Dragon Ball/DBZ Movie Reviews

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
May as well move on now. Z Movie 7 - Utmost Battle of Limits! Three Super Saiyans/Super Android 13

Just a boring and contradictive movie. Along with not explaining how either #17 and #18 were defeated or if they even were, Gero having yet another underground lab was an asspull. Unlike the other films that at least had some story to them, this was just a series of battles because of Gero's hard on for killing Goku. Outside of the dub, the Artificial Humans were all boring characters. The Saiyans not going SSJ from the start was also dumb and needlessly stretched out a fight sequence that could be over in 2 minutes. #13 was also clearly a ripoff of Cell and being killed by the Genki-Dama was tiring at this point.
I will admit it did have it's positives. Piccolo being implied to be top dog via his feats is likeable due to fitting into the canon's powerscaling. The art was also as good as Movie 5's, especially in the detail on Goku's physique when he was forming the Genki-Dama. Dude was jacked. Super #13 also gets some points for having a design that wasn't a ripoff of anyone's and seemingly inspiring Broly rather than being inspired by previous content. Whilst I didn't like the Genki-Dama being the finisher, it was at least used in a more interesting way than other films, with #13's hand disintegrating when punching Goku after absorbing the Genki-Dama being the coolest tanking feat in the franchise.

Overall 1.5/10 (2 approx). Would be a 1/10 if not for the positives I listed being pretty good. This is probably the only film I recommend watching dubbed too due to how bland the villains were in the original by comparison.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Movie was boring, with base Saiyan fight scenes taking up over half its running time and STILL appearing well into the final stages where base fucking Goku takes attacks from #13 who knocked him straight out of SSJ in one hit. I also recommend watching the dubbed version for its unintended humor, especially if you enjoy the meme of 13 making Goku impotent :ladd

Overall, the positives of the movie don't make up for how terrible it is in all ways except the execution of the finale, although the finisher was at least somewhat unique.


Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fearless Review's of M7:

ABsolutely horrible and I had to suffer from that damn movie. They kept fighting on their base form despite their ass getting kicked by those robots and turned into SSJin after half of the movie. Vegeta's reason to help Goku because he wanted to him by himself? Piccolo coming to the rescue only when Gohan is in danger lol. These robots suck and doesn't deserved to be the villain of the movie and it seems there's no positive thing came out from this movie.

Rate: 1/10

:pakl is next!!!

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
And now we move on to Movie 8 - Burn up!! Super Intense Big Fight/Broccoli: The Legendary Steroid Saiya ppl. The most divisive movie of the franchise. :pakl :pakl

Broly is GOAT, with development and depth that make the LoGH cast seem one-dimensional. His manly shoulders make Kenshiro look like a beta-cuck and his quotes are what Shakespeare could only dream of crafting. This movie gets a MAXIMUM/10 and you're completely retarded if you believe otherwise. :pakl :pakl :pakl

OK, now for the real review.

The movie is the epitome of good concept and poor execution. Everything about it's premise seems like it could be the best film in the franchise. It expands on Saiyan lore through a new form, it's villain isn't a rehash of any previous ones and the design for Broly simply looks cool. However, it basically fails in every other aspect. Broly's motivation makes him the definition of a retarded manchild with his lacking of hatred towards Vegeta and focus on KAKAROTTO!!! makes him one of, if not the, most poorly written villains in anime/manga in general. The action had good animation and the main battle was one of the better stomp matches as far as choreography goes, plus it was nice to see Vegeta actually acknowledge being helpless rather than rushing in dumbly. However, this is all made meaningless by Goku oneshotting Broly in the end by taking everyone's Ki. Also, it doesn't make sense why nobody in a group of casual Planet/Star busters couldn't just destroy the comet before it came close to the planet beyond the reasoning of it simply being that dense. It'd be more of a useful effort than fighting Broly before the Toei punch.
Overall, another 1.5/10 (2 approx) due to one of the best concepts of all the movies offering a slight boost to a 1/10 shit execution. If you haven't seen it already, just watch the Big Green or TFS version of it so you can actually have some laughs at the ridiculousness.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
1.5-2/10 simply for being better than either of its sequels, but it's literally so horseshit that it isn't an exaggeration to call it an amalgation of the worst aspects of the franchise, the anime in particular. Horrid villain, horrid letdown, horrible asspull at the end, and influenced the FT arc to turn to shit in its final stages as well. It's just a travesty.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fearless Review of M8:

I have to admit that this movie has a perfect story for a great entertainment especially the backstory with Vegeta but the negative of this movie is why Broly is so pissed on Goku but they provide an awful explanation. It has lots of funny moments such as Roshi being drunk. Another negative of this movie is Goku's character which is familiar with Goku's Super version which a lot of here tend to overlooked. Broly is a great concept as a villain but his fans tends to overrates him like how DB Multiverse overrates him.

Rate: 6.5/10

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
We may as well move on now to Movie 9, Galaxy in Danger! The Super Incredible Guy/Bojack Horseman Unbound

Like the first Coola movie, this one gets extra points for being capable of fitting into the canon if not for some awkward powerscaling, such as the implications for Vegeta >~ Gohan ~ Trunks despite the implication of Vegeta not being much stronger than his Cell Games self or Gohan not quitting fighting. The film had an entertaining enough first half that I didn't mind half of it not being relevant to the main villains, plus the battle with them was good due to their teamwork in taking down the Z-Senshi. It also gets far more points for Toei temporarily embracing what was at the time the passing of the torch of protagonist from Goku to Gohan, even if they shoehorned in Goku saving Gohan.
The movie's main flaw beyond that brief Goku time was it's villains, as Bojack and his crew were some of the blandest personalities in the franchise, especially in the movies. Even though Broly was a far shitter villain, he at least had (marginally) more personality than being some brute who wants to kill/conquer everyone. At least the paralyzing strings of his henchmen were a cool power.
Still, the film's overall message of Gohan taking Goku's mantle and the majority of it's execution warrant it as being one of the best DBZ Movies. My overall score for it would be 5/10. Not sure whether I prefer this or Movie 5 tbh, since they both have their share of positives in far different ways.
It also helps that the Malaysian dub is top tier comedy with name changes like Cell to Shello or occasionally calling Gohan Goku.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
Goku's base punch on Bojack though

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fearless Review of M9:

The beginning of the movie was really fun by bringing the tournament back with few comedic classics from Roshi, Yamcha and most importantly Mr. Satan and Krillin. The plot of the movie was really quite random. Bojack and the gang appeared on Earth because its's beautiful and wants to take over? They're backstory is great but it felt more desire and miss and didn't lived up with their hype IMO. The fact that its just a ripped off Cell Games pretty much felt like boring but the quality of movie was great though especially the fights of Vegeta/Bojack, Trunks/Bujin and Gohan/Gang.

Rate: 4/10

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Well, looks like time has forced us to move onto the next one. Movie 10 - Dangerous Duo! Super Warriors don't Sleep!/Broly: Second Coming/Steroid Saiya 2: MAXIMUM Boogaloo

Not as good as the first Broly movie. Not a MAXIMUM/10, but definitely a Genuine Demon/10. :pakl


Which translates as a 1/10 trainwreck. I'm not even going to wait until the end when handing out the score when it's time to shit on what I consider to be the worst film in the franchise (even moreso than it's sequel).

The movie's premise is formed entirely by a retcon of Broly not destroying Paragus' ship, or the Muffin button forming a new Saiyan pod or some shit. You know shit's going to be asinine when your entire movie is the result of a retcon.
Not that we even get much of this shitty premise at the start when we have to deal with Goten and Trunks saving a village from a dinosaur in a segment without any suspense due to their strength that has absolutely no significance to the plot until the Swamp Monster sequel. We then get to Broly, who's not only far stronger, but far more of a retarded manchild by having no line other than "KAKAROTTO!!" The fight begins with dumb immature gags until Gohan shows up, we suffer through more Toei Base Saiyan buffing until both fighters transforming. Blah blah blah, Gohan VS Cell Kamehameha struggle rehash occurs to end the battle. The end. Also, the beam struggle shows that even when he's only there for a few minutes, shit doesn't get done without Goku.
The art being at least of the same quality as the other movies is the only positive thing I have to say about this horseshit.
At least in the Malaysian dub, Videl is cumming. :troll

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fearless Review Of M10:

It's Broly again.... :pakl

I can forgive the retcon of Broly's ship that he already destroyed along with his father 7 years ago because the movie's quality and classic fights. The beginning of the movie doesn't make sense for Videl, Trunks and Goten to search the DBs and seems to be random especially Trunks since he's already a filthy rich and doesn't need it. Videl on the other hand does make sense since I can imagine that Goten would share some knowledge about a mystical dragons to her which will motivate her to see it. Watching it on Jap dub was really awful especially the soundtracks feels like someone is dying unlike the Funidub version where the soundtracks fits Broly's presence and his character as well which made the movie really epic. Another positive of the movie is that there was no Vegeta and Piccolo to pop out of nowhere only to their ass kicked which made the early movie predictable. The fight between Gohan and Broly is one of my favourite on Toei's movies and deserves a credit for it.

Rate: 7/10 :pakl

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
May as well move on now so we can get the final Broly turd out the way. :pakl

Movie 11 - Super Warrior Defeat! I'm the one who'll win!/Bio-Broly/Lord of the Brolyngs: The Return of the Swamp Ass Thing

Despite most herolding it as the worst part of the franchise, I'd say it was at least better than it's predecessor. Still a 1/10 trainwreck, but I probably have more positives to say about it.

I like how the movie attempted to give the spotlight to characters other than Goku, Gohan or Vegeta and that it actually bothered to use a minor character from the previous film so that the segment wasn't pointless. What I don't like was it's execution.
Regardless of how different this timeline may be, there's no reason for Gohan to have not arrived when anyone who can sense Ki should've known Goten, Trunks and Kuririn were in trouble, plus preview trailers for it even suggest Gohan was meant to be in it. Hell, you could've even had Piccolo steal the show (or even kill Broly if you abide by the Toei nerf of SSJ Goten/Trunks ~ #18 for this movie). It doesn't really make sense why anyone wouldn't arrive to assist in this battle. It also doesn't sit right with me how Broly was utilised in this film, as beyond marketing, they could've made it a completely different villain and the film would've been almost entirely the same. The only positive thing I can say is at least Swamp Ass Broly wasn't screaming "KAKAROTTO!" whenever he opened his mouth. Swamp Ass Broly's weakness was a bit more original than just needing a power up to defeat the villain, though not a good one since it wasn't utilised in a strategic way.
It also doesn't help that the last minute talking about Goku needing to go with Paikuhan to Hell to stop a rampaging Broly is a far better movie premise than this. No wonder no trace of this in Video Games have seen the light of day, other than DBH (which throws any shit at the wall anyway).


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
The movie was dogshit. Better fight choreography than the last and superior to the last film, but I can easily find common ground with the people who consider it the worst feature in the entire series yet. The idea of seawater petrifying Dorori when he apparently could no longer even fly upon turning into an island-sized endemic is just hilarious in of itself, along with the fact that they finally had to clone their worst villain to milk him a second time.


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Might as well move on from this shitstain. It's all ogre for Swamp Ass Broly and the :pakl trilogy.

Now Movie 12 - Fusion Reborn! Goku and Vegeta

This is easily one of the better films. Up until the SS3 fight and beyond made Janemba a carbon copy of Boo, his premise was pretty good and his 2nd form's design is still one of the coolest character designs to come out of the franchise as a whole, as are his dimensional manipulation powers. The concept of the dead villains coming back to fight the Z-Senshi was pretty nice (at least better than the war in Nardo), though I would've preferred it to be a case of each character getting their spotlight rather than the bulk of villains retreating once Gohan oneshotted Freeza or a good portion being spent on Super Aryan Goten/Trunks/Gotenks beating Nazis. On topic with the former, it's kind've interesting to see how back then, Toei still had faith in Freeza's training gains, since his authority implied he was >> Bojack. It was also interesting to see Goku and Vegeta's fusion when remembering Vegetto wasn't in the manga by the time of this film's production and Toei handled it quite well.
As far as aesthetic quality, it's art was on the top tier of DBZ Movies, especially when it came to SS3 Goku's design and the animation in the battle against Janemba. As far as music goes, Saikyo wa no Fusion is easily the best ending theme of any DB/Z movie and top tier even amongst Kageyama's other songs.
As far as faults, the only thing that I haven't brought up already is how much the film borrowed from the Boo Arc up until the Gotenks VS Boo battle. Other than that, I can't really criticse it much, other than that the villains shown could've been better. For instance, where the hell was Cell? Or Broly (considering other Movie villains were there)?
Overall score - 5/10. Just as good as Movies 5 and 9. Not exactly wonderful, considering how little time they could put into it, but a far better watch than most other films in the franchise.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I don't want tot watch M11 since it's just terrible and don't want to be reminded about that movie.