GT Strength Checker


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Considering our very own @Kamikaze Pyro and @Captain Cadaver put this together, I figured I would post it here for reference. Credit given.

I: Ultimate Shenron Saga
Episodes 1-15

1. Gill

Episode 15
Context: After Pan sees a Giant Arthropod unconscious on the ground
Pan: “G-Gill, did you do that?”

2. Lood

Episode 12
Context: As Dolltacki awakens Lood to fight Goku and Trunks
Dolltacki: “Now, awaken, Lood, and beat those pesky bugs up for me, if you please!”

Episode 13
Context: As Lood awakens
Pan: “What an incredible ki!”

Episode 13
Context: When Lood awakens
Son Goku: “Haha, he has a funny face!”
Trunks: “B-but still, I sense an extraordinary ki!”

Episode 13
Context: After Goku and Trunks dodge Lood's first punch
Son Goku: “He's got awesome power, huh?”

Episode 13
Context: After Lood takes no damage from Goku's Kamehameha
Son Goku: “Awesome! He didn't even flinch!”

Episode 13
Context: When Mu hears that Lood has been awakened
Doctor Mu: “If you started him up, does that mean that the power he has absorbed has reached its highest point, level three?”
Dolltacki: “N-no....Mu-sama, level two will be enough to defeat these guys. Please take a look at Lood's power for yourself.”

Episode 13
Context: After Goku's pushed back by Lood's rotating arms
Son Goku: “It's like he has an awesome power, but he ain't clear on how to use it, huh?”

Episode 13
Context: Mu reminds Dolltacki of Lood's capabilities
Doctor Mu: “Lood is a wonderful machine mutant. He is of the finest creations among my mutants, who can absorb the power of all beings and develop. And you...You ruined him!”

Episode 13
Context: After Mu tells Dolltacki to have Lood absorb Pan
Doctor Mu: “Once you do, Lood will have a chance of winning again.”

Episode 14
Context: After Lood absorbs Pan
Son Goku: “This is some intense power!”
Lood: “Lood.”
Trunks: “U-unreal!”
Doctor Mu: “This is magnificent power!”

Episode 14
Context: After Trunks gets hit by Lood's mouth blast
Trunks: “It's not going to be easy beating this guy.”

3. Muma

Episode 9
Context: The Parapara brothers are given information of Planet Bihe when trying to escape from the Zet Senshi
Computer: “There are fierce, carnivorous creatures called ‘muma’ living there. If you can lure them into there, the muma will automatically get rid of them for us.”

Episode 9
Context: After Trunks sees how fast the Muma can move
Trunks: “What speed!”

Episode 9
Context: When the Parapara brothers see the Z-Senshi start to combat a Muma
Danpara: “Don't tell me they're actually going to fight the Muma! That's like commiting suicide para!”

Episode 9
Context: When the Zet Senshi are faced with multiple Muma
Goku: “These things are pretty strong! There's still some strong folks out there in the universe, huh?”

Episode 10
Context: After the Z-Senshi have beaten the Muma
Pan: “For a moment, I didn't know what we would do...”

4. Mutchi

Episode 11
Context: After the death of Mutchi-motchi, Mutchi speaks to Trunks and Goku
Mutchi: “Looks like you can handle yourselves somewhat. But don't be proud of yourselves for having defeated Mutchi-motchi. He was nothing more than my servant!”

Episode 11
Context: When Mutchi reveals his true form
Trunks: “He has an incredible ki!”

Episode 12
Context: After Goku evades Mutchi's attacks
Goku: “You're awesome! A far cry away from the way that earlier guy handled his whip! I'm starting to get excited!”

Episode 12
Context: Dolltacki witnessed Goku transform into a Super Saiyan
Dolltacki: “For a kid, he's got quite a bit of energy. This is bad. There's no way that Mutchi can beat him like this.”

5. Parapara Brothers

Episode 10
Context: After the Zet Senshi have been put under the Parapara dance and damaged
Pan: “W-when did they tack on ‘dancing’?”
Trunks: “T-this truly is a ridiculous power!”
Goku: “Still...we've definitely taken some damage!”

6. Piccolo

Episode 7
Context: Pan's reply to the Village Elder questioning the possibility of Zunama being defeated
Pan: “It's okay! On our planet, Grandpa and Trunks are the first and second strongest people there are. And, although I hate to say it, I'm number three. Right?”
Trunks: “ may be giving me too much credit by saying I'm second. After all, there's Gohan-san, and Dad, not to mention Piccolo-san...”

7. Pilaf Machines

Episode 1
Context: After Goku has combatted the Pilaf Machine missiles
Pilaf: If only you were a little kid again we could beat you to a pulp, and stomp you flat, and yet here you are, hale and hearty!

8. Redjic

Episode 5
Context: After the Zet Senshi hears of Don Kia's cruelty
Pan: “That's awful! You should all just team up and get rid of him.”
Trunks: “Pan-chan!”
Old Imeggan Woman: “We'd like to do just that, but Don Kia has this crackerjack bodyguard named Redjic. Damn, if he weren't around I'd give him such a pounding!”

Episode 5
Context: After Trunks has been smacked away by Redjic's punch
Trunks: “T-this guy can handle himself!”

Episode 5
Context: After recieving multiple hits from Redjic
Goku: “You're strong! I'm starting to get excited!”

9. Oob

Episode 1
Context: After Goku and Oob finish their fight
Dende: “Then, that's it for Oob-san's graduation ceremony?”
Goku: “This wasn't a graduation ceremony or anything as extravagant as that. I just wanted to fight all out against Oob for once.”

Episode 1
Context: When Oob is about to leave Kami's Heavenly Temple
Oob: “I apologize for leaving the Temple like this.”
Dende: “Popo will repair it right away. Besides, it's a good thing you did this here. The Earth couldn't have withstood you both fighting down there after all.”

10. Son Gohan

Episode 7
Context: Pan's reply to the Village Elder questioning the possibility of Zunama being defeated
Pan: “It's okay! On our planet, Grandpa and Trunks are the first and second strongest people there are. And, although I hate to say it, I'm number three. Right?”
Trunks: “ may be giving me too much credit by saying I'm second. After all, there's Gohan-san, and Dad, not to mention Piccolo-san...”

11. Son Goku

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 1
Context: After Goku and Oob finish their fight
Dende: “Then, that's it for Oob-san's graduation ceremony?”
Son Goku: “This wasn't a graduation ceremony or anything as extravagant as that. I just wanted to fight all out against Oob for once.”

Episode 1
Context: When Oob is about to leave Kami's Heavenly Temple
Oob: “I apoligize for leaving the Temple like this.”
Dende: “Popo will repair it right away. Besides, it's a good thing you did this here. The Earth couldn't have withstood you both fighting down there after all.”

Episode 5
Context: After Redjic intercepts Don Kia's weapons
Redjic: “Stop. These aren't the kind of opponents you can defeat with such weapons.”

Episode 5
Context: After Goku compliments Redjic's strength
Redjic: “Your abilities must be greater than this, am I right, Saiyan?”

Episode 10
Context: When Goku is damaging a Muma
Sonpara: “Those guys are pretty good para!”

Episode 15
Context: Dolltacki mistakenly talks to Rild when wanting to discuss the Zet Senshi with Mu
Dolltacki: “Mu-sama, those who are in the group that you laid eyes upon have absolutely extraordinary powers. If you are able to make good use of them, I believe they could become a force even greater than Lood.”

Episode 15
Context: Mu tells Rild to capture the Zet Senshi
Doctor Mu: “Got that? Make sure to take them prisoner. There's surely something extraordinary about their power.”

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 12
Context: Dolltacki witnessed Goku transform into a Super Saiyan
Dolltacki: “For a kid, he's got quite a bit of energy. This is bad. There's no way that Mutchi can beat him like this.”

Episode 12
Context: When Mutchi is fighting Super Saiyan Goku
Mutchi: “What's the deal with this kid?! It's not just his appearance that's changed, his power and speed also rose to a whole different level!”

12. Son Pan

Episode 1
Context: When Goku finds out the girl he met was Pan
Son Goku: “So you were Pan, huh? No wonder you were so awesome.”

Episode 5
Context: After Pan falls on Goku
Goku: “Yow-ow-ow-ow! Super-yow! Are you that heavy? Are you sure you ain't becoming fat from skipping your training lately?”

Episode 13
Context: When Mu notices Dolltacki's new doll (Pan)
Doctor Mu: “That doll appears to hold a marvelous dormant power.”

Episode 13
Context: After Mu tells Dolltacki to have Lood absorb Pan
Doctor Mu: “Once you do, Lood will have a chance of winning again.”

Episode 15
Context: Dolltacki mistakenly talks to Rild when wanting to discuss the Z-Senshi with Mu
Dolltacki: “Mu-sama, those who are in the group that you laid eyes upon have absolutely extraordinary powers. If you are able to make good use of them, I believe they could become a force even greater than Lood.”

Episode 15
Context: Mu tells Rild to capture the Z-Senshi
Doctor Mu: “Got that? Make sure to take them prisoner. There's surely something extraordinary about their power.”

13. Trunks

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 5
Context: After Redjic intercepts Don Kia's weapons
Redjic: “Stop. These aren't the kind of opponents you can defeat with such weapons.”

Episode 12
Context: When trapped under a pyramid of tiles
Trunks: “I can't move! Damn! Is this because I haven't trained that hard?”

Episode 15
Context: Dolltacki mistakenly talks to Rild when wanting to discuss the Z-Senshi with Mu
Dolltacki: “Mu-sama, those who are in the group that you laid eyes upon have absolutely extraordinary powers. If you are able to make good use of them, I believe they could become a force even greater than Lood.”

Episode 15
Context: Mu tells Rild to capture the Z-Senshi
Doctor Mu: “Got that? Make sure to take them prisoner. There's surely something extraordinary about their power.”

14. Ultimate Shenron

Episode 1
Context: Pilaf is explaining about the Ultimate Dragon Balls
Pilaf: “In other words, these Dragon Balls were created before the previous Kami had his strength divided in half, when he was still at his full power, and brimming with energy!”
Mai: “Ah, so that's it...Which could mean that these Dragon Balls are even more powerful?”

15. Vegeta

Episode 7
Context: Pan's reply to the Village Elder questioning the possibility of Zunama being defeated
Pan: “It's okay! On our planet, Grandpa and Trunks are the first and second strongest people there are. And, although I hate to say it, I'm number three. Right?”
Trunks: “ may be giving me too much credit by saying I'm second. After all, there's Gohan-san, and Dad, not to mention Piccolo-san...”

16. Zunama

Episode 7
Context: After the Village Elder hears Pan say that the Z-Senshi will defeat Zunama
Village Elder: “But still, for you to say you'll defeat such a thing possible?”

Episode 8
Context: After Zunama smacks Trunks
Goku: “Awesome! After drinking, his power shot way up!”

Episode 8
Context: After Goku evades Zunama's attack
Goku: “Not too bad! I'm starting to get a little excited!”


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
II: Baby section part 1: Battles in Space
Episodes 16-24

1. Baby

--Infant form, and in general--

Episode 22
Time: Roughly 4m 50s
Context: Trunks tells Goku and Pan about what he expects of Baby
Trunks: “It holds an incredible power, one beyond belief. It is, so to speak, a Neo Machine Mutant. If it were to fully develop all the way to its perfect form, then as far as power is concerned, it will become something even greater than anything else in this world.”
Goku: “A-awesome. This thing gets that strong?”

Episode 22
Time: Roughly 5m 20s
Context: After Trunks talks about how Gill informed him of Baby
Gill: “Gill heard rumor. Doctor Mu creating incredible Machine Mutant.”

Episode 22
Time: Roughly 11m 40s
Context: Mu talks to Baby to try and give him the willpower to keep living after Trunks has shut off the power of Baby's tube
Doctor Mu: “Remember your excellence when you are reborn into your perfect form! The power that we gathered throughout the entire galaxy continues to live on inside your body! The power that Lood used and was sent here to you! Think about how much power there is established within you!”

Episode 22
Time: Roughly 12m 40s
Context: Goku is disappointed that Baby will die
Goku: “I sure would've liked to try fighting this guy once!”

Episode 22
Time: Roughly 15m5s
Context: Baby is found to be alive and conscious, and starts powering up
Pan: “This thing’s power isn't anything ordinary!”
Goku: “I'm starting to get tingly for some reason!”
Gill: “Danger! Danger! We'll all be killed! Danger! Danger!”

Episode 22
Time: 16m45s
Context: Baby raises his ki
Goku: “What an awesome Ki!”
Trunks: “And he's not even done growing!”

Episode 22
Time: Roughly 16m55s
Context: Mu tells Baby to kill the Saiyans
Doctor Mu: “Even without their power, you have achieved remarkable growth! You can just pound those detestable Saiyans right down to Hell!”

Episode 24
Time: around 2m45s
Context: The Baby-possessed boy is being carted to another section of the hospital after the fire in the intensive care unit
Baby: (to himself) "I accidentally worked up more power than I meant to. I'll have to be more careful..."

Episode 24
Time: around 3m50s
Context: Baby is watching Goku, Trunks, and Pan from inside the hospital
Baby: "Just you wait, you Saiyans. I will take your Saiya power from you, no matter what! [ ] But with the power I have now, it would be inauspicious to take on all three at the same time. I think I will wait until they're all alone."

Episode 24
Time: around 12m15s
Context: Trunks is wondering what happened to the passengers on the spaceship they rescued the boy from
Baby: "They all became my energy."

Episode 24
Time: 12m45s
Context: Goku rescued Trunks by firing a Kamehameha at Baby
Goku: "You're something else to be able to take my Kamehame-Ha and still be alive and kicking!"
Note: In the dub, Goku just says Baby shouldn't have picked a doctor to hide in because he's naturally on guard against them.

Episode 24
Time: around 12m50s
Context: After Goku and Pan rescued Trunks
Baby: "How!? How did you know!?"
Goku: "We didn't know at first. When we rescued that boy from the spaceship, you had your Ki suppressed, right?"
Pan: "However, when you go to attack us, you release a tremendous Ki!"
Goku: "I never ever forget the Ki of someone who I've fought before!"
Note: In the dub, Pan is specific that they felt his Ki when he attacked the doctor.

Episode 24
Time: around 13m20s
Context: The group have Baby cornered
Goku: "We're going to wipe you out, right down to your cells!"

Episode 24
Time: 17m10s
Context: Trunks managed to expel Baby from his body
Baby: "Does this mean that my power is still not enough to take over a Saiyan!?"

Episode 24
Time: around 18m20s
Context: The group is searching for Baby on the airport platform
Trunks: "If he continues to grow like this..."
Goku: "It's all right. With the three of us together, there absolutely ain't no way we can lose!"
Note: In the dub, no mention of Baby's strength is made. They just talk about not being able to find him with all the people around.

--Possessing Trunks’s body--

Episode 24
Time: around 15m20s
Context: Baby just possessed Trunks
Baby: "This body is outstanding! The Saiya power is quickly spreading all over!"

Episode 24
Time: around 15m55s
Context: Baby-possessed Trunks just blasted Goku down and is about to blast him at point-blank range
Baby: "How about it? Not even you can dodge me at this range!"

Episode 24
Time: 16m50s
Context: Trunks is still fighting for control of his body
Baby: (to himself) "I can't fight it! To think that Saiya power would be this great!"
Note: In the dub, Baby doesn't say anything at all. Instead, Goku is encouraging Trunks to force Baby out of him.

2. Mega Cannon Sigma

--In general--

Episode 16
Time: Roughly 10m
Context: Mu tells Rild to capture the Saiyans
Doctor Mu: “Make sure you emphasize to the M2 Commandos that they are to take them prisoner.”
Rild: “Right.”
Doctor Mu: “I say so, because you Machine Mutants can be a wee bit too rough, you know?”
Rild: “Particularly, the Mega Cannon Sigma boys, you mean?”

Episode 16
Time: Roughly 18m
Context: Goku first encounters the Mega Cannon Sigma
Goku: “Watch yourselves, Pan, Trunks! These guys ain't pushovers! I can sense an incredible Ki! It's a strange Ki, but its power is awesome!”

Episode 16
Time: Roughly 19m
Context: After Goku witnesses the full power of the Mega Cannon Sigma members
Goku: “You guys are awesome, huh? It's been a long time since I met anybody as awesome as you!”

Episode 17
Time: Roughly 10m30s
Context: After Rild has analyzed Goku's battle power
Rild: “Unbelievable... Where in the world does that child keep that much power? If we were to make these guys are enemies, then not even the Mega Cannon Sigma, our mightiest squad, would come away unscathed!”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 3m30s
Context: After seeing that Pan has killed Nutt
Neji: “To think that this kid defeated Nutt... It's no surprise that Doctor Mu-sama would want data on them.”
Bizu: “However, don't put us in the same category as Nutt.”
Goku: “We'll see. We just happen to be a little bit stronger too. These guys aren't anything special. Trunks, leave this to me!”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 5m30s
Context: After landing a few blows on Goku
Neji: “It was a mistake for you to boast up your strength and send your friends back, right?”
Veise: “Although even if they were here, you still wouldn't stand a chance.”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 6m20s
Context: After the Mega Cannon Sigma have beaten down Goku
Neji: “Miserable fool. Your battle power is short by over a hundred.”

--Nutt specifically--

Episode 17
Time: Roughly 16m
Context: Nutt volunteers to fight Pan
Nutt: “Captain Neji, please allow me, Nutt, to take care of this! Against Mega Cannon Sigma, there is absolutely no way for her to escape.”

Episode 17
Time: Roughly 17m
Context: After Nutt hits Pan with a missile
Nutt: “There is absolutely no way you can beat me!”

--Super Mega Sigma Cannon specifically--

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 10m
Context: After sensing the Super Mega Cannon Sigma's ki
Goku: “You sure can do a lot!”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 11m50s
Context: After Goku is pushed back by the Super Mega Cannon Sigma
Goku: “I felt that. He's got awesome power!”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 13m40s
Context: After the Super Mega Cannon Sigma activates it's flying formation
Goku: “Awesome! You've got awesome speed! I can't shake you off at all!”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 14m50s
Super Mega Cannon Sigma: “I thought you would've done a little better against us. It's no surprise, though. We're just too strong.”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 16m35s
Context: After knocking down the Super Mega Cannon Sigma
Goku: “The way you guys fought was pretty interesting. But the way I read things you guys ain't that strong, huh?”

3. Doctor Mu

Episode 22
Time: 20m21s
Context: Trunks assures Pan that letting Mu go isn't a massive deal
Trunks: “Baby is dead, and he can't do anything by himself.”

4. Giant Robot

Episode 23
Time: around 12m
Context: Goku wondering about who ruined the spaceship after they destroyed the big robot
Goku: "Still, does a guy like that one have the power to smash up the whole spaceship?"

5. Rild

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 20m
Context: Goku senses Rilld's ki after defeating the Mega Cannon Sigma
Goku: “W-what is that Ki? It's huge! It's an incredibly huge Ki heading towards the spaceship. This one doesn't even compare to the guys we've had up to now.”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 20m40s
Context: Trunks senses Rild's ki
Trunks: “Something's coming! It's an impossibly huge Ki!”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 3m
Context: Trunks senses Rild's ki approaching
Trunks: “W-what an incredible Ki! What is coming!?”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 3m20s
Context: Goku regroups with Trunks at their spaceship.
Goku: “Trunks. There's an incredible Ki heading this way.”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 5m
Context: Rild arrives at the Saiyans' spaceship; Goku feels his ki again
Goku: “The universe certainly is a big place, huh? To think that I should come across someone with a Ki as large as yours... It's even greater than Boo's.”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 17m55s
Context: After Rild barely dodges Goku's Kamehameha
Goku: “I guess it ain't going to go that easily. You're pretty good to have avoided that Kamehameha at the last moment.”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 19m50s
Context: Goku guesses that Rild is holding back after Rild comments on Super Saiyan Goku's power
Goku: “You too, right? Hurry up and show your full power. I've been itching to see this!”

--Hyper Mega--

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 20m30s
Context: Rild starts to make the Mega Cannon Sigma his armour
Goku: “Awesome. He has ridiculous power!”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 21m40s
Context: Closing narration regarding Hyper Mega Rild
Narrator: “A true contest of powers with Goku now begins!”

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 5m20s
Context: Goku tries to defend against the Hyper Mega Rild Punch
Goku: “This is incredible power!”

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 7m30s
Context: After Super Saiyan Goku has clashed with Hyper Mega Rild
Goku: “Your battle abilities have definitely risen remarkably, but do you think that by wrapping yourself up in that junk that I've already defeated, you stand a chance against me?”

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 8m
Context: Rild finishes remarking on Super Saiyan Goku's ki
Goku: “Don't just stand there in admiration, show me what your true power is!”

--Super Hyper Mega--

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 12m30s
Context: After successfully hitting Super Saiyan Goku, whilst in his Super Hyper Mega form
Rild: "It seems you've greatly underestimated Rild-sama."

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 13m40s
Context: As Rild merges with Planet M2
Rild: "Let me inform you that I, the mightiest of Machine Mutants, Mega Rild, am the Planet M2 itself."

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 14m15s
Context: After Goku sees Rild's ability to become Planet M2 itself
Goku: “I can see that you are one incredible guy.”

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 22m
Context: After being attacked by Super Hyper Mega Rild
Goku: “You sure are strong. That hurt just a little bit!”
Rild: “It was wrong of you to get me to go seriously against you.”

Episode 21
Time: Roughly 5m
Context: After Rild kicks Goku into the juice machine
Rild: “I'm getting pretty tired of playing around with you!”

6. Son Goku

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 17
Time: Roughly 10m
Context: Rild analyzes the results of Goku's battle power scan
Rild: “Battle power impossible to calculate? That's ridiculous!”

Episode 17
Time: Roughly 10m30s
Context: After Rild has analyzed Goku's battle power
Rild: “Unbelievable… Where in the world does that child keep that much power? If we were to make these guys are enemies, then not even the Mega Cannon Sigma, our mightiest squad, would come away unscathed!”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 4m20s
Context: Goku assures Trunks that he'll be fine facing the Mega Cannon Sigma
Goku: “I'll be enough to handle these guys alone.”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 7m
Context: After being hit by Goku's ki barrage
Neji: “What kind of guy is this?”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 16m30s
Context: After being knocked down by Goku's full power
Super Mega Cannon Sigma: “What kind of power was that just now?”

Episode 18
Time: Roughly 18m50s
Context: After Goku uses his full speed
Rivet: “...This speed...”
Veise: “Wasn't in the data!”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 11m40s
Context: Rild gets hit by Goku's ki barrage; he then thinks of the modifications Mu could make
Rild: “If he were to reconstruct you, he could probably create the mightiest of Machine Mutants.”

Episode 22
Time: 18m50s
Context: Mu believes the Saiyans have killed Baby
Doctor Mu: “Why, you... I never imagined that Saiyan power was so great...”

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 19m40s
Context: Rild senses Goku's ki after Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan
Rild: “Up to now, you haven't been putting out half of your power.”

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 7m50s
Context: After Rild has fought Super Saiyan Goku for a while
Rild: “How truly wonderful! How truly entertaining! So this is the Saiyan power that Doctor Mu-sama has been searching for?”

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 14m50s
Context: Mu uses his computer to watch the battle between Goku and Rild
Doctor Mu: “So this is the legendary Super Saiyan, huh? This goes beyond my imagination!”

Episode 21
Time: Roughly 12m30s
Doctor Mu: “I can acutely feel how high the powers are that these Saiyans possess. How long I have waited for this moment.”

7. Son Pan

Episode 17
Time: Roughly 18m
Context: After Pan powers up from being upset
Nutt: “This incredible power...wasn't in...the data!”

Episode 17
Time: Roughly 18m20s
Context: After Nutt is destroyed
Pan: “Girls, you see, get stronger when they're crying!”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 7m
Context: After Pan knocks Rild down with a punch
Goku: “Y-you're pretty good, huh, Pan?”
Trunks: “S-she certainly is your granddaughter, Goku!”

Episode 19
Time: Roughly 7m 20s
Context: Following Goku’s and Trunks's remarks on Pan's enraged power
Trunks: “You don't suppose she's stronger than me?”

Episode 20
Time: Roughly 9m 50s
Context: Pan runs into a group of average Machine Mutants
Pan: “Are you still standing in my way? You guys still don't realize my strength, do you?”

Episode 22
Time: 18m50s
Context: Mu believes the Saiyans have killed Baby
Doctor Mu: “Why, you... I never imagined that Saiyan power was so great...”

Episode 24
Time: 5m45s
Context: Baby is about to attack Pan alone in the woods
Baby: (to himself) "First, I will take your Saiya power from you!"

8. Trunks

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 22
Time: 18m50s
Context: Mu believes the Saiyans have killed Baby
Doctor Mu: “Why, you... I never imagined that Saiyan power was so great...”

Episode 24
Time: around 11m40s
Context: The Baby-possessed doctor is attacking Trunks in the technology room
Baby: "Give me your Saiya power!"

Episode 24
Time: around 12m30s
Context: The Baby-possessed doctor is still holding Trunks down
Baby: "Now then, how about I take your Saiya power?"

Episode 24
Time: around 15m20s
Context: Baby just possessed Trunks
Baby: "This body is outstanding! The Saiya power is quickly spreading all over!"

Episode 24
Time: 15m45s
Context: Goku is about to blast Baby-possessed Trunks with a Kamehameha
Pan: "If you do anything like that, Trunks will die!"
Goku: "I'll hold back enough so that he won't die!"
Pan: "That's crazy!"
Note: In the dub, Goku says he'll "try to hit [Trunks] in a way that he stays alive." Odd way to put it.

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 24
Time: 16m35s
Context: Trunks is fighting for control of his body back from Baby
Baby: (to himself) "What is this? What sort of bottomless power do you have!? I-is this the power of a Saiyan!?"
Note: In the dub, Baby doesn't specify Trunks. He wonders what kind of absurdly powerful people the Saiyans are.

Episode 24
Time: 16m50s
Context: Trunks is still fighting for control of his body
Baby: (to himself) "I can't fight it! To think that Saiya power would be this great!"
Note: In the dub, Baby doesn't say anything at all. Instead, Goku is encouraging Trunks to force Baby out of him.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
III: Baby section part 2: Baby on Earth
Episodes 25-29

1. Baby

--Teenage form, and in general--

Episode 25
Time: 14m
Context: Goten has arrived at the scene of Baby and Mister Satan's confrontation
Mister Satan: "One of my pupils will be enough to take on the likes of you!"

Episode 25
Time: around 14m30s
Context: Goten objects to being Mister Satan's pupil
Mister Satan: "This guy seems to be an explosive maniac, but knowing you, Goten-kun, he'll be the cinchiest of cinches to handle, right?"

Episode 25
Time: 19m25s
Context: Baby has challenged Goten to a fight
Goten: "Satan-san, this guy is in a different league from everyone else up until now!"

Episode 25
Time: around 20m5s
Subject: Baby
Narrator: "W-what's this? Baby has appeared on Earth! Goten stands alone to face him. However, will Goten alone be all right against Baby, who has powered up one step higher?"

Episode 26
Time: 0m40s
Context: Recapping the events of Episode 25
Narrator: "Baby, having powered up, had come to a point where not even Goten could take him lightly."

Episode 26
Time: around 1m15s
Context: Goten and Baby face off
Goten: "Looks like you can handle yourself somewhat. You're no ordinary opponent. I'd say you're better than average."
Baby: "What?"

Episode 26
Time: around 2m25s
Context: Goten just knocked Baby down into a building
Goten: "Well, it's not like Dad would have lost to you anyhow!"

Episode 26
Time: around 10m25s
Subject: Baby
Piccolo: (to himself) "What is this Ki? I've got an uneasy feeling that something's going to happen..."

Episode 27
Time: around 0m20s
Context: Recapping the events of Episode 26
Narrator: "Having suddenly appeared on Earth, Baby made use of Goten's enormous Ki to leech onto him. [ ] Then, using Goten's body, Baby attacked Gohan. [ ] At length, even Gohan succumbed."

Episode 27
Time: around 8m30s
Context: Baby hinted at who he really was to Vegeta
Vegeta: "So that's it. I'm starting to remember...your wretched Ki. Tsufruian!"

Episode 27
Time: around 10m50s
Context: Vegeta dodged Gohan's blast
Vegeta: "Revenge? Don't make me laugh! You're blind to your own incompetence!"

Episode 28
Time: around 20m25s
Context: Narrator describing the current situation
Narrator: "At last, Goku and the others have returned to Earth. However, the Earth, not to mention the Heavenly Realm, had fallen into Baby's hands. The final battle between the Saiyans and the Tsufruians is just about to get underway!"

Episode 29
Time: around 20m30s
Context: Panning out from the site of Goku's supposed death
Narrator: "Goku has died!? Is there no one left who can put a stop to Baby's schemes?"

Episode 38
Time: around 7m15s
Context: Gohan, Goten, and Kibitoshin arrive to save Trunks
Gohan: "In the end, you couldn't do anything for yourself without having to borrow strength from others, huh?"
Note: In the dub, Gohan talks about having their bodies and free will back instead.

--Possessing Goten’s body--

Episode 26
Time: around 5m25s
Context: Baby has just possessed Goten's body
Baby: (to himself) "Power! He's filled with power! So this is Saiya power, huh? I may have failed with Trunks, but I have finally obtained it!"

Episode 26
Time: 14m45s
Context: Goten just sucker punched Gohan in the gut
Goten: "If you're so strong, how come you didn't dodge that? Are you trying to make a fool of me!?"

Episode 26
Time: 16m45s
Subject: Baby / Goten
Gohan: (to himself) "Goten's Ki is mixed in with his Ki! [ ] Has someone taken over Goten's body? [ ] If that's the case, then I can't be careless in my attacks!"

Episode 26
Time: around 17m25s
Context: Goten is pulling Gohan down into the ravine
Baby: (to himself) "Has he realized that I take over others at the moment when they radiate their Ki, and has intentionally kept himself from radiating his Saiya power?"
Gohan: (to himself) "What should I do to keep from injuring Goten?"
Baby: (to himself) "Or is he just a coward?"

--Possessing Gohan’s body--

Episode 26
Time: around 19m15s
Context: Baby has just possessed Gohan's body
Baby: (to himself) "This is it! This is the mighty Saiya power that I was after!"

Episode 26
Time: around 19m40s
Context: After Piccolo warns Gohan with his Makankosappo
Gohan: "So you're the mightiest Namekian, Piccolo, huh? You might be a suitable opponent to test my current power out on."
Piccolo: "What!?"
[ ]
Baby: (to himself) "This is how strong the mightiest Namekian was, huh? No big deal. The only one I'm after on this planet is Vegeta. Come quickly, Vegeta!"

Episode 27
Time: around 5m10s
Context: Gohan is flying to Vegeta's location
Baby: "You know something, this guy's Saiya power is incredible! [ ] Just you wait, Vegeta!"

Episode 27
Time: around 11m20s
Context: Super Saiyan Gohan just downed Vegeta
Baby: "This is good! This body moves in the most interesting ways. Is this all the destructive force I have? With this Saiya power?"

--Possessing Vegeta’s body--

Episode 27
Time: around 18m50s
Context: Baby finally took full control over Vegeta's body
Vegeta: "I have finally obtained it! The mightiest body in the universe!"

Episode 29
Time: 5m45s
Context: Vegeta just used the Big Bang Attack
Goku: "That's what I would expect, with him taking over Vegeta's body like this. This guy's a stronger opponent than I expected!"

Episode 29
Time: 11m5s
Context: Goku survived Vegeta's blast
Goku: "I don't intend to give up! In a fight between men, it ain't supposed to end until one of them gives up!"
Vegeta: "Impressive. For the moment, I will commend you. [ ] I will not kill you easily. I will torment you until I've had enough!"

Episode 29
Time: around 13m
Context: After Vegeta knocks Goku through a small mountain
Vegeta: "Bit the dust, have you?"
Goku: "Y-you sure are strong... [ ] I-it's been a long time since I fought someone strong, like you..."
Vegeta: "I will concede that your feelings are worthy of the mightiest of Saiyans. However, there is more to my power than just this. Before you die, I will show it to you. [ ] This is the difference in power between the primitive Saiyans, and the evolved Tsufruians. [ ] And now, my servants! Let me, Baby-sama, have your Saiya powers!"
Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Bra: "Yes, Baby-sama."

--Super Baby Form 1--

Episode 29
Time: 15m40s
Context: After Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Bra have given Vegeta their power
Gohan: "Baby-sama, that is all the power we have."
Vegeta: "Power! I have now obtained the greatest of Saiyan power!"

Episode 29
Time: around 15m55s
Context: After Vegeta claims to be the greatest power
Goku: "It's true! I've never felt a Ki as awesome as this! This really may turn out to be the last sight I take with me into the next world..."
Note: In the dub, Goku admits Baby is the best but says victory doesn't always go to the one with the most power.

Episode 29
Time: around 16m5s
Context: Goku is smiling for some reason
Vegeta: "Ho? What are you smiling about?"
Goku: "You really are strong, huh? But I am not going to lose!"
Vegeta: "Don't be absurd, Saiyan!"

Episode 29
Time: around 16m40s
Context: Vegeta has beaten Goku down again
Vegeta: "My servants, who fill the earth! Earthlings, who have become Tsufruians! Take the Ki from your hatred of the Saiyans...and transmit it to me!"

--Super Baby Form 2--

Episode 29
Time: 19m25s
Context: After Vegeta's attack seemingly wipes out Goku
Gohan: "Just as one would expect from Baby-sama's strongest form... After that, there can be no mistake that Dad is dead..."
Note: In the dub, Gohan doesn't mention Baby's strength at all, and he questions if Goku is dead rather than being sure of it.

Episode 30
Time: around 2m20s
Context: Baby is sitting atop his throne
Baby: "I have finally obtained my vengeance against the Saiyans, and obtained the mightiest of bodies."

Episode 32
Time: around 3m35s
Context: Oob flies off to fight Baby
Pan: "Oob! Be careful! He's in his final form, and he's taken in everybody's Ki!"
Note: In the dub, Pan tells him not to go and that he'll be killed.

Episode 32
Time: 5m40s
Context: Gohan, Goten, and Trunks are trying to help Baby against Oob
Baby: "What are you doing?"
Gohan: "We're trying to help you, Baby-sama..."
Baby: "Do you think... [ ] ...that I might lose?"
Gohan: "Baby-sama..."
[ ]
Baby: "I was putting Oob's power to the test...and I had been enjoying myself!"
Note: In the dub, Baby says Oob may be stronger than Gohan, Goten, and Trunks combined.

Episode 32
Time: around 7m10s
Context: Goku wants to go and fight Baby
Elder Kaioshin: "There's only one way that we might be able to suspend the training and defeat that Vegeta-Baby."

Episode 32
Time: around 10m10s
Context: After Baby and Oob fight for a little
Baby: "Now I see... You aren't all that bad. But unfortunately for you, you won't be able to beat me at this level! You can no longer think of me as the same person I've been up to now!"

Episode 32
Time: 13m35s
Context: Mister Satan is wondering why everyone is raising their arms
Boo: "Everybody is sending their Ki to Baby, just like when he defeated Goku."

Episode 33
Time: 10m5s
Context: Baby is holding back Oob's chocolate ray
Baby: "I'm through playing around now!"
Note: In the dub, Baby just says it's Oob's bedtime.

Episode 33
Time: around 11m30s
Context: Baby and Goku meet again
Baby: "Goku! Are you still alive?"
Goku: "I'll come back as many times as it takes to defeat you!"
Baby: "Ho, aren't you the tough one? But no matter how many times you may come back to life, you still cannot beat me!"
Goku: "That ain't so! This time, I ain't going to lose to you!"
Baby: "Is that right? Well, it doesn't look like you've changed at all!"
Goku: "What are you, blind?"

Episode 33
Time: around 14m9s
Context: Baby catches Goku by his tail
Baby: "I'm going to have a little fun with you, too."
Note: In the dub, Baby just says he's going to permanently remove Goku's tail.

Episode 33
Time: around 15m10s
Context: Goku thinking to himself after Baby's beatdown
Goku: (to himself) "Damn, that guy is just too strong... I'm just no match for him..."
Note: In the dub, Goku makes no mention of strength, and instead wonders if Baby is reading his mind to keep ahead of him.

Episode 34
Time: around 5m55s
Context: After Baby hits Golden Ape Goku with his ki barrage
Baby: "Did you think that such barbaric attacks using only power would work against me?"

Episode 34
Time: 12m50s
Context: Baby looking over the ruins of Goku's rampage
Baby: "If he is capable of becoming a Great Ape, then I, having united with Vegeta, should have that same power."
Note: This is more in reference to the ability to perform a task than raw power, but I thought I'd put it in here anyway.

Episode 35
Time: around 7m30s
Context: Baby senses Goku approaching his location as he's trying to figure out how to transform into a Golden Ape
Baby: "But I can't allow myself to be beaten now! I must make sure to kill the Saiyan!"

Episode 35
Time: 9m20s
Context: As Soguroko is cheering Goku on
Kibitoshin: "But still, Baby is doing well too. He's fighting toe-to-toe against Super Saiyan 4 Goku!"
Elder Kaioshin: "What are you looking at? Watch closely! Goku isn't using even a smidgen of his power."
Kibitoshin: "Y-you mean it?"
Elder Kaioshin: "What is he thinking!? Why doesn't he get serious and fight!?"
Note: In the dub, Elder Kaioshin just says the fight should've been over long ago, and that Goku should take Baby out as quickly as possible. It's pretty ambiguous if he knows Goku is holding back at this point or not with the way he speaks.

Episode 35
Time: around 9m55s
Context: Baby is seemingly beating Super Saiyan 4 Goku
Baby: (thinking) "All right! I can take him!"

Episode 35
Time: 13m35s
Context: After Baby's Revenge Death Ball does nothing to Goku
Baby: "I-impossible! I could tell it got you! I'm sure I must have hit you!"
Goku: "You ain't able to beat me."
Baby: "W-what?!"
Goku: "There's been too much difference placed between our levels of power."

Episode 35
Time: around 15m40s
Subject: Baby
Baby: "It was a poor bluff, wasn't it? Fine, however hard you go at it, there's no damage to me here on the inside."

Episode 35
Time: around 16m30s
Context: Baby is recovering from one of Goku's ki attacks
Baby: (thinking) "D-dammit! Is this where it ends?"
Note: In the dub, he wonders if this is the limit of his powers.

--Golden Great Ape--

Episode 35
Time: around 18m50s
Context: Kibitoshin is wondering what's happening with Baby
Elder Kaioshin: "If they use Bruits waves to force him to turn into a Great Ape without a tail, there'll be nobody who can stop him. Even Super Saiyan 4 Goku might be in trouble!"

Episode 35
Time: 20m15s
Context: As Golden Ape Baby is going on a rampage
Narrator: "Having become Super Saiyan 4, Goku thought that victory was all his, but amazingly, Baby has also become a Great Ape!"
Goku: "He's got outrageous power!"
Narrator: "The Great Ape Baby rampages indiscriminately. Does his power exceed even that of Super Saiyan 4?"
Note: In the dub, Goku doesn't mention Baby's power, and the narrator says Baby's power continues to grow and that soon Goku might not be able to win.

Episode 37
Time: around 0m40s
Context: Recap of Episode 36
Narrator: "The Great Ape Baby, after standing up to a Times-10 Kamehame-Ha that used up all of Goku's energy, struck back with a Super Gyallic Ho!"

Episode 37
Time: around 1m40s
Context: Recap of Episode 36; as Baby is preparing another attack
Narrator: "The Great Ape Baby was burning with nothing else but his obsession to defeat Goku! However, if Planet Tsufru is blown away, it will be the end of everybody!"

Episode 37
Time: 4m
Context: As Baby is recovering from Goku's 10x Kamehameha
Goku: "Apparently, my Times-10 Kamehame-Ha had quite an affect on you."
Baby: "That's not true! It's just that it would've been so easy to just kill you now that my heart wasn't in it!"
Goku: "Nope, it worked. It must be all you can manage just to stand up right now."

Episode 37
Time: 13m25s
Context: Bulma is frantic after seeing Baby knocked out
Bulma: "There's no way Baby-sama could be done in by a Saiyan!"
Note: In the dub, she says the only way to revive him is the Bruits wave amplifier.

Episode 37
Time: around 15m10s
Context: The Bruits wave amplifier is reviving Baby
Baby: "W-what is this? Power! I'm being filled with power! What is going on?!"
Bulma: "Baby-sama, it's the Bruits waves! Your whole body is being bathed in Bruits waves, so please, regain your strength!"

Episode 37
Time: around 16m35s
Context: As Baby powers up
Trunks: (thinking) "W-what is this intense Ki?!"

Episode 37
Time: 20m5s
Context: As Baby approaches Goku
Narrator: "Great Ape Baby has regained his full power, while Son Goku has barely any power left. Will Goku be able to fight his way out of this critical pinch?"
Note: In the dub, the narrator mentions Kibitoshin turning key players back to the good side with the Ultra Holy Water, and wonders how long Goku can hold his ruse up.

Episode 38
Time: around 40s
Context: Beginning episode narration
Narrator: "The Great Ape Baby had recovered his full power, while Son Goku had hardly any power left! Will Goku be able to fight his way through such an overwhelming difference in power?"
Note: In the dub, the narrator doesn't mention any of this.

Episode 38
Time: around 2m50s
Context: As Pan is watching Baby pound away at Goku
Pan: "Grandpa is going to be killed!"
[ ]
Mister Satan: "Pan-chan, don't be rash! Not even Goku-san could withstand him!"

Episode 38
Time: around 8m30s
Context: Baby is growing impatient
Baby: "No matter who comes at me, I will exterminate them on the spot!"

Episode 38
Time: 19m35s
Context: Goku is floating above Baby
Goku: "You seemed so gigantic earlier, but looking at you this way, you ain't nothing special, huh?"
Note: In the dub, Goku says he has no wish to destroy Baby, that it's Baby's desires that make it necessary.

Episode 38
Time: around 20m20s
Context: Concluding narration as Goku and Baby stand off
Narrator: "Finally, an unexaggerated full power collides head-on with another full power, as the great battle begins!"
Note: In the dub, the narrator remarks how it's "cosmic irony" that Goku is fighting the same power his ancestors destroyed countless lives with, referring to the Great Ape transformation.

2. Chi-Chi

Episode 26
Time: around 13m25s
Subject: Chi-Chi
Baby: (to himself) "What is this feeling of intimidation? According to Goten's memory, even though she has no power, she's greater than anyone. Could it be that she has some hidden power?"

3. Humans

Episode 28
Time: 8m30s
Context: The possessed humans Mister Satan just knocked down have gotten back up
Mister Satan: "B-B-Boo-san! All the people here are not ordinary humans, are they?"
Boo: "I dunno."

4. Kibitoshin

Episode 37
Time: around 0m40s
Context: Elder Kaioshin says it's their chance to finish Baby off now that he's knocked out
Kibitoshin: "I see! I'm going to go there and revive Goku-san, right?"
Elder Kaioshin: "You nitwit! You don't have the kind of power it would take to revive Super Saiyan 4 Goku!"
Note: In the dub, Elder Kaioshin says Kibitoshin would have to match Goku's power as a Super Saiyan 4 to even attempt reviving him.

5. Mister Satan

Episode 29
Time: 3m35s
Context: Boo is taking Mister Satan and Pan away from the battlefield
Goku: "Boo! I'm counting on you to watch out for Pan!"
Boo: "Okay!"
Mister Satan: "Goku! Unfortunately, I have to leave this to you! Baby! Lucky for you I had to withdraw, huh!?"

Episode 29
Time: 2m45s
Context: Boo is flying away with Mister Satan and Pan
Gohan: "--You're not getting away!"
Vegeta: "Stop! Let those small fries go. The Saiyan that we are going to destroy is right before our eyes. How about it? Are you able to do harm to your own sons?"
Goku: "They ain't got anything to do with it."

6. Oob

Episode 31
Time: around 20m25s
Subject: Oob
Narrator: "The man who suddenly saved Pan from her great pinch is, of all people, an even brawnier Oob!"
Note: In the dub, the narrator says Oob was as fast as lightning, and calls him "valiant" instead of brawny.

Episode 32
Time: 1m35s
Context: Oob explaining how he survived Baby's infection
Oob: "When things started happening on Earth, I took my siblings deep into the mountains to train, and to protect them. Afterward, I felt Goku-san's tremendous Ki... But then, halfway through, Goku-san's Ki disappeared. Where is Goku-san?"
Note: In the dub, Oob doesn't mention Goku's "tremendous Ki".

Episode 32
Time: around 3m25s
Context: After Oob learns of Goku's apparent death
Oob: "I had been training even harder for my upcoming engagement with Goku-san... You're going to pay for this!"

Episode 32
Time: 5m40s
Context: Gohan, Goten, and Trunks are trying to help Baby against Oob
Baby: "What are you doing?"
Gohan: "We're trying to help you, Baby-sama..."
Baby: "Do you think... [ ] ...that I might lose?"
Gohan: "Baby-sama..."
[ ]
Baby: "I was putting Oob's power to the test...and I had been enjoying myself!"
Note: In the dub, Baby says Oob may be stronger than Gohan, Goten, and Trunks combined.

Episode 32
Time: around 10m10s
Context: After Baby and Oob fight for a little
Baby: "Now I see... You aren't all that bad. But unfortunately for you, you won't be able to beat me at this level! You can no longer think of me as the same person I've been up to now!"

Episode 32
Time: 10m55s
Context: Baby and Oob are stuck in a beam struggle
Baby: "Is that the sort of battle power you learned from Goku? It doesn't feel like you even have the power of a fly!"
Note: In the dub, Baby just talks about fighting strategies and doesn't specify power.

Episode 32
Time: around 11m25s
Context: After Baby defeats Oob in the beam struggle
Baby: "Is that all you've got? I was a fool to expect anything out of you."

Episode 32
Time: around 12m45s
Context: After Baby knocks Pan out
Mister Satan: "Boo-san, not even Oob can win now."

Episode 32
Time: around 15m
Context: Baby is preparing his Revenge Death Ball
Baby: "This is smaller than the one I used when I defeated Goku, but it will be enough for the likes of you! [ ] Once I finish you off, it means that there will be no one else in the entire universe left to carry out Goku's will!"
Note: In the dub, Baby merely mocks Oob for looking scared.

Episode 32
Time: 16m
Context: After Boo swallows the Revenge Death Ball
Baby: "Oob, you, like Goku, have been annihilated like space scum!"

Episode 32
Time: 18m
Context: Boo says him and Oob will be one again after explaining that they used to be the same person
Boo: "The power of Boo, and the power of Oob..."

--Post-Boo merging--

Episode 32
Time: 18m45s
Context: After Boo explains that they've become one again
Oob: "More and more...more and more, the power is surging... [ ] Boo-san, thank you. I will defeat Baby!"
Note: In the dub, Oob says he feels stronger than he ever thought he'd be.

Episode 32
Time: around 20m10s
Context: Oob confronts Baby once again
Narrator: "Can Oob, after uniting with Boo and becoming more powerful, stand up to Vegeta-Baby?"
Note: In the dub, the narrator doesn't say that Oob has become stronger by uniting with Boo.

Episode 33
Time: around 2m35s
Context: Goku witnesses "Super Oob" in the glass ball for the first time
Goku: "Awesome! That's awesome, Oob!"

Episode 33
Time: around 4m20s
Context: Oob is pushing ki into his muscles
Baby: "I should have expected as much of someone wothy of being Goku's immediate pupil. Looks like you might amuse me a little while longer!"

Episode 33
Time: around 5m10s
Context: Oob is attacking Baby
Baby: (to himself) "His speed and power have both increased! What has happened to Oob!?"
Note: In the dub, Baby just says Oob is beginning to get on his nerves.

Episode 33
Time: around 5m15s
Context: Oob has stopped attacking for a moment
Oob: "Majin Boo and I have become one, and now, we're going to beat you!"

Episode 33
Time: around 11m
Context: After Oob has been turned to chocolate
Baby: "He really was just as soft as this chocolate is sweet."

Episode 38
Time: around 12m
Context: After Oob telepathically tells Goku to hurry up
Goku: "A Ki! It's Oob's Ki! Oob's Ki is coming from inside his body!"

Episode 38
Time: around 12m40s
Context: Oob is messing with the insides of Baby
Oob: "You think I would be stupid enough to be done in by a specialty move that I'm more familiar with than anybody else?!"
Note: In the dub, Oob asks Baby how he likes his chocolate surprise now, and tells him to be more careful about what he eats.

Episode 38
Time: around 13m35s
Context: Goku thanks Oob got buying them some time
Goku: "Once this is over, I'll give you some more training!"

7. Piccolo

Episode 26
Time: around 19m40s
Context: After Piccolo warns Gohan with his Makankosappo
Gohan: "So you're the mightiest Namekian, Piccolo, huh? You might be a suitable opponent to test my current power out on."
Piccolo: "What!?"
[ ]
Baby: (to himself) "This is how strong the mightiest Namekian was, huh? No big deal. The only one I'm after on this planet is Vegeta. Come quickly, Vegeta!"

8. Saiyans

Episode 35
Time: around 15m50s
Subject: Saiyans
Goku: "You act as though you understand the Saiyans, but you don't know anything, do you? Saiyans get stronger the more we fight."

9. Son Gohan

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 26
Time: around 14m25s
Subject: Gohan
Baby: (to himself) "So this is Gohan, huh? I sense a power stronger than Goten's. I'd better leech onto him instead, so I can get Vegeta's body..."

Episode 26
Time: 14m45s
Context: Goten just sucker punched Gohan in the gut
Goten: "If you're so strong, how come you didn't dodge that? Are you trying to make a fool of me!?"

Episode 26
Time: 16m15s
Context: After Super Saiyan Goten attacks Gohan
Goten: "How frail. Was I mistaken to think that I felt a strong Ki at first?"

Episode 26
Time: 16m45s
Subject: Baby / Goten
Gohan: (to himself) "Goten's Ki is mixed in with his Ki! [ ] Has someone taken over Goten's body? [ ] If that's the case, then I can't be careless in my attacks!"

Episode 26
Time: around 17m25s
Context: Goten is pulling Gohan down into the ravine
Baby: (to himself) "Has he realized that I take over others at the moment when they radiate their Ki, and has intentionally kept himself from radiating his Saiya power?"
Gohan: (to himself) "What should I do to keep from injuring Goten?"
Baby: (to himself) "Or is he just a coward?"

Episode 26
Time: around 17m55s
Context: Gohan and Goten are taking a breather
Gohan: (to himself) "If I attack, then no matter what, I will injure Goten's body..."

Episode 26
Time: around 18m
Subject: Gohan
Baby: (to himself) "He's planning on keeping his Saiya power hidden the whole way through! I'm beginning to want that body of yours more and more!"

Episode 26
Time: 18m15s
Context: Goten is preparing for round 2
Goten: "Come and get it, Gohan! Show me your true Saiyan power!"

Episode 26
Time: around 19m15s
Context: Baby has just possessed Gohan's body
Baby: (to himself) "This is it! This is the mighty Saiya power that I was after!"

Episode 27
Time: around 0m20s
Context: Recapping the events of Episode 26
Narrator: "Having suddenly appeared on Earth, Baby made use of Goten's enormous Ki to leech onto him. [ ] Then, using Goten's body, Baby attacked Gohan. [ ] At length, even Gohan succumbed."

Episode 27
Time: around 5m10s
Context: Gohan is flying to Vegeta's location
Baby: "You know something, this guy's Saiya power is incredible! [ ] Just you wait, Vegeta!"

Episode 27
Time: around 13m15s
Context: After Gohan and Vegeta's beam struggle
Baby: "That's Vegeta for you... He's greater than even Gohan."

Episode 27
Time: around 14m45s
Context: Vegeta is trying to fight back inside Gohan's and Goten's attack
Goten: "Useless, useless! The Ki that you're feeling is a "shadow" that Gohan and Goten, as brothers, are generating. [ ] With your wimpy power, you cannot catch us!"
Vegeta: (to himself) "Well then, how do you like this!?"
*Vegeta begins powering up*
Gohan: "That's it! Get angry! Get angry! When your power radiates at its upper limit, that is the moment of my victory!"

Episode 38
Time: around 7m55s
Context: The group is figuring out what to do about Baby
Gohan: "Father, we'll manage something from here on."

Episode 38
Time: around 8m5s
Context: After the group decides to try Fusion
Goku: "You can't win."
Goten: "B-but if we undergo Fusion, and everyone goes after him at once..."
Goku: "Even if you go through Fusion and become Gotenks, and everyone gangs up on him, there ain't a sliver of a chance of us beating him."

Episode 38
Time: around 10m20s
Context: Baby is trying to prevent the group from revitalizing Goku
Kibitoshin: "How can this be?! At this rate, they won't be able to get around Goku-san, let alone transfer any power to him!"

Episode 38
Time: 18m45s
Context: Trunks and the others are recovering
Trunks: "T-this is a full-powered Super Saiyan 4?"
Gohan: "I-it's beyond incredible! His level is so much different than ours now, it would be hard to calculate just how much beyond incredible it is!"
Goku: "It's all because of you guys. Thanks. In return, I'll be sure to beat him, just watch!"
Note: In the dub, Goku tells the boys they each made sacrifices and now it's his turn.

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 27
Time: around 11m20s
Context: Super Saiyan Gohan just downed Vegeta
Gohan: "This is good! This body moves in the most interesting ways. Is this all the destructive force I have? With this Saiya power?"

Episode 27
Time: around 12m10s
Context: Baby refuses to show his true form to Vegeta
Vegeta: "In that case, I'll just have to blow you away, Kakarrot's son and all."
Gohan: "As I would expect of a warrior race Saiyan. Well, regardless of who wins, it doesn't alter the fact that one of you despicable Saiyans will be gone from this world!"
Vegeta: "Let's see how long you keep up that impudent talk."

Episode 28
Time: around 15m40s
Context: Gohan and Goten are powering up inside the Son family's home
Goku: "What's the matter with you, Gohan and Goten!? Are you trying to destroy the Earth!?"
Goten: "Earth? What, this planet?"
Gohan: "We'll blow it away, together with you and everyone else, Dad."
Note: In the dub, Goku is concerned about them destroying the city, not the entire planet.

Episode 28
Time: 16m20s
Context: Goku and Pan escaped Gohan and Goten's initial assault
Pan: "What is this!? And after I worked so hard to save the Earth!"
Goten: "Save the Earth? [ ] You did? When you can't even beat me?"
Pan: "Uncle Goten!"
[ ]
Gohan: "I'll finish you off, Pan."

Episode 28
Time: around 19m
Context: Gohan and Goten are about to continue their assault on Goku after having been beaten back
Goku: "Looks like you guys won't understand unless you get hurt a little bit more..."
*prepares for a Kamehameha*

10. Son Goku

Episode 25
Time: around 18m55s
Subject: Goten
Baby: "I feel it! It's the same Ki as Son Goku and the others."

Episode 26
Time: around 2m5s
Context: Baby is scoping Goten out
Baby: (to himself) "Saiya power! The Ki you are radiating from your body is just like Goku's!"
Note: In the dub, Baby says Goten isn't "even half as strong" as he expected.

Episode 26
Time: around 2m25s
Context: Goten just knocked Baby down into a building
Goten: "Well, it's not like Dad would have lost to you anyhow!"

Episode 26
Time: around 7m30s
Subject: Vegeta
Baby: (to himself) "Vegeta... If I make his Saiya power my own, I will obtain the power to surpass even Trunks and Goku's Saiya power!"

Episode 27
Time: 19m10s
Context: Baby discussing his plan to turn "Tsufruize" the entire universe
Vegeta: "However, Goku, since you took action directly against me, I will kill you! I will crush you all at once with one hand!"

Episode 27
Time: 20m25s
Context: Narrator explaining what's happening on Earth as Goku and co. head back to the planet
Narrator: "However, back on Earth, Baby, the Tsufruian, was in the process of taking over everything, in order to carry out his plan for Tsufruizing the universe! [ ] Hurry, Goku! You're the only one who can save the Earth!"

Episode 29
Time: 2m45s
Context: Mister Satan just revealed how he avoided being turned by Baby
Mister Satan: "But I'm not afraid of you anymore! You are going to have to face the world's mightiest man, Satan-sama... [ ] ...'s representative, Goku-san, who will be fighting for me! Goku-san, take care of that guy!"

Episode 29
Time: 4m35s
Context: Goku just attacked Vegeta to no avail
Goku: "Once I've defeated you, I'll beat the eggs out of everyone else!"
Vegeta: "Once the eggs have been implanted, you cannot beat them out of someone!"
Goku: "In that case, I can still drive you out of Vegeta! I should be able to drive you out!"
[ ]
Vegeta: "You sure you can do it?"

Episode 29
Time: 7m40s
Context: Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Bra are about to fight Goku
Vegeta: "Wait! Nobody do anything! I made everyone else into glorious Tsufruians, but you're going to be different! You detestable Saiyan! You, I kill with my own hands!"
Goku: "That's better for me, too! I'd rather die than become one of your men!"
Vegeta: "In that case, die!!"

Episode 29
Time: around 8m15s
Context: Vegeta has just powered up
Goku: "He's got awesome power! If I'm going to withstand him...I'll have to do it at Super Saiyan 3!"

Episode 29
Time: 10m5s
Context: Goku reverts to his regular form
Goku: "T-that's right... As small as my body is, I can't maintain the power of being Super Saiyan 3! [ ] This is going to be trouble..."
Vegeta: "In that case, I'll start coming at you. I'm going to send you to Hell!"

Episode 29
Time: around 11m40s
Context: Goku is lying in the rubble
Vegeta: "Come on, get up! Don't go lying down on me!"
Goku: "I-I haven't lost yet!"
Vegeta: "Hmph. That's more like it. [ ] Die!!"

Episode 29
Time: around 16m5s
Context: Goku is smiling for some reason
Vegeta: "Ho? What are you smiling about?"
Goku: "You really are strong, huh? But I am not going to lose!"
Vegeta: "Don't be absurd, Saiyan!"

Episode 29
Time: around 18m
Context: Vegeta is forming his Revenge Death Ball
Vegeta: "This will finish you off, Goku! I will scatter your molecules--no, down to your individual atoms, and return you to the space dust that you came from! So much so that you can never return to life again! [ ] Take this, the ire of the Tsufruians! Revenge Death Ball!!"
Note: While Goku says nothing in this version, in the dub, he tells Baby to stop and rebuild peacefully, to which Baby says that's mockery coming from a Saiyan.

Episode 29
Time: 18m30s
Context: Vegeta's Revenge Death Ball is heading toward Goku
Goku: "Damn... It's no use! I-I can't move! [ ] D-damn it all!"

Episode 29
Time: 19m25s
Context: After Vegeta's attack seemingly wipes out Goku
Gohan: "Just as one would expect from Baby-sama's strongest form... After that, there can be no mistake that Dad is dead..."
Note: In the dub, Gohan doesn't mention Baby's strength at all, and he questions if Goku is dead rather than being sure of it.

Episode 29
Time: around 19m55s
Context: Boo is sensing the battle from the mountains
Mister Satan: "I-it seemed like there was a terrible sound just now... What happened?"
Boo: "There was an incredible explosion of Ki, and then Goku's Ki was gone. It looks like Goku has died."
Mister Satan: "--He what!?"
Pan: "Grandpa!?"

Episode 29
Time: around 20m30s
Context: Panning out from the site of Goku's supposed death
Narrator: "Goku has died!? Is there no one left who can put a stop to Baby's schemes?"

Episode 31
Time: 7m10s
Context: Goku is powering up to free himself and the Space Lemurs from Sugoroku Space
Sugoro: (thinking) "This is incredible! Where does he go a-keeping such power in a body as small as his!?"
Note: In the dub, Sugoro thinks Goku has enough power in his body to light up an entire galaxy.

Episode 31
Time: around 7m20s
Context: Goku is charging his Kamehameha
Sugoro: (thinking) "You mean I was a-playing a game against someone this amazing?"

Episode 31
Time: 12m30s
Context: Goku is ready to go back to Earth to fight Baby
Goku: "Hurry up and return me to Earth, okay? This time, I'll get him for sure!"
Elder Kaioshin: "You can't! With your current power, you cannot defeat Baby, now that he's taken over Vegeta's body and absorbed the Saiyan power from Gohan and the others, reaching his strongest form. [ ] After matching up against him at Super Saiyan 3, you yourself should know that well. If Kibit-Kaioshin hadn't rescued you from there, you'd be dead right now."
Goku: "But if we leave him alone, he'll take everyone on Earth and..."
Kibitoshin: "That's why, Goku, we're going to have you train here on this holy ground."
Goku: "Really!? Kaioshin-sama, you guys are going to train me? Wow! I'm so excited!"
Note: In the dub, Elder Kaioshin says Baby's power is immeasurable, that Goku can't sustain Super Saiyan 3 anymore, and if Goku fights him now he'll die.

Episode 31
Time: around 15m20s
Context: Goku is turning the mixer for Elder Kaioshin
Goku: "Say there, is this really training?"
Elder Kaioshin: "Of course it is! This is the best way I can think of to train you in order to release your dormant abilities!"

Episode 31
Time: around 19m25s
Context: Goku wants to rescue Pan from Baby
Goku: "Let me go there!"
Elder Kaioshin: "No! You can't win right now!"

Episode 32
Time: around 2m
Context: Baby explaining why Goku isn't there
Baby: "I, Baby-sama, personally vaporized that despicable Saiyan from this world with my own hands!"
Oob: "What!?"
Baby: "It was said that he was the strongest Saiyan, but he met with a tragic end! It was really quite something to see!"

Episode 32
Time: 8m25s
Context: Goku and Kibitoshin want to know why they need a pair of pliers
Elder Kaioshin: "Getting Goku's tail to grow out was the purpose of all the training up until now."
Goku: "My tail?"
Elder Kaioshin: "That is the only way to call up Goku's idle power."

Episode 32
Time: 16m
Context: After Boo swallows the Revenge Death Ball
Baby: "Oob, you, like Goku, have been annihilated like space scum!"

Episode 33
Time: around 9m20s
Context: Goku's tail has been pulled out
Elder Kaioshin: "Now Goku's dormant power should appear!"

Episode 33
Time: around 11m30s
Context: Baby and Goku meet again
Baby: "Goku! Are you still alive?"
Goku: "I'll come back as many times as it takes to defeat you!"
Baby: "Ho, aren't you the tough one? But no matter how many times you may come back to life, you still cannot beat me!"
Goku: "That ain't so! This time, I ain't going to lose to you!"
Baby: "Is that right? Well, it doesn't look like you've changed at all!"
Goku: "What are you, blind?"

Episode 33
Time: around 12m15s
Context: Goku shows off his tail
Baby: "What do you plan to do by growing a tail?"
Goku: "You'll see once we go at it!"

Episode 33
Time: around 14m55s
Context: Goku has been tossed into the ground, apparently beaten
Baby: "This time, it's curtains for Goku for sure!"
Note: In the dub, Baby says it was a pathetic effort from the mightiest Saiyan of them all.

Episode 33
Time: around 15m10s
Context: Goku thinking to himself after Baby's beatdown
Goku: (thinking) "Damn, that guy is just too strong... I'm just no match for him..."
Note: In the dub, Goku makes no mention of strength, and instead wonders if Baby is reading his mind to keep ahead of him.

Episode 33
Time: 15m35s
Context: Elder Kaioshin and the others are watching Goku from the glass ball
Kibitoshin: "Grand Kaioshin-sama, what's the matter with Goku-san? Wasn't his dormant power supposed to have been awakened?"
Elder Kaioshin: "That's what was supposed to happen..."
Note: In the dub, Kibitoshin just wonders if they pulled Goku's tail out too far and that's why he's doing so poorly.

Episode 33
Time: 20m25s
Context: Great Ape Baby stands before Baby
Narrator: "At last, Goku's dormant power has been awakened! Having transformed into a golden Great Ape, will Goku be able to defeat Baby?"

--Super Saiyan 3--

Episode 29
Time: around 8m55s
Context: Goku just turned Super Saiyan 3
Vegeta: "You think you're so clever! Is that all you can manage? Should I wait a bit longer?"

Episode 29
Time: 9m25s
Context: Goku's punch did little damage to Vegeta
Goku: (to himself) "It looks like he's more than an even match for me, even at Super Saiyan 3! The power of Baby and Vegeta combined...I never thought it would be this great!"

Episode 29
Time: 9m45s
Context: Goku and Vegeta continue their fight
Goku: "It's been a long time since I was this excited over a fight!"

Episode 29
Time: around 9m50s
Context: Goku is losing control of Super Saiyan 3
Vegeta: "What’s the matter, Goku? Is that all the power the mightiest Saiyan has?"

Episode 33
Time: around 13m10s
Context: After Baby knocks Goku into a rock
Goku: "Huh? That's strange. How come I'm getting beaten?"
Baby: "Is that the strength you have after being reborn?"
Goku: "You shut up! I still haven't hit my stride yet! Starting now is when it counts for real!"
Note: In the dub, nothing about strength is mentioned at all; Baby makes fun of Goku for having a tail.

Episode 33
Time: around 13m40s
Context: After Goku supposedly lands a decisive blow to Baby, but Baby is unharmed
Baby: "You haven't gotten the least bit stronger."
Goku: "N-not in the least? That can't be. I should at least be a teensy bit stronger..."
Baby: "Not even in the least!"

--Golden Great Ape--

Episode 34
Time: around 3m55s
Context: Pan suddenly stopped moving
Mister Satan: "Pan-chan, what on earth is the matter?"
Pan: "It's a Ki! Right now, I can feel a strong Ki!"
Mister Satan: "What do you mean?"
Pan: "I can tell! This strong Ki, it has to be Grandpa!"
Note: In the dub, Pan doesn't specify power. Instead, she talks about a strange feeling she has.

Episode 34
Time: around 4m40s
Context: Baby recovering in the rubble
Baby: "Man, what incredible power! [ ] But don't go thinking that just because you've gotten so huge, you've also become that strong! [ ] I'll make you regret that you survived!"
Note: In the dub, Baby talks about the advantage his race has over Saiyans, which is genetic engineering, instead of mentioning Goku's power.

Episode 34
Time: around 6m35s
Context: Pan and Mister Satan have just arrived at the battlefield
Pan: "I can sense his Ki growing stronger and stronger."
Mister Satan: "Y-you mean Goku-san's Ki?"
Pan: "Right. He's fighting to defeat Baby!"
Note: In the dub, Pan talks about where Goku's energy is coming from, and then confirms that the giant ape is him, instead of mentioning his actual power.

Episode 34
Time: around 7m0s
Context: As Golden Ape Goku is destroying the city
Bra: "At this rate, we're all going to be wiped out! We have to do something!"
Chi-Chi: "What are you sayin'!? We'd better get away from here, quick! When Saiyans become Great Apes, they end up losin' their rationality and everythin'! This whole planet is in danger!"
Note: In the dub, only Bra's line is said (in a way), while the rest isn't. It was hard to decipher who said what because Chi-Chi's, Bra's, and Videl's mouths are all open at the same time and everybody's moving around, but I figured Bra said the first line because that's who speaks it in the FUNimation dub, and I didn't think Bra or Videl would have accents so Chi-Chi was the only one left to speak the rest. Of course, if someone more competent in Japanese wants to correct this exchange, please feel free to.

Episode 34
Time: 7m45s
Context: Kibitoshin is wondering what's going on with Goku
Elder Kaioshin: "As a result of us suspending his training right in the middle, and forcibly drawing his tail out, he is still unable to control his mighty power."

Episode 34
Time: 10m15s
Context: Kibitoshin is about to go cut Goku's tail off to return him to normal
Elder Kaioshin: "If you cut off his tail, then all of his power that we worked so hard for will be lost! And it's not as though he has defeated Baby yet. That is absolutely our final measure."
Kibitoshin: "S-so then..."
Elder Kaioshin: "If he can recover his rationality and control that incredible power of his, he will indeed become Super Saiyan 4."

Episode 34
Time: around 20m0s
Context: As Goku is regaining his rationality
Baby: (thinking) "What Ki is this?"
Note: In the dub, he wonders what the transformation is that he's sensing.

--Super Saiyan 4--

Episode 35
Time: around 0m05s
Context: Recap of Episode 34
Narrator: "Having become a golden Great Ape, Goku had obtained amazing power."

Episode 35
Time: 4m15s
Context: Elder Kaioshin & co. are watching from the crystal ball
Elder Kaioshin: "He did it! That there is the result of all my training! That's Super Saiyan 4!"

Episode 35
Time: around 4m55s
Context: Goku & co. are assessing the damage Goku did as a Great Ape
Mister Satan: "I don't have any idea what's going on here anymore, but with Goku-san back, everything is going our way! And what's more, you're looking incredibly stronger now, aren't you?"

Episode 35
Time: around 5m20s
Context: Pan asks Goku if he'll ever return to normal and he says he's not sure
Goku: "I just know that for me to defeat him, I need this body, I need this power."
Mister Satan: "At this point, that Baby guy is going to get out-and-out pounded!"
Pan: "That's right! Grandpa, hurry up and take care of Baby, then return Mama and the others to normal!"
Goku: "Oh, don't be so anxious. I know right where he is. I'll be sure to defeat him, and turn everyone back to normal."

Episode 35
Time: around 7m50s
Context: Goku just arrived to fight Baby
Baby: "You sure went and plumped yourself out!"
Goku: "This time, I'm a little bit stronger than before."
Note: In the dub, Goku sarcastically says he went through another Saiyan costume change in response to Baby asking if the Great Ape was too much power to handle, so he doesn't say he's stronger here.

Episode 35
Time: 9m20s
Context: As Soguroko is cheering Goku on
Kibitoshin: "But still, Baby is doing well too. He's fighting toe-to-toe against Super Saiyan 4 Goku!"
Elder Kaioshin: "What are you looking at? Watch closely! Goku isn't using even a smidgen of his power."
Kibitoshin: "Y-you mean it?"
Elder Kaioshin: "What is he thinking!? Why doesn't he get serious and fight!?"
Note: In the dub, Elder Kaioshin just says the fight should've been over long ago, and that Goku should take Baby out as quickly as possible. It's pretty ambiguous if he knows Goku is holding back at this point or not with the way he speaks.

Episode 35
Time: around 10m30s
Context: After Goku and Baby take a breather
Goku: "Sorry about that. Even I am my overwhelming strength."
Baby: "W-what?!"
Goku: "Your punches are tickling me!"

Episode 35
Time: 13m35s
Context: After Baby's Revenge Death Ball does nothing to Goku
Baby: "I-impossible! I could tell it got you! I'm sure I must have hit you!"
Goku: "You ain't able to beat me."
Baby: "W-what?!"
Goku: "There's been too much difference placed between our levels of power."

Episode 35
Time: around 18m50s
Context: Kibitoshin is wondering what's happening with Baby
Elder Kaioshin: "If they use Bruits waves to force him to turn into a Great Ape without a tail, there'll be nobody who can stop him. Even Super Saiyan 4 Goku might be in trouble!"

Episode 35
Time: 20m15s
Context: As Golden Ape Baby is going on a rampage
Narrator: "Having become Super Saiyan 4, Goku thought that victory was all his, but amazingly, Baby has also become a Great Ape!"
Goku: "He's got outrageous power!"
Narrator: "The Great Ape Baby rampages indiscriminately. Does his power exceed even that of Super Saiyan 4?"
Note: In the dub, Goku doesn't mention Baby's power, and the narrator says Baby's power continues to grow and that soon Goku might not be able to win.

Episode 37
Time: around 0m40s
Context: Recap of Episode 36
Narrator: "The Great Ape Baby, after standing up to a Times-10 Kamehame-Ha that used up all of Goku's energy, struck back with a Super Gyallic Ho!"

Episode 37
Time: around 4m40s
Context: After Baby and Goku apparently knock each other out
Kibitoshin: "Oh, no! Goku-san's power is gone, too! It's a double-knockout!"

Episode 37
Time: around 17m5s
Context: Goku is taunting Baby
Baby: "It appears you still have enough strength left to speak."

Episode 37
Time: around 17m50s
Context: Suguro thinks Goku could keep going in the fight after his taunting
Elder Kaioshin: "Goku's talk is no more than a ruse."
Suguro: "That was a ruse?"
Elder Kaioshin: "He doesn't have hardly any power remaining. If he were to shoot, he could manage one regular Kamehame-Ha, and that's all."
Note: In the dub, Elder Kaioshin says Goku is probably completely out of energy.

Episode 37
Time: around 18m50s
Subject: Goku
Goku: (thinking) "This is bad. I ain't got hardly any power left. My arms and legs ache, and I can't move at all the way I want to... It seems like, as far as this fight goes, I might have to give up..."
Note: In the dub, Goku doesn't talk about giving up. Instead, he talks about forcing Baby to make mistakes as his only option.

Episode 37
Time: 20m5s
Context: As Baby approaches Goku
Narrator: "Great Ape Baby has regained his full power, while Son Goku has barely any power left. Will Goku be able to fight his way out of this critical pinch?"
Note: In the dub, the narrator mentions Kibitoshin turning key players back to the good side with the Ultra Holy Water, and wonders how long Goku can hold his ruse up.

Episode 38
Time: around 2m10s
Context: After Goku doesn't defend himself from repeated fireballs from Baby
Baby: "Son Goku! You were just bluffing, weren't you?! You don't have any power left!"

Episode 38
Time: 4m55s
Context: As Baby is going to attack Pan
Goku: "Just you try taking one more step closer to Pan! I'll pull together all of my power, and hit you with a Times Ten Kamehame-Ha!"
Baby: "You barely have enough power to stand, let alone anything times ten!"
Note: In the dub, Goku says this attack will make his last one feel like a tickle.

Episode 38
Time: 18m45s
Context: Trunks and the others are recovering
Trunks: "T-this is a full-powered Super Saiyan 4?"
Gohan: "I-it's beyond incredible! His level is so much different than ours now, it would be hard to calculate just how much beyond incredible it is!"
Goku: "It's all because of you guys. Thanks. In return, I'll be sure to beat him, just watch!"
Note: In the dub, Goku tells the boys they each made sacrifices and now it's his turn.

Episode 38
Time: around 8m35s
Goten: "S-so what are you saying, Father, that we should stick our fingers in our mouths and let him beat us?!"
Goku: "No, I ain't. There's only one way... Everyone, let me have all of your Super Saiya power! Return me to a full power Super Saiyan 4 once again. [ ] That's all we can do for now. If I were a Super Saiyan at full power, there's no way I could lose!"
Pan: "Right! Give Grandpa your power! I've seen him with my own eyes, after all! At Super Saiyan 4, Grandpa is really, really, unbelievably strong!"
Note: In the dub, Goku says Fusion would just get them killed and that he has to fight Baby alone to win. He says Super Saiyan 4 is their strongest hand, so it has to be him and he has to win. Instead of describing Goku's power, Pan says he had Baby on the ground before Bulma revitalized him.

Episode 38
Time: 13m25s
Context: Oob is still attacking Baby from the inside
Oob: "Goku-san! Now, while you can, become Super Saiyan 4 at full power!"
Note: In the dub, Oob says he can't keep it up for much longer, and that it's their last chance.

Episode 38
Time: 14m25s
Context: While Goku is being powered up
Baby: "I'm not letting you get back to full power after all of that!"
Note: In the dub, Baby is instead telling Oob to get out of his body.

Episode 38
Time: around 18m30s
Context: Goku tells Mister Satan to take Pan and get away
Goku: "If you get too close to me with this incredible Ki I have now, you'll get more than just a burn..."
Note: In the dub, Goku talks to Satan about being a real champ for standing up to Baby, which is also only in the dub as in the Japanese version, he actually tells Baby to kill him when he thinks Pan is dead after the Super Gyallic Ho.

Episode 38
Time: around 19m5s
Context: Goku prepares for another fight
Goku: "Well now, what are you going to do? I've reached full power... It's about time we both got serious and had a final battle among final battles... What do you say we have ourselves a super concluding final battle?"
Note: In the dub, Goku goes on and on about being the light that is going to end Baby's dark plans.

Episode 38
Time: around 20m20s
Context: Concluding narration as Goku and Baby stand off
Narrator: "Finally, an unexaggerated full power collides head-on with another full power, as the great battle begins!"
Note: In the dub, the narrator remarks how it's "cosmic irony" that Goku is fighting the same power his ancestors destroyed countless lives with, referring to the Great Ape transformation.

11. Son Goten

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 25
Time: around 14m30s
Context: Goten objects to being Mister Satan's pupil
Mister Satan: "This guy seems to be an explosive maniac, but knowing you, Goten-kun, he'll be the cinchiest of cinches to handle, right?"

Episode 25
Time: around 15m5s
Context: Goten has just knocked Baby into a building
Audience: "Just what you'd expect from one of Satan's pupils!"

Episode 25
Time: around 18m55s
Subject: Goten
Baby: "I feel it! It's the same Ki as Son Goku and the others."

Episode 25
Time: around 20m5s
Subject: Baby
Narrator: "W-what's this? Baby has appeared on Earth! Goten stands alone to face him. However, will Goten alone be all right against Baby, who has powered up one step higher?"

Episode 26
Time: 0m40s
Context: Recapping the events of Episode 25
Narrator: "Baby, having powered up, had come to a point where not even Goten could take him lightly."

Episode 26
Time: around 2m5s
Context: Baby is scoping Goten out
Baby: (to himself) "Saiya power! The Ki you are radiating from your body is just like Goku's!"
Note: In the dub, Baby says Goten isn't "even half as strong" as he expected.

Episode 26
Time: around 2m40s
Subject: Goten
Mister Satan: "Nicely done, Goten! Just what I would expect from any pupil of mine!"

Episode 26
Time: 6m15s
Context: When Goten approaches them after the fight
Palace: "Goten-sama, you're incredible!"

Episode 26
Time: around 14m25s
Subject: Gohan
Baby: (to himself) "So this is Gohan, huh? I sense a power stronger than Goten's. I'd better leech onto him instead, so I can get Vegeta's body..."

Episode 27
Time: around 0m20s
Context: Recapping the events of Episode 26
Narrator: "Having suddenly appeared on Earth, Baby made use of Goten's enormous Ki to leech onto him. [ ] Then, using Goten's body, Baby attacked Gohan. [ ] At length, even Gohan succumbed."

Episode 27
Time: around 14m45s
Context: Vegeta is trying to fight back inside Gohan's and Goten's attack
Goten: "Useless, useless! The Ki that you're feeling is a "shadow" that Gohan and Goten, as brothers, are generating. [ ] With your wimpy power, you cannot catch us!"
Vegeta: (to himself) "Well then, how do you like this!?"
*Vegeta begins powering up*
Gohan: "That's it! Get angry! Get angry! When your power radiates at its upper limit, that is the moment of my victory!"

Episode 38
Time: around 7m55s
Context: The group is figuring out what to do about Baby
Gohan: "Father, we'll manage something from here on."

Episode 38
Time: around 8m5s
Context: After the group decides to try Fusion
Goku: "You can't win."
Goten: "B-but if we undergo Fusion, and everyone goes after him at once..."
Goku: "Even if you go through Fusion and become Gotenks, and everyone gangs up on him, there ain't a sliver of a chance of us beating him."

Episode 38
Time: around 10m20s
Context: Baby is trying to prevent the group from revitalizing Goku
Kibitoshin: "How can this be?! At this rate, they won't be able to get around Goku-san, let alone transfer any power to him!"

Episode 38
Time: 18m45s
Context: Trunks and the others are recovering
Trunks: "T-this is a full-powered Super Saiyan 4?"
Gohan: "I-it's beyond incredible! His level is so much different than ours now, it would be hard to calculate just how much beyond incredible it is!"
Goku: "It's all because of you guys. Thanks. In return, I'll be sure to beat him, just watch!"
Note: In the dub, Goku tells the boys they each made sacrifices and now it's his turn.

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 26
Time: around 4m15s
Context: After Goten's chi barrage
Baby: "Is that the extent of your Saiya power?"

Episode 26
Time: around 5m25s
Context: Baby has just possessed Goten's body
Goten: (to himself) "Power! He's filled with power! So this is Saiya power, huh? I may have failed with Trunks, but I have finally obtained it!"

Episode 28
Time: around 15m40s
Context: Gohan and Goten are powering up inside the Son family's home
Goku: "What's the matter with you, Gohan and Goten!? Are you trying to destroy the Earth!?"
Goten: "Earth? What, this planet?"
Gohan: "We'll blow it away, together with you and everyone else, Dad."
Note: In the dub, Goku is concerned about them destroying the city, not the entire planet.

Episode 28
Time: 16m20s
Context: Goku and Pan escaped Gohan and Goten's initial assault
Pan: "What is this!? And after I worked so hard to save the Earth!"
Goten: "Save the Earth? [ ] You did? When you can't even beat me?"
Pan: "Uncle Goten!"

Episode 28
Time: around 19m
Context: Gohan and Goten are about to continue their assault on Goku after having been beaten back
Goku: "Looks like you guys won't understand unless you get hurt a little bit more..."
*prepares for a Kamehameha*

11. Son Pan

Episode 28
Time: 16m20s
Context: Goku and Pan escaped Gohan and Goten's initial assault
Pan: "What is this!? And after I worked so hard to save the Earth!"
Goten: "Save the Earth? [ ] You did? When you can't even beat me?"
Pan: "Uncle Goten!"
[ ]
Gohan: "I'll finish you off, Pan."

Episode 29
Time: 2m45s
Context: Boo is flying away with Mister Satan and Pan
Gohan: "--You're not getting away!"
Vegeta: "Stop! Let those small fries go. The Saiyan that we are going to destroy is right before our eyes. How about it? Are you able to do harm to your own sons?"
Goku: "They ain't got anything to do with it."

Episode 32
Time: around 12m25s
Context: Baby slaps Pan away after taking her attacks without even flinching
Baby: "Miserable shrew!"

12. Trunks

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 38
Time: around 7m55s
Context: The group is figuring out what to do about Baby
Gohan: "Father, we'll manage something from here on."

Episode 38
Time: around 8m5s
Context: After the group decides to try Fusion
Goku: "You can't win."
Goten: "B-but if we undergo Fusion, and everyone goes after him at once..."
Goku: "Even if you go through Fusion and become Gotenks, and everyone gangs up on him, there ain't a sliver of a chance of us beating him."

Episode 38
Time: around 10m20s
Context: Baby is trying to prevent the group from revitalizing Goku
Kibitoshin: "How can this be?! At this rate, they won't be able to get around Goku-san, let alone transfer any power to him!"

Episode 38
Time: 18m45s
Context: Trunks and the others are recovering
Trunks: "T-this is a full-powered Super Saiyan 4?"
Gohan: "I-it's beyond incredible! His level is so much different than ours now, it would be hard to calculate just how much beyond incredible it is!"
Goku: "It's all because of you guys. Thanks. In return, I'll be sure to beat him, just watch!"
Note: In the dub, Goku tells the boys they each made sacrifices and now it's his turn.

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 38
Time: around 6m15s
Context: As Super Saiyan Trunks charges toward Golden Ape Baby
Goku: "Trunks, stop! You can't win! Take Pan and get out of here!"

Episode 38
Time: around 6m30s
Context: After Trunks uppercuts Baby
Baby: "That was a pathetic punch. Your dad's body weeps for you!"
Note: In the dub, Baby just asks if Trunks has any respect for his father's body.

13. Vegeta

Episode 26
Time: around 6m40s
Subject: Saiyans
Baby: (to himself) "When I was with Trunks, I wasn't able to completely read his memory, but I can read Goten's. I see... There are Saiyans in Metro West, huh? And among them, the mightiest Saiyan is...Vegeta..."

Episode 26
Time: around 7m30s
Subject: Vegeta
Baby: (to himself) "Vegeta... If I make his Saiya power my own, I will obtain the power to surpass even Trunks and Goku's Saiya power!"

Episode 27
Time: around 6m35s
Context: Vegeta escaped Gohan's Kamehameha with Bra
Gohan: (to himself) "Just as I expected, Vegeta. You avoided Gohan's energy blast quite easily."

Episode 27
Time: around 18m20s
Context: Baby is explaining how he controls people
Vegeta: "You miserable worm! I'll drive you out with my Ki!"
Goten: "It's no use, Vegeta."

Episode 27
Time: around 18m50s
Context: Baby finally took full control over Vegeta's body
Vegeta: "I have finally obtained it! The mightiest body in the universe!"

Episode 29
Time: 5m45s
Context: Vegeta just used the Big Bang Attack
Goku: "That's what I would expect, with him taking over Vegeta's body like this. This guy's a stronger opponent than I expected!"

Episode 35
Time: 15m20s
Context: As Baby is recovering from Goku's attacks
Baby: "Aren't you forgetting something important? It's not me that you have been beating up until now- it's your friend, Vegeta!"
Goku: "Vegeta ain't so soft that he will be beaten by just this."

Episode 38
Time: around 7m
Context: As Baby is stepping on Trunks
Baby: "How do you like it? The power your dad has given me? It's the greatest, isn't it?!"

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 27
Time: around 13m5s
Context: Vegeta is overpowering Gohan in their beam struggle
Gohan: "W-what!?"
Note: In the dub, Gohan is actually happy that Vegeta is overpowering him and is encouraging it.

Episode 27
Time: around 13m15s
Context: After Gohan and Vegeta's beam struggle
Gohan: "That's Vegeta for you... He's greater than even Gohan."

Episode 27
Time: around 14m45s
Context: Vegeta is trying to fight back inside Gohan's and Goten's attack
Goten: "Useless, useless! The Ki that you're feeling is a "shadow" that Gohan and Goten, as brothers, are generating. [ ] With your wimpy power, you cannot catch us!"
Vegeta: (to himself) "Well then, how do you like this!?"
*Vegeta begins powering up*
Gohan: "That's it! Get angry! Get angry! When your power radiates at its upper limit, that is the moment of my victory!"


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
V: Super No.17 Saga
Episodes 42-47

1. Android No.17 and Hell Fighter No.17

--In general--

Episode 42
Time: around 10m
Subject: Super No.17
Doctor Gero: "However...this additional No.17 will turn that other, imperfect one into his perfect form. When the two No.17s in that world and the Next World become one, all of the parts within his body will become perfected, and he will become an unprecedented, final weapon, with dominating hidden power!"

Episode 44
Time: around 11m
Subject: Super No.17
Doctor Gero: "Listen up! When this world's and the Next World's two No.17s become one, all of the systems within their bodies will become perfect, and No.17 will be reborn as the mightiest, ultimate Artificial Human!"

-- No.17 specifically--

Episode 42
Time: around 8m30s
Context: Doctor Gero and Doctor Mu are having a toast to the No.17's connecting through Hell
Doctor Gero: "I'm grateful to you, Doctor Mu. This is all thanks to you. If it weren't for your Machine Mutant theories, I doubt I could have ever completed him. But now, finally, the ultimate Artificial Human, which I have been dreaming of for many years, will be completed!"
Doctor Mu: "The ultimate Artificial Human?"
Doctor Gero: "Yes. Originally, No.17 was supposed to have had tremendous power, greater than even Cell's. However..." [ ] "But, because I was unable to completely erase the feelings he had from when he was human, he hated me, after I had rebuilt him. He was an imperfect, unsuccessful creation."
Doctor Mu: "Mm-hmm, so that's why No.17's dormant power remained idle, then."

Episode 42
Time: 13m
Subject: No.17
Trunks: "T-that Ki! It's the same Ki as No.18-san!"
[ ]
Trunks: "Y-you're No.17-san?"

--Hell Fighter No.17 specifically--

Episode 43
Time: 10m55s
Context: Hell Fighter No.17 has just arrived
Vegeta: "Hmph, so someone a bit more worthwhile has come forward, huh?"

Episode 43
Time: around 20m15s
Context: Hell Fighter No.17 backhands Vegeta
Dr. Mu: "It's about time that Hell Fighter No.17's body was getting warmed up."

Episode 44
Time: around 9m50s
Subject: Hell Fighter No.17
Vegeta: "You're evenly matched against me? You bastard, you've powered up beyond belief!"
Note: In the dub, Vegeta says No.17's power is so pathetic that he couldn't fight off a cold on his best day. Mu says No.17 is only running at half strength.

2. Android No.18

Episode 42
Time: 13m
Subject: No.17
Trunks: "T-that Ki! It's the same Ki as No.18-san!"
*No.17 punches him down*
Trunks: "Y-you're No.17-san?"

Episode 47
Time: around 8m10s
Context: No.18 just arrived
No.18: "How dare you... How dare you do that to Kuririn... How dare you kill Kuririn!"
Goku: "Kuririn?!"
No.18: "You won't get away with that! I won't let you get away with that!"
Super No.17: "To think that you would still be alive! You're a tough one!"
Note: In the dub, No.18 says No.17 is half of what he was before, to which No.17 says he's twice as strong as before.

Episode 47
Time: around 12m10s
Context: No.18 is shooting rapid fire blasts at Super No.17
Goku: "Don't shoot, No.18! All you're doing is powering him up!"
No.18: "I'm going to make sure I avenge Kuririn!"
Goku: "That's easy for you to say, but you can't do it by yourself, No.18!"

3. Cell and Freeza

--In general--

Episode 43
Time: around 3m25s
Context: after Goku says that his body may be small but what's inside him is awesome
Freeza: "So then, how about you show us what is so 'awesome' about you?"
*Freeza powers up*
Cell: "You'd better not think that you're the only one who has powered up."
*Cell powers up*

Episode 43
Time: 7m50s
Context: Goku is surfing on Freeza's Kienzan
Cell: "He's playing us entirely!"

Episode 43
Time: around 9m
Context: after Goku supposedly defeats Cell and Freeza
Goku: "What, are you through already?"
Cell: "You think this is all it takes to beat us, Goku? You miserable fool! In Hell, we are immortal!"

Episode 44
Time: 7m35s
Subject: Freeza and Cell can't die because they're immortal in Hell
Freeza: "That is correct! As such, it is absolutely impossible for you to defeat us!"

--Cell specifically--

Episode 43
Time: 10m55s
Context: Cell has just "absorbed" Goku
Cell: "I've done it. I've absorbed Goku! What do you think of this magnificent power? Goku's power is now mine!"

--Freeza specifically--

Episode 43
Time: 6m50s
Context: after Goku disappears from Freeza's chi barrage
Cell: "To think that Freeza, at one time feared as the strongest in the universe, should be reduced to this. It astounds me."

4. Evil Dragon

Episode 47
Time: around 19m50s
Context: The Earth is trembling after Goku calls for Shenron
Goku: "I'm sensing an incredibly evil Ki!"

Episode 47
Time: 20m15s
Context: A different dragon appears in place of Shenron
Narrator: "What's this that has come out from within the fractured Dragon Balls instead of Shen Long? It is filled with an evil Ki, the likes of which Goku and the others have never encountered before! Right now, a great peril beyond imagination is closing in upon them."
Goku: "What the hell are you?!"

5. Son Gohan

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 44
Time: around 14m
Context: Gohan's Kamehameha had no affect on Super No.17
Goten: "You got him!"
*Super No.17 isn't even phased*
Goten: "Big Brother's..."
Oob: "Kamehame-Ha--"
Trunks: "--had no affect?!"

Episode 44
Time: 15m
Context: Super No.17 has just beaten down the Zet Senshi
Gohan: "It's been a long time since I've been enraged from the bottom of my heart!"

6. Son Goku

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 44
Time: 7m5s
Context: after Goku escapes the Hell snow
Goku: "For a moment, I was worried about what was going to become of me. But I'm done playing around now! I'm going to dispose of you guys together!"

Episode 44
Time: around 19m25s
Context: Super No.17 is bombarding the gang with finger blasts
Goku: "T-this is bad, now! If I don't get there soon, everyone's going to be done in!"

Episode 45
Time: around 18m25s
Context: Super No.17 just killed Gero
Super No.17: "You Earth folk are nothing but small fries. Let's take care of this planet quickly, and begin making preparations for taking over the entire galaxy, Doctor Mu-sama."
Doctor Mu: "You're right. So long as Son Goku is gone, there is nothing for us to fear."

Episode 45
Time: around 20m15s
Context: Goku is the only one left to stop Super No.17
Narrator: "At last, Goku has come back safely from Hell. You're the only one who can defeat Super No.17 now. We're counting on you, Goku!"

Episode 46
Time: 9m25s
Context: Goku has been knocked into the sea
Doctor Mu: "Come on out, Goku! We know that you're not the kind of guy to give up after just that!"

Episode 46
Time: around 20m20s
Context: Goku looks like he's given up
Narrator: "Goku, are you going to let yourself be beaten like this? Get up, Goku!"

Episode 47
Time: 5s
Context: Recap of last episode
Narrator: "Finally, the mightiest of battles between Goku and Super No.17, this world and the Next World, had begun. [ ] Super No.17, who can take his opponent's Kiko-Ha attacks and convert them into his own energy, was subjected to Goku's Times-10 Kamehame-Ha, which powered him up! Goku, are you going to be done in like this?"

Episode 47
Time: around 7m25s
Context: Super No.17 is about to finish Goku
Goku: "I ain't even got the energy left to lift a finger!"

--Super Saiyan--

Episode 46
Time: 5m
Context: Super No.17 just blocked Goku's punch to the gut
Super No.17: "You're letting me down at this level. I can see...through all of your moves."

--Super Saiyan 4--

Episode 46
Time: 9m25s
Context: Goku has transformed to Super Saiyan 4
Goku: "You sure are strong, huh? But I bet you couldn't have seen ahead to Super Saiyan 4, could you? You're finished now!"

Episode 46
Time: around 16m35s
Context: Goku has figured out Super No.17's secret
Goku: "So that's it, all right. You took the energy from my Kamehame-Ha and absorbed it! No, not just my Kamehame-Ha, all of my Ki techniques have become energy for him!"
Doctor Mu: "You mean you shot that Times-10 Kamehame-Ha on purpose, just to confirm it? You're a cretin!"
Goku: "That ain't it! The Times-10 Kamehame-Ha is my greatest technique now. If it didn't have any effect, then I am quite honestly in some predicament."
Doctor Mu: "You're taking it like a man, huh, Goku? Then again, I was worried myself a moment ago, that if Super No.17 took on that Times-10 Kamehame-Ha of yours, not even his body would be able to hold out. But apparently, his remarkable craftsmanship goes far beyond what I predicted. He's perfect! Indeed, he is the ultimate gone beyond ultimate Machine Mutant!"
Goku: "That's fine and all, but to sum it up, he's ridiculously strong, right? I can feel it throughout my body, relentlessly! So much so that I can't help but tremble!"
Doctor Mu: "Get him, Super No.17! Show that detestable Saiyan everything you've got!"

Episode 46
Time: around 19m55s
Context: Goku is beat
Narrator: "Ironically, Goku's Kamehame-Ha has powered up Super No.17."

Episode 46
Time: around 20m10s
Context: Goku is beat
Goku: "I've had it now. I really am headed to the Next World at this rate."

Episode 47
Time: around 2m40s
Context: Doctor Mu is watching the battle
Doctor Mu: "You can't use your Kamehame-Ha, and your punches aren't landing. You lose, Son Goku!"

Episode 47
Time: 3m
Context: Goku is lying in the rubble
Goku: "I-I ain't going to lose!"

Episode 47
Time: around 3m15s
Context: Super No.17 fires his Dengeki Jigoku-Dama ("Eclipse Bomb")
Goku: "I ain't going to lose!"

Episode 47
Time: around 3m30s
Context: Goku has Super No.17 in a hold
Doctor Mu: "You still have that much power left, do you?"

Episode 47
Time: around 3m35s
Context: Goku has Super No.17 in a hold
Goku: "You're an idiot! You raise that loud of a sound, and you can't very well pick up on the vibrations of my Instantaneous Movement! Now, you can't throw any punches or shoot any Kiko-Ha blasts! Am I right?!"
Doctor Mu: "You're the one who is being an idiot. You can't attack either like that, can you? Unless, you can't mean!"
Goku: "Maybe I do mean it!"
Doctor Mu: "Y-you're thinking of blowing yourself up?!"
Goku: "Blow myself up? Well, it may come to that. But for now, this is the only thing I can come up with!"
Super No.17: "L-let go of me! Stop touching me!"
Goku: "I don't want to be touching you myself! But like I said, this is the only thing I can think of!"
Super No.17: "Let go of me!!"
Goku: "Here goes! Energy full power!!"

7. Son Pan

Episode 45
Time: around 14m55s
Context: Pan wants to help fight Super No.17
Mister Satan: "D-don't do anything reckless, Pan-chan! There's no way you can stand up to him, is there?"

Episode 45
Time: around 16m20s
Context: Pan has Doctor Gero in a hold
Doctor Gero: "What?! What power you have for a little girl!"

Episode 46
Time: around 2m35s
Context: Mister Satan is mourning Pan's supposed death
Mister Satan: "I'm so sorry, Pan-chan. It's only because we taught you the martial arts that this happened to you. Even so, this is unforgivable. The difference in power between him and Pan-chan was clear enough, wasn't it? And yet... That bastard! Goku-san! Give that guy an out-and-out thrashing!"

8. Super No.17

--In general--

Episode 42
Time: around 10m
Subject: Super No.17
Doctor Gero: "However...this additional No.17 will turn that other, imperfect one into his perfect form. When the two No.17s in that world and the Next World become one, all of the parts within his body will become perfected, and he will become an unprecedented, final weapon, with dominating hidden power!"

Episode 44
Time: around 11m
Subject: Super No.17
Doctor Gero: "Listen up! When this world's and the Next World's two No.17s become one, all of the systems within their bodies will become perfect, and No.17 will be reborn as the mightiest, ultimate Artificial Human!"

Episode 47
Time: 5s
Context: Recap of last episode
Narrator: "Finally, the mightiest of battles between Goku and Super No.17, this world and the Next World, had begun. [ ] Super No.17, who can take his opponent's Kiko-Ha attacks and convert them into his own energy, was subjected to Goku's Times-10 Kamehame-Ha, which powered him up! Goku, are you going to be done in like this?"

Episode 47
Time: 8m40s
Context: No.18 recalling her fight with No.17
No.18: "At the time, you held back until the very, very last moment. You were afraid of the explosive device inside my body, huh? You know that I have that explosive device inside of me, and you were afraid the bomb would explode, so you missed my vital points on purpose! If I were to explode at that range, you wouldn't have gotten away unharmed!"
Note: In the dub, No.18 doesn't mention the bomb at all until the end of her speech. Instead, she talks about how strong and independent the real No.17 was, going so far as to break free of Doctor Gero's programming.

Episode 47
Time: around 14m30s
Context: Goku has just destroyed Super No.17
Vegeta: "You got him, huh, Kakarot?"

Episode 47
Time: around 17m10s
Context: The group has decided to start hunting for the Dragon Balls
Narrator: "After a series of pinches, Goku finally defeated Super No.17. All of the villains who had come back from Hell had once again been defeated by Goku and the others. They then went home to Hell."


Episode 44
Time: around 12m45s
Context: Super No.17 has just destroyed part of the city
Oob: "W-what power!"

Episode 44
Time: around 14m
Context: Gohan's Kamehameha had no affect on Super No.17
Goten: "You got him!"
*Super No.17 isn't even phased*
Goten: "Big Brother's..."
Oob: "Kamehame-Ha--"
Trunks: "--had no affect?!"

Episode 44
Time: around 14m50s
Context: Super No.17 has just beaten down the Zet Senshi
Dr. Mu: "No matter how many of you get together, small fries are still small fries! And no matter how much you gang up on him, there is no way you can defeat No.17!"

Episode 44
Time: around 15m15s
Context: The Zet Senshi have just powered up/transformed
Super No.17: "Apparently, you have yet to understand that all of your bluster is meaningless. I guess I have no choice but to demonstrate just a few of my skills."
*performs Flash Bomber*

Episode 44
Time: 15m35s
Context: Super No.17 has just used his Flash Bomber attack
Goku: "What a guy this is! He's got ridiculous power, ain't he?"

Episode 44
Time: 18m45s
Context: The Zet Senshi have recovered from the Flash Bomber
Super No.17: "It appears you still don't realize the difference in our powers."

Episode 44
Time: around 19m15s
Context: Super No.17 survives Vegeta's Final Shine without a scratch
Vegeta: "W-what kind of bastard are you?!"

Episode 45
Time: around 17m25s
Context: Super No.17 has turned on Gero
Doctor Mu: "Your schemes for conquering the world aren't even worth bothering with. With Super No.17 here, the conquering of the entire galaxy is no longer just a dream! Super No.17 is no longer just your ultimate Artificial Human plaything! He has been reborn as the ultimate Machine Mutant!"

Episode 45
Time: around 20m
Context: After Goku rescued Vegeta from Super No.17
Doctor Mu: "Enough! Super No.17 here will send you back down to Hell!"
Goku: "I'm not too sure about that! We won't know until we have a go at it!"

Episode 46
Time: around 25s
Context: Recap of last episode
Narrator: "Elsewhere, Trunks and the others fell one after another before the overwhelming strength of Super No.17."

Episode 46
Time: 7m25s
Context: Goku's rapid fire blasts had no effect on Super No.17
Goku: "Geez, what's going on? Those should have all been direct hits! Didn't that have any effect on you at all?"

Episode 46
Time: around 8m15s
Context: After Goku's Kamehameha
Goku: "Shoot your big mouth off, will you? Saying you can see through me? Did you feel any of that?!"
Super No.17: "Not at all..."

Episode 46
Time: around 8m55s
Context: Goku has been knocked into the sea
Goku: "What kind of guy is this?! He took my Kamehame-Ha squarely, and yet he ain't taken any damage at all! On the contrary, his power and speed are rising rapidly! Could it be that he really can see through all of my techniques?"

Episode 46
Time: 9m25s
Context: Goku has transformed to Super Saiyan 4
Goku: "You sure are strong, huh? But I bet you couldn't have seen ahead to Super Saiyan 4, could you? You're finished now!"

Episode 46
Time: 12m35s
Context: Goku is blasting Super No.17 with rapid fire attacks
Doctor Mu: "You imbecile! So long as you fail to realize the workings I set up within Super No.17, then no matter how much you pump yourself up with bluster and change your form, you're going to lose, Son Goku! [ ] That's right, use your Kiko-Ha blasts over and over! All of the Kiko-Ha blasts that you shoot become Super No.17's energy! The more Kiko-Ha blasts you shoot, the more Super No.17 powers up!"

Episode 46
Time: around 14m5s
Subject: Super No.17
Goku: "That's strange... For a while now, he's been taking my Ki attacks on purpose... He said he could see through all of my attacks... He couldn't mean!"

Episode 46
Time: 14m30s
Subject: Goku
Doctor Mu: "It looks like he's finally beginning to realize Super No.17's secret. However, even if his secret is made clear, there's absolutely no way that Super No.17 can lose. The reason being that your attacks will continue to power No.17 up!"

--Post-10x Kamehameha--

Episode 46
Time: around 15m30s
Context: Goku has reappeared
Goku: "I'm right here!"
Doctor Mu: "O-oh, no!"
Goku: "This is where it ends! Take this! Times-10 Kamehame-Ha!! [ ] Did that get him?!"
*Super No.17 is still alive*
Goku: "W-what?!"

Episode 46
Time: around 16m35s
Context: Goku has figured out Super No.17's secret
Goku: "So that's it, all right. You took the energy from my Kamehame-Ha and absorbed it! No, not just my Kamehame-Ha, all of my Ki techniques have become energy for him!"
Doctor Mu: "You mean you shot that Times-10 Kamehame-Ha on purpose, just to confirm it? You're a cretin!"
Goku: "That ain't it! The Times-10 Kamehame-Ha is my greatest technique now. If it didn't have any effect, then I am quite honestly in some predicament."
Doctor Mu: "You're taking it like a man, huh, Goku? Then again, I was worried myself a moment ago, that if Super No.17 took on that Times-10 Kamehame-Ha of yours, not even his body would be able to hold out. But apparently, his remarkable craftsmanship goes far beyond what I predicted. He's perfect! Indeed, he is the ultimate gone beyond ultimate Machine Mutant!"
Goku: "That's fine and all, but to sum it up, he's ridiculously strong, right? I can feel it throughout my body, relentlessly! So much so that I can't help but tremble!"
Doctor Mu: "Get him, Super No.17! Show that detestable Saiyan everything you've got!"

Episode 46
Time: 18m15s
Context: Super No.17 has knocked Goku into a land mass
Goku: "H-he's awesome!"

Episode 46
Time: 18m25s
Context: Goku is about to blast Super No.17
Goku: " I-it's no use! I can't blast him! If I blast him, he'll power up even more!"

Episode 46
Time: around 19m55s
Context: Goku is beat
Narrator: "Ironically, Goku's Kamehame-Ha has powered up Super No.17."

Episode 47
Time: around 6m30s
Context: Super No.17 survived Goku's full power explosion
Goku: "It figures..."

Episode 47
Time: 6m45s
Context: Super No.17 survived Goku's full power explosion
Doctor Mu: "Incredible! Incredible, No.17! You really are something else!"

Episode 47
Time: 6m55s
Context: Super No.17 survived Goku's full power explosion
Super No.17: "That one was indeed pretty dangerous. If I had been a little later in raising my barrier, I would been completely done in!"
Goku: "Is that right? Then I've done something regrettable."

Episode 47
Time: around 7m25s
Context: Super No.17 is about to finish Goku
Goku: "I ain't even got the energy left to lift a finger!"
[ ]
Super No.17: "You won't ever touch me again!"
[ ]
Goku: "You sure are a strong one!"

Episode 47
Time: 10m10s
Context: No.18 is defying Super No.17
No.18: "Come on! Shoot me, if you can! But if you do, everyone here is certain to be blown away! Do you still have the courage to shoot? No, I doubt you do, you coward! Is that how scared you are of this bomb?! You really are a coward!"
Goku: "Stop, already, No.18! If you don't leave it at that, he really will shoot!"

Episode 47
Time: 10m45s
Context: Super No.17 is hesitant to fire his attack
Doctor Mu: "What are you afraid of? Even if that little lady's bomb were to explode, it shouldn't bother you in the least! Hurry up and blow those guys away!"
Super No.17: "I'm not afraid of any bomb!"
Doctor Mu: "In that case, why don't you shoot! Huh? You're pathetic, offering nothing but excuses! It's all right, go ahead and blow her away, together with Goku!"
Super No.17: "I'm not pathetic, nor am I a coward!"
*Super No.17 destroys Doctor Mu with his Dengeki Jigoku-Dama*

Episode 47
Time: around 11m30s
Context: Super No.17 has just destroyed Doctor Mu
Super No.17: "I'm no coward!"
*prepares another Dengeki Jigoku-Dama*
No.18: "So you've finally set your mind to it, have you?! But then, I'm not about to just wait here silently and be done in!"

Episode 47
Time: around 12m30s
Context: No.18 continues shooting rapid fire blasts at Super No.17
Goku: *That's it! He has to assume that pose in order to absorb Ki... What do you know, as he's absorbing Ki, he's leaving himself wide open, huh?! All right!* "No.18, blast him! Blast him, blast him, blast away at him!"

Episode 47
Time: around 12m55s
Context: No.18 continues rapid fire blasts at Super No.17
Super No.17: "No matter how many Kiko-Ha blasts you shoot at me, it just makes my power rise! What are you going to do with me as I get more and more powerful, you fools?!"

Episode 47
Time: around 13m35s
Context: Goku is about to fire a Kamehameha at Super No.17
Super No.17: "I-I'll just absorb that!"
Goku: "You're a little too late for that! HA!!"
[ ]
No.18: "We got him, Kuririn!"

9. Trunks

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 46
Time: around 25s
Context: Recap of last episode
Narrator: "Elsewhere, Trunks and the others fell one after another before the overwhelming strength of Super No.17."

10. Vegeta

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 44
Time: around 9m50s
Subject: Hell Fighter No.17
Vegeta: "You're evenly matched against me? You bastard, you've powered up beyond belief!"
Note: In the dub, Vegeta says No.17's power is so pathetic that he couldn't fight off a cold on his best day. Mu says No.17 is only running at half strength.

Episode 45
Time: 7m30s
Context: Goku is watching the fight from Hell
Goku: "Awesome! What a guy! He's treating Vegeta almost as if he were a little kid!"

Episode 45
Time: around 18m55s
Context: Vegeta has gotten back up to continue fighting
Vegeta: "Now listen! I am Number One around here! I don't need to go calling on Kakarot to come defend the Earth! So long as I, Vegeta-sama, am around, that's enough!"
Doctor Mu: "You've gotten old, huh, Vegeta? The Saiyan prince defending the Earth? What a joke! There's no use in keeping Saiyans who have lost their pride alive. Die!"

Episode 46
Time: around 1m40s
Context: Recap of last episode
Narrator: "As even Vegeta burned himself out, Goku finally appeared!"

--Super Saiyan 2--

Episode 45
Time: around 15m
Subject: Vegeta
Doctor Mu: "For someone who claims to be the prince of the warrior Saiyan race, to only be at this level is laughable!"

Episode 45
Time: around 15m
Context: Super No.17 is about to finish Vegeta off
Vegeta: "I-I can't move! I-is this where it ends? power..."
Doctor Mu: "You shouldn't blame yourself so much. You've hung in there well, I'll commend you for that."

11. Villains

--In general--

Episode 45
Time: 8m20s
Context: Villains are waiting in line at check-in station
Black: "Here we got brought back to life and all, and yet we were done in again all too easily."
General Blue: "Indeed! Who would have thought the folks on Earth had become this strong?"

Episode 47
Time: around 17m10s
Context: The group has decided to start hunting for the Dragon Balls
Narrator: "After a series of pinches, Goku finally defeated Super No.17. All of the villains who had come back from Hell had once again been defeated by Goku and the others. They then went home to Hell."

12. Zet Senshi

--In general--

Episode 43
Time: 20m
Context: Panning from fight to fight
Narrator: "All around the Earth, Gohan and the others fight a close battle with their enemies of the past."

Episode 44
Time: around 14m50s
Context: Super No.17 has just beaten down the Zet Senshi
Doctor Mu: "No matter how many of you get together, small fries are still small fries! And no matter how much you gang up on him, there is no way you can defeat No.17!"

Episode 44
Time: around 19m25s
Context: Super No.17 is bombarding the gang with finger blasts
Goku: "T-this is bad, now! If I don't get there soon, everyone's going to be done in!"

Episode 45
Time: around 1m15s
Context: Recap of last episode
Narrator: "The warriors on Earth were unable to do anything against the outrageous power of Super No.17."

Episode 45
Time: 7m35s
Context: Goku is watching the fight from Hell
Goku: "Hey, Piccolo, ain't you done yet? If we don't hurry, everyone's going to be done in!"

Episode 45
Time: around 18m25s
Context: Super No.17 just killed Doctor Gero
Super No.17: "You Earth folk are nothing but small fries. Let's take care of this planet quickly, and begin making preparations for taking over the entire galaxy, Doctor Mu-sama."
Doctor Mu: "You're right. So long as Son Goku is gone, there is nothing for us to fear."

Episode 46
Time: around 25s
Context: Recap of last episode
Narrator: "Elsewhere, Trunks and the others fell one after another before the overwhelming strength of Super No.17."


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
VI: Evil Dragons section part 1: Hunt for the Dragons
Episodes 50-57

1. Liang Xing Long

Episode 50
Time: around 8m35s
Context: Wu Xing Long introduces himself to Goku and Pan
Wu Xing Long: “Son Goku, it was impressive how you defeated Liang Xing Long. However, he was the weakest among the Evil Dragons.”

2. Liu Xing Long

Episode 51
Time: around 13m40s
Context: After Liu's barrier repels Goku's Kamehameha
Goku: “So you can deflect a Kamehameha too? You're not too shabby, huh?”
Liu Xing Long: “I shall not be defeated by the likes of you!”

Episode 51
Time: around 15m50s
Context: Liu reveals the secret of her barrier
Liu Xing Long: “It's true, I was spinning around at a great speed, which raised a barrier!”

Episode 51
Time: around 17m
Context: After being knocked down by Goku's spinning attack
Liu Xing Long: “Then again, an imitation is an imitation, after all! Can you keep up with my speed?”
Goku: “W-w-what power! This is outrageous!”
Liu Xing Long: “It's hopeless for you, Goku.”
Goku: “Damn, I can't move with this wind pressure! If this guy would just stop spinning, it would be a piece of cake!”
Liu Xing Long: “Senpu kaiten-jin! This fight is mine to win!”

Episode 51
Time: around 20m20s
Context: As Liu is being destroyed by Pan and Goku's Kamehamehas
Liu Xing Long: “I had...the weaker hand!”

3. San Xing Long

Episode 56
Time: Around 15m, 8s
(Context: After having both arms frozen by San, SS4 Goku sticks his foot into San's mouth.)
Son Goku: My feet are all I need to take you on!

Episode 56
Time: Around 16m, 40s
(Context: After Goku is frozen completely by San Xing Long.)
Son Goku: Even with my Super Saiyan 4 power, I can't budge an inch!

Episode 56
Time: 21 minutes
(Context: After Goku is freed from San's ice.)
Son Goku: You hang tight, Si Xing Long. I'll put this bastard away in ten seconds, and then you and I can continue.

Episode 56
Time: Around 23m 20s
(Context: Episode's conclusion.)
Son Goku: Let me take that back. I'll defeat you in five seconds!

Episode 57
Time: Around 4m50s
(Context: Goku halts his 10x Kamehameha after San takes Pan hostage, the 5 seconds after Goku's attack began have ended.)
San Xing Long: Five seconds have passed. I'm still alive and kicking.
Son Goku: T-that was dirty of you!
San Xing Long: I'm fine with being dirty. As long as I win.

Episode 57
Time: Around 8m5s
(Context: Goku breaks out ofthe ice San froze him in and repels his attack.)
San Xing Long: T-that's impossible! There's no way you should have been able to break out of my ice!
Son Goku: That's too bad, huh?. I don't fall for the same trick twice.
San Xing Long: W-what?
Son Goku: Once I'm subjected to a technique, my body memorizes it. That's why I immediately put up a ki barrier.
San Xing Long: T-this...this is impossible...

Time: Around 10m50s
(Context: After San blinds Goku.)
San Xing Long: Unable to see, Goku's power is cut in half. This battle will be mine!
Son Goku: I wouldn't be too sure of that!
(The two clash. Goku's face is scratched by San, while he punches through San's stomach.)
San Xing Long: H-how?
Son Goku: Even without being able to see, I can sense your cowardly Ki loud and clear.

4. Si Xing Long

--Restrictive form--

Episode 54
Time: around 6m 35s
Context: Goku warns Pan not to be overconfident against Si
Goku: “This guy looks like he's in a different class than the guys we've faced up to now!”

Episode 54
Time: around 9m15s
Context: Si explains how he could damage Goku without touching him
Si Xing Long: “I am capable of momentarily raising the temperature of my body to be the same as that of the surface of the sun, which is about 6000 degrees.”

Episode 54
Time: around 12m
Context: Goku tries to think of a way to beat Si
Goku: “He ain't the sort of opponent that's going to go down easy though...”

Episode 54
Time: around 17m20s
Context: Goku further comments on Si's strength
Goku: “You know, that guy is pretty tough. There ain't any stopping him like this.”

Episode 54
Time: around 20m40s
Context: Si gets knocked down after Goku uses the Taiyo-ken on him
Goku: “You ain't the sort of guy who'd be done in just from the Taiyo-ken technique! How about you start taking this seriously? This ain't a game, you know!”

--True form--

Episode 54
Time: around 21m35s
Context: After Si has transformed
Si Xing Long: “Now then, how about you change, too, into a form I can seriously fight against?”
Goku: “Yeah, I'll change all right! Into Super Saiyan 4!”

Episode 54
Time: around 22m20s
Context: End of episode narration
Narrator: “At last, Si Xing Long and Son Goku are getting serious! The second round between these two is certain to be a battle even hotter than the sun!”

Episode 56
Time: 6m, 18s
(Context: After Si has dodged SS4 Goku's ki blasts and comes into close range.)
Son Goku: Impressive. Looks like you've got the edge in speed.
Si Xing Long: So it seems.
Son Goku: However, I've got the edge in power!

Episode 56
Time: 6m, 40s
(Context: Si intercepts Goku before he fires the 10x Kamehameha.)
Si Xing Long: Too slow! Hmhmhm. When you condense your ki into your palms for your Kamehameha, you stall momentarily. With my speed, I'm much quicker than you!

Episode 56
Time: Around 7m, 30s
(Context: After Si intercepts the 10x Kamehameha a second time.)
Son Goku: He really is fast! My Kamehameha ain't quick enough!

Episode 56
Time: 17m, 12s
(Context: After SS4 Goku is frozen completely, San tells Si to finish him off.)
San Xing Long: If you hit him now with your finishing move, the Burst Attack, his body will be blown to pieces. Well, what's the matter? I'm allowing you to do the honors!
Si Xing Long: I-I don't want to win this way! I can't finish off someone who can't fight back! And brother, if you hadn't interfered in the first place, I would've already won! Using pure technique! By my own Power!

5. Son Goku

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 50
Time: around 4m30s
Context: After Goku has counted up the amount of evil dragons he can defeat, likely comparing them to Liang Xing Long
Goku: “They ain't any reason why I couldn't take on all six of them together!”
Pan: “As long as I have Gill around, I could more than handle all of them myself!”

Episode 51
Time: around 16m55s
Context: After clashing with Liu, and imitating her spinning technique
Goku: “Hehe. My move is stronger!”

Episode 52
Time: around 21m50s
Context: Goku dodges Qui's attacks
Qui Xing Long: “Come on, come on, come on! Where's all that enthusiasm you had a moment ago?! Turn into that red monkey and come at me!”

Episode 54
Time: around 6m25s
Context: Pan challenges Si Xing Long
Pan: “I should warn you though, we're uncommonly strong! We're undefeated!”

--Super Saiyan 4--

Episode 50
Time: around 13m
Context: As Goku tanks Wu's Dragon Thunder
Goku: “It's all prickly. Feels good.”
Wu Xing Long: “W-what?!”

Episode 52
Time: around 13m40s
Context: Goku moves the ground of a damaged area back to its original state
Pan: “I-incredible, Grandpa! You're lifting the ground up from beneath!”

Episode 53
Time: 9m5s
Context: Super Saiyan 4 Goku easily beats around Pan-absorbed Qui Xing Long
Goku: “You're the one who told me to become this! I'm going to make you thoroughly regret that!”
Pan: “That's it, that's my Grandpa!”

Episode 53
Time: 10m25s
Context: Qui Xing Long knows that Super Saiyan 4 Goku isn't being fully serious
Qui Xing Long: “Sure enough, you aren't being serious!”
Son Goku: “What? What are you talking about?”
Qui Xing Long: “No matter how coldhearted a front you put on, you still cannot defeat me!”
Son Goku: “That ain't so. I seriously am planning to defeat you!”
Qui Xing Long: “Is that so? Then why don't you hit me with a Kamehameha?”
Pan: “Grandpa!”
Qui Xing Long: “If you seriously mean business, you could probably hit me with one Times-10 Kamehameha blast and blow me clean away.”

Episode 53
Time: around 15m20s
Context: Qui Xing Long survives Super Saiyan 4 Goku's 10x Kamehameha
Goku: “Why? You must have taken my 10x Kamehameha dead-on! There ain't any way you could be alive!”
Qui Xing Long: “Son Goku, you must be so concerned about Pan that unconsciously, you were incapable of using your full power!”
Goku: “That couldn't be it. I was at full power!”
Qui Xing Long: “Then how is it that I am still here, eh? As a matter of fact, that Times-10 Kamehameha wasn't even times 5, let alone times 10! You have already lost.”

Episode 54
Time: around 21m35s
Context: After Si has transformed
Si Xing Long: “Now then, how about you change, too, into a form I can seriously fight against?”
Goku: “Yeah, I'll change all right! Into Super Saiyan 4!”

Episode 54
Time: around 22m10s
Context: After Si comments on Super Saiyan 4 Goku
Goku: “Yeah. Now that I've become Super Saiyan 4, your 6000 degree body temperature won't do any considerable damage to me.”

Episode 54
Time: around 22m20s
Context: End of episode narration
Narrator: “At last, Si Xing Long and Son Goku are getting serious! The second round between these two is certain to be a battle even hotter than the sun!”

Episode 55
Time: 3m, 45s
(Context: Vegeta senses SS4 Goku whilst training.)
Vegeta: He's fighting with an outrageous battle power! Since when did such a gap between our powers open up?

Episode 56
Time: 6m, 18s
(Context: After Si has dodged SS4 Goku's ki blasts and comes into close range.)
Son Goku: Impressive. Looks like you've got the edge in speed.
Si Xing Long: So it seems.
Son Goku: However, I've got the edge in power!

Episode 56
Time: Around 10m10s
(Context: After Goku spares Si for letting Pan live.)
Son Goku: Now, we're even . I can fight as hard as I want! Now, come on!

Episode 56
Time: 21 minutes
(Context: After Goku is freed from San's ice.)
Son Goku: You hang tight, Si Xing Long. I'll put this bastard away in ten seconds, and then you and I can continue.

Episode 56
Time: Around 23m20s
(Context: Episode's conclusion.)
Son Goku: Let me take that back. I'll defeat you in five seconds!

Episode 57
Time: Around 8m5s
(Context: Goku breaks out ofthe ice San froze him in and repels his attack.)
San Xing Long: T-that's impossible! There's no way you should have been able to break out of my ice!
Son Goku: That's too bad, huh?. I don't fall for the same trick twice.
San Xing Long: W-what?
Son Goku: Once I'm subjected to a technique, my body memorizes it. That's why I immediately put up a ki barrier.
San Xing Long: T-this...this is impossible...

Episode 57
Time: Around 10m50s
(Context: After San blinds Goku.)
San Xing Long: Unable to see, Goku's power is cut in half. This battle will be mine!
Son Goku: I wouldn't be too sure of that!
(The two clash. Goku's face is scratched by San, while he punches through San's stomach.)
San Xing Long: H-how?
Son Goku: Even without being able to see, I can sense your cowardly Ki loud and clear.

6. Son Pan

Episode 50
Time: around 4m30s
Context: After Goku has counted up the amount of evil dragons he can defeat, likely comparing them to Liang Xing Long
Goku: “They ain't any reason why I couldn't take on all six of them together!”
Pan: “As long as I have Gill around, I could more than handle all of them myself!”

Episode 50
Time: around 9m45s
Context: After Goku and Pan have been hit by Wu's electric slime
Goku: “Pan, are you alright?”
Pan: “I'm just feeling a little numb, that's all.”

Episode 51
Time: around 20m 35s
Context: Goku compliments Pan's Kamehameha
Goku: “Yeah! Nice going, huh Pan? That was pretty sharp of you!”

Episode 52
Time: around 17m30s
Context: Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Pan are dodging Qui's underground Kiko-ha blasts
Goku: “Awesome, awesome.”
Pan: “This is turning into some fairly good exercise!”

Episode 54
Time: around 6m25s
Context: Pan challenges Si Xing Long
Pan: “I should warn you though, we're uncommonly strong! We're undefeated!”

7. Super Saiyan 4 (All users)

Episode 55
Time: 21m, 5s
(Context: Vegeta asks Bulma why his rational Great Ape self couldn't go SS4 in the past.)
Vegeta: B-but still, I haven't lost my rationality, even after becoming a Great Ape, since long ago. So then, why wouldn't I have become Super Saiyan 4 before now?
Bulma: Perhaps, as Son-kun would put it, it's because you didn't have enough training.
Vegeta (Thinking to himself): Does this mean that even back when I was the mightiest Saiyan, I didn't have the ability?

8. Vegeta

Regular form, and in general

Episode 55
Time: 18m42s
(Context: After Vegeta reminisces of trying to surpass Goku, and when he stated that Goku was number one.)
Vegeta: Ever since then, I put it all behind me. I decided not to chase after you any longer, Kakarrot. Right now, I'm just genuinely curious as to what my limits are. I'm going to become stronger still!

9. Wu Xing Long

--Regular form, and in general--

Episode 50
Time: around 9m 50s
Context: After numbing Goku and Pan slightly with his electric slime
Wu Xing Long: “That was nothing more than child's play!”

--Electric Slime Build Up form--

Episode 50
Time: around 12m 5s
(Context: After knocking away Goku and Pan.)
Wu Xing Long: Hahaha. They're not even as good as their word!

Episode 50
Time: 14m5s
Context: Wu repels Super Saiyan 4 Goku's 10x Kamehameha
Wu Xing Long: “What a lie! See, you were just showing off after all!”
Goku: “H-he caught my 10x Kamehameha?!”
Pan: “It can't be...”

Episode 50
Time: 15m 5s
Context: After Wu's 10x Kamehameha ball reverts Goku to his regular form
Wu Xing Long: “That's not yet the extent of my powers! I'm much, much stronger! Watch!”

--Planetary Electricity form--

Episode 50
Time: around 15m25s
Context: As Wu starts to achieve his ultimate form
Wu Xing Long: “How do you like that? I'm being rapidly filled with energy!”

Episode 50
Time: around 15m40s
Context: After Pan fires three ki blasts at Wu
Goku: “Stop, Pan! You'll get done in!”

Episode 50
Time: around 16m30s
Context: As Wu completes his power up
Wu Xing Long: “Look, all of Earth's electricity is mine!”
Goku: “This guy is unbelievable!”

Episode 50
Time: around 17m15s
Context: As Goku and Pan are being injured by Wu's slime
Wu Xing Long: “How long will you be able to hold out? Voltage 50% up!”

Episode 50
Time: around 17m30s
Context: After the 50% voltage increase knocks Pan unconscious
Goku: “Pan! Dammit, if I don't do something....if I don't do something!”
Wu Xing Long: “You're a tough one! All right, if you can live through this, you're some kind of monster! Prepare yourself! Maximum voltage!”

Episode 50
Time: around 17m55s
Context: After Goku takes Wu's Maximum voltage
Goku: “I'm so numb, I can't sense anything... Looks like my body has come apart...”


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
VII: Evil Dragons section part 2: The battle against Yi Xing Long, and the story's end.
Episodes 57-64

1. Gogeta

--Super Saiyan 4, in general--

Episode 60
Time: 8m
Context: Yi Xing Long asks who Gogeta is
Gogeta: "Who, me? I am neither Son Goku, nor Vegeta. I am he who will defeat you."

Episode 60
Time: 10m5s
Subject: Gogeta
Chi-Chi: “Not bad, is he?! He’s incredibly strong!”
Bulma: “Of course he is! After all, he’s Son-kun and Vegeta stuck together!”
Note: In the English dub, Chi-Chi says Gogeta is taking control, and Bulma says nobody can mess with their husbands when they work together.

Episode 60
Time: around 11m
Context: After Gogeta calls Yi Xing Long a dimwit
Yi Xing Long “Don’t get too full of yourself, just because you’ve gotten some more power! Not even you are capable of avoiding this!”
Note: Yi Xing Long is rapid-firing ki blasts as he says that last line. In the English dub, he says Gogeta isn’t enough to overcome the power of the Evil Dragons.

Episode 60
Time: around 11m50s
Context: After Yi Xing Long finishes his rapid-fire ki attack
Yi Xing Long: “How about that?! No matter how powerful you are, you couldn’t have taken that much head-on and come away unscathed!”

Episode 60
Time: 12m10s
Context: Gogeta appears hurt by the rapid-fire attack
Yi Xing Long: “You’re not even as strong as you say you are!”

Episode 60
Time: around 12m15s
Subject: Yi Xing Long’s rapid-fire attack
Gogeta: “I felt it! Yeah, I felt it, I felt it. And it felt terrific!”
Note: In the English dub, Gogeta says the attack took care of a crick in his neck.

Episode 60
Time: 18m45s
Subject: Yi Xing Long’s Power Ball
Gogeta: “At the moment I kicked the ball, I used the energy within my body to convert the minus energy of the Power Ball to plus.”

Episode 60
Time: around 19m20s
Context: As Gogeta prepares his final attack
Gogeta: “Let’s finish this up, Yi Xing Long! I’ll send you to the Next World with this!”
Note: The attack was the Big Bang Kamehame-Ha.

Episode 61
Time: around 2m30s
Context: Beginning episode narration
Narrator: “Goku and Vegeta, having gone through Fusion, had at last cornered Yi Xing Long with their overwhelming power. However, at the last moment, they ran out of time, and their Fusion dissolved!”
Note: The narrator is going on about Yi was forced to revert to his natural state and was determined to regain the power of all the Dragon Balls. It was mentioned that Gogeta was “incomparable,” at least.

2. Oob

--In general--

Episode 60
Time: 8m50s
Context: After Oob asks if anyone would perform Fusion with him
Oob: “Please? I want to become stronger!”
Note: In the English dub, Oob says they can help Goku and Vegeta with their fused power.

3. Son Goku

--Regular state, in general--

Episode 59
Time: around 2m10s
Context: Beginning episode narration
Narrator: “After having been saved from a desperate pinch by Gohan and the others, Goku succeeded in absorbing enough energy from them to surpass even Super Saiyan 4! It appeared as though the fight to the death between him and Yi Xing Long, his most powerful enemy, had come to a conclusion by means of a Times Ten Kamehame-Ha.”

Episode 59
Time: 15m30s
Context: Vegeta is contacting Goku through telepathy
Vegeta: “Cut the nonsense. Do you think you can do that guy in with that technique? If you die, then the Earth is finished!”

Episode 60
Time: around 8m30s
Context: After seeing Gogeta
Oob: “They are indeed incredible…Goku-san and Vegeta-san…”
Note: In the English dub, Oob just asks if anybody would like to try Fusion with him.

--Super Saiyan 4--

Episode 57
Time: Around 16m10s
(Context: After Goku's argument with Yi Xing Long.)
Son Goku: I'm definately going to defeat you!
Yi Xing Long: That's easy for you to say.

Time: Around 19m20s
(Context: Goku talks to himself after knocking Yi back with a surprise attack.)
Son Goku: This could really be the end, huh?

Episode 57
Time: Around 21 minutes
(Context: After the 10x Kamehameha is completely ineffective against Yi.)
Yi Xing Long: Just so you know, I'm alive and kicking.
Son Goku: That's impossible! How could a Times Ten Kamehameha have no effect?
Yi Xing Long: If that was your most powerful technique, then there's no way you can beat me.

Episode 59
Time: around 4m15s
Chi-Chi: “Between him bein’ all powered up and Goku-sa, which one’s stronger, Gohan?”
Gohan: “I-I can’t tell. Their levels are just too close together.”
Note: In the English dub, Gohan doesn’t explain that their powers are too close to tell the difference.

Episode 59
Time: around 15ms
Context: Goku is preparing to blow himself up to kill Yi Xing Long
Gohan: “D-Dad is planning on converting his life force into energy, and blowing himself up!”
Chi-Chi: “He’s what?!”
Gohan: “Dad is going to trade in his life in order to take him down together!”

Episode 59
Time: around 15m
Context: Goku is preparing to sacrifice himself to kill Yi Xing Long
Goku: (thinking to himself) “This is the only thing left I can do… If this doesn’t work, then I’m sorry, but you’ll have to give up hope!”

Episode 59
Time: 21m15s
Context: As Vegeta and Goku power up in Super Saiyan 4
Pan: “It almost seems as though the Earth is trembling!”

Episode 59
Time: 21m25s
Context: As Vegeta and Goku power up in Super Saiyan 4
Yi Xing Long: “No matter how many small fry you add on, small fry are still small fry!

Episode 59
Time: around 21m40s
Context: After Goku suggests fighting Yi Xing Long
Vegeta: “Kakarrot, you must know it too…”
Goku: “K-know what?”
Vegeta: “That there isn’t the slightest hope of us winning like this.”
Note: In the English dub, Vegeta comes right out with it and says they’ll die fighting separately.

Episode 60
Time: 21m35s
Context: Yi Xing Long taunts Goku and Vegeta about being so close to winning before their Fusion split
Vegeta: “You know how we feel? You’re a fine one to talk! You’re the one who’s all worn out!”
Goku: “And I can beat you now all on my own!”

Episode 61
Time: 3m10s
Context: Yi Xing Long ridiculing Goku and Vegeta for not beating him as Gogeta
Yi Xing Long: “It’s your own fault for becoming carried away with your own strength, and you kept goofing around.”
Note: In the English dub, Yi says Goku and Vegeta are “nothing but a joke.”

Episode 61
Time: 4m20s
Subject: Fusion
Yi Xing Long: “You guys have missed your one and only best chance to beat me.”

Episode 61
Time: around 6m
Context: As Goku and Vegeta attack Yi Xing Long
Yi Xing Long: “As long as you two are not allowed to go through Fusion, you’re no more than ordinary scum!”

Episode 61
Time: around 7m25s
Yi Xing Long: “Like I said, unless you are able to go through Fusion, you’re nothing but trash!”

Episode 61
Time: 8m10s
Subject: Goku’s headbutt
Yi Xing Long: “So that’s it. That one hurt a little.”

Episode 61
Time: 14m40s
Context: The Kamehameha and Final Flash combination didn’t kill Yi Xing Long
Yi Xing Long: “Who would have thought that there’d be this much difference to you, depending on whether or not you perform Fusion?”

Episode 61
Time: 14m40s
Context: The Kamehameha and Final Flash combination didn’t kill Yi Xing Long
Yi Xing Long: “Oh, you still have enough power to get back up, do you? Impressive, Son Goku.”
Note: In the English dub, Yi Xing Long says Goku’s mind is strong but his body isn’t.

Episode 61
Time: 20m5s
Context: Pans asks why Goku and Vegeta couldn’t fuse a second time
Trunks: (thinking) “It could be that Goku-san’s Super Saiyan 4 power is low... Going through Fusion consumes a great deal of Ki as it is. And after they’ve taken that many of Yi Xing Long’s attacks head-on...not even Super Saiyan 4 Goku-san could withstand it. And he...he’s realized it too.”
Note: In the English dub, Trunks goes on about Goku fighting much longer than Vegeta and being amazed he’s even still alive, and that Yi Xing Long probably realized Goku is low on energy too.

Episode 61
Time: around 21m25s
Context: Goku has reverted to his child body, preventing Fusion
Yi Xing Long: “Now your batteries have run out, have they? It looks like you guys were so concerned about doing your Fusion that you took too many of my attacks. It’s no surprise that your power is insufficient now.”

4. Super Saiyan 4

--In general--

Episode 59
Time: around 22m15s
Context: Ending narration
Narrator: “W-what’s this?! A Fusion between Super Saiyans 4? However, if successful, the ultimate Super Saiyan will be born!”
Note: In the English dub, the narrator only says Vegeta has come up with a plan for victory after stopping Goku’s needless sacrifice.

Episode 60
Time: around 20m55s
Context: Goku and Vegeta wonder why their Fusion only lasted 10 minutes instead of 30
Goku: “I know! It must be that when two Super Saiyan 4s undergo Fusion, the more power is used up, the shorter the time becomes! We shouldn’t have played around and finished him off right away, huh?”

5. Yi Xing Long

--Regular state, in general--

Episode 57
Time: Around 15m10s
(Context: Goku is enraged at Yi's merciless of killing Si.)
Son Goku: It was so easy for you to kill him, like he was some kind of worm!
Note: Although this statement is to do with Yi Xing Long's merciless, the effort needed to kill Si would allow it to be an accurate power statement as well.

Episode 57
Time: Around 16m10s
(Context: After Goku's argument with Yi Xing Long.)
Son Goku: I'm definately going to defeat you!
Yi Xing Long: That's easy for you to say.

Episode 57
Time: Around 16m45s
(Context: After Yi Xing Long destroys a city block by slightly flaring his aura.)
Yi Xing Long: Sorry about that. I apparently failed to restrain my power enough.
Son Goku: W-what a Ki!

Episode 57
Time: Around 18 minutes
(Context: After Yi knocks Goku into a Ferris Wheel.)
Yi Xing Long: How about it, Goku? I'm different from everyone else up to now, right?
Son Goku: Damn, you're incredible. Your power's in a league all it's own!

Episode 57
Time: Around 21 minutes
(Context: After the 10x Kamehameha is completely ineffective against Yi.)
Yi Xing Long: Just so you know, I'm alive and kicking.
Son Goku: That's impossible! How could a Times Ten Kamehameha have no effect?
Yi Xing Long: If that was your most powerful technique, then there's no way you can beat me.

Episode 57
Time: Around 22m55s
(Context: End of episode narration.)
Narrator: Amazingly, the Times Ten Kamehameha had no effect against Yi Xing Long, who is in a different league than all the opponents up until now!

Episode 59
Time: around 2m10s
Context: Beginning episode narration
Narrator: “After having been saved from a desperate pinch by Gohan and the others, Goku succeeded in absorbing enough energy from them to surpass even Super Saiyan 4! It appeared as though the fight to the death between him and Yi Xing Long, his most powerful enemy, had come to a conclusion by means of a Times Ten Kamehame-Ha.”

Episode 60
Time: 20m20s
Context: Yi Xing Long survived Gogeta’s Big Bang Kamehame-Ha
Yi Xing Long: “I haven’t kicked the bucket yet!”
Gogeta: “You’re a persistent one, huh? But no matter how much you struggle, it’s no use! With this next blast, you’re going to be obliterated for sure!”
Note: In the English dub, Gogeta says Yi’s power has been severely crippled.

Episode 60
Time: 21m35s
Context: Yi Xing Long taunts Goku and Vegeta about being so close to winning before their Fusion split
Vegeta: “You know how we feel? You’re a fine one to talk! You’re the one who’s all worn out!”
Goku: “And I can beat you now all on my own!”
Yi Xing Long: “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”
Note: Of course, Yi absorbed the Dragon Balls again after that.

--Dragon Balls absorbed--

Episode 59
Time: 3m15s
Context: Beginning episode narration
Narrator: “Yi Xing Long, born from the minus energy of the Dragon Balls, had been revived, and had drawn in all of the Dragon Balls to himself, in order to wipe out life on Earth! His power was in a class all its own.”

Episode 59
Time: around 4m15s
Chi-Chi: “Between him bein’ all powered up and Goku-sa, which one’s stronger, Gohan?”
Gohan: “I-I can’t tell. Their levels are just too close together.”
Note: In the English dub, Gohan doesn’t explain that their powers are too close to tell the difference.

Episode 59
Time: 5m30s
Yi Xing Long: “This is an unbelievable power up, even if I do say so myself. I’m ten times greater than before…perhaps even more! Not being able to see it, you might not believe it, but just by using the slightest power, everything around has been blown away!”
Note: In the English dub, Yi Xing Long’s power up isn’t mentioned. He merely talks about making a cemetery worthy of Goku.

Episode 59
Time: around 11m50s
Context: After Yi Xing Long regenerates from Goku’s Ryu-ken
Goku: “Damn… What should I do? Ain’t there any way to defeat him?!”

Episode 59
Time: 15m30s
Context: Vegeta is contacting Goku through telepathy
Vegeta: “Cut the nonsense. Do you think you can do that guy in with that technique? If you die, then the Earth is finished!”

Episode 59
Time: 15m55s
Context: Vegeta says the real fight begins now
Goku: “The real fight begins now? This opponent will blow your mind once you try fighting him.”

Episode 59
Time: around 17m50s
Context: Gohan protests Vegeta’s transformation
Bulma: “Unless we defeat that monster, it’ll all end up the same way…the Earth goes ‘poof!’”

Episode 60
Time: around 1m50s
Context: Recap of Episode 59
Narrator: “Yi Xing Long, who had absorbed the minus energy from all seven Dragon Balls into his own body, had assumed his strongest, most powerful, final form!”
Note: In the English dub, the narrator instead explains that Yi Xing Long had the powers of all the Evil Dragons, and that Goku was so outmatched he resorted to attempting to blowing himself up.

Episode 60
Time: 9m35s
Context: After Yi Xing Long is repelled by Gogeta’s invisible strikes
Gogeta: “For you to take three of my punches, and only come away with a bloody nose, is something else.”

Episode 60
Time: 13m35s
Context: As Gogeta prepares to unleash his finishing move
Gogeta: “I doubt that even you would leave as much as a single cell behind after you get hit by five simultaneous Kamehame-Ha blasts!”

Episode 60
Time: around 14m20s
Context: Yi Xing Long fails to hit Gogeta
Gogeta: “I’m completely disappointed in you. I thought you could do a little better than this.”
Yi Xing Long: “What?”
Gogeta: “One finger is all I need against you!”
Note: In the English dub, Gogeta says he has the power to kill Yi Xing Long but he won’t if he promises never to hurt anyone again.

Episode 60
Time: 14m35s
Context: Gogeta says he only needs one finger to win
Yi Xing Long: “I…I won’t lose, no matter what!”

Episode 60
Time: around 15m35s
Context: Yi Xing Long has called upon the power of all the Evil Dragons
Yi Xing Long: “This Power Ball is made up of the heavily condensed minus energy of the Dragon Balls, as well as the hatred of the Evil Dragons!”
Note: In the English dub, Yi Xing Long says the ball is the sum of all of humanity’s evil deeds.

Episode 60
Time: around 16m15s
Subject: Yi Xing Long’s Power Ball
Oob: “It’s no use. No matter where we run, once an energy ball with as much incredibly condensed power as that hits something, the Earth… will be destroyed!”

--6 Dragon Balls absorbed--

Episode 61
Time: around 4m45s
Context: As Yi attempts to reintegrate the 4-star Dragon Ball
Yi Xing Long: “Once I have all the Dragon Balls together, one Power Ball blast will take care of you!”
Note: In the English dub, Yi says he’ll be complete again and will rule the universe.

Episode 61
Time: around 6m
Context: As Goku and Vegeta attack Yi Xing Long
Yi Xing Long: “As long as you two are not allowed to go through Fusion, you’re no more than ordinary scum!”

Episode 61
Time: 8m30s
Yi Xing Long: “With your powers, nothing works against me!”
Goku: “Probably not, huh?”

Episode 61
Time: 9m45s
Goku: “You sure are strong. You ain’t letting us get away with performing Fusion too easily. What you said was right. I was a little too thrilled over the first time I accomplished a Super Saiyan 4 Fusion, and the power it gave me, it appears that I goofed around too much. Despite it being our one precious chance to kill you.”

Episode 61
Time: 14m40s
Context: The Kamehameha and Final Flash combination didn’t kill Yi Xing Long
Yi Xing Long: “Who would have thought that there’d be this much difference to you, depending on whether or not you perform Fusion?”
Vegeta: “What a tough bastard! He didn’t take any damage at all!”
Note: In the English dub, Vegeta says Yi Xing Long is making light of two Super Saiyan 4s.

Episode 61
Time: 16m
Context: Yi Xing Long continues to be unaffected by Goku’s and Vegeta’s attacks
Goku: “You really are incredible. No matter what we do, you don’t come away from it with so much as a scratch.”
Vegeta: “Damn... If we can’t go through Fusion against an enemy that we’re no match for at Super Saiyan 4, then there’s nothing we can do!”
Note: In the English dub, Vegeta is angry that he finally achieved Super Saiyan 4 but is helpless against someone like Yi Xing Long.

Episode 61
Time: around 16m30s
Context: Yi Xing Long continues to be unaffected by Goku’s and Vegeta’s attacks
Yi Xing Long: “I am a warrior of devastation. With the minus energy that saturates my body, I will bury you, destroy the Earth, and then lay waste to the entire galaxy!”
Note: In the English dub, Yi Xing Long instead talks about the Saiyans dreaming of using Fusion against him.

Episode 61
Time: 20m45s
Context: Yi Xing Long gives Goku and Vegeta permission to perform Fusion again
Goku: “If we accomplish Fusion, you’re going to die.”

6. Vegeta

--Regular state, in general--

Episode 59
Time: around 15m55s
Vegeta: “Do you think I would come to such a dangerous place as this without thinking of something first? Kakarrot, I’m going to become Super Saiyan 4 too!”
Note: In the English dub, Vegeta instead rhetorically wonders if Yi Xing Long is strong enough to take on two Super Saiyan 4s.

Episode 59
Time: around 17m35s
Context: Vegeta is transforming from the Ultra-Bruits waves
Gohan: “Bulma-san, please stop! If Vegeta-san becomes a Great Ape, he’ll lose his rationality, and then forget about him teaming up with Father, he’ll destroy the Earth first!”

Episode 59
Time: around 17m50s
Context: Gohan protests Vegeta’s transformation
Bulma: “Unless we defeat that monster, it’ll all end up the same way…the Earth goes ‘poof!’”
Gohan: “But…”
Bulma: “If that’s the case, I’m putting my money on Vegeta.”
Note: In the English dub, Bulma just refers to herself as Vegeta’s princess in response to Gohan’s rebuttal.

--Great Ape--

Episode 59
Time: around 18m25s
Context: Yi Xing Long dodges a mouth blast from Great Ape Vegeta
Yi Xing Long: “W-what is this?!”

Episode 59
Time: around 19m25s
Context: As Vegeta loosens his grip on Goku
Vegeta: “Damned if I, prince of Saiyans, am going to have my rationality taken from me by my Great Ape power!”

--Super Saiyan 4--

Episode 59
Time: 21m15s
Context: As Vegeta and Goku power up in Super Saiyan 4
Pan: “It almost seems as though the Earth is trembling!”

Episode 59
Time: 21m25s
Context: As Vegeta and Goku power up in Super Saiyan 4
Yi Xing Long: “No matter how many small fry you add on, small fry are still small fry!

Episode 59
Time: around 21m40s
Context: After Goku suggests fighting Yi Xing Long
Vegeta: “Kakarrot, you must know it too…”
Goku: “K-know what?”
Vegeta: “That there isn’t the slightest hope of us winning like this.”
Note: In the English dub, Vegeta comes right out with it and says they’ll die fighting separately.

Episode 61
Time: around 6m
Context: As Goku and Vegeta attack Yi Xing Long
Yi Xing Long: “As long as you two are not allowed to go through Fusion, you’re no more than ordinary scum!”

Episode 61
Time: around 7m25s
Yi Xing Long: “Like I said, unless you are able to go through Fusion, you’re nothing but trash!”

Episode 61
Time: 8m30s
Yi Xing Long: “With your powers, nothing works against me!”

Episode 61
Time: 14m40s
Context: The Kamehameha and Final Flash combination didn’t kill Yi Xing Long
Yi Xing Long: “Who would have thought that there’d be this much difference to you, depending on whether or not you perform Fusion?”

Episode 61
Time: around 21m25s
Context: Goku has reverted to his child body, preventing Fusion
Yi Xing Long: “Now your batteries have run out, have they? It looks like you guys were so concerned about doing your Fusion that you took too many of my attacks. It’s no surprise that your power is insufficient now. [ ] It’s just a matter of time for you as well, Vegeta.”

7. Zet Senshi

--In general--

Episode 60
Time: 5m25s
Context: Goten, Gohan and Trunks are stalling to allow Goku and Vegeta to fuse
Yi Xing Long: “You pesky houseflies!”

Episode 60
Time: around 16m15s
Subject: Yi Xing Long’s Power Ball
Oob: “It’s no use. No matter where we run, once an energy ball with as much incredibly condensed power as that hits something, the Earth… will be destroyed!”


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Forgot all about this...or did I? One day this will be finished...


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
There are only 7 episodes left. Perhaps I can do them when I get there in my rewatch.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I think there are some random episodes missing here and there though.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
From what I can see it looks good up until 58.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
KP or CC, do we know for certain what is missing from here? I'm on episode 51 now, so I wouldn't mind finishing what's left.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Not for certain since I haven't looked at this in months, but I know it was all in the Shadow Dragon arc.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Looking at it, we don't have any statements for San Xing Long. Seems odd.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016

This guy? Is that supposed to be blue? Looks more turquoise to me, which doesn't make sense for ice... :idk

For some reason I though he was Liu Xing Long.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
It seems it cuts off at episode 58.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Yeah, I stopped doing the Strength Checker work for the Evil Dragons Arc at that point. If anyone wants to continue it, feel free to.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Yeah, his stuff is on Reborn. Wonder why it's not anywhere else.

Episode 56
Time: Around 15m, 8s
(Context: After having both arms frozen by San, SS4 Goku sticks his foot into San's mouth.)
Son Goku: My feet are all I need to take you on!

Episode 56
Time: Around 16m, 40s
(Context: After Goku is frozen completely by San Xing Long.)
Son Goku: Even with my Super Saiyan 4 power, I can't budge an inch!

Episode 56
Time: 21 minutes
(Context: After Goku is freed from San's ice.)
Son Goku: You hang tight, Si Xing Long. I'll put this bastard away in ten seconds, and then you and I can continue.

Episode 56
Time: Around 23m 20s
(Context: Episode's conclusion.)
Son Goku: Let me take that back. I'll defeat you in five seconds!

Episode 57
Time: Around 4m50s
(Context: Goku halts his 10x Kamehameha after San takes Pan hostage, the 5 seconds after Goku's attack began have ended.)
San Xing Long: Five seconds have passed. I'm still alive and kicking.
Son Goku: T-that was dirty of you!
San Xing Long: I'm fine with being dirty. As long as I win.

Episode 57
Time: Around 8m5s
(Context: Goku breaks out ofthe ice San froze him in and repels his attack.)
San Xing Long: T-that's impossible! There's no way you should have been able to break out of my ice!
Son Goku: That's too bad, huh?. I don't fall for the same trick twice.
San Xing Long: W-what?
Son Goku: Once I'm subjected to a technique, my body memorizes it. That's why I immediately put up a ki barrier.
San Xing Long: T-this...this is impossible...

Time: Around 10m50s
(Context: After San blinds Goku.)
San Xing Long: Unable to see, Goku's power is cut in half. This battle will be mine!
Son Goku: I wouldn't be too sure of that!
(The two clash. Goku's face is scratched by San, while he punches through San's stomach.)
San Xing Long: H-how?
Son Goku: Even without being able to see, I can sense your cowardly Ki loud and clear.

Damn, he's weaker than I thought if Goku assumed he could win in 5-10 seconds flat.