge his own limits."
Roshi: "But, one wrong step and it's all over. Three-on-one. Drawing it out may be dangerous."

Episode: 118
Time: 05:35-05:59
Context: Piccolo sense something different on U6 Namekians
Piccolo: "You sense that?"
Gohan: "Yes!"
Piccolo: "Something within them just changed."
*U6 Namekians attacks them*
Gohan: "It was straight-on, but I couldn't parry. They're faster and stronger."

Episode: 118
Time: 09:03-10:07
Context: Piccolo figured out the secret of U6 Namekian's power
Piccolo: "I finally get it. The reason for your strength! From before the tournament began, you've been two, yet not two."
Pirina: "Exactly. The ability for Namekians to become one and gain further power. Namekian Fusion. Upon learning of our universe's peril, many of our people from Namek volunteered. As their representatives, we absorbed all their power to fight in this tournament."
Saonel: "Until our powered up bodied stabilized we avoided aggressive fighting to save our strength for late in the tournament. But now that the time has come, we're the only warriors left."
Pirina: "However, now is not the time for regrets. We will fight with our people whose lives we were given. This is the Planet Namek's resolve to survive!"

Episode: 118
Time: 10:22-10:47
Context: Gohan has a plan on defeating U6 Namekians
Gohan: "I'll fight those two in the front. In the meantime, focus your energy, Piccolo san. [] If they've fused with that many of their people, their vitality should be extraordinary right now. In that case, we shouldn't have to worry about killing them. That's why I'm going at full power!"

Episode: 118
Time: 11:18-11:25
Context: As Goku and Zirloin fighting
Goku: "Wow! You've really taken on Ribrianne's power!"
Zirloin: "This is what love can do!"

Episode: 118
Time: 11:49-12:26
Context: Grand Priest narrates the U7 journey during the tournament and U2 and U6 remaining warriors
Grand Priest: "Universe 7 has continued to win, despite being targeted by all universes. They have great momentum. However... As a result, they are likely the most drained. Meanwhile, Universe 2 and 6, upon facing their impending erasure, have manifested new powers. Both sides are truly fighting in extreme conditions."

Episode: 118
Time: 13:30-13:44
Context: Gohan shields Piccolo from the blast, and apologizes for letting his guard down before Piccolo could finish fully charging his attack
Gohan: "I'm sorry. Because I let my guard down, you had to shoot before fully focusing your energy. Please, let's do it one more time. And let's win this. Both of us, together."

Episode: 118
Time: 13:52-13:55
Context: After Pirinia apologizes to Saonel for not finishing the fight
Saonel: "More importantly, I underestimated that warrior's power."

Episode: 118
Time: 15:05-15:24
Context: U2 warriors compliments U7
Zirloin: "Well done, Universe 7! Your strength to challenge our love... We admit that you, too, are great warriors of love!"
Rabanra: "In that case, we shall reciprocate with all of our strength! With this love raised to the ultimate!"
Zarbuto: "Take this! All that we have!"

Episode: 118
Time: 15:49-16:16
Context: As U2 warriors's "Pretty Black Hole" sucked No.18's blast
Krillin: "It was sucked in?!"
Tien: "What is that?!"
Whis: "It must be what they call, "the weight of their love" focused into one point to create a mass of gravity."
Helles: "That's the legendary attack that not even our maidens could attain! Love that is too heavy can at times bind and torture. Those who have mastered love and even control its weights can unleash that beautiful hidden technique of ruin!"

Episode: 118
Time: 16:27-16:47
Context: The Pretty Black Hole bears down on Goku and Android 17 and 18
Goku: "It's real heavy. It's heavier than the machine at Bulma's. *Tried to escape by IT* Instant Transmission's no good."
Zarbuto: "Behold! A cage of love that even light cannot escape from! It weight shatters the earth and sinks! It'll go through the fighting stage in other words, out of bounds!"

Episode: 118
Time: 18:35-18:40
Context: Piccolo shoots SBC on Saonel's chest
Saonel: "So, this is the power of a Universe & Namekian."

119 Episode: U7 VS U4
Episode: 119
Time: 07:09-07:12
Context: Everyone sense something that is not visible
No.17: "Sense that? Something's out there."
Goku: "Yeah."

Episode: 119
Time: 07:31-07:35
Context: Gohan having a hard time sensing someone
Gohan: "It's no use, I can't sense any energy."
Piccolo: "It's hiding by suppressing it."

Episode: 119
Time: 14:00-14:17
Context: The U7 are having a hard time against the illusions of U9 and U6 warriors
Gohan: "Is it because they're illusions? I can't sense energy from them."
Piccolo: "But I sense the energy of two people nearby. Someone moving and someone still."
Gohan: "I've got it! One controls the illusions and other uses them as cover to attack!"

Episode: 119
Time: 14:59-15:20
Context: An invisible person is attacking Piccolo
Piccolo: "If we know the trick, it doesn't matter how many there are. Plus, unlike the last, this one can't even hide its energy! [] If we can read its energy, it's as good as visible!"

Episode: 119
Time: 15:25-15:28
Context: Piccolo's blast isn't working on invisible person
Piccolo: "I was sure I sensed its energy there..."

Episode: 119
Time: 16:12-16:26
Context: After Piccolo is eliminated by an invisinble person
Piccolo: "I was sure I sensed the invisible person's energy. And yet, I missed. [] I felt nothing connect. Like it really was invinsible and had no body."

Episode: 119
Time: 16:58-17:00
Context: Goku can't hit the invinsible person
Goku: "Why?! I can sense its energy, but I can't seem to hit it!"

Episode: 119
Time: 17:51-18:08
Context: #17 figured what the invinsible person's trick
No. 17: "You guys think too much about sensing energy. This thing isn't invinsible at all. The only reason you can't hit it is... because it's a bug person."

Episode: 119
Time: 18:21-18:26
Context: After learning that the invincible person was just a bug at all
Piccolo: "I was too focused on sensing it's energy. If only I'd noticed its sound."

120 Episode: U7 VS U3
Episode: 120
Time: 06:56
Context: The Androids attacks didn't work against Viara
No.17: "I see. He's a tough one."
No.18: "I guess we'll have to be more serious."

Episode: 120
Time: 07:10-07:20
Context: The Androids are having a hard time against Viara
U3 Kaioshin: "Viara san boasts one of the highest defense powers in Universe 3. He'll tire out his enemies, then turn the tables on them. It's all according to plan!"

Episode: 120
Time: 07:32-07:41
Context: As the U7 having a hard time against U3
Beerus: "This is bad. They're starting to read our movements."
Whis: "They're warriors who have survived this far. This doesn't seem like it will be so easy."

Episode: 120
Time: 09:25-09:35
Context: Gohan prepares to fight U3 robots
Gohan: "I have to stand firm now. I can't let Dad or Vegeta san use any unnecessary stamina!"

Episode: 120
Time: 10:24-10:27
Context: Gohan seems to hold his own against U3 robots
Goku: "He's doin' good against enemies that strong. Good job, Gohan!"

Episode: 120
Time: 10:29-10:34
Context: Gohan seems to hold his own against U3 robots
Supreme Kai: "He broke through the enemy's coordinate attack!"

Episode: 120
Time: 10:37-10:40
Context: U3 Kaioshin is surprised on Gohan's breaking their warriors's coordinates
U3 Kaioshin: "I can't believe he read our movement instead."

Episode: 120
Time: 12:12-12:21
Context: After Viara is eliminated by Androids's ki blasts
U3 Kaioshin: "Don't those two get tired at all?"
Beerus: "Androids of infinite energy have limitless stamina."

Episode: 120
Time: 14:43-14:45
Context: After the U3 three robots merged Koichiator
Goku: "Their energy's suddenly increased!"

Episode: 120
Time: 15:10- 15:20
Context: After the U3's three robots merged into Koichiarator
U3 Kaioshin: "By modifying and merging the three of them. Dr. Paparoni has made the ultimate warrior equipped with speed, power, and defense!"

Episode: 120
Time: 15:28-15:36
Context: Dr. Paparoni commands Koichiarator to attack
Dr. Paparoni: "Let them feel the fruits of my technology! Now is the time to show them your true power!"

Episode: 120
Time: 16:22-16:28
Context: After Koichiarator out-speed Gohan
Dr. Paparoni: Fool! Koichiarator isn't just big. His speed has also increased!"

Episode: 120
Time: 18:26-18:37
Context: Koichiarator gets pushed back by the trio Saiyans's finishing attacks
Dr. Paparoni: "What? He's getting pushed back?! My greatest masterpiece can't possibly lose in strength! Koichiarator, push them back!"

Episode: 120
Time: 18:55-19:00
Context: After Koichiarator managed to pushed back trio Saiyans's finishing attack
Dr. Paparoni: "Fools! Now you see the power of Universe 3's merged warrior!"

Episode: 120
Time: 19:15-19:27
Context: Gohan charges KHH after Goku and Vegeta gave him an opening
Gohan: "I'm not about to waste this opening that Dad and Vegeta san made for me! [] This is my full power!"

Episode: 120
Time: 19:21-19:25
Context: As Gohan charges KHH to attack Koichiarator
Piccolo: "I get it! They were buying time for Gohan to gather energy!"

Episode: 120
Time: 19:43-19:51
Context: Koichiarator holds Gohan's KHH
Dr. Paparoni: "See? With your puny strength, there's no absolutely no way you could every break through Koichiarator's defenses!"

121 Episode: U7 VS Anilaza
Episode: 121
Time: 07:58-08:01
Context: After Anilaza punched the ground where Goku and others escaped
Krillin: "Its power and speed have dramatically increased!"

Episode: 121
Time: 08:57-09:01
Context: Goku is terrified of Anilaza's power
Goku: "It's unbelievably powerful. We'll have to all attack it together!"

Episode: 121
Time: 09:46-09:55
Context: After Anilaza tracked and hit them easily
Piccolo: "It accurately hit all five of them while they were moving at that speed?!"
Roshi: "That monster has the terrifying ability to locate five people at once!"

Episode: 121
Time: 10:13-10:35
Context: Goku and others are surprise how Anilaza tracked them easily when they tried to confused him
Goku: "Can it search for our energy super fast?"
No.17: "That's not it. No.18 and I don't have energy like you guys do."
Goku: "Then how?"
No.17: "It's probably using ultrasonic waves. Like a bat or a dolphin. The parts that are its ears probably serve that purpose. It can probably detect our locations instantly with those."

Episode: 121
Time: 11:03-11:08
Context: After Anilaza punched Goku with his punch warped
Krillin: "What the?! Its punch warped!"
Piccolo: "It's bending space through sheer power!"

Episode: 121
Time: 14:40-14:44
Context: Anilaza begins firing off a barrage of homing blasts
Roshi: "Not only does it have a power and speed, but it has various types of attacks. It's truly a tricky enemy."

122 Episode: U7 VS U3
Episode: 122
Time: 08:33-09:02
Context: As Goku and Jiren are fighting
Goku: "Man, you really are strong, Jiren. My hands are tinglin'!"
Jiren: "Son Goku, why do you seek to become stronger?"
Goku: "I dunno. I just wanna be stronger is all!"
Jiren: "I see. You don't know."
Goku: "You wanna be stronger too, right?"
Jiren: "I seek that which lies beyond strength."
Goku: "Same here. I wanna become even stronger too."

Episode: 122
Time: 09:25-09:27
Context: Vegeta began to attack Jiren
Vegeta: "Jiren! Show me your strength!"

Episode: 122
Time: 09:49-09:55
Context: Frieza's lasers can't hit Dyspo
Dyspo: "You can't hit me! Sorry, but I'm the fastest in all the universes."

Episode: 122
Time: 10:30-10:32
Context: As Vegeta and Jiren are fighting
Vegeta: "I've never encountered an energy as strong and heavy as this."

Episode: 122
Time: 12:11-12:19
Context: Vegeta managed to land a hit on Jiren
Piccolo: "Impressive, Vegeta. When high-speed rush of fists blew Goku away, he was making sure to observe Jiren's movements."

Episode: 122
Time: 13:02-13:22
Context: Whis thinks that Vegeta is attempting to reach UI by fighting Jiren
Whis: "Perhaps... [] Vegeta san may be attempting to attain that by fighting Jiren. Ultra Instinct."
Beerus: "I see. The way he attempted to dodge earlier..."

Episode: 122
Time: 13:30-13:32
Context: Vegeta kicked Jiren in the stomach
Vegeta: "You were faster and stronger when you fought Kakarot!"

Episode: 122
Time: 16:18-16:24
Context: U7's warriors are having a hard time against U3 warriors
Belmod: "How's that, Universe 7?! Compared to your warriors, our powers on a whole different level!"

Episode: 122
Time: 18:10-18:37
Context: As Vegeta charges his final flash attack
Goku: "H-Holy cow, Vegeta! I can't believe your energy's goin' so high!"
Belmod: "This increase in power... How can it be higher than when he was fighting before?! How? Is this the power of a Saiyan?!"
Piccolo: "Because Jiren provoked Vegeta's pride, he was awakened a power within him!"

Episode: 122
Time: 20:29-20:32
Context: After Jiren survived from Vegeta's final flash
Jiren: "The force of that wasn't half bad."

Episode: 122
Time: 21:05-21:08
Context: After Jiren survived from Vegeta's final flash
U11 Kaioshin: "He surpasses his opponents. That is the way of Jiren!"

123 Episode: U7 VS U11 II
Episode: 123
Time: 05:12-05:17
Context: After Jiren told Vegeta to sleep
Vegeta: "I can tell, Jiren. You aren't using your full strength yet."

Episode: 123
Time: 06:05-06:13
Context: Frieza didn't take any damage after Dyspo throwing him around
Frieza: "Is this the extent of the whatever Troopers' power?"
Cacotte: "He hardly has any damage?!"

Episode: 123
Time: 07:09-07:34
Context: Gohan and No.17 are losing against Toppo
Toppo: "Stop trying to coordinate with me. We can't coordinate when we've never fought together before. At this rate we'll lose our two against one advantage. [] We can at least assign simple roles, right? I'll stop his movements. You target that brief opening and knock me and him both off."

Episode: 123
Time: 08:59-09:24
Context: As Goku approach to Jiren slowly
Supreme Kai: "Just what is Goku san doing?"
Krillin: "He's testing the distance between him and Jiren."
Tien: "Even the Spirit Bomb and Final Flash don't work. Long distance attacks are pointless. He'll have to attack at close range."
Piccolo: "But his opponent isn't someone you can casually approach. He'll use whatever methods he can to create a slightly opening and target that."
No.18: "The question is how to create that opening."

Episode: 123
Time: 10:37-10:54
Context: After Jiren steps the energy blasts that Goku planted
Tien: "They're like landmines."
Roshi: "That's what Goku's going for! The repeated Instant Transmissions were to plant energy blasts in the fighting stage."
Krillin: "If he can shake Jiren even a bit with those explosions, he'll have an opening. Goku is betting on that instant!"

Episode: 123
Time: 12:37-14:02
Context: After Jiren made his way up to the stage from falling off
Vegeta: "Even if that creates an opening, it won't defeat Jiren!"
Goku: "Yeah, I know. He's coming" *Jiren steps another energy blasts that Goku planted* "That's where I laid my traps earlier." *Jiren didn't take any damage* "He's comin' straight through those explosions."
Vegeta: That beast!"

Episode: 123
Time: 14:56-15:04
Context: Jiren powers up
U11 Kaioshin: "What fierce energy!"
Belmod: "I sense a rise in Jiren! I haven't seen Jiren like this in quite a long time!"

Episode: 123
Time: 16:17-16:29
Context: As Jiren's punch blast grazes on Goku's cheek and blows the arena
Belmod: "He's finally showing a hint of his real power."
Krillin: "Wh-What was that attack?!"
U3 Kaioshin: "It's nothing to be shocked by. For Jiren, that's a simple punch."

Episode: 123
Time: 17:09-17:21
Context: After Jiren hit Goku with a powerful blast punches
Goku: "I've never been hit by such a strong before. You really are amazin'. But I ain't about to back down now!"

Episode: 123
Time: 18:23-18:26
Context: Goku turn into SSB with Kaioken
Beerus: "He's releasing all the strength he has! If this doesn't work..."

Episode: 123
Time: 19:12-19:21
Context: Vegeta transform beyond Blue
Roshi: "Vegeta's energy...?!"
Piccolo: "It's different from his usual power as Blue. This boundless energy is..."

Episode: 123
Time: 19:27-19:36
Context: Vegeta transform beyond Blue
Grand Priest: "Vegeta san appears to have broken through his shell, too. He's focused a power far beyond his normal Super Saiyan Blue within his body."

Episode: 123
Time: 19:54-19:58
Context: After Vegeta transform beyond blue
Krillin: "So that's Vegeta's limit breaking power."

Episode: 123
Time: 20:34-20:42
Context: After Goku and Vegeta punched Jiren to the rocks
Tien: "Simultaneous attacks! Are those two actually working together?!"
Jiren: "Both of your strikes are sharper."

Episode: 123
Time: 21:15-21:35
Context: Jiren seems to get overwhelmed by the duo
Krillin: "Yes! They're beating Jiren!"
Tien: "Yes, their attacks together can do it!"
Piccolo: "Jiren's rhythm is off-balance."
Whis: "Goku san and Vegeta san can't do a properly coordinated assault, but ironically, that's what's throwing Jiren off."
Beerus: "That's it! They can defeat him that way!"

Episode: 123
Time: 21:37-21:50
Context: Jiren seems to get overwhelmed by the duo
The narrator: "The counterattack against Jiren has begun. Goku attacking head on, and Vegeta enveloped in all of his power. Their limit-breaking power has Jiren on the ropes."

124 Episode: U7 VS U11; Gohan and Frieza VS Dyspo
Episode: 124
Time: 03:55-04:03
Context: Goku is amazed by Jiren's power against them
Goku: "Jiren's really strong all right. He took our attacks like it was nothin'."

Episode: 124
Time: 05:14-05:16
Context: Goku and Vegeta are pushing Jiren back
Roshi: "Even Jiren can't do anything against that."

Episode: 124
Time: 06:19-05:24
Context: Jiren survived from Goku's KHH and Vegeta's FF
Jiren: "I see. You've shown me your power."

Episode: 124
Time: 07:02-07:14
Context: Frieza explains why he can keep up with Dyspo
Frieza: "Indeed, you seem to possess incredible speed. But Son Goku san told you, didn't he? Your movements are too linear and easy to read."

Episode: 124
Time: 07:28-07:37
Context: Dyspo is impressed with Frieza keeping up with him
Dyspo: "You can keep up with my speed! I guess it wasn't luck that you survived this long. But don't underestimate me. You've only just begun to see my speed!"

Episode: 124
Time: 07:50-08:10
Context: Dyspo begun to overwhelmed Frieza
Dyspo: "What's wrong? I thought you could read my movements!
Supreme Kai: "I can't believe Frieza is being overwhelmed!"
Beerus: "Impossible! [] Is he getting even faster?!"

Episode: 124
Time: 11:29-11:30
Context: After Frieza turn into his golden form
Frieza: "Now I'm going to do everything in my power to knock you off."

Episode: 124
Time: 12:30-12:34
Context: Frieza begun to dominate Dyspo
U11 Kaioshin: "Impossible! He's faster than Dyspo!"

Episode: 124
Time: 12:51-12:58
Context: Frieza taunts Dyspo
Frieza: "You still intend to fight? It's futile. Sadly, your power will never match up to mine."

Episode: 124
Time: 13:04-13:14
Context: Dyspo starts to emit an energy
Frieza: "This energy emanating from Dyspo san. Regardless, you're no threat to me!"

Episode: 124
Time: 13:42-13:52
Context: Dyspo outs-speed Frieza again
Piccolo: "Dyspo's gotten even faster than before!"
Belmod: "Behold! Dyspo's final secret technique. Super Maximum Light Speed Mode!"

Episode: 124
Time: 18:04-18:15
Context: Dyspo is locked inside a beam cage of Frieza
Piccolo: "They're limiting Dyspo field of movement so Gohan's attacks are all hitting!"
Supreme Kai: "An ingenious idea. Gohan san can't lose in a straight-on brawl!"

Episode: 124
Time: 18:16-18:22
Context: Belmod is worried about Dyspo being locked
Belmod: "If he uses Super Maximum Light Speed Mode in that cage of light, he'll hit the bars and hurt himself. This is bad!"

Episode: 124
Time: 19:20-19:39
Context: Frieza's beam cage starting to wear off
Frieza: "Dammit, what is taking so long? This attack is quite draining, you know? Your job is to defeat him. Hurry up!"
Krillin: "Oh no! At this rate, Frieza's stamina won't last."
Supreme Kai: "They need to stop Dyspo's movements before that!"

Episode: 124
Time: 19:49-19:53
Context: Gohan dominates Dyspo
Belmod: "Dammit. If it wasn't for that cage he could move freely."

125 Episode: God of Destruction Toppo is born
Episode: 125
Time: 03:52-03:59
Context: Goku and Vegeta are still no match to Jiren
Vegeta: "Dammit! Even after all those attacks, he isn't even sweating."
Goku: "Yeah. That's what makes him amazin'."

Episode: 125
Time: 05:25-05:35
Context: Toppo blocks No.17's ki blasts
Toppo: "Do you think you can defeat me with this amount of power?"
No.17: "No. But it's according to plan."

Episode: 125
Time: 05:40-05:55
Context: As No.17's plan working
Krillin: "Good! No.17's on the offensive."
Piccolo: "No. He's attacking a lot, but nothing's a deciding hit."
No.18: "That's the point. We have infinite energy. All he needs to do is keep firing and hold out until time's up."

Episode: 125
Time: 06:34-06:36
Context: Toppo managed to stay away from 17's blasts but still running from it
Toppo: "Inexhaustible energy... I'll have to finish this in one shot!"

Episode: 125
Time: 07:14-07:16
Context: Toppo and 17's attacks collides
No.17: "What impressive energy!"

Episode: 125
Time: 11:02-11:06
Context: Toppo powers up which distracts Jiren and Goku/Vegeta
Goku: "What is that massive energy?!"
Jiren: "So, you've made up your mind, Toppo."

Episode: 125
Time: 11:07-11:21
Context: Toppo powers up
Beerus: "Impossible. How can this be?"
Supreme Kai: "This energy. It's almost identical to a god's."
Belmod: "Now's the time to show them that power."

Episode: 125
Time: 12:26-12:28
Context: After Toppo transformed
No.17: "What is this sensation?"

Episode: 125
Time: 13:29-13:55
Context: After Toppo transformed into a God of Destruction
Belmod: "Indeed. It's a power belonging only to Gods of Destruction!"
U11 Kaioshin: "And Toppo is... a candidate to be our Universe 11's God of Destruction!"
Marcarita: "Now is the time to show the results of our training, yes."
Belmod: "Having made up his mind, Toppo is no different from a God of Destruction. Indeed! It's the birth of God of Destruction Toppo!"

Episode: 125
Time: 16:49-16:53
Context: Toppo breaks 17's shield
No.17: "Even his normal ki waves are unbelievably more powerful!"

Episode: 125
Time: 17:04-17:20
Context: 17's ki blasts can't go through Toppo
Krillin: "Why don't attacks work on him?!"
Beerus: "It's destruction. Depending on the situation, he can surround himself with the Energy of Destruction."
Krillin: "What?! Then it's impossible to directly damage him!"

Episode: 125
Time: 17:23-17:33
Context: After 17's ki blasts can't go through Toppo
No.17: "Good grief. Not just my barrier, but even my ki waves don't work. That's a shock. But there has to be a weakness."

Episode: 125
Time: 18:21-18:37
Context: Toppo seems to need to charge his new power before to unleash it
Beerus: "I see. That confirms it. He needs time to charges before he can unleash his Energy of Destruction."
Krillin: "So, if that opening's targeted...!"
Gohan: "It's no good. He can still surround himself with the Energy of Destruction. They'll just end up like that rubble."

126 Episode: Vegeta VS Toppo II
Episode: 126
Time: 11:58-12:06
Context: After Toppo blasts Vegeta's FF away by his energy of destruction
Toppo: "Is that all your powered-up strength has to offer? You can't defeat me. You never will!"

Episode: 126
Time: 12:25-12:27
Context: After Toppo blasts Vegeta's FF away by his energy of destruction
Vegeta: "So that's his power as a God of Destruction."

Episode: 126
Time: 12:58-13:04
Context: As Vegeta and Toppo trade punches and kicks
Vegeta: "Is he really the same guy?! He's nothing like he was before!"

Episode: 126
Time: 15:05-15:10
Context: Vegeta starts dominating Toppo
Vegeta: "With only this amount of power, how can you call yourself stronger?"

Episode: 126
Time: 16:05-17:21
Context: Vegeta is about to self destruct
Vegeta: "I'll give you an attack too powerful to destroy."
Supreme Kai: "Amazing! An incredible amount of energy is gathering!"
Piccolo: "Is that...?! [] Are you doing that self-sacrificing attack, Vegeta?!"

Episode: 126
Time: 19:52-20:18
Context: After Vegeta survived from his self destruction
Roshi: "He detonated that much energy and survived."
Piccolo: "Super Saiyan Blue and beyond that. Compared with the last time he used that attack and died, he's gotten unbelievably stronger."
Gohan: "So that's why his body was able to stand that attack."
Beerus: "But now, Vegeta's used up all of his power. He can barely stand as it is."

Episode: 126
Time: 21:04
Context: Jiren congratulates Vegeta on defeating Toppo
Jiren: "You gained this much power without casting anything aside. Congratulations on defeating Toppo. Well done! Now feast your eyes on this."

Episode: 126
Time: 21:46-21:48
Context: Jiren powers up again
The Narrator: "In the fray, Jiren, having become the final warrior, unleashes his hidden power."

127 Episode: U7 VS Jiren
Episode: 127
Time: 04:31-04:43
Context: After Jiren powered up
Goku: "What unbelievable energy!"
No.17: "What kind of monster is he?"
Goku: "He was hidin' such power!"

Episode: 127
Time: 04:44-04:54
Context: After Jiren powered up
Krillin: "Th-The force of his energy is reaching all the way here!"
Roshi: "What unbelievable power Jiren has!"
Tien: "Can Goku and the others actually fight against that?!"

Episode: 127
Time: 07:19-07:27
Context: Jiren block Vegeta's punch
Jiren: "A good punch. I can see why you were able to defeat Toppo. But, you won't beat me with that!"

Episode: 127
Time: 08:04-08:13
Context: Jiren punched Goku's KHH away
Krillin: "He erased Goku's Kamehameha!"
Roshi: "What incredible force in that uppercut!"
Piccolo: "That Jiren is unbelievable!"

Episode: 127
Time: 09:41-10:05
Context: After 17's blast wounded Jiren
Goku: "You really are impressive. Thanks to your attack, I know how to deal with Jiren. Looks like gettin' hit by an attack that big, unguarded, can hurt him.|
No.17: "I see. If we can make an opening with coordinated attacks and hit him with an even bigger attack..."
Goku: "Yeah. We just might beat Jiren."

Episode: 127
Time: 12:39-12:42
Context: After Jiren overpowered Goku and co attacks
Goku: "How could he beat our coordinated attack?"

Episode: 127
Time: 18:52-19:02
Context: 17 tries to hold Jiren's giant blast
No.18: "That's crazy, No.17! You're not strong enough! Run, No.17!"

128 Episode: Vegeta's End
Episode: 128
Time: 04:57-05:00
Context: Vegeta fights Jiren on his base form
Krillin: "There's no power in Vegeta's punches!"

Episode: 128
Time: 05:25-05:29
Context: After Jiren punched Vegeta in the face
Piccolo: "Oh no! With that punch, Vegeta's stamina is..."

Episode: 128
Time: 08:15-08:24
Context: As Jiren punches Vegeta over and over again
Vegeta: "H-His punches are so heavy! [] It feels like my body is shattering."

Episode: 128
Time: 13:51-13:55
Context: As Vegeta is healed by senzu bean
Roshi: "Thanks to your effort, Goku's recovered a little bit of his stamina."

Episode: 128
Time: 15:17-15
Context: After Jiren knocked Goku to the rocks
Tien: "Even having received Vegeta's energy against Jiren, Super Saiyan Blue isn't enough!"

Episode: 128
Time: 15:48-15:50
Context: After Jiren knocked Goku to the rocks
Jiren: "It appears you've reached your limits."

Episode: 128
Time: 20:30-20:35
Context: As Goku transformed into UI mode
Belmod: "That damned Son Goku. How many times is he going to surpass his limits?!"

129 Episode: UI Goku VS Jiren II
Episode: 129
Time: 06:38-07:16
Context: Goku and Jiren are fighting
Supreme Kai: "Goku san's movements are even sharper!"
Elder Kaioshin: "But, it looks like he can't seem to land a deciding blow."
Whis: "It's the same as with Kefla san. When he attacks, Goku san is letting his thoughts interfere. The various thoughts and decisions that occur when attacking. With Ultra Instinct, these will dull attacks and prevent them from having their proper impact. Hopefully he can avoid just wasting time and stamina without landing a single effective strike."

Episode: 129
Time: 08:14-08:26
Context: Jiren blocks Goku's KHH
Toppo: "Jiren... Son Goku's movements and depths of his power. With a single fight and by observing the battle with Kefla, he already saw through it all."

Episode: 129
Time: 09:09-09:14
Context: Goku used his KHH as a barrier against Jiren's blast
Tien: "He used the flow of his Kamehameha as a barrier to prevent a direct hit."

Episode: 129
Time: 09:48-10:40
Context: Vegeta interrupts Belmod after learning that UI is incomplete
Vegeta: "What utter rubbish. Incomplete, you say? That means there is something that lies beyond his current power. To ignore that and decide the outcome. Since when did gods become so hasty?"
U11 Kaioshin: "What is your point?"
Belmod: "Are you saying he'll master Instinct from now and surpass Jiren? Impossible! Talk about rubbish!"
Vegeta: "What makes you so sure? In this Tournament of Power, in this limited time, we Saiyans have broken through our limits time and time again. You've seen it too."

Episode: 129
Time: 13:58-14:44
Context: Goku is starting to get use on UI mode
Whis: "I feel it. An accelerating rise of energy, not from confusion, but from pure impulse. Right now, on Jiren, no, on the fight itself, Goku san is focusing his heart and soul, heating himself up intensely and wild. The erasure of the universe. The difference in power. Hesitation, panic, fear itself turn to nothing in the flames and all he can feel is himself, his opponents, and the fight. In time, he becomes so hot and fast that even such perception grows dim and fades. As he dives into a state deeper than instinct, there he finds."

Episode: 129
Time: 14:47-14:52
Context: Goku's heat reaches to the spectator seats
U11 Kaioshin: "Just what is this heat?"
Toppo: "The heat radiating from Son Goku is reaching this far?!"

Episode: 129
Time: 15:26-15:55
Context: Goku is trapped on a rock by Jiren's shockwave punches
Supreme Kai: "Jiren's attacks are becoming more ferocious."
Elder Kaioshin: "An attack that combines the shockwave from his fists and super rapid-fire punches. And released at such a scale!"
No.18: "Not only that, but look at where Son Goku is."
Tien: "Below him is completely out of bounds. He's out of options. Even if he can block the attacks, how long will his footing last?"
Roshi: "The surrounding rocks are crumbling, too. He needs to hurry or there'll be nowhere to run!"

Episode: 129
Time: 17:22-17:32
Context: Goku goes offensive mode
Toppo: "That's the shock from the force of their fists hitting each other! Son Goku! Have his movements begun to switch from defensive to offensive?!"

Episode: 129
Time: 19:26-19:30
Context: Jiren respond to Goku's heat
Toppo: "I can't believe how heated Jiren's become!"
U3 Kaioshin: "This force, It's going to crush us as well!"

130 Episode: MUI Goku VS Jiren
Episode: 130
Time: 03:37-03:56
Context: After Goku mastered the UI
U1 Kaioshin: "Oh... That form... Are you saying Son Goku has mastered Ultra Instinct? How will he fight against a full-power Jiren? And what sort of conclusion will their fight have? How very interesting."

Episode: 130
Time: 04:20-04:22
Context: As Goku began his counter-attack against Jiren
Piccolo: "Is that the speed of the complete Ultra Instinct?"

Episode: 130
Time: 04:35-04:37
Context: Jiren isn't impressed by Goku's complete UI
Jiren: "Don't get cocky just because you've powered up!"

Episode: 130
Time: 06:32-06:34
Context: As Goku dominates Jiren easily
Krillin: "After all that struggle, now he's overwhelming Jiren!"

Episode: 130
Time: 07:07-07:14
Context: After Goku dominated Jiren
U11 Kaioshin: "I can't believe he'd be overpowered this much. Could his power now be far beyond that of Jiren's?!"

Episode: 130
Time: 07:55-08:00
Context: Jiren powers up once more
Roshi: "What a tremendous storm of energy!"
Tien: "Jiren's energy is increasing even more!"

Episode: 130
Time: 09:05-09:20
Context: After Jiren powered up
Piccolo: "Jiren's energy has increased dramatically!"
Supreme Kai: "Why in the world?!"
Vegeta: "It looks like being cornered by Kakarot made him remember his past trauma."
Gohan: "That must have awakened Jiren's hidden power."

Episode: 130
Time: 11:54-11:59
Context: Goku didn't take any damage after Jiren fired him a giant blast
Jiren: "You still have this much power left? Persistent bastard!"

Episode: 130
Time: 13:17-13:21-13:35
Context: Goku stands up after Jiren fired him a giant blast
Jiren: "Impossible! You shouldn't have any more stamina! [] How can you still stand after being beaten so many times, Son Goku?!"

Episode: 130
Time: 13:50-13:54
Context: After Goku told Jiren that he can't just back down now
Jiren: "Silence! Such a thing is meaningless before my power!"

Episode: 130
Time: 14:04-14:08
Context: Goku and Jiren are about to fight
U11 Kaioshin: "Son Goku's speed has increased even more!"
Belmod: "Impossible! How can that be?!"

Episode: 130
Time: 16:02-16:05
Context: After Goku dominated Jiren
Goku: "This is our power, Jiren!"

Episode: 130
Time: 19:54-19:59
Context: The strain of UI is too much for Goku
Whis: "The limit-breaking power of the gods. I didn't think the toll would be this great."

131 Episode: The Finale
Episode: 131
Time: 02:28-02:33
Context: Frieza taunts Jiren
Frieza: "I don't sense that absolute strength you exhibited earlier anymore."

Episode: 131
Time: 03:12-03:38
Context: As Frieza and Jiren are fighting
Frieza: "Oh? What happened to your usual poker face? [] Once shattered strength is so fragile. I can almost hear your heart shrieking. Afraid to become the weakling you once were."
*Jiren proceeds to beat up Frieza*
Jiren: "You said my strength was shattered. Why don't you see for yourself if it really has been!"

Episode: 131
Time: 06:40-06:50
Context: Jiren gets motivated by Toppo and counterattacks Freeza, forcing him and 17 to desperately combine their power to hold back his blast
No.17: "Increase your energy!"
Frieza: "Don't tell me what to do!"
*Jiren's blast starts breaking their barrier*
No.17: "Increase your energy more!"
Frieza: "Don't tell me what to do!" *Reverts back to his base form*

Episode: 131
Time: 07:55-08:00
Context: Jiren regain his strength back after Goku rejoin to the battle
Gohan: "An amazing amount of energy is gathering in Jiren!"
Vegeta: "It looks like Jiren's gotten over his issues!"

Episode: 131
Time: 08:01-08:10
Context: Goku is amazed by Jiren's strength
Goku: "Jiren really is amazin'... He got this strong all by himself. Even all of us together might not be able to beat him."

Episode: 131
Time: 11:52-12:11
Context: As Zenos are about to erase U11
Goku: "Jiren! I know we just finished fightin', but, I still ain't had enough. I know you'll probably hate this, but I think we both got stronger by fightin'. I wanna see you again!"

Episode: 131
Time: 21:09-21:43
Context: Goku and Vegeta are fighting
Vegeta: "Hey, Kakarot, what happened to your Ultra Instinct?!"
Goku: "I can't do it! [] I guess I was pushed to the edge in the tournament and did it accidentally!"
Vegeta: "Oh? Then I'll just attain an even greater power! [] You're the last person I'll ever let surpass me!"
Goku: "Vegeta! We can get even stronger!"
Vegeta: "Of course! A Saiyan's strength has no limits!"

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
In the foreseeable future since we don't know long Super will be done hence I'm just saving some space. :ladd

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
The one that Herms did was a fact checker not a strength checker, therefore it doesn't include every strength related quote from the earlier arcs.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Nice job bro. Just noticed this topic. Should be helpful.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Anyone is welcome to point out some mistake in my posts. :cage2


I noticed that a lot of the quotes that you used are unnecessarily long. Sometimes you even put entire conversations which doesn't really add anything of substance.

For example:

Episode: 63
Time: 20:51-21:52
Context: Vegeta explain to Zamasu how Goku's body works
Vegeta: "Shall I tell you where you miscalculated?"
Black: "Miscalculated?"
Vegeta: "That body... down to the very corners of its cells... was made by Kakarot's long, fierce history of combat! For you it's just a borrowed vessel! Only a true numbskull like him... can use the Saiyan cells within it... to their fullest!"
Black: "Why is there such a difference in strength?"
Vegeta: "Would you like to know? It's because you're a fake. And I'm the Saiyan prince... Vegeta sama! That's why!"

can be shortened to...

Episode: 63
Time: 20:51-21:52
Context: Vegeta explain to Zamasu how Goku's body works
Vegeta: "That body... down to the very corners of its cells... was made by Kakarot's long, fierce history of combat! For you it's just a borrowed vessel! Only a true numbskull like him... can use the Saiyan cells within it... to their fullest!"

I also noticed that you included a bunch of quotes that have nothing to do with strength (Like the time machine for example).

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
Fearless Super said:
Anyone is welcome to point out some mistake in my posts. :cage2


I noticed that a lot of the quotes that you used are unnecessarily long. Sometimes you even put entire conversations which doesn't really add anything of substance.

For example:

Episode: 63
Time: 20:51-21:52
Context: Vegeta explain to Zamasu how Goku's body works
Vegeta: "Shall I tell you where you miscalculated?"
Black: "Miscalculated?"
Vegeta: "That body... down to the very corners of its cells... was made by Kakarot's long, fierce history of combat! For you it's just a borrowed vessel! Only a true numbskull like him... can use the Saiyan cells within it... to their fullest!"
Black: "Why is there such a difference in strength?"
Vegeta: "Would you like to know? It's because you're a fake. And I'm the Saiyan prince... Vegeta sama! That's why!"

can be shortened to...

Episode: 63
Time: 20:51-21:52
Context: Vegeta explain to Zamasu how Goku's body works
Vegeta: "That body... down to the very corners of its cells... was made by Kakarot's long, fierce history of combat! For you it's just a borrowed vessel! Only a true numbskull like him... can use the Saiyan cells within it... to their fullest!"

I also noticed that you included a bunch of quotes that have nothing to do with strength (Like the time machine for example).
Would you like to edit it all for me? Also it's not just about strength but some important things as well.