DBZ Movies Battle Powers (Incomplete)


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Well I'm watching the movies so why not?

Dead Zone
Kuririn and co. know who Gohan is, but Goku and Piccolo have the same talk about weighted clothing they had vs Raditz. It seems like Raditz arrived late or never at all in this timeline. The anime fits this before the Saiyan Saga even starts with a couple contradictions (par for the course for Toei), but it doesn't change much.

Goku (Weighted clothing): 462
~ Weights removed: 693

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 448
~ Weights removed: 679

Kami-Sama: 550
Kuririn: 329

Chi-Chi: 130
Gyumao: 15

Gohan: 1
~ True Power: 1,307

Nicky, Ginger & Sansho: 320 each
~ Full Power: 400 each

Garlic Jr: 600
~ Full Power: 900

World's Strongest Guy
Gohan remembers Piccolo's sacrifice, but this is clearly pre Freeza since Goku has Kaio's dounji on his Gi and can't go Super Saiyan. Freeza probably never went to Namek on this timeline, and maybe neither did Vegeta.

Goku: 12,000
~ Kaio-Ken x2: 24,000
~ Kaio-Ken x3: 36,000
~ Kaio-Ken x4: 48,000

~ Genki-Dama: 50,000

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 8,400
~ Full power: 10,500

Gohan: 1,500
~ Enraged: 3,360

Kuririn: 2,000

Master Roshi: 139 + Ultra Instinct
Bulma: 4
Oolong: 3

Dr. Kochin: 12

Bio-Men: 100 each

Misokatsun: 5,000
Ebifurya: 6,000
Kishime: 7,500

Dr. Willow: 30,000
~ Full power: 39,000

Tree of Might
Same as Movie 2.

Goku: 32,000
~ Kaio-Ken x2: 64,000
~ Kaio-Ken x10: 320,000

~ Weakened Genki-Dama: 25,000
~ Shinseiju Genki-Dama: 500,000

Gohan: 10,000
~ Oozaru: 100,000

Kuririn: 7,000
Yamcha: 6,000
Tenshinhan: 7,200
Chaozu: 2,400

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 18,000
~ Full power: 22,500

Raisin: 9,000
Lakasei: 9,000
Cacao: 10,000
Amond: 12,000
Daiz: 15,000

Tullece: 38,000
~ Post power ball: 30,000
~ Kill Driver: 150,000
~ Shinseiju fruit eaten: 450,000

Lord Slug
Kaio warns Goku that Slug is stronger than Freeza, so this is post Namek. Goku sort of goes Super Saiyan but doesn’t, so this one is kinda tough. Daizenshuu 6 says it’s Ginyu Saga, so Goku probably avoided Ginyu’s body switch and killed Freeza in a lower form?

Goku: 90,000
~ False Super Saiyan: 4,500,000
~ Kaio-Ken x100: 9,000,000
~ Genki-Dama: 10,000,000

Gohan: 14,000
Kuririn: 13,000

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 33,600
~ Unweighted: 42,000

Dorodabo: 22,000
Medamatcha: 26,000
Angila: 30,000

Lord Slug: 100,000
~ Youth restored: 1,000,000
~ Super Namekian: 5,000,000

Cooler’s Revenge
Clearly takes place after Namek. Seems like Goku never went to Yardrat on this continuity though.

Goku: 4,000,000
~ Zenkai: 4,500,000
~ Kaio-Ken x10: 45,000,000
~ Kaio-Ken x20: 90,000,000

~ Super Saiyan: 225,000,000

Gohan: 800,000
Kuririn: 100,000

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 2,400,000
~ Full power: 3,000,000

Dore: 850,000
Neiz: 630,000
Sauzer: 1,700,000

Cooler: 4,500,000
~ Full power (Unseen): 90,000,000
~ Transformed: 150,000,000

Return of Cooler
Everyone is on their Android Saga levels, but Dende is Kami for some reason and Trunks is absent. This probably takes place during the 3 year gap, with Kami either retired or having agreed to merge with Piccolo before the Androids came.

Goku: 6,000,000
~ Kaio-Ken x10: 60,000,000
~ Kaio-Ken x20: 120,000,000

~ Super Saiyan: 300,000,000

Vegeta: 6,300,000
~ Super Saiyan: 320,000,000

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 5,000,000
~ Full power: 250,000,000

Gohan: 4,000,000
Kuririn: 300,000

Master Roshi: 139 + UI
Yajirobe: 970
Oolont: 3

Cyclopian Guards: 100,000 each

Metal Cooler: 275,00,000
~ Repaired: 375,000,000
~ Repaired again: 425,000,000

Super Android 13
The cold open recreates Gero's death, so we know the twins have been activated. They were probably defeated by a mix of Kamiccolo's power and Kuririn using the controler, though. Probably same continuity as Movie 6.

Goku: 6,400,000
~ Super Saiyan: 320,000,000
~ Super Saiyan (Genki-Dama absorbed): 800,000,000

Vegeta: 6,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 300,000,000

Trunks: 5,700,000
~ Super Saiyan: 285,000,000

Piccolo: 450,000,000

Gohan: 4,000,000
Kuririn: 300,000

Android 15: 5,600,000
~ Full power: 280,000,000

Android 14: 4,800,000
~ Full power: 240,000,000

Android 13: 6,400,000
~ Full power: 320,000,000
~ Super: 600,000,000

The Legendary Super Saiyan
Gohan can go Super Saiyan but Goku is still alive and they aren't training, plus Vegeta and Trunks are still using the Grade forms, so the Cell Games never happened.

Goku: 30,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 1,500,000,000
~ Kamehameha: 2,250,000,000
~ Miracle Punch: 6,000,000,000

Vegeta: 16,800,000
~ Super Saiyan: 840,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2nd Grade: 1,260,000,000

Trunks: 16,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 800,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2nd Grade: 1,200,000,000

Gohan: 20,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 1,000,000,000

Piccolo: 1,200,000,000

Kuririn: 300,000

Paragus: 42,000

Broly (Restrained): 1,750
~ Full power: 35,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 1,750,000,000
~ Legendary Super Saiyan: 3,500,000,000+

Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans OVA
Despite the Broly reference, this is an alternate timeline where the Cell Games do happen: See Vegeta and Trunks' clothing and hair. Hatchyiak "might be" stronger than Broly, but Takao Koyama recently said he's comparable to Cell. Cooler, Tullece and Slug showing up also mess up the timeline.

Goku: 60,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 3,000,000,000

Gohan: 80,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 4,000,000,000

Vegeta: 42,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,100,000,000

Trunks: 40,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,000,000,000

Piccolo: 1,200,000,000

Hatchiyak: 6,000,000,000,000

Bojack Unbound
Obviously takes place after the Cell Games.

Gohan: 80,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 4,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2 (Enraged): 9,000,000,000

Trunks: 40,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,000,000,000

Vegeta: 42,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,100,000,000

Piccolo: 1,200,000,000

Kuririn: 300,000
Tenshinhan: 180,000
Yamcha: 120,000

Goku: 60,000,000

Gokua: 1,000,000,000
~ Full power: 1,500,000,000

Bujiin: 2,400,000,000
Bido: 2,500,000,000
Zangya: 3,000,000,000

Bojack: 4,500,000,000
~ Full power: 6,750,000,000

Broly: Second Coming
Happens before the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai, when Gohan and co. are training.

Gohan: 64,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 3,200,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2: 6,400,000,000

Goten: 48,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,400,000,000

Trunks: 50,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,500,000,000

Goku: 100,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 5,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2: 10,000,000,000

Videl: 8.5

Kuririn: 350,000

Family Kamehameha: 18,800,000,000

Broly: 105,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 5,250,000,000
~ Legendary Super Saiyan: 10,500,000,000

Happens after the 25th Budokai since Satan owes 18 money, but before the boys learn fusion. Presumably Boo was never awakened here.

Goten: 48,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,400,000,000
~ Enraged: 3,600,000,000

Trunks: 50,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,500,000,000

Android 18: 420,000,000
Kurrin: 320,000
Mr. Satan: 6.6

Bio-Men: ~100 each

Bio-Broly: 3,000,000,000

Fusion Reborn
Happens after Goku fights Fat Boo, but before Boo was revived. Goku most likely killed Boo and taught the boys fusion, and then they kept training outside the Rosat since there was no hurry.

Goku: 120,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2: 12,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 3: 48,000,000,000

Paikuhan: 12,000,000,000

Vegeta: 100,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2: 10,000,000,000

Gohan: 120,000,000

Goten: 48,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,400,000,000

Trunks: 50,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,500,000,000

SSJ Gotenks: 32,000,000,000

SSJ Gogeta: 225,000,000,000

Janemba: 32,000,000,000
~ Transformed: 80,000,000,000

Wrath of the Dragon
After the Boo Saga.

Goku: 400,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2: 40,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 3: 160,000,000,000
~ Dragon Fist: 240,000,000,000

Vegeta: 120,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2: 160,000,000,000

Gohan: 120,000,000
~ Ultimate: 120,000,000,000

Goten: 48,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,400,000,000

Trunks: 50,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,500,000,000

SSJ3 Gotenks: 80,000,000,000

Tapion: 2,250,000,000

Hirudegarn (Halves): 40,000,000,000
~ Whole: 80,000,000,000
~ Transformed: 200,000,000,000

A Final, Solitary Battle + Episode of Bardock

Bardock: 7,500
~ Oozaru: 75,000
~ Zenkai: 10,000
~ Super Saiyan: 500,000

Toma: 5,000
~ Oozaru: 50,000

Selypa: 4,000
~ Oozaru: 40,000

Toteppo: 3,750
~ Oozaru: 37,500

Pambukin: 3,600
~ Oozaru: 36,000

Kanassanjins: 1,000 ~ 5,000 each

Dodoria's Men: 6,000 each

Dodoria: 22,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Freeza: 530,000

King Vegeta: 12,000
Prince Vegeta: 9,000
Nappa: 3,000

Kakarotto: 2
Grandpa Gohan: 70

Chilled's Soldiers: 800 each
Chilled: 300,000

Defiance in the Face of Despair

Piccolo: 3,750,000

Vegeta: 3,600,000

~ Super Saiyan: 180,000,000

Yamcha: 40,000
Tenshinhan: 67,500
Chaozu: 13,500

Kuririn: 100,000
Yajirobe: 970

Gohan: 2,700,000
~ Super Saiyan: 135,000,000
~ Base, post training: 3,300,000
~ Super Saiyan: 165,000,000
~ Enraged: 330,000,000

Trunks: 950,000
~ Post training: 1,900,000
~ Super Saiyan: 95,000,000
~ Base, post 3 years: 3,900,000
~ Super Saiyan: 190,000,000

Android 18: 350,000,000
Android 17: 375,000,000

Yo! Son Goku & His Friends Return!

Tarble: 900

Goku: 100,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 5,000,000,000

Vegeta: 100,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 5,000,000,000

Goten: 48,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,400,000,000

Trunks: 50,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 2,500,000,000

Gohan: 120,000,000
Piccolo: 1,500,000,000
Android 18: 420,000,000

Kuririn: 340,000
Yamcha: 120,000
Yajirobe: 970

Gotenks (Suppressed): 960,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 1,200,000,000

Abo: 600,000
Kado: 600,000

Aka: 1,200,000,000
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Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Uiro should be stronger. Even Kaioken x4 Goku couldn't beat him. Isn't the official number 39,000?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Yeah the "official number" is 39,000, but they're just card stats. Kaio-Ken x3 Goku still ripped off his arm.

I'm fine with Willow being lower than Kaio-Ken x4 Goku because the movie is replicating the same shit that happened to Vegeta. Got beaten by Kaio-Ken x3, but survived a Kaio-Ken x4.
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Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Uiro was overpowering Kaioken x3 Goku though.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Raised Uiro to his “official” 39k, it goes better with his feats. Goku ripping off his arm isn’t very different from his blowing Metallic’s head away with a Kamehameha I think.

Probably going to watch Movie 3 pretty soon because I’m bored


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Watched Movie 4. Not sure whether to make Slug stronger than 100% Freeza or > a suppressed Freeza though. I see no reason to not have Slug stronger than FP Freeza, though it makes things tight for Movie 5. Gonna wait until I see M5 to do this one.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Movie 5 is pretty confusing. SSJ Goku > Freeza > Base Goku > Freeza > Cooler > Base Goku?

I’m thinking Goku got a Zenkai. Cooler is definitely surprised Goku not only resisted being one shot but also fought back. He probably had Initial 4th form Freeza in mine (the 2-3% power he used vs Vegeta and Goku) or maybe 50%-70% at best. Those are the levels Freeza walks around with in his final form. It’s not until Goku goes SSJ that he surpassed Freeza’s maximum.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Movie 6 added. Piccolo is a bit tough to scale since he only fights Cooler off screen, and Cooler arguably had powered up beyond Android level by this point. I think Movie 7 confirms Piccolo > SSJs, but if it doesn’t I’m bumping the Saiyans to above #17 level.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Coola is way stronger in your list tho.

Did some editing in the middle of the way and forgot to mention it. Fake SSJ Goku used to be = Namek SSJ Goku and Slug was like, Mecha Freeza level. Now I lowered Goku to his Ginyu fight level.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Well I'm watching the movies so why not?

Dead Zone
Kuririn and co. know who Gohan is, but Goku and Piccolo have the same talk about weighted clothing they had vs Raditz. It seems like Raditz arrived late or never at all in this timeline. The anime fits this before the Saiyan Saga even starts with a couple contradictions (par for the course for Toei), but it doesn't change much.

Goku (Weighted clothing): 334
~ Weights removed: 416

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 322
~ Weights removed: 408

Kami-Sama: 300
Kuririn: 206

Chi-Chi: 130
Gyumao: 15

Gohan: 1
~ True Power: 710
You forgot the power that sealed Garlic Jr. off. Gohan should be at least 1,307 like he was against Raditz. You can argue that he was even higher as the way Gohan defeats Garlic Jr was similiar to the way he blowed up a mountain and Piccolo says there that it's even greater than the power he had when head-butt Raditz. Probably because the Dead Zone's power was close to Raditz.
Nicky, Ginger & Sansho: 240 each
~ Full Power: 300 each
The henchmen are too close to Goku and Piccolo. I would lower them to 250.
~ Full Power: 450
I would raise Garlic Jr to at least 500 as he was still required both Goku and Piccolo to beat him and it was not easy. The Dead Zone was said to be a lot stronger. it should be close to 1,000 at least.

World's Strongest Guy
Gohan remembers Piccolo's sacrifice, but this is clearly pre Freeza since Goku has Kaio's dounji on his Gi and can't go Super Saiyan. Freeza probably never went to Namek on this timeline, and maybe neither did Vegeta.

Goku: 11,000
~ Kaio-Ken x2: 22,000
~ Kaio-Ken x3: 33,000
~ Kaio-Ken x4: 44,000
~ Genki-Dama: 50,000
There is no reason to have Goku stronger than he was vs Vegeta excpet in universe explanation and since movies are alternative universe, there is no reason to follow it.
Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 8,800
~ Full power: 11,000
First, Piccolo is no equal to Goku at all. You can argue the mind controller made him stronger. The controller he had even reminds Nappa's popping veins suggesting Piccolo was as strong as Nappa. Second, no way Movie 2 Piccolo is over 10k when he is just 18k in the next movie. Putting him at 5,000 while normal and close to 8,000 while being controlled makes much more sense
Gohan: 1,500
~ Enraged: 5,000

Kuririn: 2,000

Master Roshi: 139 + Ultra Instinct
Bulma: 4
Oolong: 3

Dr. Kochin: 12

Bio-Men: 100 each

Misokatsun: 5,000
Ebifurya: 6,000
Kishime: 7,500

Dr. Willow: 39,000
Initial Doctor Uiru should be weaker than Kaioken x3 Goku as Goku broke his arm but I agree his full power in space is higher than Kaioken x3 Goku but just that Uiru tops out at 30k.
Tree of Might
Same as Movie 2.

Goku: 32,000
~ Kaio-Ken x2: 64,000
~ Kaio-Ken x10: 320,000
~ Weakened Genki-Dama: 25,000
~ Shinseiju Genki-Dama: 500,000
Tullece himself after eating the fruit rivals Freeza so the Genki Dama should be higher. Also, the first Genki Dama should be close to Tullece as he seemed to put some effort to block it with his blast
Gohan: 10,000
~ Oozaru: 100,000

Kuririn: 7,000
Yamcha: 6,000
Tenshinhan: 7,200
Chaozu: 2,400

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 18,000
~ Full power: 22,500

Raisin: 9,000
Lakasei: 9,000
Cacao: 10,000
Amond: 12,000
Daiz: 15,000
Almond > Daiz
Tullece: 38,000
~ Post power ball: 30,000
~ Kill Driver: 150,000
~ Shinseiju fruit eaten: 450,000
It seems like Toei ignored the fact that the moon weakens the one who creates it. Tullece being close to 40k makes no sense going by the time of the movie's release.
Lord Slug
Kaio warns Goku that Slug is stronger than Freeza, so this is post Namek. Goku sort of goes Super Saiyan but doesn’t, so this one is kinda tough. Daizenshuu 6 says it’s Ginyu Saga, so Goku probably avoided Ginyu’s body switch and killed Freeza in a lower form?

Goku: 90,000
~ False Super Saiyan: 4,500,000
~ Kaio-Ken x100: 9,000,000
~ Genki-Dama: 10,000,000

Gohan: 14,000
Kuririn: 13,000

Gohan and Krillin were not stated to be over 10k in the anime and while Gohan fought Recoome, his power was said to be over 20k. Movie 4 Gogan and Krillin should be as strong as they were when they fought Goku in Ginyu's body.
Both Gohan and Krillin were not said to be surpassing 10k in the anime and when Gohan fought Recoome, he was said to be over 20k. Movie 4 Gohan and Krillin should be as strong as they were when they fought Ginyu in Goku's body.
Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 33,600
~ Unweighted: 42,000
Piccolo is too weak. He should be around 60k which was the estimated power Goku had when he fought Recoome, Burter and Jiece. He even took out Dorodabo who should be as strong as Recoome.
Dorodabo: 22,000
Medamatcha: 26,000
Angila: 30,000
The 3 henchmen should be as strong as Jiece, Burter and Recoome.
Lord Slug: 100,000
~ Youth restored: 1,000,000
~ Super Namekian: 5,000,000
Old Slug should be as strong as Ginyu. His giant state should be much stronger than False SSjin Goku as Kaio said even SSjin Goku is no match for Slug

Movie 4 False SSjin Goku ~ Vegeta (Final Zenkai on Namek)

Giant Slug ~ Initial Final Form Freeza.

You have Slug a lot stronger than Initial Final Form Freeza but that's purely because you use the Daizenshuu's number for Goku on Namek when he fought Freeza which was 3,000,000 but that's a retcon well after this movie was released.

Cooler’s Revenge
Clearly takes place after Namek. Seems like Goku never went to Yardrat on this continuity though.

Goku: 3,600,000
~ Zenkai: 4,500,000
~ Kaio-Ken x10: 45,000,000
~ Kaio-Ken x20: 90,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 225,000,000

Gohan: 1,200,000
Kuririn: 500,000
Both Gohan and Krillin are overrated
Krillin was never implied to be so strong and neither Gohan. Krillin was still well below 1st form Freeza. Gohan was never implied to be over 1,000,000. That's basically having him rivalling Piccolo which is wrong

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 2,500,000
~ Full power: 3,000,000
What suggests Piccolo was so strong as close to Goku? The movie is based on the Freeza Arc
Dore: 2,250,000
Neiz: 2,250,000
Sauzer: 3,000,000
Sauzer was weaker than Piccolo. The henchmen are way too high.
Cooler: 4,500,000
~ Full power (Unseen): 90,000,000
~ Transformed: 180,000,000
I would have a bigger gap between SSjin Goku and Cooler.
Return of Cooler
Everyone is on their Android Saga levels, but Dende is Kami for some reason and Trunks is absent. This probably takes place during the 3 year gap, with Kami either retired or having agreed to merge with Piccolo before the Androids came.

Goku: 5,940,000
~ Kaio-Ken x10: 59,400,000
~ Kaio-Ken x20: 118,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 297,000,000

Vegeta: 6,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 300,000,000

Piccolo (Weighted clothing): 4,800,000
~ Full power: 240,000,000

Gohan: 4,000,000
Kuririn: 1,500,000

Master Roshi: 139 + UI
Yajirobe: 970
Oolont: 3

Cyclopian Guards: 1,000,000 each

Metal Cooler: 281,250,000
~ Repaired: 375,000,000
~ Repaired again: 500,000,000
There is no reason to have Metal Coola a battle power after he came back for the second time because it was not even shown what he was able to do. His post repaired state should be as strong as Android 18.
Super Android 13
The cold open recreates Gero's death, so we know the twins have been activated. They were probably defeated by a mix of Kamiccolo's power and Kuririn using the controler, though. Probably same continuity as Movie 6.

Goku: 6,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 300,000,000
~ Super Saiyan (Genki-Dama absorbed): 3,000,000,000

Vegeta: 6,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 300,000,000

Trunks: 5,760,000
~ Super Saiyan: 288,000,000

Piccolo: 480,000,000

Gohan: 4,000,000
Kuririn: 1,500,000

Android 15: 5,750,000
~ Full power: 287,500,000

Android 14: 5,000,000
~ Full power: 250,000,000

Android 13: 6,250,000
~ Full power: 312,500,000
~ Super: 850,000,000

The Legendary Super Saiyan
Gohan can go Super Saiyan but Goku is still alive, so this is during the 10 days wait. Cell may or may not be dead already, but I don't think this would stop everyone else from taking their Rosat turns.
No. Movie 8 is based on the Perfect Cell Arc. Movie 8 Vegeta and Trunks are 1st Post Rosat. Gohan and Goku are based on their initial Post-RoSaT selves which at that point was for Goku to be just stronger than SSjinG 2 Vegeta (1st Post-RoSaT) and Gohan was still unknown but grouped with Trunks and Vegeta.
Goku: 360,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 18,000,000,000
~ Kamehameha: 27,000,000,000

Vegeta: 200,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 10,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2nd Grade: 15,000,000,000

Trunks: 192,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 9,600,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2nd Grade: 14,400,000,000

Gohan: 480,000,000
~ Super Saiyan (Shouki loss): 12,000,000,000

Piccolo: 7,500,000,000

Kuririn: 1,500,000

Paragus: 42,000

Broly: 1,500,000
~ Full power: 750,000,000
~ Super Saiyan (Restrained): 30,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan (Full power): 37,500,000,000
~ Legendary Super Saiyan: 75,000,000,000+
Lol at M8 SSjin Broli being as strong as Super Bojack. Movie 8 SSjin Broli should be comparable to the suppressed Perfect Cell who tanked SSjinG 2 Vegeta (they both tank the kick in a similiar way after all). LSSjin Broli should be as strong as the suppressed Perfect Cell who fought Goku. Hence, movie 8 is based on the Perfect Cell Arc.
Bojack Unbound
Obviously takes place after the Cell Games.

Gohan: 480,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 24,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2 (Enraged): 54,000,000,000

Trunks: 240,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 12,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2nd Grade: 18,000,000,000

Vegeta: 200,000,000
~ Super Saiyan: 10,000,000,000
~ Super Saiyan 2nd Grade: 15,000,000,000

Piccolo: 7,500,000,000

Kuririn: 1,500,000
Tenshinhan: 1,200,000
Yamcha: 750,000

Gokua: 5,000,000,000
~ Full power: 7,500,000,000

Bujiin: 10,000,000,000
Bido: 12,500,000,000
Zangya: 15,000,000,000
Why is Zangya stronger than Bujin and Bido? If anything, Bido seemed like the strongest of the henchmen. They should be comparable to the Cell Jrs.
Bojack: 25,000,000,000
~ Full power: 37,500,000,000
You have Vegeta, Trunks and Piccolo as strong as you have them in movie 8 which is wrong. In movie 8, Vegeta and Trunks are 1st Post Rosat. In movie 9, they are 2nd Post Rosat AKA Cell Games. Piccolo in movie 9 is based on his Anime Cell Games self where he was no far from Vegeta and Trunks. In movie 8, he is weaker than Vegeta who was 1st Post Rosat SSjinG 2. Bojack > Movie 8 Broli just like any other movie and the Z fighters are stronger in movie 9 than they were in movie 8 like any other movie.

Answers in red.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
And Vegeta matched Kaioken x3 Goku. Does that make Vegeta ~ Kaioken x 3 Goku?
No.. He was evenly matched with Ki amplification. Uiro fired a generic ki blast at the last second and easily overcame Kaioken x3 Goku. Kaioen x4 Goku managed to blast him into the sky but Uiro survived it without much difficulty. 39,000 works perfectly for him.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
No.. He was evenly matched with Ki amplification. Uiro fired a generic ki blast at the last second and easily overcame Kaioken x3 Goku. Kaioen x4 Goku managed to blast him into the sky but Uiro survived it without much difficulty. 39,000 works perfectly for him.
Who said it was a generic ki blast? Maybe it was a powerful one. Also Kaioken x4 overpowered him easily so he can't be 39k, at least not before he was on space. I see no reason to have Goku any different than he was vs Vegeta. 32k > Doctor Uiru.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
You forgot the power that sealed Garlic Jr. off. Gohan should be at least 1,307 like he was against Raditz. You can argue that he was even higher as the way Gohan defeats Garlic Jr was similiar to the way he blowed up a mountain and Piccolo says there that it's even greater than the power he had when head-butt Raditz. Probably because the Dead Zone's power was close to Raditz.

I can't find any statements about Gohan's power being higher when he blew up the mountain. Regardless, I think either level works since he defeated Garlic Jr pretty easily. 1,307 is probably the more accurate one given his anger though. 710 was more nervous than enraged.

The henchmen are too close to Goku and Piccolo. I would lower them to 250.

I think it works just fine. Remember they have to be > Kuririn even in base. The advantage Goku and Piccolo have over them is similar to the advantage Vegeta had over Zarbon or Dodoria.

I would raise Garlic Jr to at least 500 as he was still required both Goku and Piccolo to beat him and it was not easy. The Dead Zone was said to be a lot stronger. it should be close to 1,000 at least.

Looked like a pretty easy fight to me. Even Goku or Piccolo could put up some resistance on their own.

I have no idea what to make of the Dead Zone. Interdimensional holes is a Boo Saga level feat, but it's gravitational pull (which I'm not even sure if it counts as power level) could be resisted by pretty much everyone there.

There is no reason to have Goku stronger than he was vs Vegeta excpet in universe explanation and since movies are alternative universe, there is no reason to follow it.

The movie is an alternative universe because the Freeza Saga never happened. Gohan remembers Piccolo's sacrifice, so the Saiyan Saga definitely happened. This should be post Saiyan Saga Goku, but before he trained in the Gravity Chamber.

First, Piccolo is no equal to Goku at all. You can argue the mind controller made him stronger. The controller he had even reminds Nappa's popping veins suggesting Piccolo was as strong as Nappa. Second, no way Movie 2 Piccolo is over 10k when he is just 18k in the next movie. Putting him at 5,000 while normal and close to 8,000 while being controlled makes much more sense

They had a fairly even fight, though you could argue Goku wasn't going all out because he didn't want to hurt Piccolo. I see the suggestion that brainwashed Piccolo was stronger pretty often, but the movie doesn't really imply it. The "veins" were part of the brainwashing machine.

At lowest I can see Piccolo being like, 8 or 9,000. He's definitely stronger than Nappa since he's having a closer fight with a stronger Goku.

Initial Doctor Uiru should be weaker than Kaioken x3 Goku as Goku broke his arm but I agree his full power in space is higher than Kaioken x3 Goku but just that Uiru tops out at 30k.

I was supposed to have added that a while ago but forgot. What do you think about Base Willow at 26,000 and his full power beam at 39,000?

Tullece himself after eating the fruit rivals Freeza so the Genki Dama should be higher. Also, the first Genki Dama should be close to Tullece as he seemed to put some effort to block it with his blast

I think having Tullece rivaling Vegeta when he fought Freeza is close enough. The first Genki-Dama was taking energy from a heavily drained Earth so it couldn't be anything special. Tullece's blast ripped through the Genki-Dama and hit Goku pretty easily.

Almond > Daiz

Daiz was the one who fought Goku, so he should be the strongest after Tullece.

It seems like Toei ignored the fact that the moon weakens the one who creates it. Tullece being close to 40k makes no sense going by the time of the movie's release.

That's possible since the movie's got a lot of plotholes regarding this kind of stuff. I have no idea what the release date has got to do with anything though. Movie 3 is the movie with the most amount of movie only power levels.

Gohan and Krillin were not stated to be over 10k in the anime and while Gohan fought Recoome, his power was said to be over 20k. Movie 4 Gogan and Krillin should be as strong as they were when they fought Goku in Ginyu's body.

Piccolo is too weak. He should be around 60k which was the estimated power Goku had when he fought Recoome, Burter and Jiece. He even took out Dorodabo who should be as strong as Recoome.

The 3 henchmen should be as strong as Jiece, Burter and Recoome.

Dorodabo and Angila were pretty obvious Dodoria and Zarbon rip offs, so they should have their powers. That also means Gohan and Kuririn must be pretty weak, closer to 10k.

Old Slug should be as strong as Ginyu. His giant state should be much stronger than False SSjin Goku as Kaio said even SSjin Goku is no match for Slug

Movie 4 False SSjin Goku ~ Vegeta (Final Zenkai on Namek)

Giant Slug ~ Initial Final Form Freeza.

You have Slug a lot stronger than Initial Final Form Freeza but that's purely because you use the Daizenshuu's number for Goku on Namek when he fought Freeza which was 3,000,000 but that's a retcon well after this movie was released.

Kaio's statement was that Giant Slug was stronger than Freeza, and perhaps even stronger than a Super Saiyan. He's considerably stronger than Initial 4th form Freza, but only marginally stronger than SSJ Goku.

Old Slug never does jack shit, but he does say Goku could have stood a chance against him. He's pretty close to Ginyu regardless.

Both Gohan and Krillin are overrated
Krillin was never implied to be so strong and neither Gohan. Krillin was still well below 1st form Freeza. Gohan was never implied to be over 1,000,000. That's basically having him rivalling Piccolo which is wrong

Kuririn has to be pretty powerful after leaving Namek if he ever reached the millions in the Cell Saga. His gains training alone for 3 years can't be that big. He's also the strongest human despite Tenshinhan and Yamcha having finished Kaio's training.

Gohan could push back 2nd and even 3rd form Freeza on Namek. Granted that was because of anger, but all his anger does is trigger his potential, which was already being unleashed anyway. Gohan after leaving Namek should be as strong as the enraged powers he showed there.

What suggests Piccolo was so strong as close to Goku? The movie is based on the Freeza Arc

He was about as strong as Vegeta after Namek, and much stronger than already 1,000,000+ Gohan in this movie. Even on Namek he was already pretty powerful thanks to Gohan and Kuririn donating him their Ki.

Sauzer was weaker than Piccolo. The henchmen are way too high.

It was a pretty close fight. Piccolo was on the defensive a lot with Sauzer's Ki blade and even had to use his arm stretching technique. Sauzer is at the very least over 80% of Piccolo. All of his gang should be in the millions since Cooler send them to fight someone who beat Freeza.

I would have a bigger gap between SSjin Goku and Cooler.

Same, but it's pretty tight. Cooler had a bigger advantage over Kaio-Ken x20 Goku that SSJ Goku had over Cooler.

There is no reason to have Metal Coola a battle power after he came back for the second time because it was not even shown what he was able to do. His post repaired state should be as strong as Android 18.

Why wouldn't his power increase again?

No. Movie 8 is based on the Perfect Cell Arc. Movie 8 Vegeta and Trunks are 1st Post Rosat. Gohan and Goku are based on their initial Post-RoSaT selves which at that point was for Goku to be just stronger than SSjinG 2 Vegeta (1st Post-RoSaT) and Gohan was still unknown but grouped with Trunks and Vegeta.

Vegeta and Trunks kept using the 2nd Grade SSJ in the Cell Games, so them using it here doesn't mean they're first Rosat. Goku's post Rosat power was already known at that point, yet Vegeta and Trunks aren't suggested to be far behind him. Goku and Kaio compare Broly to the group as a whole, not just Goku.

Lol at M8 SSjin Broli being as strong as Super Bojack. Movie 8 SSjin Broli should be comparable to the suppressed Perfect Cell who tanked SSjinG 2 Vegeta (they both tank the kick in a similiar way after all). LSSjin Broli should be as strong as the suppressed Perfect Cell who fought Goku. Hence, movie 8 is based on the Perfect Cell Arc.

Broly replicated Cell's feat on a much stronger Vegeta, so he's got to be much stronger than suppressed Cell.

The movies don't work ripping off other "sagas", they are more like continuations of said sagas. Movie 8 happens after the Perfect Cell Saga.

Why is Zangya stronger than Bujin and Bido? If anything, Bido seemed like the strongest of the henchmen. They should be comparable to the Cell Jrs.

They sort of are comparable to Cell Jrs, or at least the anime versions of them. Zangya seemed to be the strongest one since she engaged in hand to hand combat the most, while Bujiin was the weakest (aside from Gokua) since he mostly only used his magical strings.

You have Vegeta, Trunks and Piccolo as strong as you have them in movie 8 which is wrong. In movie 8, Vegeta and Trunks are 1st Post Rosat. In movie 9, they are 2nd Post Rosat AKA Cell Games. Piccolo in movie 9 is based on his Anime Cell Games self where he was no far from Vegeta and Trunks. In movie 8, he is weaker than Vegeta who was 1st Post Rosat SSjinG 2. Bojack > Movie 8 Broli just like any other movie and the Z fighters are stronger in movie 9 than they were in movie 8 like any other movie.

The Z Fighters in Movie 7 are the same as in Movie 6, which basically debunks this notion that they have to be stronger in the last movie.

Unless you have Bio Broly > M10 Broly, the new villain > weakest villain only follows if the cast is also stronger. Movies 8 and 9 seem to feature the same cast yet the gang has better feats against Bojack than Broly. Piccolo and Goku could at least draw some blood from Bojack, while Broly was never even budged.