does digimon have the best...

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
most consistent OP/ED/insert-songs of all-time (if i can ask)?

from digimon-adventure - digimon-frontier i don't knw whether there is any series that has more consistently good music when that comes to that i think. ok maybe i'm not 100% sure abt EDs, but OP/insert-songs are un-deniable i think i think.

i think they could bring-back the ppl who are still alive from then (they did for last digimon-adventure movie i think), at-least then the music'd be good


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I think Koji Wada's songs are usually great (esp Butter-fly) but AiM's songs are hit or miss, mostly because she has the same voice as Mimi who is a 10 year old, sometimes too high pitched for my liking. My favorite endings are Itsumo Itsudemo and the second Tamers ending. I didn't like the second Frontier ending that much even though two of the three legendary singers of the Digimon franchise (Wada and AiM) sang it together. The weird mix of a man and a woman singing it didn't appeal to me all that much. I didn't consistently watch after Frontier because early Savers bored the shit out of me, Xros Wars looked like ass and Appli Monsters came out in the same time period that they were releasing tri and tri is... :punk

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
i agree i think. the insert-songs (evolution-songs especially memorable & gr9) are also rly good i think. the only that i don't rly care for is one-vision from digimon-tamers i think.

ye, that seems digimon-savers & on all are forgettable & suck. i think that might also have to do with a-lot of the musicians & singers leaving (or having died) after the original 4 (i looked-up recently). no wonder i think.

i think toei is trying to get some-other gai to take kouji wada's place. a gai who sang for digimon-tamers 1st (i think that was one-vision). the gai performed OP & all 3 evolution-songs for 2020. :punk:punk:punk

not only that they don't have the gr9 composers/arrangers either from then. all forgettable rock music i think.

also I wish is my fav. ending i think.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Yeah the guy who sang Brave Heart and all of the Adventure digivolution songs was the GOAT for insert songs, too bad he didn't participate in Tamers. Savers' first opening was sung by some cocksucker who wasn't anywhere near the level of godliness that Koji Wada was and it took away from the already severely lackluster experience of Digimon Men in Black ripoff early Savers. I think Toei needs to stop wanking Adventure so much because all 6 of tri's "movies" (3-5 episodes glued together) and Last Evolution Kizuna were all Adventure continuity and they just rebooted it into another one because they desperately want those nostalgia points :punk

Funny thing is Konaka is fully willing to do a Tamers sequel and it's still not getting greenlit because Toei doesn't have faith in new stories selling any more than Adventure cashgrabs and retreads, it's really sad. And the Adventure remake is bullshit too, with Omegamon showing up every 10-20 episodes which completely kills the tension because you can just say "OMG HOPE AND LIGHT CRESTS, OMEGAMON APPEARS" and he can kill most Megas just like that. Fucking bullshit. Only good episode was the first episode where Agumon became WarGreymon for a second, from the dozen or so I actually watched (not in continuity or keeping the flow of the story any mind because it's just trash).

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
i heard abt him wanting to do a sequel to digimon-tamers i think. he's been very vocal abt that i think but toei seems to not be doing anything. that'd be so much better i think. even-tho i still like the cast (as-in seiyuu-cast from digimon-adventure for digimon) so maybe they can also be in the sequel.

the original seiyuu for tailmon also left 2020 i think, she was kind-of retired i think & still only does a few anime roles for series she was in before & meant a-lot to her. she was in digimon-adventure tri. & the movie, but not 2020. :troll:troll:troll

even-tho i heard that this time the main target-audience for 2020 is supposed to be children of this generation but...


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I don't think the target audience excuse holds up since Adventure came out 2 years before Tamers did and tri and Kizuna both sold well even though only Kizuna was any good at all. Tamers just doesn't have the same marketing potential because most of the Digimon fans who didn't begin with the Tamagotchi/Pendulum toys or the early video games started with Adventure, and that's especially the case overseas.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
is there any-thing that indicates digimon-adventure tri. did well (if i can ask)? digimon-tamers at-least seems 2nd most popular according to a poll i think. also the blu-ray sales were also good iirc (not comparable to digimon-adventure but that's a given i think i think, besides the blu-ray for digimon-tamers came a few years later).

also i don't think sales went down dramatically for digimon until digimon-frontier (sadly) which is why the series ended there at the time i think.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
is there any-thing that indicates digimon-adventure tri. did well (if i can ask)? digimon-tamers at-least seems 2nd most popular according to a poll i think. also the blu-ray sales were also good iirc (not comparable to digimon-adventure but that's a given i think i think, besides the blu-ray for digimon-tamers came a few years later).

also i don't think sales went down dramatically for digimon until digimon-frontier (sadly) which is why the series ended there at the time i think.

tri's first two movies sold well in theaters, I think one of the remaining four might have sold well as well (the 4th one maybe, because that was the only movie that wasn't complete shit). The fifth and sixth movies totally bombed, but for how horrendous they were the sales might as well have been a success by comparison :punk

I think Frontier would've been better off coming out before Tamers, since it was less mature and had some Adventure nostalgia going for it like having Takuya and that edgy tryhard wolf guy's Digimon forms often have Greymon and Garurumon in their names, plus even the Digivice in Frontier looks similar to the 02 D-3 Digivice. Tamers had a significantly more mature and realistic tone than the other series, with Digimon deaths even being permanent and it being possible to consume a defeated Digimon's data. Would've sold better with an older audience that was 3 years older than when Adventure came out.

Frontier's ratings on TV were good or at least ok, but the toys didn't sell well at all. Same thing with Savers, except literally no one was buying the toys then because people were 7 years older than when Adventure came out and they were either too old or too used to more advanced game and technology to bother buying black and white 8-bit toys like the Digivice replicas. That and a lot of the older fans had moved on to more teen and adult geared shows like (ironically) serial experiments lain, evangelion, texhnolyze, Berserk, Gantz, Full Metal Panic, Death Note, One Piece etc. Xros Wars did better because now older fans had nostalgia for their favorite show from 3rd grade, and newer fans saw something novel. Savers was boring trash for the first 25 eps and later devolved to faggotry with the Yggdrassil arc from what I'd heard, and the main character was a banchou archetype you'd expect to find in shows geared for preteens and teenagers like Yu Yu Hakusho and Blues, Slam Dunk, Bleach etc. so the little kids that Digimon targets obviously didn't take well to him. Ofc that didn't stop the final season of Xros Wars from bombing big time from what I'd heard (never really watched it), and tri was... well, tri., and the new Digimon Adventure reboot is already looking like just a massive wankfest to original Adventure, writing off any possibility of a second season by making Pegasusmon already accessible.
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Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
i also think i remember digimon-frontier having a slight call-back to digimon-adventure (not rly the word but i don't think i can think of any-thing-else) like heroes that were there before the children, just like in digimon-adventure, but here that was more of a plot-point i think. i thought that the lore was also very kewl in digimon-frontier with the heroes before & spirits & lucemon & cherubimon & conflict between beast & human-type digimons etc. i think.

either-way i think they could bring-back michihiko ohta & cher watanabe & ayumi miyazaki & ai maeda & hiroshi yamada & hidenori chiwata & maybe some-other ppl i'm missing.

that's sad that takanori arisawa (years ago) & kouji wada passed-away tho


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
If the new Adventure reboot ends by next year, I want it to flash forward to the 02 generation at the end because having another Adventure continuity retread after we just got through an Adventure continuity retread would be repetitive. Would be better if we just see a glimpse of it like the third generation kids in the 02 ending after they killed BelialVamdemon. After that I think a Tamers sequel would do fine, I trust Konaka completely to make it a passable show as he did with the original Tamers (minus that boring assed middle arc after they killed the first few Devas and entered the Digital World).

Appli-monsters for example had much better animation than the 90s and early 2000s shows, and even made the 13 year old heroine kind of cute in that ending centered around her ( :withheld ), so that kind of animation but better, for the Tamers sequel would be good. I'm pretty tired of the Adventure milking at this point lol.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
@Kenshi, i found this i think (saw that on wikipedia 1st i think).

digimon in 1999 was 16 billion i think :wat:wat:wat i'm not sure whether that's domestic or not, but for some-reason (there are reasons to think that i think) i think that's domestic. by a large lead bandai's 2nd highest franchise (at-least from the 1s listed but i don't see anything that could have been close to that since i think that's all the biggest franchises on there), almost surpassing even gundam.

& then the year digimon-frontier aired that seemed to go-down to 4.5 billion yen i think, but the decline already seemed to be a-lot by digimon adventure-02 to digimon-tamers year but still that's a huge decline.
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