Ask DRock

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
ahill1 said:
Wow you got banned? Hopefully it's not perma'd because, like you said, I also think you're important to neoseeker. That comment about the Power Rangers being deleted was really pretty dumb, I realized it before you explained lol. Jokes are essential to relax/lighten up a bit. I also don't like being serious 100% of the time, it's boring and makes you a dull boy (all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy lol).

It's not a perma, ban is temporary until the 15th, but it doesnt matter, like I said, I'm not going back anyway. I'm truly done with Neo, with Marty McFly Mod, with their stuffy, strict rules nonsense. Not sure if Clief and Solo agree with Martin's choices as a mod, but it doesn't matter cause I'm not going back either way. It sucks there now, no fun over there anymore.

This place is my top priority as far as forums and internet "life" goes from now on, so I can be "important" here, cause I am no longer anything with Neo anymore.

You get the importance of having a sense of humor and not being overly strict. SuperSaiyan does as well, this whole site does, they do not, so I wash my hands of that shitty place.

What once was great is now below sub par.

Boy, I am talking a lot of shit today about a place I once revered..... Shit happens though, and things change....

As long as this place doesn't pull the same shit I will never have any gripe and will say nothing but good things about this site.

I am in the process of trying to play a bigger part around here, if SuperSaiyan gives me the chance that is.

But yeah..... Neo is dead to me now. Shit site.

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
VampireWicked said:
Drock said:
Ok, well just invited like 10 people from Neo... Let's see who joins!

Also, I just got banned on Neo for all my "spam" posts.... lol...... Good thing I'm not going back. Might has well be a perma ban at this point! Jajajajaajaaaa!

Martin really did ruin that place.
You got banned from neo, wild.
I stopped going to a different forum a few days ago lol.

Welcome, dude! Glad you took my invite and hope you stick around!

1 down, 9 more to go!


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Drock said:
VampireWicked said:
Drock said:
Ok, well just invited like 10 people from Neo... Let's see who joins!

Also, I just got banned on Neo for all my "spam" posts.... lol...... Good thing I'm not going back. Might has well be a perma ban at this point! Jajajajaajaaaa!

Martin really did ruin that place.
You got banned from neo, wild.
I stopped going to a different forum a few days ago lol.

Welcome, dude! Glad you took my invite and hope you stick around!

1 down, 9 more to go!
I'll be here off & on lol, i'm on different forums too.
My own & others, but yea this is a nice forum so-far. I like the design & hopefully the staff is friendly, reasonable, as well as the members too.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Hmm I see. But honestly I hope you rethinks your decision and keep posting on Neo as well. Posting there is more fun with you, the atmosphere is better with you there not taking that shit 100% serious lol.

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
VampireWicked said:
Drock said:
VampireWicked said:
You got banned from neo, wild.
I stopped going to a different forum a few days ago lol.

Welcome, dude! Glad you took my invite and hope you stick around!

1 down, 9 more to go!
I'll be here off & on lol, i'm on different forums too.
My own & others, but yea this is a nice forum so-far. I like the design & hopefully the staff is friendly, reasonable, as well as the members too.

Cool! Yeah, not suggesting you need to leave Neo or post here all day every day, but just hope you don't leave after tonight... lol.... I wanna see you keeping up appearances as much of not more than you do on Neo, but that's up to you man!

You have your own forum and you never invited people...... or ME!? Awwww, you done fucked up boooy! *slaps you with a cold fish*

What kinda forum you got?

The staff here is better than the staff in Neo, so that answers your non question! Lol....

Ahill - Well, you are a member here and post here, so I can do all the same shit here that I used to do in Neo. Same DRock, same attitude, same silly shit, just here instead of Neo.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like Neo better than this place?

This place is league's ahead of Neo now my young friend.

Ehh, who knows, maybe months from now, I may pop back up and shoot the shit, but for the most part and as of now, I am done with Neo. Plain and simple..... Like a pimple...... ON MY ASS!


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Drock said:
If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like Neo better than this place?
They are pretty tied IMO, I like them equal. Neo was my first forum and was the place where I increased my knowledge concerning Dragon Ball, so it might be a bit nostalgic.

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
ahill1 said:
Drock said:
If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like Neo better than this place?
They are pretty tied IMO, I like them equal. Neo was my first forum and was the place where I increased my knowledge concerning Dragon Ball, so it might be a bit nostalgic.

Dude...... Why do you think I feel so betrayed?

I was a member off and on over there since 2007. Former mod. Contributor. Resident favorite joker of many members over the last year....

Talk about Nostalgia!

But alas, it is no longer meant to be!

Anyway, enough bitching about Neo! Time for a new chapter...... a zeta chapter!

First order, I am taking control of and bringing back the podcast here!

And possibly some other things depending on how stuff goes over the next coming days of brainstorming.



Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What's your opinion on coke?

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
Firestar said:
What's your opinion on coke?

Cherry coke is da shiz, boy!

I have done coke about a dozen times in my life. Been about 2 years since I last had a bump. It's alright. I like the rush it gives me and even though lots a people dont like it, the drip in the back of your throat I actually enjoy.

The rush doesn't seem to last me long though. When most people do coke, they are amped for hours. Even after two lines, I usually feel sleepy after an hour or so.

Speaking of drugs, I once saw you say you don't think weed should be legalized. As a smoker, why not? Legal is surely better than illegal, yeah?

I think it should be legal. If alcohol and tobacco are, which are much more dangerous substances, then marijuana should be too.

The only reason I can think of that you would oppose it is because you fear it may be mixed with dangerous additives and shit like tobacco is. Like Marlboro joints or some shit... lol

But if they keep it natural and shit like they are doing now in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington, not controlled by big tobacco or a similar monster, it'll be fine. Plus when it is legal, you can choose what weed you want as in Indica or sativa, mellow high, or uplifting high.... sleepy high or hyper high, intense body high or calm body high. I for one hate that buying weed illegally, you never know what you're gonna get in that respect. I love weed and they all give similar highs, but sometimes I want that intense body high and get just a mellow one.

But yeah..... I try to do a few lines of coke every year. Lately though it has been hard to get.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Nice write up.

I generally base it on: Can you safely operate a vehicle while on said drug. The answer is generally yes with weed, but I've been in scenarios where I figure it would be easier to drive drunk than high. At least with alcohol you can measure your blood alcohol level in order for the authorities to judge if you are safe to drive or not. I just can't see a way for weed to be monitored, and I don't want to see more high drivers on the road considering I've struggled on it a couple times, and many other vehicles I've been in have struggled while high.

Like I said, it's hard to judge with weed, but it affects everyone differently, and different types will fuxk you in different ways. Like there is no way in hell I can see myself driving on a strong edible, but how can they monitor who can and who cannot?

Just my thoughts. I have no problem with weed seeing as I do it myself.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Me, or Mish? I've done it at least 40-50 times I'd say. Probably 5 times where I blacked out, woke up and then drove. I somehow am good at it (not that that's a good thing) but I've never come close to getting in an accident.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Drock said:
VampireWicked said:
Drock said:
Welcome, dude! Glad you took my invite and hope you stick around!

1 down, 9 more to go!
I'll be here off & on lol, i'm on different forums too.
My own & others, but yea this is a nice forum so-far. I like the design & hopefully the staff is friendly, reasonable, as well as the members too.

Cool! Yeah, not suggesting you need to leave Neo or post here all day every day, but just hope you don't leave after tonight... lol.... I wanna see you keeping up appearances as much of not more than you do on Neo, but that's up to you man!

You have your own forum and you never invited people...... or ME!? Awwww, you done fucked up boooy! *slaps you with a cold fish*

What kinda forum you got?

The staff here is better than the staff in Neo, so that answers your non question! Lol....

Ahill - Well, you are a member here and post here, so I can do all the same shit here that I used to do in Neo. Same DRock, same attitude, same silly shit, just here instead of Neo.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like Neo better than this place?

This place is league's ahead of Neo now my young friend.

Ehh, who knows, maybe months from now, I may pop back up and shoot the shit, but for the most part and as of now, I am done with Neo. Plain and simple..... Like a pimple...... ON MY ASS!
1. Yea I know lol, & it all depends on how things work here & what's what.
2. lol Well i did think of asking you to join my forum but i figured you wouldn't be into it after our neo conversation in the merch thread.

But i'll PM you a link if you're interested, it's pretty much a forum with growing sections, meaning i'm adding sections on whatever is interesting to me or whomever & not on what's hot at the moment.
Not many members though but i'm okay with it lol, i actually created it cause i don't like Livejournal's posting format much.

3. BWHAHAHAHA!!!! maybe lol.

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
Papasmurf said:
How many times have you drunk driven so far?

A few times when I was young and stupid. I don't drink and drive anymore, unless it's after having a couple drinks at my favorite bar, but I don't get drunk or buzzed really. Maybe a fuzz buzz, thats about it. I dont drive when I get sloshed though. I normally drink at home but if I am at a friend's house, I'll crash at their place if I'm fucked up.

Which is why I don't agree with Firestar's logic in why weed shouldn't be legalized. People shouldn't be driving stoned anymore than they should drunk. It's illegal to drink and drive so would be illegal to toke and drive too. I don't drive when stoned either.

But some people do it anyway, with alcohol or weed, so it being legal or illegal won't change that and if people care to be safe, they wont do it.

Either way id rather weed be legal and take those chances cause at least if it's legal people won't be getting arrested or fined just for having it and all that nonsense.

If people choose to drive high, that's on them, same way people who drink and drive, it's on them. Doesn't mean everyone should be punished and it kept illegal just because some people may choose to be wreckless with it.

Besides, when alcohol was first a thing, they never had tests to monitor it either, so once it becomes legal and a normal thing everywhere, only a matter of time before they create some kind of breathalyzer type device that can measure thc content in their bodies.

The common sense answer is no one should be driving while under the influence period. People will still do it though, legal or illegal, and I really don't believe it being legal will cause more people to do it. An increase would probably happen, sure, but not something extreme.

It's not an issue in the states in America where it is legal, or other countries where it is legal, so I don't see that as a threat. Certainly not a threat worth keeping it illegal.

Doesn't matter what we think anyway, movements to legalize it are already in full force and thankfully within the next 5-10 years it will start to become legal all over the place in the states, so thank sweet chiba for that!

Soon enough I will be able to smoke a bowl and not have to worry about it being illegal.


Super Elite
Aug 13, 2016
SgtMartin did let the modship go to his head, which is silly because we're debating a cartoon show. He did his spam fest warning emails with me and I was 100% honest with him. I told him I didn't care but deleting posts would be harmful to the community. Neo is still my POS but I knew the place was terminally ill when my [intentionally] shitty debates are getting me to the semi-finals.

BTW drock do you need a designated irritating laugh in the zeta podcast?

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
TheallpowerfulPuiPui said:
SgtMartin did let the modship go to his head, which is silly because we're debating a cartoon show. He did his spam fest warning emails with me and I was 100% honest with him. I told him I didn't care but deleting posts would be harmful to the community. Neo is still my POS but I knew the place was terminally ill when my [intentionally] shitty debates are getting me to the semi-finals.

BTW drock do you need a designated irritating laugh in the zeta podcast?

Yeah, Neo blows ass chunks now.

Hell yeah we do! Your maniacal laughter is welcome on the show anytime!


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What is your dream job?

Jerk Store

High Class Warrior
Jun 15, 2016
Owning my own food truck.

It would be called "Nacho Villa" a play in Pancho Villa. I would serve, you guessed it, nacho plates. Not just your bare bones cheese and chips either, but steak nachos, chicken nachos, pulled pork nachos, etc... etc...

It would fit well cause I live in New Mexico and all.