What If All Of The Main Protagonists Were Female?


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Future Beetroot asks Gohan and Flora how their training in the Spirit Room was. Gohan is about to answer, but Flora tells him to let her son and the green one (Piccolo) figure it out themselves. Piccolo and Beetroot enter the room. Gohan and Flora go to fight Cell.
Back on the battlefield, Krillin, who has arrived with Bulma's remote control, does not know what to do. He's frozen with terror at the sight of Cell's perfect power, and he's not angry enough to brainlessly attack, since in this universe, Eighteen never kissed him.
Gohan and Flora approach Cell. Flora tells Gohan to stay back, because she will defeat Cell by herself. Gohan does not react.
Flora smirks and declares she will obliterate Cell. The bio-android laughs. Flora transforms into a Super Saiyaness. Then she proceeds to show the state beyond Super Saiyan. As her power keeps increasing, Mr Popo, who is watching the fight from the Lookout, is awestruck at how much stronger the form beyond Super Saiyan is. Humans who sense Flora's power level also are awestruck. Gohan has a serious but enigmatic expression; it's hard for one to tell whether he's impressed or not.
Flora, who is now an Ascended Super Saiyaness, and Perfect Cell start fighting. The fight goes as ASSJ Vegeta vs Perfect Cell in canon, and Flora ends up unconscious.
Cell is about to kill her. However, before he does so, something occurs to him. He has always wondered who the father of her son is. Time to find out! Cell places his palm on Flora's head and reads her mind. He laughs at the information he discovers. "This is interesting," he comments. "I wonder how Beetroot would react if he knew."
Gohan, who has no idea what the hell Cell is talking about, transforms into a Super Saiyan to draw the bio-android's attention. He telepathically asks Krillin to take Flora somewhere and give her a senzu and leave Cell to him.
Krillin does so. As he's carrying Flora away, he gets a boner, because he mentally admits that Flora is a hot babe, as much as he hates her for the crimes she has committed in the past, and carrying her unconscious body is arousing. Anyway, he'll jack off to that later. He gives her a senzu.
Meanwhile, Gohan is about to transform and face Perfect Cell. He goes like, "Now you'll see the fruits of my training." What did Gohan discover in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Perfect Cell assumes a fighting position, expecting Gohan to go Ascended Super Saiyan. "Come on, brat. You're going to do the same transformation Flora did. Right? The supposed Princess of all Saiyans lost, and so will you."
Ignoring Cell's taunts, Gohan sighs, eyes closed, and relaxes. Cell's eyes widen slightly. The brat is still a Super Saiyan, but he can no longer feel his energy.
And then, all of a sudden, Gohan's power surges up, way above the power level Flora showed earlier. Cell is shocked. "How is that possible?" he wonders out loud. "You're still just a Super Saiyan... and yet..."
Gohan remembers what happened in the Spirit Room.

Gohan's life in the Room of Spirit and Time was a living hell. He couldn't stand living alone in an empty space with Flora, the person he hated more than anyone, the person that had killed so many of his loved ones in the past. Although all those people were later resurrected, Gohan still hated Flora. He still wanted revenge.
There were times he wanted to attack her in her sleep and kill her.
Until one day, he managed to forgive her. One day, when he was a Super Saiyan, during an emotional outbreak, he just let it go. His anger was gone, but he was still in his Super Saiyan state. And then he realized what the best way to master the Super Saiyan form was.
The best way was not to buff his muscles as Flora had been doing. The best way was to defeat all that anger, vengeance and negative emotions he felt and were even worse during the transformation. Forgiving Flora helped him truly ascend. Ascend into a Mastered (or Full Power) Super Saiyan.

Mastered Super Saiyan Gohan and Perfect Cell begin fighting. Cell has to make a huge power up, and the fight is even for quite a while, but in the end it turns out Cell is still at least two steps ahead of Gohan.
Gohan realizes he's not going to win. Full of disappointment, he goes back to his normal state and says, "Just kill me already."
Cell is about to kill Gohan, but then he wonders how he and Flora became so strong in such a short time. Will they get stronger if he gives them more time?
And so, the Cell Games are announced. Will the Z-Fighters defeat Cell in the final battle? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Krillin and Flora, who have in the meantime come back and watched the last moments of Gohan's fight against Cell, hear about the Cell Games.
Flora goes like, "I'm all you need. If I use the Spirit Room one more time, I'll obliterate Cell. That bastard will regret giving me more time."
Sixteen draws their attention. He declares he wants to fight at the Cell Games too. He asks the Z-Fighters to take him to Bulma for her to repair him. However, neither Gohan nor Krillin are willing to forgive Sixteen for killing Pot. Flora just doesn't care. So, despite his pleas, Sixteen is destroyed by Gohan and gone for good.
Later, Future Beetroot and Piccolo come out of the Spirit Room. Piccolo is stronger than he was in canon at this point, but he's still useless against Cell. As for Beetroot, he seems sure he can defeat Cell, though no one can understand how powerful he is or what kind of transformation he discovered while training in the Spirit Room.
In any case, Piccolo, Beetroot, and Gohan, decide not to use the room again, all of them being aware they've reached their limits and further training under those conditions will just damage their bodies. Flora is still determined to train in the room for one more year, so she goes in again.
Over the following days, each character is busy with their own affairs.
Gohan does not have much hope that the Earth will survive the Cell Games, so he wants to enjoy the last days of his life. He spends some quality time with his father, Yamcha. Also, he comes across Lime. Since both kids believe they will die anyway, they start a relationship, without having any serious plans. They're too young for full sex, but they experiment and make out quite a bit during those days.
Chichi happens to see Mr Satan on TV when he declares he will win the Cell Games. She falls in love with his wealth and fame his humorous personality. She goes like, "That's the ideal man for me and my son," and decides to try to hit on him after the Cell Games, if they're still alive.
At this point, let's say a few things about Chichi's son (the one she had after that one-night stand with Krillin at Saiyans' Saga). He's a little older than Present Beetroot, and his name is Bull. (Because his grandfather, Chichi's father, is called Ox-King.)
Bulma is still heartbroken, because Future Beetroot keeps avoiding her after their one-night stand.
Flora comes out of the Spirit Room, sure that she will defeat Cell this time. She's asked to teleport to Namek (since she's the only one who knows Instant Transmission) and bring them a new guardian to make Dragon Balls. Flora goes like, "Whatever," and does so. She brings Dende.
And so, the day of the Cell Games arrives. What will happen at Cell's arena? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
The Z-Fighters arrive at the arena: Gohan, Flora, Beetroot, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, and Tenshinhan. Of course, Piccolo and the humans do not intend to participate; they'll just watch.
Mr Satan arrives soon. He insists he goes first, and the others let him. His fight against Cell goes as in canon.
Then it's time for the Cell Games to really begin. Beetroot asks his mother whether it's OK if he goes first. Flora goes like, "No problem. I'll be the one to finish him off anyway."
The fight starts. After the warm-up phase, during which Beetroot is in his normal SSJ form, Cell declares it's time to get serious. The bio-android does a huge power up, shocking everyone.
Beetroot smiles and declares it's his turn to power up. He goes Ultra Super Saiyan. Flora snorts, annoyed, and Gohan sighs with disappointment. Is that form Beetroot's secret weapon? It seems the time traveler hasn't discovered that form's disadvantages yet. He will soon, the hard way.
Or maybe not!
Gohan and Flora are soon gobsmacked to see Beetroot's buffed muscles haven't affected his speed almost at all. Gohan wonders how that is possible.
Flora soon figures out what is going on. She remembers that Beetroot's father, Zarbon, had a buffed form, and he could use it without speed issues. And since Beetroot is half whatever species his father belonged to, that helps him with the USSJ form.
The Z-Fighters now feel hope. To match Beetroot's USSJ form, Cell has to go beyond the power he used against Goku and Gohan in canon.
However, when Cell finally goes full power, he's proven to be too much, even for Beetroot. The bio-android seriously injures his opponent.
Is it all over? Will Cell win and destroy the Earth? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Beetroot has fallen on his butt. He's trying to stand up, but he's trembling with his pain and injuries. The Z-Fighters are gaping with horror. Mr Satan keeps telling the journalists not to worry and that all of this is a trick.
Cell approaches his opponent, a victorious smile on his face. He crouches. His smile becomes sadistic. He's just come up with a great idea. Before he kills Beetroot, he'll tell him who his father is and how he was conceived. It'll be so much fun to see his reaction when he finds out he's the result of rape.
"And now, before I kill you, a parting gift," the bio-android says. "You've always wanted to know who your father is. Am I right? Well, I'll tell you."
Beetroot's eyes widen slightly. "How do you know who my father is?"
"I read your mother's mind when I knocked her unconscious, ten days ago," Cell answers. And he proceeds to tell him the story about his mother having been raped by an alien on a planet far far away.
Beetroot is shocked. Cell is amused by the half-Saiyan's shocked expression.
"No, I don't believe you," Beetroot yells in denial. "You're just messing with me."
Cell laughs. "If you don't believe me, see for yourself," he says. He places his hand on Beetroot's head and transfers into his mind all the memories he saw in Flora's mind.
Beetroot is silent with shock. Cell keeps laughing.
Beetroot is disgusted with himself. He exists because of rape? Was something so heinous what created him? Even if Cell doesn't kill him, how is he supposed to live with that knowledge? Even in the afterlife, how is he supposed to keep existing now that he knows he exists merely because of rape? He can't take this. HE CAN'T TAKE THIS!
To Cell's -- and everybody else's -- shock, Beetroot stands up. Ignoring his wounds, he lets out a scream, unable to contain all those emotions. His power is increasing and increasing. He's transforming!
Just like mastery of the regular SSJ form unlocks Super Saiyan 2, mastery of the USSJ form unlocks a new transformation too: Beetroot is now a Legendary Super Saiyan!
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Full of anger and hatred, LSSJ Beetroot attacks Cell, and the fight resumes. The Z-Fighters are watching, scared. Beetroot seems to have lost his reason. Is it possible that, after killing Cell, he will proceed to kill them too?
Meanwhile, Beetroot is stomping Cell as hard as SSJ2 Gohan did in canon, maybe even harder. Outraged, Cell fires a fully charged Kamehameha, intending to destroy the planet. Beetroot easily counters it with a semi charged Massenko.
With Cell being now wounded and trying to regenerate his missing body parts, Beetroot turns toward his mother, who is frozen with terror. The pupils and irises reappear in his eyes, indicating that he hasn't totally lost his reason, but that aside, he's still in his LSSJ form.
Eyes full of tears, Beetroot asks his mother why she never told him he was conceived because of rape.
Flora is trying to apologize.
The other Z-Fighters suggest that Beetroot should finish off Cell before resolving his issues with his mother, but Beetroot does not listen to them.
Cell, who in the meantime has regenerated his body, attacks again, now in his buffed form. He catches Beetroot off guard and delivers a punch, but it doesn't do a lot of damage.
Beetroot counterattacks and damages Cell even more. Cell vomits Android 17 (in this universe, he absorbed 18 first).
Cell is now back in his semi perfect form. Angrier than ever, he starts inflating his body, intending to kill himself and destroy the planet.
Beetroot realizes he should have killed him earlier. He bursts into tears again and apologizes for his arrogance, which has doomed everyone.
Flora appears between Beetroot and Cell. She apologizes to her dumbfounded son once more. Her last words are, "I love you, son. And I'm doing this for you."
Then, to everyone's shock, she teleports with Cell away from Earth. Luckily, she managed to find a planet with very few life forms, just in time, so she teleported there.
Everyone is shocked that Flora, of all people, sacrificed herself to save the Earth. Beetroot is still crying while the others are trying to recover from the shock.
However, a new, greater shock awaits them. Cell is still alive and comes back, more perfect than ever.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Super Perfect Cell fires a blast, which happens to hit Yamcha. Then he proceeds to explain to the Z-Fighters how he came back, better than ever. Gohan is gaping at his dying father. Yamcha passes away.
Gohan gets mad and transforms into a Super Saiyan 2 for the first time. He attacks an amused Cell, and the two of them start fighting. Beetroot, who is now back in his normal Super Saiyan form, is unresponsive, still blaming himself for his mother's death and unable to get over it.
Meanwhile, in King Yenma's place, the King is judging Flora's soul. His final verdict is: "I would have sent you to Hell had it not been for your heroic sacrifice. But because of that, I will send you to Purgatory, where you will be cleansed of your memories and reincarnated into another form."
Flora accepts the judgment, but asks for a favor. She wants to contact her son telepathically and help him snap out of his depression; Gohan needs Beetroot's help to win.
At first, Yenma refuses. However, Flora insists. She says that if he doesn't let her intervene, the Earth will be destroyed and her sacrifice will have been for nothing. Yenma finally accepts.
Back on the battlefield, SSJ2 Gohan and Super Perfect Cell seem equal in strength, but Cell's way superior experience and skills make it obvious he will win in the end. The other Z-Fighters beg Beetroot to help Gohan, but Beetroot is unresponsive.
Suddenly, Flora speaks in his mind: "Listen, son. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please, don't give up. Prove that something good came out of that rape. Prove that what I went through during the greatest part of my life as Freeza's slave was worth it just because you came out of it."
Flora's words reawaken Beetroot's fighting spirit. The lad transforms back into a Legendary Super Saiyan and attacks Cell.
The combined forces of SSJ2 Gohan and LSSJ Beetroot are too much for Cell, and the bio-android is killed. And so, peace is restored. What will the aftermath of that epic battle be? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Now that Cell is dead, the Z-Fighters realize Android 17, which Cell vomited earlier, is still there, unconscious. They are about to kill him, but Gohan stops them. The pre-teen Saiyan has realized that it was Sixteen who insisted on killing his mother, so he has no reason to hate the other two Androids. And when Beetroot reminds him that those two Androids ravaged his future, Gohan tells him that, if Flora changed, everyone can, and if they become dangerous, he can easily stop them.
The Z-Fighters go to Dende's Lookout, where everybody is healed. Seventeen is shocked, but in the end he thanks them for healing him.
Then Dende uses the Earth Dragon Balls to restore to life everybody killed since the Androids were activated, excluding bad people. However, when they are about to make the wish, Pot intervenes. Gohan's mother, who is contacting them through King Kai, asks them to exclude her too from the wish. Everybody is shocked. Pot explains to them that, come to think of it, all those times the Earth has been threatened over the last few years were because of her: the Saiyans came to Earth because of her, Freeza came to Earth because of her, and the Androids were created because of her. So she guesses the Earth will be safer if she stays dead.
Gohan's eyes become wet, but he respects his mother's decision.
And so, Yamcha (who was resurrected with the Namek Dragon Balls the previous time), Flora, and the other victims are back to life.
The Z-Fighters are trying to decide what the second wish will be when Bulma arrives with her flying vehicle. She asks to use the second wish. Curious, they let her do so.
To everybody's shock, Bulma asks to become 4 years old again; she guesses that since there is no hope she'll ever be with Future Beetroot, she can try her luck with Present Beetroot. If they both grow up together, you never know...
And so, Bulma is back in a 4-year-old body, though she's still a total bitch.
Future Beetroot goes back to his timeline, where, as we already know, he'll easily get rid of the Androids and Cell.
However, soon, new threats will appear. Find out more next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Over the following months, everybody enjoys the hard-earned peace, each in their own way.
Chichi, as she had planned, hits on Mr Satan (aka Hercule, aka Mark), who, as expected, has in the meantime told everybody that he was the one who killed Cell, so he's now enjoying even greater fame than before.
Chichi manages to seduce Mark. The two of them soon get married. Mark is not entirely faithful to her. Though she's not exactly cool with that, Chichi prefers to turn a blind eye as long as her husband provides her and her son, Bull, with a comfortable life in wealth.
And so, Bull and Mark's daughter, Videl, become step-siblings. They don't really get along. They fight all the time, but nothing serious.
Bull also often hangs out with Beetroot and Bulma, who are both the same age as him. All three of them attend the same kindergarden.
Speaking of Bulma, who is now back in a 4-year-old body, she is still an adult in mind in some respects (e.g. she still helps her father with his work in the afternoon, when she comes back from the kindergarden), but she has also become a kid in mind in some other respects. In any case, she often tries to attract Beetroot's sexual interest, in an innocent manner nonetheless, which results in plenty of funny ecchi scenes.
Gohan is still dating Lime, but he also starts coming close with Videl, since he often visits that family.
Flora, who has given up training and fighting after the Cell Games (like Vegeta in cannon), does not know what to do with her life. She and her son keep living with the Briefs. Sometimes, Flora goes out and parties. She also has some one-night stands.
One time, she gets laid with Yamcha. Yamcha tries to start a relationship with her afterward, but Flora tells him it was only for one night. She also adds, with a smile, "Legume's son (she means Gohan; Legume is Pot's Saiyan name) stole the spotlight from me, so I retaliated by fucking his father."
Yamcha is heartbroken for a while. But he soon gets over it. One time, Seventeen visits his house to thank his son, Gohan, for sparing him at the Cell Games. As a result, Yamcha and Gohan befriend the Androids, and soon, Yamcha starts dating Eighteen.
And so, Krillin is the only one who's still single. He's a little depressed. One time, he decides to gather the Dragon Balls in secret. He asks Shenlong, "Is there a girl for me anywhere in the universe?"
Shenlong thinks about it and answers, "Long ago, there was one who would be perfect for you. Her name was Zangya, and she belonged to a gang of super powerful aliens who ravaged planets. Until one day, the four Kais sealed them away."
Krillin asks Shenlong to release that Zangya chick, but Shenlong says he cannot do it, because his powers are below those of King Kai.
And so, Krillin is depressed again. Is there any way for him to release his true love from her prison?
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Krillin is trying to find a way to unite with the girl of his dreams. First things first, he must contact King Kai, since he and the other Kais are the ones who sealed her away.
He talks to those who've trained with King Kai: Gohan, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, and Chaozu. They all tell him that King Kai never contacted them since they left his planet. It seems the only way to see him again is to teleport there, but the only person who knows how to teleport is Flora.
After managing to gather enough courage, Krillin visits the Briefs' house and dares to ask Flora to teleport him to King Kai's planet. Flora answers that she can't do that, because she has never met King Kai, so she doesn't know what his aura feels like.
Krillin suggests that she read Gohan's memories, or the memories of one of the other people who've trained with King Kai. This way, she will learn what his aura feels like, and so she'll be able to teleport him there.
Flora snorts and says, "I've wasted enough time with the likes of you. Scram."
Over the following years, Krillin often pesters Flora to help him. He knows that is dangerous, since Flora can kill him anytime she wants, and nobody is sure yet whether the Saiyaness has had a full change of heart regarding her old evil ways. However, Krillin takes that chance, because life is meaningless to him if he cannot unite with Zangya.
Meanwhile, the younger Z-Fighters are little by little growing up and discovering their own sexuality. Gohan and Lime, who are now teenagers, are taking their relationship to more advanced levels, until they have full sex.
Gohan later tells that to Videl, whom he considers a friend, the sister he never had. Videl smiles and says, "I'm happy for you, guys." However, deep down inside, she's jealous like hell.
Yamcha's relationship with Eighteen is going well too. The two of them decide to get married. At first, Yamcha is afraid his son might react badly to that. However, Gohan, being too busy with his relationship with Lime, takes it well, to his father's relief.
Krillin keeps pestering Flora. In the end, the Saiyaness goes mad and says, "Look, the only reason I haven't killed you yet is because I won't be able to stand the others' grumbling if I do so."
Krillin gulps but doesn't back down.
Flora sighs. "Fine, I'll teach you how to teleport. Then you'll be able to go to that Kai bastard yourself and you'll finally leave me alone."
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Over the following years, Flora is trying to teach Krillin Instant Transmission so he leaves her alone. However, Krillin is not as talented as Saiyans, and it's hard for him to get the knack of it. Flora is frustrated, but she tries to be patient.
Meanwhile, Videl is growing more and more jealous of Gohan and Lime's relationship. As she grows up, she comes closer with Seventeen, who, as an ageless Android, remains a teenager in body, and due to his immaturity, he's a teenager in mentality too, as opposed to his sister.
At some point, Videl asks Seventeen to pretend they are dating, hoping that will make Gohan jealous. Seventeen laughs and agrees.
At first, Gohan does not seem to mind, much to Videl's frustration. However, little by little, he realizes he does feel jealous. Facing his true feelings for Videl for the first time, he breaks up with Lime, who's left heartbroken, and decides to tell Videl how he feels. Unfortunately, by then, Videl and Seventeen have truly fallen in love with each other. And so, a huge teenage drama ensues.
As the teenage Z-Fighters are trying to resolve that drama, Krillin, who's finally learned how to teleport, reads the mind of one of the Z-Fighters who've trained with King Kai, so he learns what his aura feels like. Then he goes to King Kai's planet. He introduces himself, explains to King Kai that Zangya is the perfect girl for him, and finally dares to ask him to release Bojack's gang.
King Kai tells him that for such a thing to be possible, all four Kais must agree. And in any case, even if the other Kais agreed -- which will never happen -- he doesn't think it's a good idea. Bojack was unstoppable. There is a good chance he was even stronger than Cell. If Bojack and his gang do not appreciate their second chance and decide to go back to their evil ways, even Gohan, who's kinda rusty after all this time he's been slacking off, will probably be unable to stop them.
Krillin gets depressed. He can't live without his dream girl. He tells King Kai, "In that case, seal me into that star with those pirates so I can be with my dream girl." King Kai laughs and tells him to go away.
Krillin returns to Earth and starts contemplating suicide. Meanwhile, Flora can't stop thinking about Bojack's gang. Come to think of it, those aliens Krillin has been telling her about all these years might be strong enough to give her a challenge. Now she has a reason to start training again.
But is she still evil enough to go and kill that Kai guy on purpose just so Bojack's gang is released? What will Flora do? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Flora starts training again. Within 1-2 years of training, she masters the SSJ form. Feeling she has reached her limits, not believing that she, a full-blooded Saiyaness, can reach higher forms like Gohan and her son from the future, who are half-blooded Saiyans, did, and still conflicted about whether she should kill King Kai to release Bojack's gang or not, Flora rides her spaceship and leaves the Earth. She doesn't know where she wants to go. She just wants to be alone.
Eventually, during her journeys in outer space, she comes across Babidi, who tries to control her mind. When she realizes what the wizard is trying to do, Flora lets him control half her brain. Thanks to that, she transforms for the first time into a Super Saiyaness 2. The emotions that flood her because of her new transformation and Babidi's brain control make her more power hungry than ever.
Flora informs her new master about Bojack's gang, who would make good henchmen too. Babidi agrees it's a good idea.
Majin Flora teleports to King Kai's planet and kills King Kai, thus releasing Bojack's gang. Then she soon manages to track the new, large, evil chis that have appeared. So Bojack and his gang are eventually majinized too.
Thanks to the majin charm, which increases their powers...
-Majin Bojack is Super Perfect Cell level. Majin Flora is not sure she could defeat him in an one-on-one fight.
-Majin Bujin, Zangya, and Bido are between MSSJ and Perfect Cell level.
-Majin Kogu is MSSJ level.
On their way to Earth, Flora trains with her new partners, having a blast with all those challenging fights. That is so much better than her old life on Earth.
And so, seven years have passed since the Cell Games. Back on the Earth, everyone is preparing for the 25th Budokai, not knowing or caring where Flora has gone.
Pot sends the Z-Fighters a telepathic message from the Otherworld to tell them that she will come back to Earth for one day to take part in the tournament.
At first, everyone is happy to hear from Pot again. However, they freeze with terror when she informs them that King Kai is dead and that a new threat, way greater than Cell, is approaching the Earth.
Will the Z-Fighters manage to fight all those new enemies? Find out next time.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Over the following weeks, everyone is training hard, preparing for the invasion of Babidi's army.
However, that doesn't mean the teenage drama can wait. Videl finds out she's pregnant. And Seventeen is the father.
When Seventeen is informed, he is shocked. Being an Android, he didn't know he was capable of having children. Videl didn't know he could get her pregnant either, which is why they were never careful.
Seventeen is so panicked by the idea of becoming a father and the responsibilities that entails that he disappears and goes to train alone in a remote, deserted place, where no one can find him.
Videl is now desperate. Dumped by the love of her life, heartbroken, and pregnant. How is she going to tell her father?
In a fit of panic, she tells Gohan and bursts into tears. To her surprise, the young Saiyan hugs her and tells her he will be by her side and will always wait for her if she ever wants to be his girlfriend, even if she decides to keep the child. Videl is moved by those words, even though she's in no position to make any decisions right now.
Eventually, Mr Satan finds out about his teenage daughter's pregnancy. Needless to say, he's outraged. He goes like, "If I get my hands on that guy, I'll kill him," though he actually knows he cannot threaten Seventeen's life. In any case, because of the more general situation (Babidi's upcoming invasion), he says they will deal with that later.
Regarding the training, Gohan trains his SSJ2 form so he can now transform at will. That aside, he does not believe he can become much stronger than he already is, and he's probably right (SSJ3 can be achieved only with Otherworld training). So he devotes most of his time to training Beetroot.
Beetroot is not strong enough to be useful in a fight for the fate of the Earth. In fact, he cannot even transform into a Super Saiyan. You see, in contrast to Present Trunks (who, in my headcanon, had more potential than Future Trunks, because Present Vegeta was stronger than Future Vegeta when Trunks was conceived), Beetroot was conceived before the timelines diverged, so he has exactly the same potential as his future counterpart.
Bull (Krillin and Chichi's son) has been trained by his parents all his life, but he has no greater potential than a normal human. He's stronger than real life humans, but that's about it. Even Goku at the beginning of Early Dragon Ball would defeat him in a fight.
Piccolo is training too and is stronger than his canon Buu Saga self, but he's not going to be useful in the upcoming fight against SSJ2-tier fighters.
Seventeen does not get his Dragon Ball Super hax in my story, so he won't be of any use either.
Alas, Gohan is the Earth's only hope. But will he manage to defeat all those new enemies alone? Stay tuned.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
The day of the 25th Budokai tournament has arrived.
As in canon, Gohan, Krillin, Eighteen, Piccolo and Mr Satan will take part in the adult division. Because of the dire situation (Babidi's expected invasion), Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Seventeen will participate too.
Since Videl is pregnant, she does not participate. She wanted to, but her father strongly objected.
When Videl comes across Seventeen, she slaps him and calls him a coward for having left her alone with a child. Seventeen starts making excuses ("I freaked out, I was not ready to be a father"). In the end, he promises her he will make up for everything when the Earth has been saved.
Kaioshin and Kibito show up as in canon. At first, nobody knows who they are, until Piccolo realizes it.
Pot returns from the afterlife. Everybody is shocked to see she's accompanied by a 7-year-old child who looks like a Saiyan. There is a halo above the child's head.
Pot tells them he's her son, Goten. It seems that when Sixteen killed her, she was a few days or weeks pregnant, but she didn't know it yet. Anyway, the fetus that was killed along with her was sent to Heaven.
Pot and Goten have been training together for 7 years in the afterlife. Goten can transform into Super Saiyan, and he's stronger than his canon counterpart.
Pot has reached the SSJ2 level, but she's weaker than Goku was in canon at this point, since she was weaker than Canon Goku when Sixteen killed her, and on top of that, she never trained in the Spirit Room.
Flora shows up. She's accompanied by Bujin and Zangya. All three of them have the M symbol on their forehead. At first, Babidi wanted to majinize someone like Spoppovitch and Yamu for that task, but Flora convinced him to send her instead. Bujin and Zangya wanted to come along too. Bojack, Bido, and Kogu were left behind to guard the ship, along with Dabura and the other Babidi's monsters.
Krillin immediately recognizes Zangya as the girl of his dreams. He's not sure what to tell her, but he tries to initiate a conversation nonetheless. Zangya tells him to scram.
Beetroot happily runs to his mother, having not seen her in years. Flora pushes him away and tells him to leave her alone. Beetroot is confused and sheds a tear.
The junior division begins. Beetroot, his feelings hurt by his mother's behavior, withdraws. The final match is Bull vs Goten. Goten wins easily. Then he loses on purpose to Mr Satan, since that's what he's been told by the adults to do.
And now, the adult division is about to begin. What are Flora's intentions? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
The adult division of the 25th Budokai begins. After the preliminary round, the one in which the participants punch the punching machine, the 16 participants in the final round are: Mister Satan, Piccolo, Seventeen, Eighteen, Krillin, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Pot, Flora, Gohan, Zangya, Bujin, Kaioshin, Kibito, and two normal humans: Pintar and Mighty Mask.
Tenshinhan asks Chaozu (who does not participate) to rig the lottery, so we will get the match-ups that'll help the plot progress.
In the first fight, Krillin faces Zangya. During the fight, he confesses to her his love of her. Zangya laughs and declares she will kill him. Needless to say, she beats him easily. That sends some energy to Buu's egg in Babidi's spaceship.
Zangya is about to kill Krillin, but she decides not to. She convinces herself that she let him live because she doesn't want to be disqualified from the tournament. The truth, though, is that she can't forget about his words. For the first time in her thousand year long life someone has told her he loves her.
In the second fight, Piccolo faces Kaioshin. As in cannon, Piccolo forfeits right away. Then he reveals Kaioshin's identity to the others.
In the third fight, Flora faces Pintar. The giant fat man shows off what he thinks is incredible power and offers to the attractive Saiyaness not to beat her up very much if she forfeits and agrees to go out with him later.
Flora has had enough of that bullshit. She knocks Pintar out of bounds with a violent hit that breaks the poor man's teeth. Then she yells at Pot and Gohan that she's returning to Babidi's spaceship and if they don't follow her, she'll kill the audience. The other two adult Saiyans agree.
Zangya and Bujin have no choice but to follow her too. Piccolo, Kaioshin, Kibito, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tenshinhan follow along.
And so, the only participants left in the tournament are Mighty Mask (whose place has been taken secretly by Goten and Bull), Mr Satan, Eighteen, and Seventeen.
Meanwhile, the battle for the fate of the Earth will take place at Babidi's spaceship. Stay tuned.
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High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
At the 25th Budokai, as in cannon, a battle royale is organized among the last four fighters left.
As soon as the battle royale begins, Mr Satan attacks Seventeen, still enraged that he's impregnated his daughter. The male android feels too awkward to fight back, so he's just sloppily dodging Mr Satan's furious hits while trying to apologize.
Meanwhile, Eighteen is fighting Mighty Mask (who is actually Goten and Bull in disguise). The fight is even as in cannon. Eventually, Eighteen exposes the kids, who fly away.
Then she looks down, where Mark is still unsuccessfully trying to hit Seventeen. She approaches her brother and tells him to scram. Seventeen gulps, nods, and flies away, thus being disqualified.
Mr Satan yells at him, "This isn't over yet." Then he sets his sights on Eighteen, and the fights ends as in cannon (Eighteen lets him win on condition he pays her later).
Goten and Bull decide to go find the adult Z-fighters. Beetroot follows them, still depressed because of his mother's behavior earlier.

On the battlefield, Flora advises her master not to bother to allow the enemies into the spaceship and send them one henchman at a time; she knows the other Saiyans are too strong for such silly games.
Babidi agrees and exits the spaceship. Bojack's gang (Bujin, Zangya, and Bido) attack the minor Z-fighters. Flora and Bojack will take care of the Saiyans (Pot and Gohan). As for Dabura, he will stay close to Babidi to guard him and Buu's egg in case someone wants to attack them.
And so, the fight for the fate of the universe begins. Will Buu wake up? And if he wakes up, will anyone be able to stop him? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Outside Babidi's spaceship, the fight for the fate of the universe has begun.
Bojack's henchmen are stomping the minor Z-fighters. Zangya is more focused on Krillin, since he's still trying to get her attention. Bujin is fighting Yamcha, and Bido is fighting Tenshinhan. Kogu is fighting Piccolo, who can put up somewhat of a fight.
Kaioshin and Kibito are trying to destroy Buu's egg, but Dabura is guarding it.
Majin Bojack is fighting SSJ2 Pot. Majin SSJ2 Flora is fighting SSJ2 Gohan. The SSJ2-tier fights are even.
Needless to say, the human Z-fighters are the first to go down. Krillin begs Zangya not to kill them. Bojack's henchwoman seems hesitant for a moment, but it doesn't matter, since Bujin and Bido are about to kill them, and Zangya is definitely not going to stop them.
Or is she? Suddenly, without knowing why, Zangya attacks her two allies, who go like, "What are you doing? Are you nuts?" Zangya stops. Feeling conflicted, she goes like, "I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me."
Meanwhile, Kogu manages to cut off one of Piccolo's limbs. The Namekian regenerates. That surprises Kogu, and Piccolo exploits the opponent's surprise to deal him a good hit which makes him wince for a moment.
That gives Piccolo the chance to go help the humans. As Zangya is arguing with Bido and Bujin, Piccolo fires a Light Grenade towards them. Of course it doesn't damage them, but it distracts them for long enough for Piccolo to move the humans elsewhere.
Bido and Bujin knock Zangya unconscious. They decide to deal with Piccolo and the humans later. Then they join Kogu and go to help Bojack and Flora with their fights against Pot and Gohan respectively.
Flora goes like, "Who asked you for help? This is MY fight. Stay away, or I'll kill you." The henchmen shrug and help Bojack instead. Pot's now in serious trouble.
Meanwhile, Piccolo and the humans, who've recovered somewhat, go to help Kaioshin and Kibito, but Dabura's still more than a match for all of them.
Pot is down. Piccolo and the humans are down. Kaioshin and Kibito are down. Flora has almost defeated Gohan.
Is everything lost? Find out next time.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Back at the 25th Budokai, Goten and Bull, who I remind you were exposed by Eighteen and disqualified at the battle royal, decide to go to find the adult Z-fighters. They try to convince Beetroot to follow them. Flora's son, though still depressed and hurt by his mother's behavior, agrees to follow them.
Little Bulma (I remind you she's the same age as Beetroot and Bull, because of her wish to the Dragon Balls seven years ago) demands they take her with them. At first, the kids don't want to take her with them, because they think it'll be too dangerous for her. However, Bulma gets angry and threatens to kick their butts if they don't take her with them. So the boys agree to take her with them.
When the kids arrive at the battlefield, they see that Babidi's forces have almost won.
Goten transforms into a Super Saiyan and attacks Majin Bojack, who's about to finish off his mother. Bojack is caught off guard and the kick sends him crashing against a rock.
Beetroot tries to reason with his mother. At first, Flora doesn't want to hear anything. However, when Beetroot starts crying, something changes inside her. She remembers her son, how much he means to her. And so, she decides to fight against Babidi. Gohan smiles that Flora is on their side again. But can even two SSJ2s defeat all those enemies at the same time? To make matters worse, both Gohan and Flora are tired from their fight against each other.
Meanwhile, a furious Goten is fighting Bojack's henchmen. He manages to kill Kogu, but Bujin and Bido are too much for him. Pot, who has somehow recovered, transforms into SSJ1 and helps her son.
Bujin and Bido still have the upper hand. Flora and Gohan can't help against them; they're too busy fighting Bojack and Dabura. It looks like Pot and Goten are going to die (again).
Suddenly, something restrains the two Bojack's henchmen. It's Zangya, who has regained consciousness and is using her Psycho Thread attack to weaken her two former allies. She yells at the Saiyans to hurry and finish them off, because she can't hold them off much longer.
With much effort, Pot manages to momentarily transform into SSJ2 again and kills the two henchmen with a huge blast before reverting back to base, exhausted.
Meanwhile, Flora is still fighting Bojack, and Gohan is fighting Dabura, who finds an opening and turns the half-Saiyan into stone with his magic spit.
Suddenly, Babidi cries out in joy. Buu's egg has finally gained enough energy to hatch. Buu is about to wake up.