What if Ginyu had taken Vegeta's body?


Jun 19, 2015
This scenario begets so many possibilities. First of all, we have to answer this
question: What kind of power did Vegeta possess at that moment? We know,
from Goku/Ginyu exchange, that, in a body you're not familiar with, you can
access about 25% of that body's power (because Goku's PL was 90k and Ginyu
in Goku was ''23k and decreasing''). So, if Vegeta had a PL of 60k or so at that
point and needed a nap to access his full 500k zenkai, Ginyu in Vegeta would
have a PL of 15k, which means Krillin and Gohan would have stomped him. If,
on the other hand, Vegeta had already his 500k and had just opted to suppress
it, Ginyu in Vegeta would have 125k and would stomp the duo.
But would everything trully be lost in that case? There is a chance Gohan could
access the enraged power he used against Freeza's 2nd form; this would kill
Ginyu. Let's go with that.
What would have happened after that? Goku is taken to the healing chamber,
while Gohan, Krillin and Dende activate the dragonballs. With Vegeta unable to
interfrere, since he's still in Ginyu's injured body, the group uses the third wish
to bring Piccolo to that specific place (Dende has the time to speak the third
wish before Guru dies, because Vegeta does not interfrere to delay the proccess).
Freeza shows up. Can Gohan access his enraged power again? If he can't,
Freeza obviously kills them all, so let's say he somehow gets mad at Freeza
attacking either Krillin or Piccolo. Being still in his 1st form, Freeza is no match
for enraged Gohan, so he gets killed.
Everybody returns to Earth and, with the combination of Earth's and Namek's
dragonballs, everything is put back to normal. What happens to Vegeta,
who's still stuck in Ginyu's body? I guess nobody but Goku cares for him.
Wanting the two of them to have their rematch someday, Goku convinces the
others to use the dragonballs to give him his body back (even if giving him his
body back is beyond the dragonballs' capabilities, he can still get his body by
being killed and revived).
Trunks shows up from the future and warns them about Androids. To motivate
them to train harder, he shows them his SSJ form, thus becoming the first
Super Saiyan in the series (wouldn't it be cool if the first Super Saiyan was a
lad from the future?). Both Goku and Vegeta train to reach that transformation.
Vegeta has one less zenkai than in the normal series, but, considering the kind
of training he does in the gravity room, he makes up for it (in the worst case,
he just turns SSJ a little later than in the series).
For the first half of of Androids Saga, things play out as we know (unless you
think Goku got the virus on Yardrat, but, personally, i think he got it on Earth,
while in the hospital). When Piccolo fuses with Kami, he's still much weaker than
Androids, because he does not have Nail. Alas, in Ginger town, he gets killed
and absorbed by Cell, who suppresses his chi and flees before they others
arrive, so nobody finds out about Cell.
When the Androids arrive at Kame house, Piccolo is not there to hold them off.
Can Krillin and Tenshinhan hold them off for long enough? What about Goku?
Does he decide to go to the battlefield to surrender to his potential killers?
Whatever Goku decides to do, he cannot arrive there in an instant, since he
doesn't have teleport. Therefore, by the time he's there, Tenshinhan is at the
very least out of commission, and that means nobody will hold off Cell to
give Eighteen time to escape.
I think that, one way or another, Cell ends up becoming perfect sooner than
in the series. Even if things somehow come down to Cell Games, Goku is
killed by Cell's kamehameha (in the series, he was saved by using instant
transmission). Gohan becomes SSJ2, drags on the fight and Cell blows up
the planet. Super Perfect Cell leaves to explore the universe.
All in all, Ginyu taking Vegeta's body would have benefited Cell in the end.
But there is another possibility. What if Ginyu had defeated everyone while
in Vegeta's body? Would he be able to go back to Freeza and convince him he's
Ginyu? Freeza would have probably not believed him and he'd have killed him.
Maybe Ginyu would have realized this and fled? This would have led to
endless possibilities of adventures Ginyu could have had, travelling out there
in the universe. And how far would he be able to develop his power? Lol,
can you imagine? Ginyu, the first Super Saiyan!

What do you think of all that? Discuss.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
He likely wouldn't end up much stronger than in Galu's body. I doubt the power difference correlation was meant to be consistent, so he'd probably still end up weak enough that Kuririn and Gohan can take him as a team. Kuririn would also likely be willing to kill Ginyu now, so I'd imagine such would happen. However, without someone as strong as Vegeta, Kuririn, Gohan and bodyswapped Vegeta would likely all be killed before Piccolo arrives, unless Gohan's rage boost awakens, and without the plot demanding it, I doubt it'd do much more than have Freeza need his 2nd form to deal with them. Assuming they all die though, it would leave the silver lining of Piccolo likely not giving Freeza a chance to go into his 3rd form due to being angry at Gohan's death, thus ending the Namek Arc here.
Everyone would likely be brought back to life other than Vegeta, since he didn't have his tearful confession of Freeza likely being what moulded him into who he was, thus making everyone view him no differently than Freeza. This means no Trunks, the Artificial Humans easily killing the Zet-Senshi in both scenarios due to the lack of SSJ (and therefor, far less training gains for Piccolo) and nobody to go to another timeline once Future Gohan inevitably dies. Basically, the story ends here for the main cast.
As for the state of the world, Cell would appear eventually and gain his Perfect form, then going to space to see if there was any worthy opponents hiding there. Humanity would be in a far worse state, thus making Babidi's plans get cut back even further than in Future Trunks' timeline. Maybe after a couple of decades, he'd succeed and we could see Cell VS Boo. Maybe Cell could tap into that Freeza DNA and wipe the floor with Boo as Emerald Cell.