Bulma Married Goku?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
1. I don't think Old Kai would accept to unlock everybody's potential and their mommas'. And I don't think anyone would ask for it unless there was an emergecny. Otherwise, Goku/Vegeta would have unlocked their potential too in canon.
He never seemed to be completely against doing so in non-emergencies and, unlike in the main timeline, his ritual was the key to victory against Boo, making it far more revered. Goku and Vegeta far prefer training over gaining shortcuts, which is the reason they'd never done so. Remember that Goku wasn't satisfied with a quick fix like SSG.
The gains most characters made in Super were far above what the ritual would provide anyway, so better to have them gain some sort of in-universe explanation for it rather than having a mountain of asspulls.

2. Why didn't Cell selfdestruct after vomiting Seventeen so that he would get back the power boost (the same way he was perfect without Eighteen after selfdestruct in canon)?
When exactly are you referring to? His absorption of #17 in the ToP resulted in him allowing #17 to be removed by his own will, a far different situation to what happened in the canon events. Canon Cell was a desperate, selfish villain who only cared about not being surpassed. This version of Cell is far more level-headed (his only self-destruction not even being by his consent) and the lack of Freeza makes his desire to gain power the honest way inherited from Goku and Vegeta far stronger. A Cell that's more of a hero/anti-hero than a villain isn't going to be risking planets or space with self-destructions every time he needs a boost.


May 30, 2015
It would be a healthier relationship than Goku X Chi Chi or even Vegeta X Bulma.