Bulma Married Goku?


Jun 19, 2015
I don't know where to start from...
1. If SSJ multiplier reduces from 50x to 10x, that means base level increases by 5x.
For 10x Kaioken Yamcha to be relevant to SSJs, that means his base level has to
be relevant to powers 5x greater than Namek Base Goku. Bullshit.
2. If Goku was alive in Alternate Bra's timeline, i don't see why he couldn't escape
Androids with a solar flare, then go use spirit room.
3. Enraged SSJ Trunks? Bullshit. There is no enraged boost on the top of SSJ forms.
4. No number of 17/18 relevant SSJs would be a match for 16.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
I don't know where to start from...
1. If SSJ multiplier reduces from 50x to 10x, that means base level increases by 5x.
For 10x Kaioken Yamcha to be relevant to SSJs, that means his base level has to
be relevant to powers 5x greater than Namek Base Goku. Bullshit.
2. If Goku was alive in Alternate Bra's timeline, i don't see why he couldn't escape
Androids with a solar flare, then go use spirit room.
3. Enraged SSJ Trunks? Bullshit. There is no enraged boost on the top of SSJ forms.
4. No number of 17/18 relevant SSJs would be a match for 16.
1. Plot dictates power. The fact that Gero believed he could surpass Vegeta with the energy of 5 or so people who were at best on the level of the Base Saiyans' level makes a 10x boost the only logical option. What's bullshit is PL Purism that contradicts even Toriyama's view of the story. The humans gaining more power from a few months of Kami's training than Goku gained from 3 years is bullshit, Piccolo's gains on Kaio's Planet were bullshit, yet these exist within canon. Deal with it.
2. Did Kuririn or Tenshinhan think about using the Taiyoken to escape? Not from what we're shown. Goku would also likely be the twins' first target as well, leaving no room for him to use it.
3. Never proven whatsoever, especially when rage was a key component to Gohan's character. Vegeta even states in the Boo Arc there's no telling how strong Gohan could be if he went into a frenzy, showing he's more than capable of gaining rage boosts. Also, Super exists to prove you wrong as well, as much of an asspull in there as it may be.
4. They would if #16 was already fighting someone near enough equal to him.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Me reading CC's fanfic scenario :Paladin

We should make a petition to turn :CC on the new writter.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Lmao @ withheld being such a PL purist about the fic narrative. Relax dude, just enjoy the fanservice.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
How are you so creative CC?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Super Saiyan said:
How are you so creative CC?
Just always had the drive to create something I guess. That, and critical thinking on how to make something better help in making creative decisions revolving around them.

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Dr. Fearless said:
Ah, the satisfaction when you see how the person abandon the power levels. :ahshit

Not necessarily abandoned, but I don't put as much emphasis on them as I used to (like gaps and such).

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Future Warrior said:
Dr. Fearless said:
Ah, the satisfaction when you see how the person abandon the power levels. :ahshit

Not necessarily abandoned, but I don't put as much emphasis on them as I used to (like gaps and such).

It's a slow transition, keep it up. :tapion

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Cell Arc - Part 4

Within the days leading up to the Cell games, Gero has started to gain mixed feelings about his creation. Having not gained Freeza's cells in this timeline, Cell has far less natural evil, with the overabundance of Saiyan DNA making his desire to fight and test his limits far more sincere and less focused on his privilege of "muh Perfection", though it still exists to some extent due to Vegeta's cells. On one hand, Gero enjoys the irony that he'll get to see Goku die once again, this time by the hands of a being so similar to himself, but on the other, he sees Cell as someone he can't control in any way close to his previous works. Pondering on this, Gero heads back to his lab, which he'd have made #17 and #18 keep intact when they activated.

The day of the Cell Games arrives, with all the fighters arriving. After their Rosat trips, all the Super Saiyans have Ki at bare minimum above what SSJ Gohan had at this point, Piccolo not being too far behind either at around Goku's strength in the main timeline, making Cell both excited and slightly scared at the prospect of being faced with 7 warriors of such a level. Gero would've also returned at this point, but would hide back in fear at how strong everyone had become. Mr. Satan arrives and of course easily defeats Shello....in his dreams. The Saiyans would then debate on who should face Cell first, to which Raditz says Trunks should, telling them from their training, he's seen Trunks surpass the level of a Super Saiyan with his natural talent. However, Goku says the same about Bra, also noting that with her having travelled to save this timeline and Cell having killed an alternate timeline version of herself to get here, it's only natural for Bra to defend the timeline. Overall, Bra is chosen to go first. Bra would also likely be carrying a pack of capsules, which she hands to Goku before facing Cell, though Piccolo then requests to hold onto them "just in case".

Cell then powers up to his full speed and starts to fight fairly well with Bra's Super Saiyan form, though needs to power up more than against Gohan to keep on even footing. The fight takes many turns, with Cell's array of techniques keeping Bra on her toes much in the same way they did her father in the anime. After a drawn out exchange, Cell reveals that he still isn't using all of his power, to which Bra replies neither is she, going into Super Saiyan 2. Everyone is shocked, especially Cell and Gero, apart from Goku who looks on in admiration at his daughter's power. Trunks also exclaims that Bra has the same form as him, surprising everyone other than Raditz. Goku then thinks about how proud he is that both his children have gotten so strong.
Cell would then be at a loss for words, knowing how outclassed he was. He'd then focus on keeping his distance with attacks such as the Kienzan and his Perfect Barrier, as well as use a Taiyoken to score some good hits on her, though much like his canon self, it'd take just two punches for him to spit out #18 and make things more hopeless. Whilst he'd be angry that his Perfection was surpassed and lost, he'd be able to accept his fate and be glad he got to face such a strong opponent. Before Cell can meet his end, however, Gero than presses a switch, causing Cell to expand. Gero had spent several days creating a button to activate Cell's self-destruct mechanism just in case things went awry, having sensed Raditz and Trunks' power from the first Rosat trip. Whilst everyone was distracted, Gero would attempt to flee using a Spaceship capsule, though would be stopped by Trunks. Due to Gero's actions being the main catalyst of Goku's death, Trunks would've kept most of his attention on Gero and gone Super Saiyan 2 as soon as Gero attempted to flee to cut him off. Trunks would then destroy Gero's body with a single strike, leaving only the head.
Meanwhile, Piccolo would note that it's lucky Bra brought some capsules. He'd shout at Bra which Capsule has some kind of container in and activate it, then materialising a talisman on it and performing the Mafuba on Cell, the Mafuba would be a success and trap Cell inside, making everything seem at peace, though Piccolo would've used up all his Ki for this. In this moment, Piccolo would suddenly be shot with an energy beam and from his fatigue, would die from it. The source of this was Gero's head, using what reserves of energy it had left. Whilst everyone was focused on Piccolo, it would've shot a smaller eye beam at the container, releasing Cell. I don't believe his self destruct would've been paused, as being sealed didn't stop Daimao's aging, so when Cell emerges, it's in his Super Perfect form.

Cell's first action is heading towards Gero's head, saying he's thankful that the Doctor allowed him to gain so much power, but is gratitude is just as great as his anger at having been used like that. Before Gero can respond, Cell crushes his head beneath his foot, before turning to everyone else. He then notes he has no concern about world domination or destruction, only victory in battle and proof of his Perfection. Hearing this, Bra's anger subsides and she agrees to fight Cell not as an enemy, but as a rival, though due to Saiyan Arc Vegeta, Raditz and Piccolo's cells, Cell tells her that doesn't mean this won't be a fight to the death.
The two continue fighting, with Bra's power advantage being evident, though Cell's superior skills are able to close the gap slightly. There's a limit to how much he can take, however, with regeneration draining his stamina when not severe enough to gain another Zenkai, leading to Bra eventually being able to land a deciding blow. Cell, being beaten to the ground, would then say that Bra has earned this kill to avenge her other self and save the future. However, Bra decides to spare Cell, saying that her experiences in this timeline show that Gero was the source of his creation's evil and that Cell is almost made entirely of those who are now her allies and that she can see he too can change. Whilst Cell is honoured by this, he still says it would be improper to stay there after killing so many humans and decides to leave the Earth, using Cold's cells to venture into space as part of his own training. Before departing, he tells everyone that he'll reach a level that can truly be called Perfect and that they should make the Cell Games a regular event. They then part ways, with feelings between the Saiyans being mixed between letting a powerful foe escape, the possibility of his redemption and the excitement of having such a strong rival. For the same reason, I imagine they wouldn't kill their timeline's Cell, of whom they likely wouldn't have had the time to destroy yet.

Several months later, Yamcha and the rest return with Dende and Shenron revives all those killed by Cell and removes #17 and #18's bombs. Bulma also gives her future daughter a map of coordinates to New Namek so that she can restore Earth's Dragon Balls in her timeline. As Bra and her child return to the future, Vegeta decides to go with them, with there being nothing worth staying here for and having found a rival (and more) stronger than Kakarotto or Raditz. They then depart, with Vegeta telling them he'll still visit as often as he can to prove his dominance to the lower class Saiyans and everyone returns to their peaceful lives.


Jun 19, 2015
Stop praising Cadaver. I'm better than him. If you don't believe me, read this...

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
Stop praising Cadaver. I'm better than him. If you don't believe me, read this...

I have no problem with you believing your work is better, since yours is an actual story with a narrative, whilst this is merely a summarised version of the scenario, not an actual fanfic in the traditional sense. However, your wording of this implies that you'd view something as obscure as a fanfic as a means to flaunt utter superiority over another comes off as quite immature, as well as your way of advertising your work also coming off as spouting jealousy for another's popularity. You believe that your work is superior, go ahead. I may find it to be as well should I actually read it, but don't display your opinion in such a petty manner.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Cell Arc - Part 5 (Aka. Future Arc)

Bra and Vegeta return to the future and beyond Bulma being shocked to see her daughter have a kid with Vegeta of all people, events go as per normal until they go fight and wreck the Artificial Humans. When in the position to kill them, Bra and Vegeta ponder whether or not they should spare them, seeing how Gero manipulated them. However, Bra concludes that these versions of the twins are different from the other timelines, as they didn't have Gero to shackle them down permanently. Remembering how they killed Trunks in the manner to what they did to Gohan in the Trunks Special, Bra obliterates the two.
With the coordinates for New Namek, Bra, Vegeta and Bulma would then head there and use the first wish to revive all of the Artificial Humans' victims. Considering Dende's Shenron was capable of retconning bypassing the 1 year revival limit in FnF, I don't believe it'd be beyond Porunga's power either, though to keep the story balanced, I'll say that the 15-16 gap between Freeza's death and revival was the time limit for both, so the only member of the Zet-Senshi that is revived is Trunks. Dende then volunteers to become Earth's Kami. The second and third wishes are used to restore any damage done to the Planet by the Artificial Humans and to teleport Bra, Vegeta, Bulma and Dende back to Earth.
Having continued training in the afterlife, Trunks would've likely all become far stronger than anyone else at this point, having likely gained SS2 and 3 from their afterlife training. This would motivate Vegeta and Bra to push their limits even further.

3 years would pass. In this time, Vegeta would've started acting much the same way he does with Bulma in Super to Bra. Their child would be growing well, of which I'll decide here to call Stocking to go along with the undergarment line. Trunks would've likely adjusted to a normal life and for simplicity, we'll say he ends up with Mai. As the Earth would be restored to vibrancy far earlier, Babidi and Dabura would've appeared likely only a year later, though Trunks' strength and Vegeta having not closed the gap (even if he goes Majin), they'd be stopped before Boo could be revived. Cell would show up. Bra, Vegeta and Trunks would already be aware of his arrival when he comes to take the Time Machine. Bra would start to easily beat him after transforming into a Super Saiyan, but spare him for a moment, telling him how his alternate self wasn't truly evil and that he has the capacity to change to. Cell would start to say there's no point if he can't attain his Perfection, to which Bra would go SS2 and tell him this power was enough for her to surpass his "Perfection" and should he want to truly perfect himself, he should do so with the effort of training. Intrigued by the potential Cell could show through training, Vegeta tells him about the Rosat and has Cell go hide in it. Bra and Trunks are initially hesitant about this, but Vegeta says it's impossible for him to surpass Trunks, no matter what he did.
1 day later, Cell emerges, his strength having increased immensely due to containing such cells as Goku's and Trunks', to the point he now rivals his Super Perfect self. Vegeta is delighted to see this, showing off his Super Saiyan 2 form and the gains of his training to try and surpass Trunks, wiping the floor with Cell. He makes note of comparing Cell's power to his Perfect self, with Cell being delighted he could go beyond his creator's estmations without #17 and #18. Agreeing not to absorb any more innocent lives, Cell decides to join the Zet-Senshi and his victims are revived. Peace has come to Bra's time, for now...


Jun 19, 2015
If you want to treat the new material as canon, then Cell should be SSJ Blue level after 4 months of training.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
withheldforprivacy said:
If you want to treat the new material as canon, then Cell should be SSJ Blue level after 4 months of training.
He doesn't have Freeza's cells within him in this timeline, remember? I doubt he'd get the same from Cold's cells alone, since despite his strength, Cold was never acknowledged as a prodigy like his son.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Even assuming he does, he'd still likely get wrecked by SS3 Trunks, or SS2 Vegeta may have been able to Enhance his SS2 to the same level like Trunks did.