Dragon Ball Super Strength Checker (Viz Manga)


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Got chapter 50 up. Trying to work through the newer chapters as well. This arc is dragging my patience.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014

"Universe 6 vs. Universe 7" Saga


Ch. 5, pg. 12.8-13.3
Context: Goku is meeting Champa and Vados for the first time
Goku: “H-hey! Who’s stronger? You or Lord Beerus?”
Vados: “Don’t bother with such a question. Can’t you tell just by looking at his body?”
Champa: “Vados!!!”

Ch. 5, pg. 14
Context: Goku is disappointed that Beerus and Champa are fighting (arguing) over food
Goku: “What the heck? And here I was excited to see just what Lord Beerus is capable of!”


Ch. 12, pg. 4.5
Context: Cabba has managed to kick Vegeta to the ground
Krillin: “He used the sun to mask his movements…!! He is…very strategic.”

Ch. 12, pg. 6.5-7
Context: After Cabba and Vegeta pause their fight to speak
Vegeta: “I knew it. You’re quite the experienced fighter. As expected of a Saiyan warrior. In your normal state, I would say you are about as strong as myself.”
Cabba: “Normal state…?”
Vegeta: “Now transform into a Super Saiyan! I told you, you need to come at me full force…!”

Ch. 12, pg. 8.4
Context: Super Saiyan Vegeta is beating up on Cabba
Vegeta: “Is that all you’ve got? I’m amazed you could look so smug fighting like that!”

Ch. 12, pg. 9.6
Context: After Cabba asks for help
Vegeta: “Enough! I was stupid to expect anything from a weakling like you!”


Ch. 5, pg. 12.8-13.3
Context: Goku is meeting Champa and Vados for the first time
Goku: “H-hey! Who’s stronger? You or Lord Beerus?”
Vados: “Don’t bother with such a question. Can’t you tell just by looking at his body?”
Champa: “Vados!!!”

Ch. 6, pg. 11.5
Context: Vados asks if Champa is sure he wants to risk the Super Dragon Balls for the tournament
Champa: “Hmph! You saw those guys fight. This is gonna be a piece of cake!”

Ch. 7, pg. 8.3-8
Context: While Goku and Vegeta are sparring in the Room of Spirit and Time
Goku: “Hey, what do you think?”
Vegeta: “About what?”
Goku: “The guys from Universe 6. Do you think they’re strong?”
Vegeta: “Of course they are.”
Goku: “[ ] What makes you think that?”
Vegeta: “That God of Destruction, Champa… He proposed the tournament after seeing us train. He must be confident.”

Ch. 10, pg. 31.3
Context: Frost is mouthing off to Champa
Champa: “You son of a…I’ll destroy you…!”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 9, pg. 12.5
Context: Frost is chosen as Goku’s next opponent
Piccolo: “One down, and here comes another already. This won’t be easy…”

Ch. 9, pg. 12.8
Tenshinhan: “Is he…Freeza from Universe 6?”
Roshi: “If he is, it’s gonna be tough…”

Ch. 9, pg. 13.8
Context: Frost offers to have a good fight with Goku
Frost: “Let’s give it our all for this fight!”

Ch. 9, 23.3-7
Context: Frost and Goku pause their fight to talk
Goku: “Just like I thought…”
Frost: “…? What…?”
Goku: “You’re trying to gauge what I’m capable of!”
Frost: “What? No way! How could I possibly do that?”
Goku: “Just transform to your final form already.”

Ch. 9, pg. 23.9-11
Goku: “Your plan is to transform little by little depending on how your opponent reacts, right?”
Frost: “How did you know?”
Goku: “In our universe, I once fought a guy who looked exactly like you.”
Frost: “I see… So that’s what it was.”

Ch. 9, pg. 24
Goku: “If you take too much time, you’ll lose before you have the chance to go all out!”

--Third Form--

Ch. 9, pg. 27.7
Context: Frost and Goku resume their fight after Frost has transformed
Champa: “That’s it! Frost is one step ahead.”
Vados: “Of course. He’s the strongest warrior in our universe.”

Ch. 9, pg. 27.8-28.1
Random Onlooker: “Oh goodness. Looks like that Frost guy from our universe is overwhelming your warrior.”
Elder Kaioshin: “Ha ha ha…! I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

Ch. 9, pg. 28.6-7
Context: Frost seemingly has Goku down for the count
Frost: “How was that? I suggest you give up before you get severely injured.”

Ch. 9, pg. 29.5
Context: Goku is completely unharmed by Frost’s previous assault
Goku: “By the way, you’re still hiding your final form, right? Are you saving it for the following fights? You’re so sneaky.”

--Final Form--

Ch. 10, pg. 1.3
Context: Frost has transformed into his final form at last
Goku: “This is where the real fight begins!”

Ch. 10, pg. 14.2-3
Context: Goku is overwhelming Frost
Goku: “I hate to say it, but it’s over. If you train more, you’ll come back even stronger! Just as Freeza did. When that happens, come back to me and--”
Note: Frost then sucker punches Goku out of the ring.

Ch. 10, pg. 18.1-2
Context: After Goku recovers from his ring-out
Goku: “That was a good fight. I don’t even know what hit me.”
Frost: “Thank you for the compliment.”

Ch. 10, pg. 22.7
Context: Piccolo has removed his weighted clothing
Piccolo: “I may not be able to defeat you but I do know that you cannot defeat me either…”

Ch. 10, pg. 23.6-8
Context: Frost and Piccolo’s fight continues
Goku: “Awesome! That’s Piccolo for you!”
Vegeta: “But he’s still on the defense… The other guy’s losing energy, but Piccolo is even worse for the wear. But I can see that Frost is starting to lose his temper.”

Ch. 10, pg. 27.3-4
Context: Vegeta prepares to enter the ring
Goku: “Just watch out, Vegeta! Maybe that guy’s way better than we thought!”
Vegeta: “I don’t need you to tell me that… The only problem is that bizarre technique he’s hiding.”

Ch. 10, pg. 31.4-7
Vegeta: “Hold on!!”
[ ]
Vegeta: “You don’t need to disqualify this guy. It’s my turn now. I’ll crush this piece of trash with my own hands!”

Ch. 11, pg. 8.3
Context: Frost was quickly beaten by Vegeta
Botamo: “To think he’d lose…”
Cabba: “N-no way…”


Ch. 12, pg. 17.2
Context: Hit is announced as Vegeta’s next opponent
Vados: “We only have one guy left, but it’s Hit. I’m sure we’ll be okay.”
Champa: “Hit, the living legend of the underworld… I’m surprised he joined the tournament.”

Ch. 12, pg. 23.5-7
Context: Hit is beating Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta
Goku: “Did you see it?”
Piccolo: “No…”
Goku: “Monaka, did you see what happened? [ ] This is bad! Universe 7’s finest couldn’t even see it!”

Ch. 12, pg. 24.1-5
Goku: “Hey, Jaco! What about you? Were you able to see what happened?”
Jaco: “No. I was not.”
Goku: “Really…? Not even you?!”
Jaco: “There’s no doubt he’s moving really fast.”
Goku: “Oh, come on! Even I know that!”
Jaco: “Even so, that guy is too fast.”
Goku: “Huh? What do you mean…?”
Jaco: “He vanishes in the middle of his movements. He absolutely disappears.”

Ch. 12, pg. 24.7
Goku: “Maybe it’s teleportation…? Well, I can do that too. But definitely not as fast as that…”

Ch. 12, pg. 26.8-9
Context: Jaco and Galactic King have figured out Hit’s ability and Goku asks if he’ll be arrested
Jaco: “I won’t. Because I don’t want to die.”
Galactic King: “Same here. I’ll pretend I didn’t see it.”

Ch. 12, pg. 27.3-5
Context: Goku is up next to fight Hit
Goku: “Hey, got any advice for me?”
Vegeta: “Nothing. Good luck.”
Goku: “What…? Is that all…? Looks like I’m seriously in trouble now…”

Ch. 12, pg. 30.1-3
Context: Goku and Hit prepare to battle
Hit: “You didn’t transform?”
Goku: “Huh? Oh… Transforming takes a lot of energy… I’ll do it later.”
Hit: “Do you really think you can hold out that long?”
Goku: “I still gotta figure out how to beat you. I gotta to stall you to do that.”

Ch. 12, pg. 31.5-8
Context: Hit has almost punched Goku out of the ring
Goku: “Owww… That attack was invisible…!! And your punch is so heavy…!”
Hit: “It’s no use. I suggest you surrender now.”
Goku: “Ha ha… I’m not gonna surrender now. Thanks to that, I got a hint on how to defeat you!”
Hit: “Oh…?”

Ch. 13, pg. 7.1-5
Goku has just turned Super Saiyan
Goku: “The fun begins now! Here I come!!”
Hit: “Hmph… Can you not transform into the blue-hair form like the other guy?”
Goku: “Yes, I can! But that’s for later!”
Hit: “You are underestimating me…”

Ch. 13, pg. 10.3
As Goku and Hit continue their fight
Roshi: “I can’t even tell what’s happening anymore!”

Ch. 13, pg. 11.1
As Goku and Hit continue their fight
East Kaioshin: “They are exchanging tons of blows in the blink of an eye…!”
Elder Kaioshin: “This battle is just going to keep going…”

Ch. 13, pg. 11.3-6
Champa is getting frustrated about Goku and Hit’s fight
Vados: “Please do not worry, my lord.”
Champa: “What?”
Vados: “Hit doesn’t lose that much energy from his time skipping. Goku, on the other hand, seems to be tired out from it. At this rate, it will be that Saiyan who will run out of energy first…”

Ch. 13, pg. 14.2-3
Hit: “Hmph. You seem to have so many different forms. However, no matter how many colors you become, you will never be able to defeat me.”
Goku: “Don’t be so sure about that!”

Ch. 13, pg. 17.5-6
As Hit’s time skips appear to be shorter than before
Beerus: “What’s going on here, Whis? Explain!”
Whis: “Okay. Goku’s power has become far superior to that of Hit’s. That is what’s happening here. Hit’s skills are only effective against opponents who are near or below his level.”

Ch. 13, pg. 19.4
Context: Hit has just survived a ki blast from Goku
Hit: “I understand now... The difference in our levels is this drastic, huh?”

Ch. 13, pg. 20.4
Hit has just revealed his full power
Piccolo: “Th-this energy…!!!”

Ch. 13, pg. 20.5
Hit has just revealed his full power
Champa: “That guy… He was hiding his true power…!!”
Vados: “Of course. His time skipping ability always allowed him to quickly finish off his enemies. It’s probably rare for him to use all of his power in a fight.”

Ch. 13, pg. 20.6
Hit has just revealed his full power
Beerus: “Hey! Hit’s power levels are increasing!”
Whis: “The assassin, Hit--the best in all of the Universe 6. It seems that the rumors about him are true…”

Ch. 13, pg. 20.7-8
Hit has just revealed his full power
Goku: “Hit… You…”
Hit: “This is my full power. It’s been too long since the last time I’ve had to use it. I don’t think it’ll last longer than a minute.”

Ch. 13, pg. 21.1
Hit talking about his full power
Hit: “To be honest, I think I can only use my time skipping ability one more time in this state.”

Ch. 13, pg. 21.3-5
After Hit reveals he can only time skip one more time
Hit: “That one time, however, will finish this. I will definitely stop you for 0.1 seconds.”
Goku: “Your secrets are starting to come out…”
Hit: “This time, I can keep my hands hidden without worry.”

Ch. 13, pg. 28.1
Goku acknowledges some of Hit’s techniques are off-limits in the tournament
Goku: “That means you are much stronger than I’ve seen so far.”


Ch. 10, pg. 30.6
Context: Jaco has gotten Frost disqualified for using an illegal weapon
Krillin: “He’s good. He’s got really sharp eyes.”

Ch. 12, pg. 24.1-5
Goku: “Hey, Jaco! What about you? Were you able to see what happened?”
Jaco: “No. I was not.”
Goku: “Really…? Not even you?!”


Ch. 11, pg. 13.7
Context: Magetta has survived Vegeta’s ki assault
Piccolo: “This guy… Is he immortal…?!”

Ch. 11, pg. 15.3-4
Context: Super Saiyan Vegeta failed to lift Magetta
Goku: “Oh man…”
Beerus: “Are you stupid!? Metal Man weighs at least 1,000 tons!!!”
Goku: “How would I know that?”
Piccolo: “So this is not going to be like Botamo…”

Ch. 11, pg. 15.8
Vegeta: “If it’s no use… No matter how many times I attack him…”

Ch. 11, pg. 20.4
Context: Vegeta has beaten Magetta by calling him a mean name
Whis: “Metal Men are a very delicate people. They are mentally so fragile that mean words can make them depressed and unable to fight.”

Majin Boo (good)

Ch. 7, pg. 1.1-2
Narrator: “The members from Universe 7 for Champa’s tournament have been decided: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Boo, and ‘the strongest warrior Beerus has ever seen.’”


Ch. 6, pg. 12.6
Context: Beerus has decided who the last person on the team will be
Goku: “Who?”
Beerus: “I told you before. You are the second strongest person I’ve ever encountered in my long history of fights.”
Goku: “Hmm? Oh, yeah… You did say that…”
Beerus: “I’m choosing the strongest one.”

Ch. 7, pg. 1.1-2
Narrator: “The members from Universe 7 for Champa’s tournament have been decided: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Boo, and ‘the strongest warrior Beerus has ever seen.’”

Ch. 7, pg. 13.5
Context: Goku wonders who the mysterious fighter is
Whis: “His name is Monaka. He’s the strongest warrior Lord Beerus told you about.”

Ch. 7, pg. 13.6
Vegeta: “He doesn’t seem that strong though, does he…?”
Piccolo: “Remember? It’s that type of fighter you can’t let your guard down around.”

Ch. 7, pg. 13.7
Whis: “Apparently, Monaka in his language means ‘the magnificent ponta.’ Mr. Monaka is the hero of the planet Wagashi. He’s known for being very quiet and gentlemanly. But when he fights, he’s so brave that even Lord Beerus found it difficult to fight him.”

Ch. 8, pg. 6.8
Context: Beerus has just scolded his team for arguing about the paper test
Beerus: “Enough already! Just decide your order! Don’t forget—Monaka has to be the last because he’s the strongest!”

Ch. 12, pg. 28.1
Context: Beerus thinks everything will be over if Goku loses to Hit
Whis: “How so? We still have Monaka, the finest warrior of Universe 7.”
Beerus: “You… Stop being a jerk when you know the truth…”
Whis: “Oh yes. I remember now. In order to motivate Goku and Vegeta, you lied and brought someone who actually has no fighting ability whatsoever, right?”

Ch. 13, pg. 30.6
Beerus is berating Goku for forfeiting his match against Hit
Goku: “I understand! If this battle had ended right there, Monaka wouldn’t have had a chance to fight! I just can’t afford to lose this chance to see our best guy fight.”

Ch. 13, pg. 33.9
Monaka has seemingly knocked Hit out of the ring with one punch
Vegeta: “W-what did he…?”
Goku: “Wow! That guy’s amazing!”

Ch. 13, pg. 34.1
Monaka has seemingly knocked Hit out of the ring with one punch
Goku: “I knew it! He’s the best in the universe!”

Ch. 13, pg. 39.5-7
As the Universe 7 group heads back home
Goku: “A tournament with all of the universes! I’m so excited!! First, you gotta let me fight Monaka!”
Beerus: “No! Monaka is our universe’s most precious warrior.”


Ch. 7, pg. 1.1-2
Narrator: “The members from Universe 7 for Champa’s tournament have been decided: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Boo, and ‘the strongest warrior Beerus has ever seen.’”

Ch. 10, pg. 19.2-5
Context: Piccolo is next up to fight Frost
Piccolo: “Hey, is there any chance that I can possibly win this?”
Goku: “Hmm… Not in a million.”
Piccolo: “Jerk… Sometimes you’re too honest.”
Goku: “But I think it’s best if you wear him out as best as much as you can. Help Vegeta so he can easily defeat him.”
Piccolo: “Hrm… So that’s all I’m here for…?”

Ch. 10, pg. 19.7-8
Context: Frost and Piccolo prepare to fight
Piccolo: “Are you seriously going to keep fighting in that form? Why don’t you go a little easier on me?”
Frost: “I apologize for the inconvenience, but I’d rather keep on going with this until the end. I’d like to end this as soon as I can.”
Piccolo: “Tsk… You and everybody else looking down on me…”

Ch. 10, pg. 22.7
Context: Piccolo has removed his weighted clothing
Piccolo: “I may not be able to defeat you but I do know that you cannot defeat me either…”

Ch. 10, pg. 23.6-8
Context: Frost and Piccolo’s fight continues
Goku: “Awesome! That’s Piccolo for you!”
Vegeta: “But he’s still on the defense… The other guy’s losing energy, but Piccolo is even worse for the wear. But I can see that Frost is starting to lose his temper.”

Ch. 10, pg. 27.2
Context: As Piccolo recovers from his ring-out
Goku: “You all right, Piccolo?”
Piccolo: “Yeah… Dammit, I never let my guard down, but I still…”

Saiyans (in general)

Ch. 6, pg. 18.2-6
Context: After Bulma leaves with Jaco to find the last Super Dragon Ball
Goku: “You know, we both have such strong wives, huh.”
Vegeta: “Hmph… I guess. But I don’t mind.”
Goku: “Hey, don’t forget that I love that part of Chi-Chi too!”
Vegeta: “That runs in our veins. All Saiyan women were strong.”

Ch. 12, pg. 13.4
Context: Cabba has transformed into a Super Saiyan and attacked Vegeta
Vegeta: “The key to a Saiyan’s power is rage! Never forget that feeling!”

Son Gohan

Ch. 6, pg. 12.4
Context: Goku is recommending fighters for Beerus’ team
Vegeta: “What about Gohan? It’s obvious that he’s got the greatest potential among all of us.”
Goku: “Nah. He’s way too into academics these days. He’s even lost his training clothes!”
Vegeta: “Too bad. Who else do we have?”

Son Goku

--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 5, pg. 1.3-4
Context: Goku and Vegeta sparring on Beerus’ planet
Goku: “I want to get even stronger! And fight even more powerful opponents!!”
Vegeta: “Hmph!! There’s someone stronger than you right here! Don’t talk big until you can defeat me!”

Ch. 5, pg. 3.6
Subject: Goku
Vegeta: “There’s no way I’ll let you continue to get stronger than me!”

Ch. 5, pg. 9.6
Context: Whis is scolding Goku and Vegeta for transforming in their fight
Whis: “Aren’t you being a little too cocky just because you defeated Golden Freeza?”

Ch. 5, pg. 9.7
Narrator: “There was an incident recently where Freeza, the emperor of terror who once threatened to destroy the universe, was resurrected and went to attack the Earth… After meeting Beerus, Goku and Vegeta went to Whis for training. Their strength evolved into a power that surpassed even god—Super Saiyan Blue! Thanks to that, they were able to defeat the resurrected Freeza…”

Ch. 6, pg. 12.6
Context: Beerus has decided who the last person on the team will be
Goku: “Who?”
Beerus: “I told you before. You are the second strongest person I’ve ever encountered in my long history of fights.”
Goku: “Hmm? Oh, yeah… You did say that…”
Beerus: “I’m choosing the strongest one.”

Ch. 7, pg. 1.1-2
Narrator: “The members from Universe 7 for Champa’s tournament have been decided: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Boo, and ‘the strongest warrior Beerus has ever seen.’”

Ch. 7, pg. 11.4
Context: As Goku and Vegeta train
Narrator: “Goku and Vegeta continued their training in the new Room of Spirit and Time for three days…which means they trained for three years.”

Ch. 8, pg. 8.4
Context: Piccolo tells Goku not to go easy on the competition
Goku: “No way! You sure about this though? Maybe it’ll end with me.”
Piccolo: “Hmph…”

Ch. 8, pg. 18.4-5
Context: Goku is easily defeating Botamo
Krillin: “I can’t even see Goku’s movements…”
Tenshinhan: “He’s most likely attacking very quickly…”
Vados: “That man… To think he’s this fast…!”
Note: And Tenshinhan wins the Captain Obvious award.

Ch. 8, pg. 19.4
Context: Goku is still easily handling Botamo
Champa: “Ngh… To think he was this good… That was unexpected. [ ] However, Botamo is just getting started.”

Ch. 9, pg. 2.2
Context: Goku is rapidly beating around Botamo
Yamcha: “Look at Goku! He’s totally winning!”
Tenshinhan: “Yeah! He’s not giving his opponent a chance to fight back.”

Ch. 9, pg. 5.1-5
Context: Botamo and Goku’s fight continues
Piccolo: “This is bad… At this rate, Goku’s just going to tire out.”
Vegeta: “In terms of power, Kakarot is definitely stronger. But he has no chance of winning if he can’t inflict any damage on his opponent.”
Krillin: “Goku will be fine. He hasn’t even gone Super Saiyan yet!”
Vegeta: “Super Saiyan may not be enough to inflict damage on this guy.”
Krillin: “No… No way…!”

Ch. 9, pg. 6.7-8
Vegeta: “His only chance is to be everything on an all-out attack. The stakes are high… Hmph. I didn’t expect him to use his full power this early on.”
Piccolo: “Looks like he won’t be able to save any energy for the following battles.”

Ch. 9, pg. 11.4
Context: Goku has thrown Botamo out of the ring
Beerus: “Ha! I wasn’t expecting him to use his brain to get out of that.”
Whis: “True. There was no other option besides throwing him out of the ring…”

Ch. 9, 23.3-7
Context: Frost and Goku pause their fight to talk
Goku: “Just like I thought…”
Frost: “…? What…?”
Goku: “You’re trying to gauge what I’m capable of!”
Frost: “What? No way! How could I possibly do that?”
Goku: “Just transform to your final form already.”

Ch. 9, pg. 26.6-9
Context: Frost has transformed to his final form and Goku is disappointed
Frost: “Just out of curiosity, did the me from your universe manage to defeat you?”
Goku: “You’re better off not knowing.”
[ ]
Frost: “Looks like he didn’t. I hope that’s not what’s going to happen to me.”
Goku: “Same here.”

Ch. 10, pg. 17.3-4
Context: Everyone is amazed that Goku lost
Vegeta: “W…What the…?!”
Krillin: “G-Goku was defeated…?”

Ch. 10, pg. 18.5-6
Piccolo: “What happened to you? You were completely dominating the match…”
Goku: “Sorry… I don’t know why, but when I blocked his punch, I suddenly fainted…”
Vegeta: “It’s your fault for letting him attack you. I bet you damaged your brain or something like that, you idiot…”

Ch. 10, pg. 18.8
Galactic King: “I cannot believe what I’m seeing! I wish we had people like them in our force…”

Ch. 12, pg. 27.3-5
Context: Goku is up next to fight Hit
Goku: “Hey, got any advice for me?”
Vegeta: “Nothing. Good luck.”
Goku: “What…? Is that all…? Looks like I’m seriously in trouble now…”

--Super Saiyan--

Ch. 9, pg. 30.2
Context: Goku’s transformed into a Super Saiyan
Champa: “W-what? He’s a Saiyan, right?”
Vados: “It appears he’s no ordinary Saiyan…”

Ch. 9, pg. 30.4
Goku: “You sure you still wanna continue like that? I’m warning you… I’ll finish this now!”

Ch. 10, pg. 12.2
Context: Goku has forced Frost back with a kiai
Random Onlooker: “W-what happened?”
Elder Kaioshin: “My goodness, the tables turned suddenly.”

Ch. 10, pg. 12.5
Frost: “That was amazing! More than I expected. [ ] However… I won’t lose.”

Ch. 13, pg. 10.3
As Goku and Hit continue their fight
Roshi: “I can’t even tell what’s happening anymore!”

Ch. 13, pg. 11.1
As Goku and Hit continue their fight
East Kaioshin: “They are exchanging tons of blows in the blink of an eye…!”
Elder Kaioshin: “This battle is just going to keep going…”

Ch. 13, pg. 11.3-6
Champa is getting frustrated about Goku and Hit’s fight
Vados: “Please do not worry, my lord.”
Champa: “What?”
Vados: “Hit doesn’t lose that much energy from his time skipping. Goku, on the other hand, seems to be tired out from it. At this rate, it will be that Saiyan who will run out of energy first…”

Ch. 13, pg. 11.8
Goku and Hit separate for a moment
Hit: “Aren’t you slowing down a bit? Where is the energy you showed me earlier?”

Ch. 13, pg. 12.1
Goku is huffing from his fight with Hit
Goku: “Dammit… I guess it’s not going to be easy… At this rate, I’ll be too worn out to continue…”

Ch. 13, pg. 12.2
Goku is clearly tiring from his fight with Hit
Beerus: “Dammit!!! Goku’s power is supposed to be stronger than his!”

Ch. 13, pg. 12.3
Goku: “I’ve got no choice…”
Note: He then transforms to Super Saiyan God.

--Super Saiyan God--

Ch. 13, pg. 13.6
Goku has just transformed to Super Saiyan God
Vegeta: (thinking) “Kakarot, you jerk. You’re still trying to save energy for the blue form, even at a time like this…”

Ch. 13, pg. 17.5-6
As Hit’s time skips appear to be shorter than before
Beerus: “What’s going on here, Whis? Explain!”
Whis: “Okay. Goku’s power has become far superior to that of Hit’s. That is what’s happening here. Hit’s skills are only effective against opponents who are near or below his level.”

Ch. 13, pg.18.1-2
Context: Whis continuing to explain how Hit is losing
Beerus: “But Vegeta couldn’t do that even in Super Saiyan Blue.”
Whis: “Back then, he wasn’t even able to perform at 10 percent of Super Saiyan Blue’s usual strength. That form is something you can only use a few times in a single day. It consumes too much energy.”
Beerus: “So, you’re saying Goku’s God form surpasses that of Vegeta’s Blue form earlier, just as it’s already surpassed Hit…? Is that it…?”
Whis: “Yes, possibly.”

Ch. 13, pg. 19.4
Context: Hit has just survived a ki blast from Goku
Hit: “I understand now... The difference in our levels is this drastic, huh?”

--Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 7, pg. 10.3
Context: Goku and Vegeta transform to Super Saiyan Blue
Goku: “This place isn’t gonna break if we go on a rampage! All right! Let’s go all out, just like old times!!”

Ch. 13, pg. 25.4
As Goku prepares to fire a Kamehameha at a stunned Hit
Goku: “I’ve been waiting for this moment!!! I’ll release everything I’ve got in one shot.”

Ch. 13, pg. 27.4
Goku’s Kamehameha has made a hole in the dome
Vados: “To think the dome I made would be shattered so easily!”

Ch. 13, 27.8
Hit has dodged Goku’s Kamehameha
Hit: “I never expected to see a man like you in this universe… Even though you’re an enemy, I’m still impressed.”

Super Saiyan Blue (in general)

Ch. 13, pg.18.1-2
Context: Whis continuing to explain how Hit is losing
Beerus: “But Vegeta couldn’t do that even in Super Saiyan Blue.”
Whis: “Back then, he wasn’t even able to perform at 10 percent of Super Saiyan Blue’s usual strength. That form is something you can only use a few times in a single day. It consumes too much energy.”


Ch. 5, pg. 13.4-7
Vados: “By the way, Whis and I are also siblings. Although my power is slightly superior to his.”
Goku: “That’s crazy! Sounds like there’s a lot of people stronger than us out there!”
Vegeta: “Why do you look so happy…?”
Whis: “Sister! I must disagree with that. It’s already been a millennium since we trained together.”
Vados: “Ha ha ha… Would you like to prove yourself?”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 5, pg. 1.3-4
Context: Goku and Vegeta sparring on Beerus’ planet
Goku: “I want to get even stronger! And fight even more powerful opponents!!”
Vegeta: “Hmph!! There’s someone stronger than you right here! Don’t talk big until you can defeat me!”

Ch. 5, pg. 3.3
Context: Goku and Vegeta continue sparring
Vegeta: “The one who will defeat Lord Beerus first is me!”

Ch. 5, pg. 3.6
Subject: Goku
Vegeta: “There’s no way I’ll let you continue to get stronger than me!”

Ch. 5, pg. 9.6
Context: Whis is scolding Goku and Vegeta for transforming in their fight
Whis: “Aren’t you being a little too cocky just because you defeated Golden Freeza?”

Ch. 5, pg. 9.7
Narrator: “There was an incident recently where Freeza, the emperor of terror who once threatened to destroy the universe, was resurrected and went to attack the Earth… After meeting Beerus, Goku and Vegeta went to Whis for training. Their strength evolved into a power that surpassed even god—Super Saiyan Blue! Thanks to that, they were able to defeat the resurrected Freeza…”

Ch. 7, pg. 1.1-2
Narrator: “The members from Universe 7 for Champa’s tournament have been decided: Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Boo, and ‘the strongest warrior Beerus has ever seen.’”

Ch. 7, pg. 11.4
Context: As Goku and Vegeta train
Narrator: “Goku and Vegeta continued their training in the new Room of Spirit and Time for three days…which means they trained for three years.”

Ch. 10, pg. 18.7
Goten: “Oh no, my dad lost…!”
Trunks: “We should be all right. We still got my dad!”

Ch. 10, pg. 31.4-7
Vegeta: “Hold on!!”
[ ]
Vegeta: “You don’t need to disqualify this guy. It’s my turn now. I’ll crush this piece of trash with my own hands!”

Ch. 11, pg. 21.5-7
Context: Cabba has arrived as Vegeta’s next opponent
Cabba: “Let us do our best, sir.”
Vegeta: “You… I won’t hold back. Come at me with all you’ve got!”
Cabba: “Yes, of course!”

Ch. 13, pg.18.1-2
Context: Whis continuing to explain how Hit is losing
Beerus: “But Vegeta couldn’t do that even in Super Saiyan Blue.”
Whis: “Back then, he wasn’t even able to perform at 10 percent of Super Saiyan Blue’s usual strength. That form is something you can only use a few times in a single day. It consumes too much energy.”
Beerus: “So, you’re saying Goku’s God form surpasses that of Vegeta’s Blue form earlier, just as it’s already surpassed Hit…? Is that it…?”
Whis: “Yes, possibly.”

Ch. 13, pg. 31.1
Vegeta: “Hey, Kakarot, what the heck were you thinking? You could’ve won the battle…!”
Goku: “What about you? You might’ve been able to win if you’d saved enough energy for Super Saiyan Blue.”
Note: According to Todd Blankenship's Twitter, Viz omitted a piece of this exchange for whatever reason. In the original, there's an additional line from Goku implying Vegeta could have beaten Cabba with just regular Super Saiyan.

--Super Saiyan--

Ch. 12, pg. 8.7-8
Context: Cabba’s head is being crushed by Vegeta’s foot
Vegeta: “You never thought there would be someone as strong as me, did you? Huh?!”
Cabba: “I…I acknowledge my defeat—”

--Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 5, pg. 8.3
Context: Goku and Vegeta agree to both using Super Saiyan Blue
Vegeta: “Ha ha! Fine! Even if we’re both Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, mine will naturally be better because I am the strongest!”

Ch. 7, pg. 10.3
Context: Goku and Vegeta transform to Super Saiyan Blue
Goku: “This place isn’t gonna break if we go on a rampage! All right! Let’s go all out, just like old times!!”

Ch. 12, pg. 14.6
Context: Vegeta has transformed to Super Saiyan Blue
Vegeta: “This is the newest form, Super Saiyan Blue. Keep on training and even you can be this strong.”


Ch. 5, pg. 13.4-7
Vados: “By the way, Whis and I are also siblings. Although my power is slightly superior to his.”
Goku: “That’s crazy! Sounds like there’s a lot of people stronger than us out there!”
Vegeta: “Why do you look so happy…?”
Whis: “Sister! I must disagree with that. It’s already been a millennium since we trained together.”
Vados: “Ha ha ha… Would you like to prove yourself?”


Ch. 13, pg. 37.8
After Zeno has left the tournament
Beerus: “Y…You…! Just so you know…the Lord of Everything…could decimate an entire universe in the blink of an eye if he felt like it!”


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014

"Goku Black" Saga


Ch. 16, pg. 18.5
Goku introduces Trunks to Beerus and Whis
Goku: “I gotta tell you, these two are way stronger than the two of us.”

Ch. 16, pg. 35.2-4
After East Kaioshin explains who Goku is to Zamasu
Zamasu: “Ha ha ha… That is impossible. No mortal should be able to overpower us gods…”
Kibito: “As much as I regret to say it… These days there are a number of humans whose strength has surpassed us divine beings.”
Zamasu: “H-how could that be…?!”
East Kaioshin: “But at least there is no one who is stronger than the God of Destruction.”

Ch. 19, pg. 31.4
after Whis tells Gowasu to choose his apprentices better
Beerus: “If you pick up another freak like this, I will destroy you!! Or, since that’s not an option, I’ll just beat the crap out of you! Got it?!”

Ch. 26, pg. 38.7-9
East Kaioshin suggests talking to the Beerus in the other timeline to help with Zamasu if he shows up again
Goku: “Oh, so you have a technique that can kill immortals?”
Beerus: “No… I can’t kill immortals.”
Goku: “What? I see… Then how would you even…?”
Beerus: “Don’t you dare underestimate the God of Destruction!”
Whis: “Ho ho ho. We have something more convenient than the little jar you brought with you.”

East Kaioshin

Ch. 16, pg. 1.6-9
As Trunks trains with the Z Sword
East Kaioshin: “That was amazing, Trunks! Your sword skills are amazing!”
Trunks: “It’s all thanks to you, my Lord. I would never have gotten this far without you.”

Ch. 16, pg. 34.1-4
After Zamasu’s spar with Kibito
Zamasu: “I’ve always held you two in such high regard. I was told that you defeated Majin Boo a few years ago.”
East Kaioshin: “No, we didn’t do that on our own. Besides, those sorts of actions are supposed to be handled by the God of Destruction.”
Kibito: “That’s true. Although in our universe, the God of Destruction tends to just sleep a lot…”

Ch. 22, pg. 3.3
after Zamasu knocks Kaioshin down
Zamasu: “You sure are mouthy for a weak God who can’t protect anything in their own universe.”

Goku Black

--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 14, pg. 23.1-3
Trunks: “He…knew exactly where I was hiding earlier… There is a chance he’s still able to sense our chi.
Mai: “No way…!”
Trunks: “Sensing chi, even manipulating it…that’s what the warriors of Earth specialize in… That means…that guy is most likely--”
Mai: “Wait…! So he could probably sense my chi too…?!”

Ch. 14, pg. 30.6
Goku Black has found Trunks and Mai again
Trunks: “…! So you can sense our chi!”

Ch. 15, pg. 8.7
After Trunks tries to outsmart Black by attacking behind a piece of rubble, and Black easily counters
Black: “Did you really think you could defeat me with such a pathetic attack?”

Ch. 15, pg. 26.1
Trunks is explaining who Black is
Trunks: “He said he wanted to annihilate humans in the name of justice. He’s already destroyed several other planets along with their civilizations too. I spent a year fighting him, but there’s only a handful of humans left now…”

Ch. 15, pg. 29.6-7
Goku and Vegeta are about to go to the future to fight Black
Trunks: “W-wait a sec! That man is unbelievably strong! I trained a lot and got stronger, but I was nowhere near strong enough to beat him!”

Ch. 15, pg. 37.2.-4
As Trunks recovers from sparring
Goku: “You surprised me!!! I can’t believe you managed to get this far on your own!!”
Trunks: “Ah, well… Even still, it was nothing against Black…”
Goku: “I thought it would be a piece of cake, but I guess we’re in trouble…”

Ch. 16, pg. 22.4-7
Black has finished his search for Trunks in the future timeline
Black: “…His presence has completely vanished from this world. The other Lords of Lords from all the other universes have been terminated, along with the Gods of Destruction. Even Trunks no longer exists in this world, meaning there’s no one left to challenge me, I think? No… That’s wrong…”

Ch. 19, pg. 25.3-6
Vegeta tells Black to leave the planet before he gets killed
Goku Black: “…I… I have eliminated all of the other Gods.”
Goku: “Wait a sec. You didn’t defeat the Gods of Destruction by yourself. You only killed the Lord of Lords, and that made them disappear, right? That’s dirty!”
Goku Black: “…It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change the fact that I am the only God left!”

Ch. 20, pg. 4.1-3
Zamasu and Goku Black converse while Vegeta and co. try to rationalize things
Goku Black: “At any rate, you sure took a while.”
Zamasu: “True… I had to check on all of the other parallel worlds.”
Goku Black: “And…how’d it go?”
Zamasu: “They were nothing compared to your world. We should be able to take control of them without opposition.”

Ch. 20, pg. 10.3-11.4
Goku Black catches Vegeta in a paralysis beam
Goku Black: “You were right, Vegeta. I thought that I would gain Son Goku’s power immediately after I acquired his body.”
[ ]
Goku Black: “However… I was wrong…”
[ ]
Goku Black: “Forget about Blue--I couldn’t even transform into a regular Super Saiyan in the beginning.”
[ ]
Goku Black: “I had to figure it out and learn what needed to be done in order to extract the full potential from this body. And now I get it! The true nature of Saiyans.”

Ch. 20, pg. 11.8-9
Trunks figures out how Goku Black can bring out his body’s full potential
Trunks: “That guy… It can’t be…!”
Mai: “What is it, Trunks…?”
Trunks: “We Saiyans can become drastically stronger, on a whole other level, once we recover from a near death experience…”
Mai: “Is that true?!”
Trunks: “That guy… He must be using that ability!”

Ch. 20, pg. 12.2-4
East Kaioshin explains why Zamasu teamed up with himself
East Kaioshin: “And that is exactly why Zamasu wanted to partner up with another version of himself. Any individual who’s served under a Lord of Lords has a recovery ability similar to Kibito’s. By repeating this process, Goku Black is aiming to continuously increase his strength.”
[ ]
East Kaioshin: “I am guessing that this is the main reason he was travelling across the parallel worlds.”

Ch. 20, pg. 32.3-4
as the group travels through the sewers
Goku: “I didn’t know you knew how to use Taiyo-ken!”
Trunks: “Gohan taught me how to use it a long time ago. But I wasn’t expecting Black to be so powerful. And his partner is immortal!”

Ch. 21, pg. 11.3
Goku Black continues to beat up Trunks
Goku Black: “No matter what you do, nothing can stop me!! I will continue to get stronger and stronger!!!”

Ch. 22, pg. 41.3-5
Zamasu and Goku Black argue over potentially losing to Goku and Vegeta
Zamasu: “You never told me this would happen!!! Didn’t you say we could control the entire universe by combining our power?! You have to become the mightiest being of all or else everything will be for nothing!”

--Super Saiyan--

Ch. 19, pg. 6.2
after Goku Black transforms into a Super Saiyan
Vegeta: “Ha! Blond hair!”
Goku: “Of course he’d be able to turn into a Super Saiyan too!”

Ch. 19, pg. 10.3-6
Mai and Trunks observe Vegeta and Goku Black fighting
Mai: “That guy…he transformed into a Super Saiyan!”
Trunks: “Haven’t seen that in a while…”
Mai: “But that means Goku Black’s been pushed into a corner, right?”
Trunks: “But somehow…he’s gotten much stronger since the last time I fought him…”

Ch. 19, pg. 13.3
Vegeta and Goku Black begin their fight
Vegeta: “I see… No wonder Trunks couldn’t handle you.”

Ch. 19, pg. 14.3
after Vegeta transforms into Super Saiyan Blue
Vegeta: “What’s wrong? Just go Blue already! Otherwise you’ll be dead before you know it.”

Ch. 19, pg. 17.4
Goku watches the fight between Vegeta and Goku Black
Goku: “Man… It’s like I’m watching myself get beaten to a pulp! This is so complicated…”

Ch. 19, pg. 32.4
as Trunks and Mai arrive on the battlefield and Goku wonders why
Trunks: “Please listen! Goku Black’s Super Saiyan form--it’s stronger than before!”
Goku: “Hmm… Maybe he’s been training…? Even so, it looks like he’s still no match for Vegeta. We should be fine.”

Ch. 20, pg. 10.1-2
Vegeta and Goku Black begin their fight again
Goku: “H-hey! Vegeta’s getting pushed back…!”
Trunks: “Black’s gotten stronger!”

Ch. 20, pg. 17.5
after Zamasu heals Goku Black again
Goku Black: “I have now reached a whole new level. You mortals have no way of saving yourselves!!”

--Super Saiyan Rose--

Ch. 20, pg. 18.4-19.1
after Goku Black transforms into Super Saiyan Rose
Zamasu: “This is…amazing!! So when a deity surpasses the Super Saiyan God, instead of blue, his hair turns light crimson!”

Ch. 20, pg. 19.4
after Goku Black transforms into Super Saiyan Rose
Goku: “Vegeta. Maybe we should actually start working together now?”
Vegeta: “Don’t mess with me. You go take care of the other one! This isn’t gonna get anywhere if he keeps reviving and powering up.”

Ch. 20, pg. 29.1
Goku Black continues to dismantle Vegeta
Goku Black: “Ha ha! This power! I’ve mastered it at long last!”

Ch. 20, pg. 30.1
after Vegeta’s been defeated
Trunks: “Goku! We must retreat! If this keeps going, we’re all gonna die!”

Ch. 22, pg. 12.1
Vegeta prepares to fight Goku Black again
Goku Black: “Whatever transformation it may be…it won’t be a match for my power!!”

Ch. 22, pg. 13.2-5
after Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan God
Goku Black: “Red hair…?! Is this Super Saiyan God? What do you think you’re doing…?”
Vegeta: “I finally realized that what I truly need to defeat you is this form.”
Goku Black: “Ha ha ha… You must have lost your mind in desperation. What are you even going to do in that downgraded Super Saiyan form?”

Ch. 22, pg. 26.3
Zamasu has just blindsided Vegeta to help Goku Black
Zamasu: “Let’s beat him with two of us together. That way, we will have the advantage.”

Grand Priest

Ch. 18, pg. 2.5-6
after Goku meets the Grand Priest
Goku: “You know, it feels like that guy is a lot stronger than he looks.”
Whis: “You have a sharp eye, Goku. The Grand Priest, as far as I know, is the mightiest of all beings in the universe.”

Ch. 18, pg. 3.1-4
Goku and Whis continuing to discuss the Grand Priest’s strength
Whis: “Let’s just say that even I don’t stand the slightest chance against him.”
Goku: “What?! Is he that strong?! Then this trip was worth it after all…! But…if he’s strong, maybe we can ask for his help with Goku Black!”
Whis: “Unfortunately, we angels must remain neutral. We can never fight.”


Ch. 16, pg. 33.6
Zamasu has just sparred with Kibito
Zamasu: “As I thought, people from Universe 7 are so skillful!”

Ch. 16, pg. 34.1-4
After Zamasu’s spar with Kibito
Zamasu: “I’ve always held you two in such high regard. I was told that you defeated Majin Boo a few years ago.”
East Kaioshin: “No, we didn’t do that on our own. Besides, those sorts of actions are supposed to be handled by the God of Destruction.”
Kibito: “That’s true. Although in our universe, the God of Destruction tends to just sleep a lot…”

King Piccolo

Ch. 20, pg. 33.2-4
Goku says there’s one way they can defeat the immortal Zamasu
Goku: “Long before I was born, a ridiculously strong monster attacked the Earth. Back then, the only ones who could fight against it were Kame-sen’nin and his old master. But even they weren’t a match for it.”
Trunks: “Then how did they win?”
Goku: “They sealed him away inside a rice cooker.”
Mai: “A rice cooker?!”
Trunks: “How did they do that?”
Goku: “It is called Mafuba.”

Master Roshi

Ch. 21, pg. 30.1
Goku asks why Roshi won’t come with them to seal Zamasu with the Mafuba
Roshi: “You fool! Sealing a monster like that requires physical strength from the castor! If I try that now, not only will I fail, but I’ll also end up kicking the bucket!”


Ch. 42, pg. 36.5
Goku wonders if they’re about to face new villains
Vegeta: “Not sensing any powerful energy signatures.”

Ch. 42, pg. 44.6
Galactic Patrol Guy: “As our number one elite agent, Merus here manages 104 sectors.”

Ch. 43, pg. 18.8
Vegeta: “This Merus… I couldn’t read his chi, but he’s far from weak. He didn’t just exploit an opening--he was agile enough to get the drop on us in an instant! That speaks to his skill…”

Ch. 43, pg. 42.4-7
after the space criminals are jailed
Vegeta: “You! You could’ve saved the day even quicker, couldn’t you? You’re hiding your power, right? My eyes don’t lie.”
Merus: “Hardly! Yes, I wanted their spaceship too, so I let them flounder a bit longer. But hiding my power? No.”
Vegeta: “I suppose you aren’t capable of capturing this Moro on your own then?”
Merus: “I’m afraid not. I may be number one in the Galactic Patrol, but Moro is in another league altogether.”

Ch. 51, pg. 27.3
Merus surmises that Moro is destroying planets just outside their tracking capabilities
Goku: “And after a few days of this, Moro himself has gotten even stronger.”
Merus: “Dammit… Even if we could confront Moro now…our odds of victory are virtually zero.”
Goku: “Even if you were fighting seriously?”

Ch. 51, pg. 40.6
after Merus and Goku end their sparring session
Goku: “I still don’t have a total feel for your strength, but it seems like you know plenty that I don’t.”

Ch. 52, pg. 44.5-45.3
Merus brings Goku to the Room of Spirit and Time to train
Merus: “While the time dilation is helpful, the fact that this place is sealed off from the world is just as important. [ ] Because I can unleash my full power without anyone finding out.”
Goku: “Oh yeah? So no holding back in here?”
Merus: “I will impart all I have to you.”


Ch. 17, pg. 29.1
still discussing the Universe 6 tournament
Gowasu: “Oh! The one named Monaka won the tournament for them! It didn’t even look like he did anything! He’s amazing!”

Ch. 18, pg. 25.3-5
Goku and co. wait while Beerus and Whis go to meet with Zamasu
Vegeta: “I don’t like it… This guy saw the tournament and wants a strong body. Why did he choose you instead of me?!”
Bulma: “That’s not the point!”
Vegeta: “Besides, it was Monaka who won in the end.”
Goku: “Maybe he wasn’t happy with becoming Monaka? Remember his giant nipples?”


Ch. 21, pg. 1.2-3
Pilaf and kid Trunks are sparring
Pilaf: “Young master, I am not strong enough to be your training partner!!”
Trunks: “No! I have to become stronger!!”

Potara (in general)

Ch. 17, pg. 7.5
the Potara earrings
Gowasu: “Put this on your left ear just as I do. Make no mistake.”
Zamasu: “If I remember correctly, putting this on my right ear would cause us to combine into a single being.”
Gowasu: “Indeed, it would surely combine us into one powerful Lord of Lords. But in return, we would never be able to return to normal.”

Ch. 23, pg. 2.2-4
Trunks inquires about fusion
Kaioshin: “What you see there is called Potara fusion… When the earrings that the Lords of Lords wear are worn by two individuals on the opposite ear, they become fused into a single person, creating one mighty warrior.”
Trunks: “A mighty…warrior…?!”

Ch. 23, pg. 2.2-4
after Zamasu blitzes Goku and Vegeta
Zamasu: “This is the power of the Potara… So, this is what fusion is like…”

Ch. 24, pg. 2.1-3
after Vegetto defuses suddenly
Trunks: “The Potara fusion should’ve lasted an hour, right?”
Kaioshin: “Lord Gowasu, what is…?”
Gowasu: “…I don’t know… Maybe those two were so powerful that the fusion was unstable…”
Trunks: “But…Zamasu is still fused.”
Gowasu: “Perhaps that’s the limit of mortals…”

Saiyans (in general)

Ch. 20, pg. 11.8-9
Trunks figures out how Goku Black can bring out his body’s full potential
Trunks: “That guy… It can’t be…!”
Mai: “What is it, Trunks…?”
Trunks: “We Saiyans can become drastically stronger, on a whole other level, once we recover from a near death experience…”

Ch. 24, pg. 43.4
after Goku deflects Zamasu’s huge energy ball
Goku: “We Saiyans are as tough as iron. You knew about that, didn’t you?”

Ch. 24, pg. 45.4
after Zamasu recovers from Goku’s attacks
Zamasu: “Don’t get carried away… Overconfidence with your power is another bad habit of Saiyans!”

Son Goku

--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 14, pg. 24.4-6
As everyone enjoys lunch
Whis: “Just like when you were fighting Hit, I see you earthlings are so fond of controlling your chi in battle. Especially you, Goku.”
Goku: “Ha ha… It’s just a habit, I think…”
Whis: “Well, I guess I’ll treat that as an advantage. You must not rely on it too much though.”

Ch. 15, pg. 15.2
As Goku and Vegeta spar
Beerus: “Oh well… You both surely have long way to go… You won’t be able to become a God of Destruction like this.”
Note: You should be able to tell how Beerus’ statement is missing a little something.

Ch. 15, pg. 28.3
After Bulma scolds Goku and Vegeta for wanting to fight Black immediately
Goku: “Trunks doesn’t have to come with us… Maybe the two of us will be enough, right, Vegeta?”

Ch. 16, pg. 34.7
East Kaioshin and the others are still discussing Majin Boo’s defeat
East Kaioshin: “What’s more, had it not been for Son Goku and his friends, we would have been destroyed by Bobbidi.”

Ch. 17, pg. 25.8-10
after Vegeta asks Trunks what’s bothering him
Goku: “It’s gonna be all right! We’ll take out this Black or whatever and bring peace to your future.”
Trunks: “Y…yes…”
Vegeta: “Kakarot! Let me make this clear… I’m gonna be the one who defeats Black.”
Goku: “You can’t decide that without me!”

Ch. 17, pg. 28.5
Gowasu and Zamasu are watching Goku’s fight with Hit
Gowasu: “Huh? ‘Son Goku’…? That’s the name of the Saiyan the Lord of Lords from Universe 7 was talking about. He’s a man who could surpass the power of the Gods…!”

Ch. 17, pg. 28.7-8
still discussing the Universe 6 tournament
Gowasu: “These men…are much stronger than I thought…”
Zamasu: “Yes… How dare these nasty mortals be this close in power to the Gods of Destruction…!”

Ch. 18, pg. 37.5-8
Goku and Vegeta go off to fight Goku Black
Mai: “So do you think they can do it?”
Trunks: “Yeah… They’ll be fine, I think.”
Mai: “I see… Sounds like they’re really strong.”
Trunks: “That’s also true. After all, those two are the only ones who could protect this world. They have something unique about them, something that makes me believe in them…”

Ch. 18, pg. 38.2-3
Goku Black sensing Goku and Vegeta
Goku Black: “Two people with a massive amount of chi are on the move. Who are they…?”

Ch. 19, pg. 15.1
Vegeta begins beating Goku Black around
Vegeta: “That body of yours, from the surface down to every last cell, is built upon fierce and consistent battles and training.”

Ch. 19, pg. 16.2
Vegeta continues to beat up Goku Black
Vegeta: “Only a naïve idiot like him could bring out its full potential!”
Note: He’s referring to Goku being the only one able to utilize his body’s full potential.

Ch. 20, pg. 15.2-3
Vegeta is still getting beat by Goku Black despite receiving a senzu bean
Trunks: “It’s probably no longer possible for him and Goku to power up from that ability. There’s a good chance that the two of them have already hit their limits.”

Ch. 23, pg. 19.5
Kaioshin offers Goku the Potara earrings
Kaioshin: “You two will never lose to Zamasu if you become Vegetto!!”

Ch. 23, pg. 20.5-6
after Vegeta refuses to fuse with Goku
Goku: “That’s how it is. I’m sorry, but I need to return these to you. After all, we both want to fight with our own strength.”
Kaioshin: “No way… Even in a situation like this…?!”

Ch. 23, pg. 21.8
Goku and Vegeta fly off to fight Zamasu on their own
Gowasu: “More than that…are they really going to fight Zamasu on their own?”
Kaioshin: “That is the kind of people those two are.”

Ch. 23, pg. 29.4
after Goku is knocked into a building
Goku: “I’ve got no power left…”

Ch. 24, pg. 12.6
Trunks wants heal Vegeta but Vegeta refuses
Vegeta: “For now…the only one who’s capable of fighting equally with Zamasu using Super Saiyan Blue is Kakarrot, not me…”

Ch. 24, pg. 25.3-4
“Goku…I’m counting on you…”
Goku: “Yeah! Thanks a lot, Trunks! With this power, I should be able to face him.”

Ch. 24, pg. 28.1
Goku prepares to face Zamasu again
Goku: “This is the beginning of round two. This time, I’ll show you everything I’ve got.”

Ch. 26, pg. 14.2-5
Goku and Vegeta decide to stay and fight Zamasu while the others escape
Goku: “I never thought I’d make my last stand like this…”
Vegeta: “This is fine by me. At least I’ll get to see the biggest pain in the butt die…”
Goku: “You said it… Darn… I don’t have an ounce of strength left. Wish I could go crazy as a Super Saiyan, especially in my last battle… If only I had a senzu bean with me…”

Ch. 26, pg. 29.4-5
Beerus arrives with Whis
Goku: “Beerus! We managed to defeat Zamasu!”
Beerus: “Hmph… I can tell you had a really hard time. I bet your power wasn’t good enough to defeat him after all…”

--Super Saiyan God--

Ch. 22, pg. 35.1-2
Goku has just turned Super Saiyan God
Trunks: “What?! You’re also gonna use Super Saiyan God?”
Goku: “I lost quite a lot of energy using the Mafuba. Going Blue right now won’t work for long. Well, for you, I guess this is more than enough.”
Note: He’s talking to Zamasu at the end there.

--Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 23, pg. 7.2
after Goku transforms to Super Saiyan Blue
Trunks: “Wait…Goku said he didn’t have any more energy left to use the blue form…”

Ch. 23, pg. 22.3
Goku demands to fight Zamasu one-on-one
Zamasu: “Only you? It appears somebody is still failing to grasp the situation…”

Ch. 23, pg. 25.5
after Goku is hit by a Klangite cube
Zamasu: “Those are Klangite -- the hardest known material in the universe. Can you not even hold your own against mere objects?”

Ch. 23, pg. 26.2
Trunks: “At this rate, he’s most likely going to lose…”

Ch. 23, pg. 26.3
Gowasu: “If he could only make his stand for one more hour… However, as far as I can see, that might be beyond all hope…”

--Complete Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 24, pg. 31.2-3
Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue aura disappears
Trunks: “…The Blue’s energy from Goku is gone…”
Vegeta: “Take a good look, Trunks. That is the answer Goku has reached…”

Ch. 24, pg. 31.3
Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue aura disappears
Zamasu: “Hmph… I was wondering what difference it’d make… You were merely trying to buy some time after all.”

Ch. 24, pg. 36.1-6
Goku and Zamasu appear to be fighting evenly
Trunks: “Goku… This is amazing… He’s fighting equally with Zamasu…!”
Vegeta: “Kakarrot… He managed to seal the Blue’s overflowing power within his body.”
Trunks: “What…?”
Vegeta: “Blue’s weakness is that its full power lasts only for a short while. He faced that weakness and overcame it.”
Trunks: “So that means right now, Goku is…”
Vegeta: “Goku is continuously fighting at 100 percent. Finally, he has completed Super Saiyan Blue.”

Ch. 24, pg. 39.7
Goku and Zamasu appear to be fighting evenly
Trunks: “Nice! At this rate, he’ll be able to last until Zamasu defuses!”

Ch. 24, pg. 43.4
after Goku deflects Zamasu’s huge energy ball
Goku: “We Saiyans are as tough as iron. You knew about that, didn’t you?”

Ch. 24, pg. 43.5
after Goku deflects Zamasu’s huge energy ball
Trunks: “Nice! Just a little more… He’s almost there!!”

Ch. 24, pg. 43.6-7
after Goku deflects Zamasu’s huge energy ball
Vegeta: (thinking to himself) “Kakarrot… I knew he was working himself too hard… Holding the power of Blue within his body could break him at any moment… The question is how long he can bear it…”

Ch. 24, pg. 45.1
Goku’s arm begins to temporarily leak Blue’s energy
Goku: “Crap… I knew it was too early to try this. My body is already starting to break.”

Ch. 25, pg. 11.5-8
Goku prevents Zamasu from regenerating
Goku: “Tch… I don’t have much time left to fight like this either.”
Trunks: “G-Goku’s not looking so good.”
Vegeta: “Kakarot’s body is probably nearing its limit.”
Trunks: “What?! Really?!”
Vegeta: “He’s losing the ability to control the Blue power within him.”

Ch. 25, pg. 13.3-5
Goku’s fist emits an aura
Trunks: “Huh? There’s a blue aura around Goku’s fist…!”
Vegeta: “He’s planning to release the Blue power with his next attack.”
Trunks: “B-but if he does that…!”
Vegeta: “There won’t be a next time. This is his last chance.”

Super Saiyan Blue (in general)

Ch. 22, pg. 24.1-4
as Goku watches Vegeta fight Goku Black
Goku: “Vegeta, he sure did his homework… Super Saiyan Blue brings out enormous power, but you can’t fight in that form for long. However, the God form is well-balanced by comparison. It doesn’t consume much energy either.”

Ch. 24, pg. 30.1-2
Goku turns Super Saiyan Blue again
Zamasu: “Blue again…? Will you never learn? There is no future for Super Saiyan Blue. How can you not see that…? Stop clinging to that dated transformation! It’s painful to watch!”

Ch. 24, pg. 36.1-6
Goku and Zamasu appear to be fighting evenly
Trunks: “Goku… This is amazing… He’s fighting equally with Zamasu…!”
Vegeta: “Kakarrot… He managed to seal the Blue’s overflowing power within his body.”
Trunks: “What…?”
Vegeta: “Blue’s weakness is that its full power lasts only for a short while. He faced that weakness and overcame it.”

Super Saiyan God (in general)

Ch. 22, pg. 13.2-5
after Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan God
Goku Black: “Red hair…?! Is this Super Saiyan God? What do you think you’re doing…?”
Vegeta: “I finally realized that what I truly need to defeat you is this form.”
Goku Black: “Ha ha ha… You must have lost your mind in desperation. What are you even going to do in that downgraded Super Saiyan form?”

Ch. 22, pg. 24.1-4
as Goku watches Vegeta fight Goku Black
Goku: “Vegeta, he sure did his homework… Super Saiyan Blue brings out enormous power, but you can’t fight in that form for long. However, the God form is well-balanced by comparison. It doesn’t consume much energy either.”

Trunks (future)

--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 14, pg. 22.5
Mai and Trunks are talking about using the time machine
Mai: “Even in our world, you defeated the androids, and thanks to that we enjoyed a time of peace for a while.”

Ch. 14, pg. 33.7-34.1
Trunks attemps to fight Goku Black
Black: “You’ve been quite the inconvenience for so long… You will not escape this time!”

Ch. 15, pg. 8.7
After Trunks tries to outsmart Black by attacking behind a piece of rubble, and Black easily counters
Black: “Did you really think you could defeat me with such a pathetic attack?”

Ch. 15, pg. 13.5
As Trunks escapes in the time machine
Black: “Huh? Is that an aircraft? Ha ha ha… So you don’t have any power left to fly away on your own. Is that it?”

Ch. 15, pg. 24.6-8
Trunks explains his story
Goku: “It’s gotta be Boo, right? He must’ve destroyed everything.”
Trunks: “No… I managed to defeat Dabra and Bobbidi. I was able to prevent Majin Boo from awakening.”
Goku: “Huh? For real?!”
Trunks: “Though I wouldn’t have been able to do that without help from the Lord of Lords.”

Ch. 15, pg. 29.6-7
Goku and Vegeta are about to go to the future to fight Black
Trunks: “W-wait a sec! That man is unbelievably strong! I trained a lot and got stronger, but I was nowhere near strong enough to beat him!”

Ch. 16, pg. 1.6-9
As Trunks trains with the Z Sword
East Kaioshin: “That was amazing, Trunks! Your sword skills are amazing!”
Trunks: “It’s all thanks to you, my Lord. I would never have gotten this far without you.”
Kibito: “I never expected that a human would be the one to wield the Z Sword… Amazing!”

Ch. 16, pg. 26.2-3
It’s lunch time
Goku: “Hey, Trunks. In the future, is there really nobody else fighting on your side?”
Trunks: “No… Black said there was no one left to stop him anymore, since he defeated all the other gods… Perhaps I’m the only warrior left…?”

Ch. 17, pg. 26.3
discussing who will fight Black
Trunks: “I’m coming with you too. I want to bring peace back to my world with my own hands.”

Ch. 18, pg. 22.4-6
Trunks battles Black in a flashback
Goku Black: “This is all for today. I’ll spare you for now, Trunks. Go back and get stronger if you can… But next time we meet will be our last… I will kill you then.”

Ch. 19, pg. 5.6
Vegeta and Goku Black begin their fight
Goku Black: “Perfect… I was getting bored of fighting Trunks over and over.”

Ch. 20, pg. 30.6-7
as Goku Black prepares to kill Trunks
Goku Black: “You have my thanks, Trunks. You helped me get this far.”
Trunks: “Dammit! All this time I thought I was saving people! But they were just using me!!”

Ch. 22, pg. 6.6
Goku and Vegeta arrive in the future
Goku: “This is bad! I feel Trunks’s energy starting to fade.”
Vegeta: “He’s in battle.”

Ch. 22, pg. 39.1
Goku continues to talk down to Zamasu
Goku: “Honestly, you, alone in that state, are much weaker than even Trunks. You may be immortal, but there is no way you could kill off every mortal in the entire universe.”

Ch. 23, pg. 27.3
after Gowasu explains the Potara’s one hour time limit
Trunks: “If it’s just buying some time, I can help too.”

Ch. 24, pg. 5.9
Trunks wants to help Goku and Vegeta but Kaioshin stops him
Trunks: “Even now, I’m useless. What did I even come back here for…?”

Ch. 24, pg. 11.3-4
Trunks wants heal Goku and Vegeta
Kaioshin: “Trunks, please wait…!! You are only able to restore one person as powerful as Super Saiyan Blue! You can’t heal both of them. You have to choose either Goku or Vegeta!”

Ch. 26, pg. 43.5-6
as Trunks is about to leave for another timeline
Vegeta: “Don’t slack off on your training. Get stronger, Trunks.”
Trunks: “…! Yes, father!”

--Super Saiyan 2--

Ch. 15, pg. 30.5
After Trunks transforms to Super Saiyan 2
Goku: “You’ve gotten better, Trunks!”

Ch. 15, pg. 33.6
As Goku and Trunks spar
Beerus: “They’re both using Super Saiyan 2…?”
Whis: “Yes, most likely. Their skills are almost equal. Or maybe Trunks is slightly better.”

Ch. 15, pg. 34.1-2
Goku and Trunks pause their sparring
Goku: “This is amazing, Trunks. You’re so much better than Gohan from back than.”
Trunks: “It’s been more than ten years since then. I’ve trained myself to death.”
Note: If you pay attention, you’ll see how Goku’s compliment is grammatically incorrect. Damn you, Viz!

Ch. 15, pg. 34.7-10
After Goku transforms to Super Saiyan 3
Goku: “This is a transformation a level above yours.”
Trunks: “I see… I never knew something like that was possible. However… I also never thought this was my limit…”

Ch. 15, pg. 35.3
After Trunks powers up
Vegeta: “He didn’t transform, but he’s as strong as Kakarrot’s Super Saiyan 3…”

Ch. 15, pg. 37.2.-4
As Trunks recovers from sparring
Goku: “You surprised me!!! I can’t believe you managed to get this far on your own!!”

Ch. 16, pg. 12.2
Trunks has turned Super Saiyan 2 and pushed Dabura back
Babidi: “H-hey!! Why’d he suddenly get stronger?!”
Dabura: “He must be of a race that acquires strength through rage. Do not worry, master. It’s obvious that he is still no match for --”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch, 14, pg. 16.4
Goku and Vegeta are sparring
Goku: “You’ve gotten better, Vegeta!”
Vegeta: “I’m just getting started!”

Ch. 15, pg. 15.2
As Goku and Vegeta spar
Beerus: “Oh well… You both surely have long way to go… You won’t be able to become a God of Destruction like this.”
Note: You should be able to tell how Beerus’ statement is missing a little something.

Ch. 15, pg. 28.3
After Bulma scolds Goku and Vegeta for wanting to fight Black immediately
Goku: “Trunks doesn’t have to come with us… Maybe the two of us will be enough, right, Vegeta?”

Ch. 17, pg. 25.8-10
after Vegeta asks Trunks what’s bothering him
Goku: “It’s gonna be all right! We’ll take out this Black or whatever and bring peace to your future.”
Trunks: “Y…yes…”
Vegeta: “Kakarot! Let me make this clear… I’m gonna be the one who defeats Black.”
Goku: “You can’t decide that without me!”

Ch. 18, pg. 37.5-8
Goku and Vegeta go off to fight Goku Black
Mai: “So do you think they can do it?”
Trunks: “Yeah… They’ll be fine, I think.”
Mai: “I see… Sounds like they’re really strong.”
Trunks: “That’s also true. After all, those two are the only ones who could protect this world. They have something unique about them, something that makes me believe in them…”

Ch. 18, pg. 38.2-3
Goku Black sensing Goku and Vegeta
Goku Black: “Two people with a massive amount of chi are on the move. Who are they…?”

Ch. 20, pg. 3.6
after Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku figure out which Zamasu is which
Vegeta: “Hmph! I don’t care how many guys I’ve got to defeat. They’re all nothing but fleas to me!”

Ch. 20, pg. 15.2-3
Vegeta is still getting beat by Goku Black despite receiving a senzu bean
Trunks: “It’s probably no longer possible for him and Goku to power up from that ability. There’s a good chance that the two of them have already hit their limits.”

Ch. 22, pg. 8.1-2
Vegeta prepares to fight Goku Black again
Goku: “You sure you can handle this on your own?”
Vegeta: “Of course.”

Ch. 22, pg. 11.2-6
Vegeta and Goku Black prepare to battle
Goku Black: “You don’t look any different since you left. Have you really changed, Vegeta?”
Vegeta: “Hmph… Your face still pisses me off.”
Goku Black: “You sound confident. Did you discover a new transformation or something?”
Vegeta: “I wonder about that…”
Goku Black: “Very well… Show me.”

Ch. 23, pg. 5.2-3
after Zamasu blitzes Goku and Vegeta
Vegeta: “You bastard… Don’t get cocky just because of that attack… Now I’ve only got one guy to kill. You just helped me out!!”

Ch. 23, pg. 19.5
Kaioshin offers Goku the Potara earrings
Kaioshin: “You two will never lose to Zamasu if you become Vegetto!!”

Ch. 23, pg. 20.5-6
after Vegeta refuses to fuse with Goku
Goku: “That’s how it is. I’m sorry, but I need to return these to you. After all, we both want to fight with our own strength.”
Kaioshin: “No way… Even in a situation like this…?!”

Ch. 23, pg. 21.8
Goku and Vegeta fly off to fight Zamasu on their own
Gowasu: “More than that…are they really going to fight Zamasu on their own?”
Kaioshin: “That is the kind of people those two are.”

Ch. 24, pg. 20.5
during Vegeta’s explosive wave
Gowasu: “This can’t be…!!”
Kaioshin: “He’s all right. He’s not self-destructing.”

Ch. 24, pg. 21.3-6
Vegeta goads Zamasu to kill him
Zamasu: “Don’t you dare think I’d let you off so easily! I’ll make you suffer until your body can’t take it anymore! Only then will I kill you!!”
Kaioshin: “Vegeta is deliberately trying to provoke him so that he can buy us some time…!”

Ch. 24, pg. 26.4-5
once Vegeta is knocked unconscious
Zamasu: “Tsk… He passed out already… You gutless trash! You are too weak to release my frustration out on.”

Ch. 25, pg. 43.3
after Vegeta dismembers Zamasu with his Gamma Burst attack
Trunks: “Launching a technique like that with your current strength… You could’ve gotten yourself killed, dad!!”

Ch. 26, pg. 11.3-4
after Zamasu reveals he’ll keep following them through time to destroy everybody
Vegeta: “Kakarot… I’m staying here. I’ll fight them off until the end. The rest of you should go back and pray for a miracle…”

Ch. 26, pg. 29.4-5
Beerus arrives with Whis
Goku: “Beerus! We managed to defeat Zamasu!”
Beerus: “Hmph… I can tell you had a really hard time. I bet your power wasn’t good enough to defeat him after all…”

--Super Saiyan 2--

Ch. 19, pg. 10.3-6
Mai and Trunks observe Vegeta and Goku Black fighting
Mai: “That guy…he transformed into a Super Saiyan!”
Trunks: “Haven’t seen that in a while…”
Mai: “But that means Goku Black’s been pushed into a corner, right?”
Trunks: “But somehow…he’s gotten much stronger since the last time I fought him…”
Mai: “Still, it seems like Vegeta has the advantage… Besides, we have Goku on our side. We should be okay.”

Ch. 19, pg. 13.4
Vegeta and Goku Black pause their fight
Goku Black: “To think you’re capable of fighting this hard… Which era’s Vegeta are you?”

--Super Saiyan God--

Ch. 22, pg. 16.5-7
as Black struggles to block Vegeta’s punch
Goku Black: “You’ve gotten faster… What have you done…?!”
Vegeta: “I will teach you exactly what I’ve done.”

Ch. 22, pg. 17.2
as Black struggles to block Vegeta’s barrage of attacks
Goku Black: “You… How is this kind of power even coming from that body…?!”

Ch. 22, pg. 20.1-4
Vegeta and Goku Black pause their fight
Goku Black: “Don’t mess with me… You must be using some kind of trick…!”
Vegeta: “Are you frustrated from losing to Super Saiyan God? Mr. Rose.”
Goku Black: “I’ve lost to you? You must be joking.”
Vegeta: “Then let’s settle this and make it clear.”

Ch. 22, pg. 23.9
after Goku explains that Vegeta is using the Super Saiyan God form to Trunks
Trunks: “But…he’s not getting pushed back with Zamasu’s Rose form!”

Ch. 22, pg. 24.1-4
as Goku watches Vegeta fight Goku Black
Goku: “Vegeta, he sure did his homework… Super Saiyan Blue brings out enormous power, but you can’t fight in that form for long. However, the God form is well-balanced by comparison. It doesn’t consume much energy either.”
Trunks: “B-but still, how do you handle Goku Black while staying in that God form…?”
Goku: “He’s not always keeping the God form up. Take a closer look.”
Trunks: “What?!”
Goku: “In the very instant he throws an attack, Vegeta switches to Blue.”

Ch. 22, pg. 25.1-3
Goku and Trunks continue to observe Vegeta fight Goku Black
Trunks: “That’s amazing…! How could he possibly…”
Goku: “He’s storing the power of Blue until the right time and lets it explode when he needs it.”
Kaioshin: “Is that the same thing you did back when fighting Hit?”
Goku: “Yeah, but in my case, I could only go as far as making the switch once while Vegeta is able to repeat it over and over again. Furthermore, his power isn’t decreasing. That just shows how hard he’s trained.”

--Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 20, pg. 10.1-2
Vegeta and Goku Black begin their fight again
Goku: “H-hey! Vegeta’s getting pushed back…!”
Trunks: “Black’s gotten stronger!”

Ch. 20, pg. 15.7
as Vegeta recovers from Goku Black’s attack
Goku Black: “Excellent. Vegeta, your level is quite suitable for increasing my strength.”


--Normal form, in general--

Ch. 23, pg. 19.5
Kaioshin offers Goku the Potara earrings
Kaioshin: “You two will never lose to Zamasu if you become Vegetto!!”

--Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 23, pg. 36.4-5
after Vegetto transforms to Super Saiyan Blue
Vegetto: “This is what I call Blue Vegetto. I will erase you without leaving a trace. I will give you no time to regenerate.”

Ch. 23, pg. 39.1-2
after Vegetto blasts Zamasu
Kaioshin: “…!”
Gowasu: “My goodness…! This is the fusion of two Saiyans…! Who would have thought it would be like this?!”

Ch. 23, pg. 43.6-7
as Vegetto prepares his Final Kamehameha
Kaioshin: “A-amazing… This is incredible…! The power of Vegetto… Could it already be greater than Lord Beerus’s?!”


Ch. 16, pg. 18.5
Goku introduces Trunks to Beerus and Whis
Goku: “I gotta tell you, these two are way stronger than the two of us.”

Ch. 18, pg. 3.1-4
Goku and Whis continuing to discuss the Grand Priest’s strength
Whis: “Let’s just say that even I don’t stand the slightest chance against him.”


Ch. 16, pg. 33.3
Zamasu has just sparred with Kibito
East Kaioshin: “He must be one of the most skilled fighters, even including all the Lords of Lords across the universes.”
Gowasu: “He’s good at fighting, but…”

Ch. 16, pg. 33.6-7
Zamasu has just sparred with Kibito
Zamasu: “As I thought, people from Universe 7 are so skillful!”
Kibito: “What a surprise to see you, who was once a Lord of Worlds, become so powerful.”

Ch. 17, pg. 17.7-18.3
Gowasu and Zamasu discussing how to deal with evil
Gowasu: “Zamasu…I admit that you possess power mighty enough to stop evil. But be warned… You must never grow arrogant. It will only cause your own demise. It is not combat skill that makes you a Lord of Lords, but a calm mind and a gentle spirit. Do you understand?”
Zamasu: “Then why…why have I been spending all this time and effort to achieve this power? What was all of that for…?!”
Gowasu: “You must see that as an effort to balance your heart.”

Ch. 19, pg. 31.3
after Beerus kills the Zamasu of the past
Whis: “Lord Gowasu, next time you choose your apprentice, I’d appreciate it if you picked one based on his compassion, not his physical strength.”

Ch. 20, pg. 2.8
after Whis and co. explain how there could be more than one Zamasu
Whis: “Two powerful men who possess the same ideology. That would make them the ideal pair.”

Ch. 20, pg. 22.4
as Goku fends off Zamasu
Goku: “It seems you aren’t as powerful as Black! Sorry, but I’m gonna defeat you now!”

Ch. 20, pg. 25.7-8
after Zamasu heals from being impaled
Zamasu: “I am fully aware that I am far weaker than all of you. I cannot afford to lose the abilities granted by my status as a God in exchange for physical strength as my past self did. Therefore I made myself immortal.”

Ch. 20, pg. 27.4-8
Zamasu paralyzes Goku
Goku: “W-what’s this?! I can’t move…! Ugh…”
[ ]
Zamasu: “I may not be as strong as you, but us deities have our own way of fighting.”

Ch. 21, pg. 30.1
Goku asks why Roshi won’t come with them to seal Zamasu with the Mafuba
Roshi: “You fool! Sealing a monster like that requires physical strength from the castor! If I try that now, not only will I fail, but I’ll also end up kicking the bucket!”

Ch. 21, pg. 39.2-4
Trunks steps in to protect Mai and Kaioshin from Zamasu
Zamasu: “What are you trying to do?”
Trunks: “If it’s only you, I can at least stall you.”
Zamasu: “Hmph. You are underestimating me.”

Ch. 22, pg. 26.3
Zamasu has just blindsided Vegeta to help Goku Black
Zamasu: “Let’s beat him with two of us together. That way, we will have the advantage.”

Ch. 22, pg. 29.1-2
Goku and Zamasu are about to battle
Zamasu: “Do you still not understand? I’m immortal. It’s impossible for me to lose.”

Ch. 22, pg. 35.1-2
Goku has just turned Super Saiyan God
Trunks: “What?! You’re also gonna use Super Saiyan God?”
Goku: “I lost quite a lot of energy using the Mafuba. Going Blue right now won’t work for long. Well, for you, I guess this is more than enough.”
Note: He’s talking to Zamasu at the end there.

Ch. 22, pg. 36.6
Zamasu gets up from Goku’s assault
Zamasu: “That won’t work. I can’t take damage.”

Ch. 22, pg. 37.5-8
Zamasu keeps getting up from Goku’s attacks
Zamasu: “It’s no use. How many times do I have to tell you…?”
[ ]
Goku: “I can’t tell if it’s no use, but…so I just gotta keep on fighting until you give up.”

Ch. 22, pg. 38.7
Goku and Zamasu pause their fight as Vegeta beats back Goku Black
Goku: “You do realize that you won’t be able to do a thing on your own, right? Are you frustrated? You were used by your other self.”

Ch. 22, pg. 39.1
Goku continues to talk down to Zamasu
Goku: “Honestly, you, alone in that state, are much weaker than even Trunks. You may be immortal, but there is no way you could kill off every mortal in the entire universe.”

Ch. 22, pg. 39.3
Trunks: “That guy… It seems like he’s taken a lot of psychological damage…!”


Ch. 23, pg. 4.2-4
after Zamasu blitzes Goku and Vegeta
Vegeta: “D-dammit…”
Trunks: “Did he…attack them…? I didn’t see it at all…”
Goku: “Crap… When did he even…?!”

Ch. 23, pg. 8.6
as Goku and Zamasu fight
Trunks: “He’s deflecting every one of Goku’s attacks…!”

Ch. 23, pg. 9.4-5
after Goku’s been knocked down
Zamasu: “It’s as if you’re not even moving. Son Goku! You were quite arrogant just a moment ago…”

Ch. 23, pg. 9.7
after Goku’s been knocked down
Zamasu: “Who exactly is weaker than Trunks, hmm?”

Ch. 23, pg. 12.1
after Zamasu heals from Goku’s Kamehameha
Trunks: “No… He’s still immortal even after the fusion…!”

Ch. 23, pg. 12.2
after Zamasu heals from Goku’s Kamehameha
Zamasu: “Excellent…! My healing abilities remain as before…”

Ch. 23, pg. 13.1
as Zamasu holds Goku and Vegeta in a psychic choke
Zamasu: “Well then… Let’s see how strong my power can get!”

Ch. 23, pg. 13.2-3
as Zamasu holds Goku and Vegeta in a psychic choke
Goku: “Vegeta… This is kinda getting bad…! His fighting skills have gotten better…and he’s immortal. It’s all because you didn’t finish him quickly…!”
Vegeta: “Shut up! You failed to seal him too!!!”

Ch. 23, pg. 15.5-7
after Zamasu’s huge explosive wave
Zamasu: “Perfect… This is too perfect. This is amazing!! This is devastating power!! This is it! This is what I’ve wanted!! Look at this, filthy Lord of Lords!!! The time of you feeble Gods watching over everyone is now over!!”

Ch. 23, pg. 26.1
as Trunks watches Goku and Zamasu fight
Trunks: “This is bad… He’s just toying with them…”

Ch. 23, pg. 35.5
after Vegetto explains the Potara time limit to Zamasu
Zamasu: “Oh well… I guess one hour will be enough for me to defeat you…”

Ch. 24, pg.45.5
after Zamasu recovers from Goku’s attacks
Goku: “And there he goes. Back to normal again. This sure is a pain in the butt…”

Ch. 25, pg. 10.2
Zamasu stops to regenerate his wounds from Goku’s assault
Zamasu: “I don’t take any damage!”

Ch. 25, pg. 13.1
Goku prepares for a special kind of attack
Goku: “Even if he’s immortal…that technique might just take him down.”
Note: He’s talking about the Hakai technique.

Ch. 25, pg. 14.3-4
Zamasu becomes enraged
Zamasu: “You Saiyan!! I don’t need this cosmos or this earth anymore!! I’m going to wipe you out along with this whole galaxy!!”

Ch. 25, pg. 15.2-5
as Zamasu rages
Trunks: “H-he’s still got so much power left…!!”
Vegeta: “No…not quite. He’s just like Kakarot. His aura’s pouring out from his injured body. He’s flown into such a rage that he’s no longer considering the burden he’s putting on his body. If he allows that much energy to erupt without first restoring his physical stamina…even if he’s immortal, he’ll still suffer the consequences!”

Ch. 25, pg. 23.5
Zamasu regains his composure and fully regenerates
Zamasu: “It’s a shame that a god who stands at the apex of all creation should win in such a shameful way…”

Ch. 25, pg. 25.5
Zamasu: “This planet is a pain. I’m going to wipe it out.”

Ch. 25, pg. 27.4
Zamasu’s fusion isn’t breaking apart easily
Kaioshin: “B-but they’re splitting differently from when Goku did it.”
Gowasu: “Both Zamasus are rejecting the cancellation of the fusion.”
Kaioshin: “They’re rejecting the cancellation?!”
Gowasu: “Though we call it a fusion, they’re both the same Zamasu. Over the past hour, they may have joined on a cellular level.”

Ch. 25, pg. 37.2
one of the Zamasu clones kicks Goku away
Goku: “D-dammit. They’re both equally strong. What’s going on here?!”

Ch. 25, pg. 43.5
Goku and Vegeta observe Zamasu’s dismembered body
Goku: “It’s no use, Vegeta. He’ll always revive himself.”


Ch. 14, pg. 24.6-25.1-2
Goku: “Speaking of which, I didn’t sense anything from the Lord of Everything. Lord Beerus, why were you so scared of him?”
Beerus: “Hmph! You don’t understand anything.”
Whis: “That is no surprise. The Lord of Everything is the greatest being in existence. There is nothing above him!”

Ch. 14, pg. 25.8-26.2
Still talking about Zeno
Goku: “I see… He didn’t seem like much to me…”
Vegeta: “Is he strong?”
Beerus: “Zeno-sama will never fight!”
Whis: “Do you remember what Beerus said back during the tournament? The Lord of Everything can decimate anything he wants in the blink of an eye! And it’s not just evil people -- it’s planets, galaxies and universes! He could even destroy this whole world if he wanted to…”
Goku: “What…?! So you weren’t kidding…!”
Beerus: “Of course… There used to be 18 universes.”
Whis: “But, if you annoy him even just a little…we’re all done for!”

Ch. 17, pg. 37.4
Goku is about to leave to see the Grand Priest
Beerus: “Also…don’t you dare tell him about Goku Black. If the Lord of Everything hears about it, his rage could destroy the universe…!”

Ch. 18, pg. 14.4
Goku reveals he lied to Zeno about bringing him a new friend
East Kaioshin: “You can’t be serious…! How could you possibly say that to the Lord of Everything?!! If His Majesty finds out, it’ll be the end of the universe…!”

Ch. 26, pg. 15.1-2
Goku finds the Zeno button in his shirt
Goku: “Hey! Kaioshin. The Lord of Everything in this timeline…is he still around?”
East Kaioshin: “Huh? Hmm… The Lord of Everything? I’m certain he is. No one can defeat the Lord of Everything.”

Ch. 26, pg. 28.3-4
everyone is back safe in the present timeline
Elder Kaioshin: “After all, Trunks’s future is gone forever.”
Gowasu: “Yes… The Lord of Everything destroyed it along with Zamasu…”
East Kaioshin: “Still…I would say it’s better than losing everything…”


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014

"Tournament of Power" Saga

Artificial Human #17

Ch. 31, pg. 12.3
Dende explaining #17’s story since the Cell Games
Dende: “He’s also still very powerful. In fact, he’s even stronger now. If he were still our enemy, I’d be rather worried.”

Ch. 31, pg. 26.5
as Goku and #17 fight a little
Goku: “So that’s #17! He really is strong.”

Ch. 36, pg. 11.5
#17 eliminated Botamo with one punch
Piccolo: “What sort of training have you been up to, anyway?”
Artificial Human #17: “What sort…? Just protecting my island.”

Ch. 40, pg. 36.2-7
Piccolo: “With Goku and Vegeta hanging back, and Freeza not standing a chance…”
[ ]
Krillin: “You’re right--#17 might’ve gotten stronger, but he’s no match for Jiren either…”

Ch. 42, pg. 31.5-6
after everyone starts to leave for their homes
Goku: “Oh boy, that Jiren guy was strong though.”
Vegeta: “Yes… We couldn’t put a dent in him.”
Beerus: “Just shows you how big the universes really are.”
Goku: “Not just the universes! I mean, take #17… The guy doesn’t do much of anything, and he’s somehow just about as strong as us.”

Artificial Human #18

Ch. 30, pg. 27.6
the group is figuring out who should be on the team
Goku: “Ah! If Krillin is coming, then his wife, #18, is way stronger!”


Ch. 34, pg. 35.2
the Trio de Dangers encircles Gohan and Piccolo
Piccolo: “These three are trouble when they’re together. Let’s split up.”

Ch. 34, pg. 35.7
Bergamo decides to fight Piccolo by himself
Piccolo: “Hmph. Perfect. If it’s one of you, I can manage.”

Ch. 34, pg. 36.2
Basil and Lavender double team Gohan
Basil: “We don’t need our big bro’s help to deal with the likes of you!”
Lavender: “Us two are plenty.”


Ch. 27, pg. 20.2-3
after Beerus catches Vegeta’s punch
Beerus: “I see… The moment of impact was indeed magnificent. My hand even shook. However, your transformation is just a mere power-up from Super Saiyan God… That’s not enough to reach my level.”

Ch. 27, pg. 30.3-4
Whis watching Vegeta and Beerus’ fight
Whis: “It appears Vegeta has complete control over Super Saiyan Blue. I suppose Goku is no longer ahead of him.”
Oracle Fish: “Is Beerus fighting seriously?”
Whis: “No. He’s still playing around. But I believe it’s about time he got serious. It would be troublesome if he got hit and lost his temper.”
Oracle Fish: “I don’t want that either. He’s unpredictable when he’s angry…”

Ch. 27, pg. 34.2-5
Beerus defeats Vegeta with ease after getting serious
Beerus: “You got carried away while I was going easy on you…”
Vegeta: “Gah… Dammit…”
Beerus: “At this rate, it’ll take a million years to become my rival! Well…I’ll give you points for improving so quickly. You could probably be a candidate for a God of Destruction in another universe…”

Ch. 27, pg. 34.1-8
after Vegeta is defeated by Beerus
Vegeta: “Damn…”
Whis: “You don’t have to feel the sting of defeat, Vegeta. You did very well.”
Vegeta: “I’m no match for him at all…”
Whis: “What did you expect? After all, your opponent is the God of Destruction of this universe. I can tell that you still think first and move later. Doing that is limiting. It will take some time for your brain and senses to get your body to move how you want. You must be able to let every single part of your body judge and act on its own. And that’s very difficult. Even Lord Beerus hasn’t mastered it.”

Ch. 28, pg. 35.3
as the other Gods prepare to go after Beerus first
Beerus: “Hmph! What a bunch of losers! You can’t do anything on your own. Come and get it. I’ll take you all down at once.”

Ch. 28, pg. 38
Beerus evades attacks from multiple other Gods of Destruction
Goku: “He dodged them all!! What’s going on?! It’s like Beerus has eyes in the back of his head! [ ] What’s going on?”
Whis: “His body can sense attacks and can make decisions to dodge them.”
[ ]
Goku: “Ah! They caught him.”
Whis: “Even Lord Beerus isn’t perfect…”

Ch. 28, pg. 43.4
after Beerus’ attack hits
Goku: “Man… Beerus isn’t holding back. Are they still alive after that?”
Whis: “I suppose they are.”

Ch. 29, pg. 13.7
as the God battle continues
Quitela: “I knew you’d be one of the last ones standing, Beerus.”

Ch. 29, pg. 14.1-4
as the Gods continue their battle
Quitela: “We can finally settle this.”
Beerus: “Yeah, I can finally shut your noisy rat mouth!”
Quitela: “Silence! I’m the one who’s gonna win, you stupid hairless cat!!!”
Beerus: “Like you are!!”


Ch. 34, pg. 35.2
the Trio de Dangers encircles Gohan and Piccolo
Piccolo: “These three are trouble when they’re together. Let’s split up.”

Ch. 34, pg. 35.7
Bergamo decides to fight Piccolo by himself
Piccolo: “Hmph. Perfect. If it’s one of you, I can manage.”

Ch. 34, pg. 36.2
Basil and Lavender double team Gohan
Basil: “We don’t need our big bro’s help to deal with the likes of you!”
Lavender: “Us two are plenty.”


Ch. 36, pg. 9.4-5
Artificial Human #17’s attacks aren’t affecting Botamo
Piccolo: “#17! Melee attacks are useless against him! His whole body’s like rubber, basically, so let’s just toss him off together.”


--Super Saiyan--

Ch. 37, pg. 32.3
Freeza easily takes down Cabba
Freeza: “Two Saiyans? The fact that you’re teaming up is proof of your weakness. But please, continue.”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 32, pg. 3.1-2
soldiers of Sadla’s army pass through Caulifla’s turf
Soldier #1: “You scared? She’s nothin’. We’re soldiers in Sadla’s army.”
Soldier #2: “But we don’t bother her cuz the army couldn’t handle her, right?”
Soldier #1: “Fine… I was just taking a shortcut. Let’s get outta here.”

Ch. 32, pg. 4.3
Caulifla instructs her followers to take the soldiers’ belongings
Soldier #1: “Don’t even think about it…! We worked hard to get this stuff!”
Soldier #2: “Don’t even bother. It’s no use going up against her.”

Ch. 32, pg. 15.7
after Cabba displays Super Saiyan to Caulifla and mentions Universe 7’s Saiyans
Caulifla: “There are that many Saiyans stronger than me…?”
Cabba: “I’m sure someone as talented as you, Caulifla, can master this form easily.”

Ch. 37, pg. 22.2-3
Kale’s distraction provided Caulifla an opportunity to kick Freeza
Caulifla: “Don’t you dare underestimate me--Caulifla, the Saiyan prodigy.”
Freeza: “Hmph! If they consider you a prodigy, then Universe 6 really is in big trouble.”

Ch. 37, pg. 33.4-6
Kale watching Caulifla and Cabba fail against Freeza
Kale: “Ugh… Sis is…stronger than anyone… [ ] Sis can’t…lose to anyone…”

--Super Saiyan--

Ch. 37, pg. 8.4
after Freeza seemingly defeats Caulifla with his telekinesis
Freeza: “So this is all that Super Saiyans are capable of… You’re not even fit to join me in playing with blocks…”

Ch. 37, pg. 10.4-6
Freeza survives Caulifla’s surprise energy attack
Freeza: “Interesting… Yes, you may indeed be different than the other Saiyans. The first Super Saiyan I ever fought wasn’t nearly this strong.”

Ch. 37, pg. 11.5
Kale becomes distracted watching Caulifla converse with Freeza
Cabba: “Kale! Please focus on your own battle! It’s fine. We have to have faith in Caulifla’s abilities!”

Ch. 37, pg. 22.2-3
Kale’s distraction provided Caulifla an opportunity to kick Freeza
Caulifla: “Don’t you dare underestimate me--Caulifla, the Saiyan prodigy.”
Freeza: “Hmph! If they consider you a prodigy, then Universe 6 really is in big trouble.”

Ch. 37, pg. 27.2-3
“Hmph… Not that I care… So who’s going to take me on? I’m fine with all three at once.”
Caulifla: “Now who’s cocky? I’m more than enough for you!”

Ch. 37, pg. 32.3
Freeza easily takes down Cabba
Freeza: “Two Saiyans? The fact that you’re teaming up is proof of your weakness. But please, continue.”


Ch. 28, pg. 30.5
after Grand Priest tells the Gods of Destruction to enter the tournament ring
Champa: “This is bad. I haven’t trained in decades…”
Vados: “Yes, you’ve been avoiding it.”


Ch. 38, pg. 31.6
Dyspo intercepts Cabba before he can approach Kale
Dyspo: “Up to something, are you? Not on my watch. Unlike my colleagues, I’m actually a force to be reckoned with.”

Ch. 39, pg. 10.1
Roshi and #17 set their sights on Dyspo and Kahseral
Master Roshi: “Well, whadya say? Should we take down those two together?”
Artificial Human #17: “Sure. They seem like the weakest contenders left.”

Ch. 40, pg. 21.1-2
Dyspo has arrived to help Toppo against Freeza
Toppo: “Leave me. You can leap back to the arena alone.”
Dyspo: “Nah… I’m pooped from tangling with that kid earlier… Can’t clear…this distance.”
Note: He’s most likely referring to Artificial Human #17 since that’s who we last saw fighting him.


--True Form, in general--

Ch. 32, pg. 40.1-2
Freeza challenges Vegeta to a fight
Goku: “You never know, Vegeta. This guy’s been hanging in a tree all this time, but he’s somehow gotten stronger!”
Freeza: “I had a lot of time for image training… I went through thousands of simulations in my head on how to slaughter all of you.”

Ch. 34, pg. 18.5-8
Frost and Freeza retreat
Freeza: “By the way, is that your final form?”
Frost: “Yes. What about you?”
Freeza: “Heh… I actually have one more transformation in store.”
Frost: “You do?!”

Ch. 37, pg. 10.4-6
Freeza survives Caulifla’s surprise energy attack
Freeza: “Interesting… Yes, you may indeed be different than the other Saiyans. The first Super Saiyan I ever fought wasn’t nearly this strong.”
Caulifla: “Oh…? Mhm. You’re…darn right. You’re pretty tough yourself!”

Ch. 37, pg. 10.7-11.1
Freeza: “All right… I had hoped not to unveil this against an insect like you, but prepare to witness my full power!”

Ch. 37, pg. 33.2
Champa watching his team fight Freeza from the stands
Champa: “Two of them, and they still can’t slow him down…? They may look alike, but our Frost is a joke compared to that guy.”

Ch. 39, pg. 10.4
Freeza observes Roshi and #17 begin their tag team battle
Freeza: “While they’ve got all that nasty business handled, I can sit back and recover a bit of stamina…”

Ch. 40, pg. 29.6-30.6
Freeza challenges Jiren to a battle after Toppo and Dyspo are eliminated
Freeza: “Finish this alone, hmm…? Aren’t you cocky.”
Jiren: “You’re still here? You didn’t seem too powerful earlier.”
Freeza: “Ho ho ho! I take it you didn’t witness my Golden form? I’m the type to hide his true potential, you know. But the time has come to lay every last card on the table.” *transforms to Golden* “A fight between titans, yes. I’ll enjoy this ultimate battle.”


Ch. 37, pg. 13.6
Artificial Human #17 wonders why Freeza’s changed colors
Goku: “That’s his new power-up. He must be ready to fight seriously.”

Ch. 37, pg. 15.2
Freeza’s punch easily smashes through the stage floor
Caulifla: “T--talk about destructive…”

Ch. 37, pg. 18.2
Caulifla is visibly overwhelmed by Freeza’s power
Caulifla: “Hang on a sec… Nobody told me there was a guy like this!”

Ch. 37, pg. 44.3
Freeza kicked Goku out of the way of fighting Kale
Freeza: “I’m more than capable of handling that Saiyan. I just need to take her seriously!!”

Ch. 40, pg. 31.3-5
as Freeza and Jiren battle
Beerus: “I wonder… Can Twinkly Freeza turn this around?”
Whis: “I’m afraid his power pales in comparison to Jiren’s.”
Beerus: “Dammit…thought so.”
Whis: “And yet, Freeza chooses to fight, even knowing that.”

Ch. 40, pg. 32.2
Freeza: “Don’t approach this fight too hastily now. This is far from my full power.”
Note: You can believe Freeza or not, but for what it’s worth, Jiren realized he was stalling for time.

Freeza's Army

Ch. 32, pg. 23.3
Whis explaining when Freeza’s army invaded Earth to Elder Kaioshin
Krillin: “Right. There were some real tough guys…”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 34, pg. 34.3
after Freeza eliminates Frost
Freeza: “Thanks to you, I have far fewer troublesome fighters to worry about. Well done indeed, Frost.”

Ch. 37, pg. 33.2
Champa watching his team fight Freeza from the stands
Champa: “Two of them, and they still can’t slow him down…? They may look alike, but our Frost is a joke compared to that guy.”

--Final Form--

Ch. 34, pg. 18.5-8
Frost and Freeza retreat
Freeza: “By the way, is that your final form?”
Frost: “Yes. What about you?”
Freeza: “Heh… I actually have one more transformation in store.”
Frost: “You do?!”
Freeza: “How about this? You fight at full strength for the remainder of the first half, and when you’re tired out, I’ll step in and do some damage of my own!”
Frost: “Sounds like a brilliant strategy.”

Ch. 34, pg. 28.5-7
as Frost eliminates most of the Universe 9 team
Sorrel: “Y-yikes!! He’s too strong…!!”
Vegeta: “…! Frost seems to be going all out right off the bat…”
Goku: “There’s no way he can keep that up till the end…”


Ch. 36, pg. 35.3
Piccolo eliminated Gamisaras
Beerus: “Ha ha ha! Invisibility’s nothing without power to back it up! No match for my universe!”

Gods of Destruction (in general)

Ch. 29, pg. 11.4
as the Gods continue their battle
Goku: “This is insane… Everyone’s so ridiculously powerful. Their strength is mind blowing!”

Ch. 29, pg. 11.7
as the Gods continue their battle
Goku: “To be honest, I can’t even figure out who’s fighting who anymore…”

Ch. 29, pg. 15.6
Grand Priest has stopped the God of Destruction battle royal
Grand Priest: “Your battle is too intense for His Majesty to enjoy. Therefore, all Gods of Destruction all hereby disqualified from participation.”


Ch. 33, pg. 7.5-7
Goku and Hit reunite
Hit: “Prepare yourself. I won’t mess up and lose to you again.”
Goku: “Yeah! But the rules say no killing. You good with that?”
Hit: “Do you really think I’ve been sitting on my hands since the last tournament?”
Goku: “Great! Should be fun.”

Ch. 35, pg. 25.5-26.4
Hit managed to knock Jiren back to save Goku from elimination
Goku: “You just tagged Jiren with a normal kick! So you found a way to fight without Time-Skipping?!”
Hit: “Ever since you broke through my Time-Skip, I’ve given up only relying on my special techniques.” [ ] “Rather, I’ve honed my strength. That’s true strength, after all.”
Goku: “I see… So that’s your answer.”
Hit: “Time-Skipping worked as well on him as it did on you. So I’ve no choice but to take him down the old-fashioned way.”

Ch. 35, pg. 28.2-3
Hit and Jiren begin their fight
Champa: “…! Never seen Hit move like that before…”
Goku: “Nice going, Hit… When’d you get so strong?”

Ch. 35, pg. 31.8-32.6
Hit: “Dammit… I was hoping not to need this here, but my other move might be our only option.”
Goku: “Huh? What’s that?”
Hit: “It’s a move that should work on him as long as I’m fully powered up.”
Goku: “Huh? Is it more Time-Skipping?”
Hit: “No. Something new.”
Goku: “Wow… You really have been keeping busy, huh?”
Hit: “All in hopes of beating you, yes.”
[ ]
Hit: “But listen. Once I pull it off, the two of us need to hit him with all we’ve got. I can only manage it once, and it’ll likely be our only chance to take him down.”

Ch. 35, pg. 39.4-6
Hit’s Time Lag technique appears to be working on Jiren
Champa: “W-whoa. How’s Hit pulling this off?”
Vados: “Hit’s really thought this through. At his current power level, he can’t freeze Jiren in place, but it’s more than possible to slow him down. Plus, it seems like this technique lasts for far longer than his Time-Skipping one…”
Champa: “Hmm? That’s a good thing, right? That works for us?”
Vados: “Even though the opponent can still move, those slow attacks are simple enough to dodge. Hit’s evolved his technique to overcome his weaknesses.”

Ch. 35, pg. 44.4-5
after Hit is eliminated
Champa: “H-H-H-H-Hit actually lost!!”
Beerus: “A-and a one-hit K.O. at that…!
Champa: “He was our ace! This is bad!”

Ch. 36, pg. 1.4
Hit was previously eliminated by Jiren
Hit: “Dammit… I underestimated him…”


Ch. 30, pg. 1.3-2.1-2
Goku: “W-wait, so you’re saying this Jiren guy is stronger than the God of Destruction of your universe?”
Toppo: “That’s right.”
Goku: “But since you’re a candidate for the God of Destruction, I thought for sure that you’d be the strongest…”
Toppo: “That’s because Jiren isn’t interested in becoming a God of Destruction—just like you.”

Ch. 30, pg. 41.1-5
Jiren has vanquished the alien threatening the rest of the Pride Troopers
Dyspo: “Jiren. That was fast.”
Toppo: “I thought you were on Planet Towale.”
Jiren: “I took care of the Oslet alien incident. So I came here.”
Dyspo: “You mean you flew all the way here from Towale? Without using a spaceship?”
Jiren: “Yes. It’s faster that way.”
Dyspo: “You’re as fast a flyer as ever.”

Ch. 33, pg. 10.5-11.2
Subject: Jiren
Vegeta: “So that’s the Jiren guy you were talking about?”
Goku: “Yup… No mistaking him.”
Vegeta: “…Nothing ordinary about him…”
Goku: “I’m honestly having a hard time reading his chi… But he’s clearly different than the rest…”
Vegeta: “Better watch our backs.”

Ch. 33, pg. 13.5-6
Goku: “But yeah… He’s definitely something else… Don’t think he’ll let us win this thing without a real fight.”

Ch. 33, pg. 13.7
Context: Universe 11 surveys the other competitors
Khai: “None of these fighters seem to be threats…”
Belmod: “Of course not. Compared to our Jiren, they’re nothing but trash.”

Ch. 35, pg. 5.2-3
Dyspo continues to elude Goku’s attacks
Dyspo: “Saving that transformation for Jiren, are you? [ ] You’re a million years too early to fight with our universe’s best fighter!”

Ch. 35, pg. 12.6
Goku’s charge is thwarted by Jiren only using one hand
Krillin: “H-hey. Goku’s gone Blue. But Jiren still only needed one hand to knock him away!”

Ch. 35, pg. 13.1-3
Goku and Hit have both been pushed back by Jiren
Goku: “So your Time-Skip didn’t work on him, Hit?”
Hit: “No… To think it used to be an unbeatable technique… Look at me now…”
Goku: “Guess it’s gonna take regular old punches to beat this guy.”

Ch. 35, pg. 13.5
Dyspo and Toppo offer their aid to Jiren
Jiren: “No. Don’t. I’ll defeat these two on my own.”

Ch. 35, pg. 31.3-6
Hit and Goku’s combined assault appears futile against Jiren
Goku: “Crap… Can’t even get him to change his expression.”
Hit: “…! We’re not making any headway here.”
Krillin: “How?! The two of them together can’t even make Jiren budge…?”
Goku: “This is nuts… He’s like a brick wall…”

Ch. 35, pg. 41.2-3
Goku observes Hit’s fight with Jiren
Goku: “Wait a sec. Is he… Watch out, Hit! Jiren’s been holding back!!”

Ch. 35, pg. 43.3
Jiren eliminated Hit with one punch
Goku: “I-I can’t believe it…! Jiren sped up his attack enough to overcome the Time Lag.”

Ch. 35, pg. 44.7
after Hit is eliminated
Belmod: “Don’t tell me you thought that lame technique would beat our Jiren? Kinda cocky for a bunch of weaklings.”

Ch. 35, pg. 45.2-5
Jiren: “Well done, noticing that I wasn’t fighting seriously.”
Goku: “So you purposely left yourself open, letting him push you to the edge? All so you could turn the tables like that? Saving your strength for now then?”

Ch. 36, pg. 2.1-2
Vegeta: “Jiren defeated Hit?”
Toppo: “Jiren would never lose to juvenile tricks like that.”

Ch. 39, pg. 26.7
Goku isn’t doing well against Jiren
Goku: “Crud… There’s no end to this guy’s power… What do I do now…?”

Ch. 40, pg. 16.1-2
after Jiren beats down Vegeta
Jiren: “To answer your earlier question, I put my life on the line in every battle I fight, so not even one percent of my actions are wasted. No matter how weak my opponent may be. That is how my master taught me.”

Ch. 40, pg. 24.4
Goku has rescued Vegeta from Jiren with Instant Transmission
Goku: “Better retreat for now or else he’ll have us beat in no time flat.”

Ch. 40, pg. 27.1
Jiren has batted away Freeza and Artificial Human #17
Artificial Human #17: “S-seriously…? How’d he sneak up on us?”

Ch. 40, pg. 35.2
Jiren physically batted away Freeza and Artificial Human #17
Krillin: “He pushed them away by force!!

Ch. 40, pg. 36.8
after Artificial Human #17 is smacked away by Jiren
Artificial Human #17: “I should’ve figured there’s no beating you in a head-on fight…”

Ch. 40, pg. 42.7
Jiren is unharmed after Artificial Human #17’s apparent self-destruction
Tenshinhan: “Jiren!”
Krillin: “Even that didn’t knock him off? So #17 gave his life for nothing?”

Ch. 40, pg. 43.4
Vegeta: “Self-destructing accomplished nothing… Utterly ridiculous…”

Ch. 41, pg. 1.1
Whis: “At last, Jiren is taking this seriously.”
Krillin: “This is the first time we’re seeing an aura around him!!”

Ch. 41, pg. 9.5
Jiren powering up
Krillin: “Jiren’s chi is spiking again!!”

Ch. 41, pg. 16.4
as Jiren and Goku battle
Gohan: “So intense--the entire arena’s shaking!”

Ch. 41, pg. 29.1-6
Whis: “Unfortunately, it won’t be quite that simple.”
Beerus: “Say what?”
Whis: “Alas, Jiren’s potential is immeasurable. He’s countering faster now, through sheer determination. But when Goku’s body just reacts, it takes quite a toll on him. [ ] He may have achieved Ultra Instinct, but Goku hasn’t trained enough to wield it properly.”

Ch. 41, 32.3
Jiren managed to catch Goku
Jiren: “You people could never match my drive in pursuit of strength. Which is why I cannot lose to you.”

Ch. 41, pg. 32.4-5
Cae: “Good! Jiren’s still in the game!!”
Belmod: “Obviously… We never expected Ultra Instinct, but he can’t beat Jiren with a trick he just learned.”

Ch. 41, pg. 33.1-2
Whis: “This is now a battle of attrition.”
Beerus: “Will Jiren run outta stamina first? Or will Goku’s Ultra Instinct wear off…?”

Ch. 41, pg. 34.2-3
Jiren and Goku continue their battle
Krillin: “What? They disappeared?!”
Beerus: “Your eyes can’t keep up with their speed.”
Gohan: “I’ve lost them too!”
Piccolo: “W-which one is winning?!”

Ch. 41, pg. 37.4-8
Jiren: “I’ve given everything for justice. For my master. [ ] I cannot allow myself to lose. I will become the perfect force for justice my master sought.”
Vegeta: “’Becoming’? Meaning? You’re not there yet?”
Jiren: “Not yet, but momentarily. Because I will emerge victorious.”

Ch. 41, pg. 39.2-3
Toppo explaining why Jiren wants to wish his master back to life
Toppo: “Master Gicchin never recognized Jiren as a successor.”
Dyspo: “Oh yeah…? Why not?”
Toppo: “I can’t say for certain… But Jiren assumed he just wasn’t strong enough, so he devoted himself to honing his strength. In the time since, he’s grown outrageously powerful.”

Ch. 41, pg. 41.1-3
Jiren is charging Goku and Vegeta
Vegeta: “Kakarrot!! On your feet!! We fight together!! He’s considerably weakened! Less than three minutes left! We must hit him with every ounce of our remaining power!!”

Ch. 41, pg. 44.1-4
Belmod explaining why Jiren never got Master Gicchin’s approval
Belmod: “Jiren’s always been a solitary fighter, and it was Gicchin who had him join the Pride Troopers. Any guesses why?”
Kunshi: “Wasn’t it…to help Jiren polish his strength?”
Belmod: “Nope. That’s not the lesson Gicchin was hoping to teach.”
Kunshi: “…What was the lesson then…?”
Belmod: “Teamwork.

Ch. 42, pg. 2.1
Belmod: “Jiren’s used that incredible strength and sense of justice imparted to him by his master to maintain law and order in our universe. But he has a tendency to take on the burden alone. To put it in a less charitable way, he doesn’t trust anyone but himself. Still, he’ll never know when things’ll go bad and he’ll have to rely on others.”

Ch. 42, pg. 4.1
Goku and Vegeta continue their fight with Jiren
Jiren: “It doesn’t matter how many of you come at me! My power will overcome all!”

Ch. 42, pg. 4.3-4
Belmod and Cai explain Jiren never learned Gicchin’s lesson
Belmod: “Yep. I still have faith though. That Jiren can handle this alone.”

Ch. 42, pg. 4.6
Jiren appears to power-up again
Goku: “He still had that much power left?!”
Vegeta: “No matter how much power he expends, there’s always more!!”

Ch. 42, pg. 5.1
after Jiren’s power-up
Jiren: “I have no limits!!!”

Ch. 42, pg. 31.5-6
after everyone starts to leave for their homes
Goku: “Oh boy, that Jiren guy was strong though.”
Vegeta: “Yes… We couldn’t put a dent in him.”


Ch. 39, pg. 10.1
Roshi and #17 set their sights on Dyspo and Kahseral
Master Roshi: “Well, whadya say? Should we take down those two together?”
Artificial Human #17: “Sure. They seem like the weakest contenders left.”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 32, pg. 28.1
Cabba explains to Caulifla why he invited Kale to the tournament
Caulifla: “Kale is indeed promising, but she’s still got a long way to go.”

Ch. 37, pg. 26.5
Cabba and Kale have joined Caulifla against Freeza
Freeza: “Truthfully, Kale’s attacks stung a bit more than yours did.”
Note: He’s talking to Caulifla there.

Ch. 37, pg. 29.8-30.4
Cabba watching Kale get angry as she watches Caulifla get beat up by Freeza
Cabba: “Kale… Don’t tell me you’ve been hiding your true strength?”
Kale: “I-I would never!”
Cabba: “You owe Caulifla a lot, I know… You feel like you’re not as good as her, even though you might actually be stronger, right? [ ] Listen, Kale. If I’m right, this is the time to use that power…!”

--Berserk Super Saiyan--

Ch. 37, pg. 41.3
Goku catches one of Kale’s punches after she’s gone berserk
Goku: “I gotta say, that was a pretty impressive punch! You’re no ordinary Super Saiyan, are you?”

Ch. 37, pg. 43.1
Kale begins to push Goku back
Goku: “Y-you just keep getting stronger! How’s that possible?!”

Ch. 37, pg. 45.2
Kale has seemingly powered up again
Goku: “Her chi just spiked again?! How much power was she hiding…?!”

Ch. 37, pg. 45.3
Champa: “K-Kale’s doing great out there, huh?”
Vados: “This is bad.”
Champa: “Huh?”
Vados: “This is likely the first time Kale is releasing her full strength, but the explosion of power is stripping her of all sense and reason. Should she lose control entirely, this tournament will be the least of our worries.”

Ch. 38, pg. 12.1
Kale is eliminating everybody in sight, including the fused Anilaza
Rozie: “What’s with her…?!”
Ribrianne: “She didn’t stand out until now!”

Ch. 38, pg. 12.4-7
Caulifla: “She was hiding all this power from me…? She was looking out for my feelings this entire time?”
Cabba: “She didn’t do it out of malice, Caulifla…”
Caulifla: “Not bad, not bad…!” [ ] “Good going, Kale! Of course I’m thrilled that my minion’s a powerhouse!”

Ch. 38, pg. 19.5
Kale is in a rage and eliminating her own teammates
Pirina: “Come to your senses, Kale.”
Saonel: “With your power, our universe is bound to claim victory!”

Ch. 38, pg. 25.2-3
Cabba has explained his Legendary Super Saiyan theory to Vegeta
Vegeta: “So that’s your theory. An extreme transformation that emphasizes pure power. Hmph! That makes her full of openings.”

Ch. 38, pg. 25.6-26.1
Kale is beginning to have trouble fighting the Pride Troopers
Vegeta: “Those powerhouse moves might catch you off guard at first, but they’re simple enough to read after observing a bit. Look. Universe 11’s warriors have already seen through her.” [ ] “Brute strength is useless unless it can connect. See? She’s already losing power and is nearly at her limit. Will she die first…? Or be tossed off…?”

Ch. 38, pg. 27.2
Kale is struggling to fight back against the Pride Troopers
Krillin: “Looks like Kale’s hitting her limit…”


--Super Saiyan--

Ch. 38, pg. 38.1-2
Caulifla and Kefla have fused with the Potara earrings
Kefla: “G-great. This is amazing! So much power! So this is fusion, huh? Kale plus Caulifla makes me… Kefla, then.”

Ch. 38, pg. 41.1
Kefla is running through the Pride Troopers with ease
Kahseral: “Th-these moves are leagues above what they were doing pre-fusion!”

Ch. 38, pg. 41.3
Vados: “It seems this happy accident led to the ultimate warrior--with Kale’s sheer power and Caulifla’s sense for battle in one body, they can combine their respective strengths. In fact, Kefla may be unmatched on this battlefield.”

Ch. 38, pg. 42.2
after Kefla has eliminated six of Universe 11’s warriors in short order
Dyspo: “Ugh… Her power is no joke. Dunno if the two of us can manage this…”

Ch. 39, pg. 11.5-9
Gohan and Kefla pause their fight
Kefla: “H-heh! You look really beat up.”
Gohan: “Same to you.”
[ ]
Kefla: “We’ve lost, huh…? Even fused, we couldn’t beat a single Saiyan… There’s just no measuring up to your almighty universe… Well, it’s our fate to get obliterated. That’s just how it is.”

Ch. 39, pg. 12.6-7
Gohan: “You’re pretty strong yourself… And the truth is, I’m at my limit…”


Ch. 31, pg. 7.4
Context: after Goku lies about the stakes of the tournament
Krillin: “If we fight as a team, we might be able to do it. I’ve gotten out of shape.”

Ch. 33, pg. 44.7
Freeza explains Universe 7’s weakness to Frost
Freeza: “The three bald earthlings are small fry through and through. Do me a favor and knock them out quickly.”


Ch. 34, pg. 35.2
the Trio de Dangers encircles Gohan and Piccolo
Piccolo: “These three are trouble when they’re together. Let’s split up.”

Ch. 34, pg. 35.7
Bergamo decides to fight Piccolo by himself
Piccolo: “Hmph. Perfect. If it’s one of you, I can manage.”

Ch. 34, pg. 36.2
Basil and Lavender double team Gohan
Basil: “We don’t need our big bro’s help to deal with the likes of you!”
Lavender: “Us two are plenty.”


Ch. 29, pg. 8.1
Liquiir blocks an arrow from Heles at point-blank range
Heles: “You’ve got good reflexes!”


Ch. 11, pg. 13.7
Context: Magetta has survived Vegeta’s ki assault
Piccolo: “This guy… Is he immortal…?!”

Ch. 11, pg. 15.3-4
Context: Super Saiyan Vegeta failed to lift Magetta
Goku: “Oh man…”
Beerus: “Are you stupid!? Metal Man weighs at least 1,000 tons!!!”
Goku: “How would I know that?”
Piccolo: “So this is not going to be like Botamo…”

Ch. 11, pg. 15.8
Vegeta: “If it’s no use… No matter how many times I attack him…”

Ch. 11, pg. 20.4
Context: Vegeta has beaten Magetta by calling him a mean name
Whis: “Metal Men are a very delicate people. They are mentally so fragile that mean words can make them depressed and unable to fight.”

Mark Satan

Ch. 31, pg. 1.3-2.1
Context: Mr. Satan’s fabricated version of Cell’s defeat
Cell: “Impossible! How can such a being exist in this world?! He’s actually stronger than me!”
Mr. Satan: “Hah ha ha ha!! Your mistake, Cell! Earth has a superhero! And that’s me!!”

Master Roshi

Ch. 33, pg. 44.7
Freeza explains Universe 7’s weakness to Frost
Freeza: “The three bald earthlings are small fry through and through. Do me a favor and knock them out quickly.”

Ch. 34, pg. 16.2
Frost prepares to eliminate Roshi
Roshi: “Hmph! You’re in for a bad time if you think I’m some harmless geezer.”

Ch. 34, pg. 17.3-4
Goku saves Roshi from Frost’s punch
Goku: “We’ll take him on together, master.”
Roshi: “Dangit! I ain’t that weak! Focus on your own opponent!”

Ch. 39, pg. 9.5-6
Artificial Human #17: “Well done surviving this long, old man.”
Master Roshi: “I’m not gonna lose to you whipper-snappers just yet.”
Artificial Human #17: “I can’t read chi, but…you’re actually quite strong, right?”
Master Roshi: “Heh heh! Could be, could be…”

Ch. 39, pg. 24.2
Elder Kaioshin: “Meanwhile, that old fossil has his opponent on the ropes. He’s about to claim victory.”

Ch. 39, pg. 24.5-6
Kahseral: “How can this be…? Every indication points to your power level being low as dirt, so why can’t I hit you…?”
Master Roshi: “Hmph. That’s what you get for relying on that doo-hickey. You ain’t seeing what lies underneath.”

Ch. 39, pg. 33.4-6
Roshi has employed a similar technique to Ultra Instinct against Jiren
Whis: “A resemblance, yet still a far cry from that technique.”
Beerus: “Th-thought so. No way that old coot could master it…”
Whis: “Still, with his age has come great wisdom. And it’s a similar principle.”

Ch. 39, pg. 33.7
Goku: “How were you moving like that…?”
Master Roshi: “Sheesh… I sure did talk big, but I’ve still got a ways to go too.”


Ch. 31, pg. 12.6-13.6
Dende: “By the way, do you know of a boy with extraordinary talents who lives in a small village near here?”
Goku: “A boy? No, I don’t.”
Dende: “He’s a prodigy. But he is so young that he still hasn’t realized it himself.”
[ ]
Dende: “When he’s a little older, I think you should teach him the correct way to use his power, Goku.”
Goku: “Why? That’s not really my style.”
Dende: “Because he’s the reincarnation of Majin Boo.”
Goku: “What?!”
Dende: “It’s true. The evil version of Majin Boo, the most formidable enemy you’ve ever faced, had his soul cleansed and reborn as a human.”
Goku: “S-seriously?!”
Dende: “His name is Oob. Please remember that.”

Potara (in general)

Ch. 38, pg. 31.1-2
Cabba asks Caulifla for one of the Potara earrings
Caulifla: “What’s your plan…?”
Cabba: “I hear the Potara earrings hold mysterious power. We should trust what Lord Champa says!”


Ch. 28, pg. 32.3-5
after the Gods are told they’re the ones battling
Quitela: “I got it… Oh well. I guess it could be a good opportunity to decide who’s the strongest God of Destruction, right, Beerus?”
Beerus: “You’re always picking a fight with me, huh? Quitela.”
Quitela: “You lost to me once. Why will you never accept that I am stronger?”
Beerus: “I lost to you at arm wrestling!!! I’m not gonna lose in hand-to-hand combat!!”

Ch. 29, pg. 14.1-4
as the Gods continue their battle
Quitela: “We can finally settle this.”
Beerus: “Yeah, I can finally shut your noisy rat mouth!”
Quitela: “Silence! I’m the one who’s gonna win, you stupid hairless cat!!!”
Beerus: “Like you are!!”


Ch. 36, pg. 18.3
Ribrianne and her lackeys call out Artificial Human #18 for being ugly
Rozie: “As you can see, Lady Ribrianne is not only supremely beautiful, but also an incredibly powerful fighter!”

Ch. 36, pg. 19.2-3
Artificial Human #18: “…Ugly? Beautiful? None of that’s got anything to do with strength, and I’m about to take you down.”
Ribrianne: “Hee hee… What a shame. On my planet, beauty equals strength! The most beautiful individuals are also the strongest!”

Ch. 36, pg. 21.5-6
after #18 survives Ribrianne’s barrage of special attacks
Beerus: “Crud… These ridiculous attacks are actually pretty strong…!”
Pell: “Well done, Ribrianne! I don’t get that logic, but you’re as strong as you claim!”

Ch. 36, pg. 26.2
Ribrianne’s attacks are becoming noticeably weaker after finding out #18 is married to Krillin
Rozie: “Oh no… Lady Ribrianne’s beauty is wavering!!”
Note: Since beauty is linked to strength in Universe 2, I figured this was their way of saying Ribrianne’s power was waning and thus included it here.


Ch. 33, pg. 30.5
Freeza eliminates Rubalt
Freeza: “Oh…? Did I just step on something? Flies have a way of finding their way under my feet…”


Ch. 29, pg. 9.5-9
Rumsshi’s attack
Goku: “W-what’s this? I can’t move… I can’t feel anything…”
[ ]
Whis: “Lord Rumsshi possesses the greatest lungs across all of the universes. His battle roar is strong enough to paralyze the motor nerves of anyone who hears it. At the Lord of Lords level, it would make them all faint in an instant. Even the Gods of Destruction should be barely standing at this point.”

Sadla Army

Ch. 32, pg. 4.4-5
Caulifla: “What? Want to fight me, old man?”
Soldier #1: “Don’t underestimate the Sadla army – the mightiest army in the entire universe…”

Saiyans (in general)

Ch. 30, pg. 4.1-3
Beerus: “Crap… With Goku like that, there’s no way we’ll win.”
Whis: “Don’t be so sure. When faced with a crisis, Saiyans become stronger. He probably already knows that and that’s why he’s so happy.”
Beerus: “I doubt he’s thought that far ahead.”

Ch. 40, pg. 8.5-8
after Vegeta battles Jiren
Jiren: “Your name was… Vegeta?”
Vegeta: “Indeed. I’m so honored you remembered.”
Jiren: “You fought Toppo while concealing your strength? Because this is a considerable change.”
Vegeta: “Unfortunately for you, we Saiyans evolve as we fight. My power as of a few minutes ago means nothing now.”

Ch. 40, pg. 12.2-3
Vegeta: “While they were lazing about on Earth, play fighting in their little martial arts tournaments, I was fighting hundreds, thousands of battles throughout the cosmos. I’ve been pushed to the edge more times than him, by far… Saiyans are a mighty warrior race, so don’t think lightly of their prince!”


Ch. 28, pg. 43.7-8
after Sidra’s barrier blocks Beerus’ large attack
Geene: “Sidra… You saved us all…”
Sidra: “Ha ha. No one can match my speed when it comes to barriers…”

Son Gohan

Ch. 31, pg. 43.7-8
after the group learns that Majin Boo can’t participate because he’s hibernating
Vegeta: “We’re just going to have to ask Gohan now.”
Beerus: “Can he be counted on?”
Vegeta: “If he can regain his instincts.”

Ch. 39, pg. 6.1-6
Kefla and Gohan are fighting and she asks why he won’t use Super Saiyan
Gohan: “I don’t do that anymore. No need to, really.”
[ ]
Kefla: “No need to turn Super Saiyan? Why’s that?”
Gohan: “I choose to keep evolving as a human, not a Saiyan. I’m not relying on my Saiyan blood anymore.”

Ch. 39, pg. 7.1-2
Piccolo: “That’s Gohan for you. Regaining his sense of battle was all he could do in that brief period of training, but he’s managed to grow stronger than ever during this fight.”
Krillin: “Whoa… Talk about innate talent… Makes you wonder if he could get stronger than Goku if he quit his day job and devoted himself to training!!”

Ch. 39, pg. 7.5
Goku observing Gohan and Kefla’s fight
Goku: “Didn’t know Gohan could fight this good!”

Ch. 39, pg. 12.6-7
Gohan: “You’re pretty strong yourself… And the truth is, I’m at my limit…”

Son Goku

--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 27, pg. 10.6-7
after Goku’s taken care of the bandits and sees a scratch on his arm
Goku: “Huh? Looks like I’m getting out of shape… I should get back to training… But I promised Chi-Chi that I’d work…”

Ch. 27, pg. 15.6-7
Beerus observing Vegeta’s training
Beerus: “What’s up with him? He’s more into this than usual.”
Oracle Fish: “It must be because Son Goku was stronger than him during the battle with Zamasu.”
Beerus: “Ah… It’s a stupid rivalry--not worth my time.”

Ch. 27, pg. 16.1-7
Beerus wants to go take a nap
Beerus: “Yawn! Your prophecy that they would become my strongest rivals was exaggerated after all.”
Oracle Fish: “They will. They’ll be your strongest rivals.”
Beerus: “Those two?”
Oracle Fish: “Yup.”
Beerus: “My rivals?”
Oracle Fish: “Yup.”

Ch. 27, pg. 18.4-5
Whis watches Beerus and Vegeta from the sidelines
Whis: “By any chance…did you say something to Beerus?”
Oracle Fish: “Yup. I said those two Saiyans will become his rivals one day.”
Whis: “Ah…so that’s why.”

Ch. 27, pg. 30.3-4
Whis watching Vegeta and Beerus’ fight
Whis: “It appears Vegeta has complete control over Super Saiyan Blue. I suppose Goku is no longer ahead of him.”

Ch. 27, pg. 35.1-4
Vegeta and Whis still discussing Vegeta’s weaknesses
Vegeta: “That means…I still have a long way to go.”
[ ]
Vegeta: “Kakarot and I are equals, but we are far from reaching our full potential. As long as I know that, that’s all I need. I’m the one who will get to the top first. I’m sick of following after him.”

Ch. 27, pg. 41.3
Goku is about to leave to train with Whis
Goku: “Don’t blame me if I get way stronger than you, okay?”
Vegeta: “Just go already!”

Ch. 27, pg. 42.4-8
Goku wants to begin training immediately after eating
Goku: “I’m out of shape from always working in the field. You’re going to give me a more advanced lesson today, right?”
Whis: “What?”
Goku: “Come on. Don’t fool around! You know what I’m talking about…”
Whis: “Slow and steady wins the race. Consistency is what’ll make you stronger in the end.”

Ch. 29, pg. 18.1
Grand Priest says Goku is fighting next
Goku: “I don’t mind, but I can’t tell how long I’ll be able to last fighting Gods of Destruction. Watching this match made me realize that I still have a long way to go…”

Ch. 29, pg. 19.7
after Grand Priest explains the rules to Goku and Toppo
Goku: “Oh well… I guess we are on even terms since my opponent can’t fly either.”

Ch. 29, pg. 20.7-8; 21.1-3
Toppo and Goku prepare to fight
Toppo: “Who are you? Are you also a candidate for a God of Destruction?”
Goku: “I have no interest whatsoever in becoming a God of Destruction. All I want is to get stronger.”
Toppo: “Have no interest…? Huh…”
Goku: “You’re going to become a God of Destruction, right? I can’t sense your power just like the Gods behind us. But I can still tell how incredibly strong you are.”
Toppo: “I can tell you’re hiding what you are truly capable of too.”

Ch. 29, pg. 44.3-6
Goku has been defeated by Toppo by ring-out
Toppo: “Never let your guard down during the real thing.”
Goku: “You…are amazingly strong.”
Toppo: “So are you. If I hadn’t been able to counter that attack, I don’t know if I could’ve won.”
Goku: “At any rate, defeating you is a must if I want to win the tournament. This isn’t going to be easy…”

Ch. 32, pg. 26.6-7
Goku tells the group he lost to a Universe 11 fighter
Krillin: “What?”
Vegeta: “…You weren’t using your full strength, were you?”
Goku: “Not really… But it looks like there’s someone even stronger than the guy I lost to in his universe!”

Ch. 33, pg. 8.7
Caulifla sees Goku and Vegeta for the first time
Caulifla: “They’re s’posed to be strong? They don’t look all that different from Saiyans from our neck of the woods.”
Cabba: “They’re strong…unbelievably so.”

Ch. 34, pg. 17.7-8
as Goku is scolded for coming to Roshi’s rescue
Frost: “Freeza, is he…?”
Freeza: “Correct. That one may be a bit too much for you to handle. I will deal with the Saiyans in due time. So you pull back for now.”

Ch. 35, pg. 33.1-8
Goku reverts back to his normal form after Hit explains the plan
Hit: “What’s wrong?”
Goku: “You can count me out. I wanna beat Jiren alone.”
Hit: “Beat him alone? But weren’t you at full strength just now?”
Goku: “Sure was. But still… There’s another wall I’ve gotta overcome first.”
Hit: “A wall? A transformation beyond Blue, is it?”
Goku: “Something like that.”
Hit: “And you plan to push past that wall during this tournament?”
Goku: “Yup… Otherwise we probably don’t have a chance.”
Hit: “Confident, are you?”
Goku: “It’s not confidence. Not really. It’s the only option I’ve got.”

Ch. 35, pg. 45.2-5
Jiren: “Well done, noticing that I wasn’t fighting seriously.”
Goku: “So you purposely left yourself open, letting him push you to the edge? All so you could turn the tables like that? Saving your strength for now then?”
Jiren: “…Exactly. You’re impressively perceptive, if nothing else. Son Goku.

Ch. 39, pg. 28.5
after Roshi says power isn’t the way to measure things
Master Roshi: “We don’t master martial arts to win fights. We do it to conquer ourselves. Until you learn not to get all caught up in your enemy’s power, you’ll always be as green as the day we met.”

Ch. 39, pg. 38.1
Goku is allowing himself to get smacked around by Jiren after Roshi is eliminated
Goku: “I was the worst apprentice who never listened, but it’s thanks to that old man that I got stronger.”

Ch. 39, pg. 45.2-4
Goku couldn’t maintain Ultra Instinct and Jiren bodied him
Krillin: “What happened, Goku?!”
Whis: “Sadly, it seems that wasn’t true Ultra Instinct. It’s not a technique that’s mastered so easily. Son Goku merely found a chance to tap into it, but nothing more. His struggle has only just begun.”

Ch. 40, pg. 45.3
Goku achieves Ultra Instinct again
Goku: “I need to keep growing stronger. My days of letting everyone down are over.”

Ch. 41, pg. 37.3
Vegeta has saved Goku from getting rung out
Vegeta: “I thought that Ultra Instinct assured our victory?!”
Goku: “Sorry… I guess I gotta train some more…”

Ch. 41, pg. 43.1-2
Goku and Vegeta are pushing Jiren back
Krillin: “Jiren’s on the ropes now!! They’re really doing it…!!”
Beerus: “This’s why I told them to cooperate from the very start!! Go! Do it! Knock him off!!”

Ch. 41, pg. 43.4-6
Cae: “W-what? Their attacks are perfectly in sync… Why’ve they been fighting solo this whole time?! Some sort of strategy?”
Belmod: “By fighting together, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Tch… I hate to admit it, but Master Gicchin may’ve been right all along…”

Ch. 41, pg. 45.2-5
Goku and Vegeta continue to overwhelm Jiren
Goku: “That two-on-one training against Whis sure is paying off, right, Vegeta?”
Beerus: “Whis… That training with them was all to make them work on combo moves…?”
Whis: “Ho ho ho… And they were none the wiser.”

Ch. 42, pg. 5.3-4
Goku: “Aw… Lookit us, getting along like this.”
Vegeta: “Hmph! Only because knocking him off with chi blasts is our only option. Don’t hold anything back now!”
Goku: “All right! I’m pouring all my energy into this final blast.”

Ch. 42, pg. 13.7
Jiren is attempting to physically push Goku over the edge of the stage
Goku: “I-I’m done for!! No strength left!”

Ch. 42, pg. 31.1
Whis has just revived Freeza
Freeza: “Are you quite sure about this? I have every intention of perpetrating more evil.”
Goku: “And when that time comes, I’ll beat ya again.”

--Super Saiyan--

Ch. 29, pg. 24.1-2
Super Saiyan Goku’s attacks are useless against Toppo
Goku: “Oh man… Looks like there’s still a gap between us.”
Toppo: “What is the point of these small attacks? Take this seriously.”

Ch. 29, pg. 26.1
Goku is told to utilize all of his transformations for Zeno’s benefit
Toppo: “You… You were hiding four more transformations?”
Goku: “Ha ha ha! I wasn’t planning on showing them all though.”

--Super Saiyan 2--

Ch. 29, pg. 26.4
Goku turns Super Saiyan 2
Zeno: “Did he really change? I don’t feel anything different…”
Note: Get it? It’s a callback to when Goku did the same against Babidi and Boo.

Ch. 35, pg. 3.3-6
as Goku fights Dyspo and Toppo together
Dyspo: “I thought this guy was just another arrogant moron…but he’s not half bad.”
Toppo: “Be careful, Dyspo. He’s got more transformations left.”
Dyspo: “What?! You underestimating us?”
Goku: “I just wanna fight the strongest guys here!”

Ch. 35, pg. 4.6-7
Dyspo is running circles around Goku
Dyspo: “Nope. Over here now. [ ] You’re too slow.”

Ch. 35, pg. 5.2-3
Dyspo continues to elude Goku’s attacks
Dyspo: “Saving that transformation for Jiren, are you? [ ] You’re a million years too early to fight with our universe’s best fighter!”

Ch. 35, pg. 8.1
Goku is getting overwhelmed by Dyspo and Toppo’s joint attacks
Goku: “D-dammit… Running outta juice… Before I even get to fight Jiren…”

--Super Saiyan 3--

Ch. 29, pg. 29.3-4
Goku’s unable to hit Toppo even with Super Saiyan 3
Goku: “What’s going on? My transformations are useless.”
Toppo: “Is this all Universe 7 has to offer? Well then, it’s about time I got serious too.”

Ch. 29, pg. 32.5-7
Toppo is easily overwhelming Goku
Toppo: “Transform already. You’re wasting my time.”
Goku: “Dammit… I guess it can’t be helped… I’m going to the next level then. From this point onward, I’ll be at an entirely different level. Don’t regret it!”

--Super Saiyan God--

Ch. 29, pg. 34.1-2
Goku has just turned Super Saiyan God
Geene: “This power…”
Heles: “It’s as if he’s a god…!”

Ch. 29, pg. 38.4
Goku and Toppo’s battle
Iwne: “This battle is already at the level of us gods…”

Ch. 29, pg. 38.5
Goku and Toppo’s battle
Zeno: “Wow. This is amazing!”
Zeno 2: “They are both amazing!”

Ch. 29, pg. 38.6
Goku and Toppo’s battle
Beerus: “He’s actually a match for this guy now that he’s in the God form.”

--Complete Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 35, pg. 16.4-7
none of Goku’s attacks are working on Jiren
Krillin: “Goku’s attacks aren’t putting a dent in him!!”
[ ]
Krillin: “You think he might have another transformation in store?”
Whis: “No. Because what we’re seeing here is the perfected Super Saiyan Blue. That’s his strongest form for right now.”
Krillin: "For real?!"

Ch. 35, pg. 22.3
Jiren has Goku at the edge of the arena
Jiren: “You should’ve picked an opponent down at your own level. Regret your choices as you fall.”

Ch. 39, pg. 20.5
Jiren sends Goku crashing through multiple upturned pieces of the stage
Jiren: “The same moves, time and time again… If that’s all you’ve got, this is a waste of time. Allow me to end it.”

Ch. 39, pg. 21.1-2
Goku: “All I’ve got? Nah…!! This can’t be my limit! There’s still a wall I’ve gotta overcome!”

Ch. 39, pg. 21.6
Goku begins to power up
Goku: “Don’t care if this wrecks my body in the end!! Cuz what I need now is pure power!!”

Ch. 39, pg. 22.1-3
the Universe 7 bench observes Goku powering up
Beerus: “L-look! Goku’s power just shot up. What’s he up to?”
Whis: “You could say he’s getting a power up? Drawing deep from his reserves for a temporary boost, regardless of what damage that might do.”
Tenshinhan: “Is it the same principle as Kaio-Ken…?”
Krillin: “The Kaio-Ken? Now, after all this time? Will it even work?”

Ch. 39, pg. 23.3-4
as Goku battles Jiren with his new power-up
Krillin: “Well?!”
Whis: “I’m afraid not… He was mistaken. That was not what he needed to overcome his wall.”

Ch. 39, pg. 23.6
Jiren: “Power gained by destroying your body can’t necessarily be wielded properly. You made the very same mistake as that Saiyan named Kale earlier.”

Ch. 39, pg. 24.1
as Goku gets beaten back by Jiren despite powering up
Whis: “This is looking bad. The wall Goku needs to get past may be entirely too high at this point.”

Ch. 39, pg. 27.1-2
Master Roshi: “Hey, Goku. Don’t tell me you’re struggling.”
Goku: “It’s like my attacks don’t even faze Jiren…”

Ch. 39, pg. 27.5-6
Master Roshi: “Goku. What’s strength mean to you?”
Goku: “Strength…? Well, even my Super Saiyan Blue form can’t keep up with him, so I guess I need some kinda greater power?”
Master Roshi: “Hmph… Power, y’say? Plain old fighting strength?”

--Ultra Instinct--

Ch. 39, pg. 41.3-4
Jiren: “So you’ve overcome your wall and arrived at this state?”
Goku: “Probably.”

Ch. 39, pg. 42.1
Beerus: “That jerk Goku pulled off Ultra Instinct before me…?”

Ch. 41, pg. 6.1-2
as Jiren and Goku’s fight progresses
Tenshinhan: “How’s Goku still standing?!”
Whis: “He’s getting deeper and deeper into Ultra Instinct. He keeps incoming attacks from hitting his vitals, thereby avoiding real damage.”

Ch. 41, pg. 6.3
Jiren: “Planning to dodge my attacks all day, are you? Your chances of victory are minimal if all you do is run away.”

Ch. 41, pg. 13.4
Goku’s hair has turned silver
Geene: “Ah…Look…”
Liquiir: “A mere mortal, pulling off that technique?”

Ch. 41, pg. 13.7-14.1
Krillin: “So he did it?! Goku got to that next level?!”
Whis: “Yes, magnificently. He’s perfected it. The true state of… [ ] …Ultra Instinct.”

Ch. 41, pg. 16.4
as Jiren and Ultra Instinct Goku battle
Gohan: “So intense--the entire arena’s shaking!”

Ch. 41, pg. 18.4-5
Tupper: “Jiren’s getting smacked around!!”
Krillin: “Goku’s making headway! He’s actually doing it!!”

Ch. 41, pg. 28.3
Jiren and Goku continue to battle after Jiren powers up further
Tenshinhan: “Just like that! Goku’s landing more attacks now!!”

Ch. 41, pg. 29.1-6
Whis: “Unfortunately, it won’t be quite that simple.”
Beerus: “Say what?”
Whis: “Alas, Jiren’s potential is immeasurable. He’s countering faster now, through sheer determination. But when Goku’s body just reacts, it takes quite a toll on him. [ ] He may have achieved Ultra Instinct, but Goku hasn’t trained enough to wield it properly.”

Ch. 41, pg. 33.1-2
Whis: “This is now a battle of attrition.”
Beerus: “Will Jiren run outta stamina first? Or will Goku’s Ultra Instinct wear off…?”

Ch. 41, pg. 34.2-3
Jiren and Goku continue their battle
Krillin: “What? They disappeared?!”
Beerus: “Your eyes can’t keep up with their speed.”
Gohan: “I’ve lost them too!”
Piccolo: “W-which one is winning?!”

Son Goten

--Regular form, in general--

Ch. 31, pg. 35.2
Goku says Trunks and Goten can watch the island while #17 is away
Artificial Human #17: “Goten?”
Goku: “My son. Don’t worry. He’s super strong!”

Super Saiyan (in general)

Ch. 38, pg. 21.1
Cabba wonders if Kale is the Legendary Super Saiyan that only appears once every 1,000 years
Cabba: “Once they awaken, it’s all over. Their power keeps growing, and they rampage until they basically self-destruct…”

Super Shenron

Ch. 42, pg. 28.5
Artificial Human #17 asks Grand Priest if reviving the other universes is possible
Grand Priest: “Yes. Naturally, it’s possible. No wish is beyond Super Shenlong’s power.”


Ch. 33, pg. 44.7
Context: Freeza explains Universe 7’s weakness to Frost
Freeza: “The three bald earthlings are small fry through and through. Do me a favor and knock them out quickly.”

Ch. 34, pg. 11.7-9
Frost is completely unharmed from Tenshinhan’s Shin Kikoho
Frost: “Ha ha ha… I see… Is that your full power? He was right. You three really are weak. It’s time for you to lose now…”


Ch. 29, pg. 19.7
after Grand Priest explains the rules to Goku and Toppo
Goku: “Oh well… I guess we are on even terms since my opponent can’t fly either.”

Ch. 29, pg. 20.7-8; 21.1-3
Toppo and Goku prepare to fight
Toppo: “Who are you? Are you also a candidate for a God of Destruction?”
Goku: “I have no interest whatsoever in becoming a God of Destruction. All I want is to get stronger.”
Toppo: “Have no interest…? Huh…”
Goku: “You’re going to become a God of Destruction, right? I can’t sense your power just like the Gods behind us. But I can still tell how incredibly strong you are.”

Ch. 29, pg. 24.1-2
Super Saiyan Goku’s attacks are useless against Toppo
Goku: “Oh man… Looks like there’s still a gap between us.”
Toppo: “What is the point of these small attacks? Take this seriously.”

Ch. 29, pg. 29.3-4
Goku’s unable to hit Toppo even with Super Saiyan 3
Goku: “What’s going on? My transformations are useless.”
Toppo: “Is this all Universe 7 has to offer? Well then, it’s about time I got serious too.”

Ch. 29, pg. 31.2
Toppo rocks Goku’s world with a single punch
Beerus: “That guy moved in the blink of an eye…!!”

Ch. 29, pg. 31.4
Toppo rocks Goku’s world with a single punch
Goku: “Man, that hurt! So, you’re big and fast, huh?”

Ch. 29, pg. 31.4
Toppo rocks Goku’s world with a single punch
Zeno: “Toppo’s cool.”
Zeno 2: “He’s strong even without transforming.”

Ch. 29, pg. 38.4
Goku and Toppo’s battle
Iwne: “This battle is already at the level of us gods…”

Ch. 29, pg. 38.5
Goku and Toppo’s battle
Zeno: “Wow. This is amazing!”
Zeno 2: “They are both amazing!”

Ch. 29, pg. 38.6
Goku and Toppo’s battle
Beerus: “He’s actually a match for this guy now that he’s in the God form.”

Ch. 29, pg. 44.3-6
Goku has been defeated by Toppo by ring-out
Toppo: “Never let your guard down during the real thing.”
Goku: “You…are amazingly strong.”
Toppo: “So are you. If I hadn’t been able to counter that attack, I don’t know if I could’ve won.”
Goku: “At any rate, defeating you is a must if I want to win the tournament. This isn’t going to be easy…”
Toppo: “Unfortunately, I’m only the second strongest in Universe 11.”

Ch. 29, pg. 45.1-5
Toppo: “In our universe, there is a person named Jiren--he’s much stronger than I am.”
Goku: “Hold on. I thought you were the best they’ve got!”
Toppo: “Wrong. I still have a long way to go if I want to reach Jiren. By the way, based on combat skill alone...Jiren is stronger than our God of Destruction, Lord Belmod.”
Goku: “He’s stronger than the God of Destruction…?!”

Ch. 30, pg. 3.1-2
Goku: “I’m glad there’s incredible guys like you. And there’re even stronger guys out there too, right? Now I’m really stoked about this tournament!”

Ch. 30, pg. 15.5
Goku tries to reassure Beerus that everything will be fine if they win the tournament
Beerus: “Shut up! If we win, you say?! After you lost to that guy from Universe 11?!”
Goku: “Yeah, well, he was really tough…”

Ch. 39, pg. 8.4-9.3
Vegeta and Toppo continue their brutal battle
Vegeta: “Dammit! Stronger than you appear…!!”
Toppo: “I am a God of Destruction candidate! [ ] And a potential God can’t afford to lose to a lesser being!”
Vegeta: “Tch… Still have that much power in reserve, do you…?”

Ch. 40, pg. 17.3
Freeza approaches Toppo on the outskirts of the stage
Freeza: “I don’t relish the idea of swatting down a weakened foe, but alas, as the Emperor of Evil, ‘fair play’ just isn’t in my dictionary.”

Trunks (present)

--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 32, pg. 36.7
Artificial Human #17 questions Vegeta if Trunks can handle watching over his island
Vegeta: “You saw how strong my son is, right? Trunks may be a kid now, but he’s just as good.”

Ultra Instinct (in general)

Ch. 39, pg. 40.3-5
after Goku suddenly dodges one of Jiren’s attacks despite not trying to
Beerus: “Th-th-that move just now! Was it really that…?”
Whis: “It seemed so.”
Krillin: “H-hey, what’s this special move you two’ve been talking about?”
Whis: “The ultimate technique, which severs the link between consciousness and body, allowing one to dodge any attack subconsciously. Ultra Instinct.

Ch. 39, pg. 45.2-4
Goku couldn’t maintain Ultra Instinct and Jiren bodied him
Krillin: “What happened, Goku?!”
Whis: “Sadly, it seems that wasn’t true Ultra Instinct. It’s not a technique that’s mastered so easily. Son Goku merely found a chance to tap into it, but nothing more. His struggle has only just begun.”

Universes (in general)

Ch. 30, pg. 10.5-8
Grand Priest is explaining the consequences of the tournament
Belmod: “So you’re saying there will only be one universe left. Is that it?”
Grand Priest: “It won’t only be one. Universes 1, 12, 5 and 8 will remain too.”
Heles: “Huh? But why…?”
Grand Priest: “The average mortal level in those four universes is over 7. So that’s why they’re exempt from this tournament.”

Ch. 30, pg. 25.3-6
Bulma and the others discussing their options for Universe 7’s team
Bulma: “I have a question. How many planets with mortals does Universe 7 have?”
East Kaioshin: “With the demise of Planets Sadala, Vegeta, and Namek…28.”
Bulma: “There’s that many but no other strong guys out there?”
East Kaioshin: “I haven’t observed them in terms of their combat strength…”

Ch. 36, pg. 44.2
#17 eliminated Damon of Universe 4
Artificial Human #17: “Sheesh… So many odd fighters here… Makes fighting them pretty tough.”

Ch. 43, 18.6
Goku offers to have him and Vegeta help stop Moro
Merus: “Rumors of you two have reached us. You’re supposedly quite powerful…”
Goku: “Heh heh! I dunno about that, since there’re still stronger people out there in the universes…”

Universe 6

Ch. 38, pg. 30.1-2
Context: Champa orders Caulifla and Kale to put the Potara earrings on
Vados: “Lord Champa, are you suggesting they fuse?”
Champa: “Bingo…”
Vados: “Don’t Potara earrings count as tools? We could be disqualified.”
Champa: “Whatever! Our universe doesn’t stand a chance at this point anyway! Might as well bet it all on this!”

Universe 7

Ch. 36, pg. 15.2
after Methiop, Napapa, and Zium are eliminated by #17, Piccolo, and Gohan
Gowasu: “Universe 7… They’re incredible… Son Goku and Vegeta aren’t their only skilled fighters…”

Ch. 36, pg. 15.6-7
East Kaioshin: “Lord Beerus, our universe seems to boast some of the best combatants here! At this rate, the ones still left might actually pull a win!”

Universe 9

Ch. 34, pg. 9.3-4
as Piccolo battles Universe 9’s fighters
Piccolo: “Thought this big guy only had his size going for him, but this group isn’t half bad.”
Hyssop: “Don’t go underestimating Universe 9!”

Ch. 34, pg. 22.8-23.3
Universe 9 has Gohan and Piccolo cornered
Gohan: “Universe 9… They’ve got a lot of strong fighters.”
[ ]
Bergamo: “You think that just the two of you can take on Universe 9?”
Gohan: “N-no choice. Better use my full power…”
Piccolo: “H-hold on, Gohan. Save that for later!”

Universe 10

Ch. 33, pg. 26.2
Artificial Human #17 is steamrolling through Universe 10’s fighters
Artificial Human #17: “Nothing impressive about your universe.”

Ch. 38, pg. 13.5
Obuni is the last remaining member of Universe 10 on the stage
Gowasu: “Apologies, Obuni. My strategy was off the mark… We should’ve focused on physical training…”

Universe 11

Ch. 35, pg. 2.3-4
the exempt universes weigh in on how many fighters have been eliminated so far
Liquiir: “No one from Universe 11’s fallen yet!”
Arak: “They’re the universe with Jiren.”
Geene: “I guess the rumors are true. Universe 11 is the horse to bet on in this race…”

Ch. 38, pg. 27.2
Kale is struggling to fight back against the Pride Troopers
Krillin: “Looks like Kale’s hitting her limit…”
Whis: “Indeed, but we also have Universe 11’s stellar teamwork to thank. They’ve always fought as a team, so they’re ready to adapt to any given opponent instantly.”
Beerus: “Hmph… Most of them are nothing special alone, but that teamwork’s helped them survive this long…”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 27, pg. 13.1
Vegeta training with Whis
Whis: “You’re getting better, Vegeta. Your moves are getting sharper.”

Ch. 27, pg. 15.3
Vegeta still training with Whis
Whis: “You did well. You’ve grown as a warrior, Vegeta.”

Ch. 27, pg. 15.6-7
Beerus observing Vegeta’s training
Beerus: “What’s up with him? He’s more into this than usual.”
Oracle Fish: “It must be because Son Goku was stronger than him during the battle with Zamasu.”
Beerus: “Ah… It’s a stupid rivalry--not worth my time.”

Ch. 27, pg. 16.1-7
Beerus wants to go take a nap
Beerus: “Yawn! Your prophecy that they would become my strongest rivals was exaggerated after all.”
Oracle Fish: “They will. They’ll be your strongest rivals.”
Beerus: “Those two?”
Oracle Fish: “Yup.”
Beerus: “My rivals?”
Oracle Fish: “Yup.”

Ch. 27, pg. 17.2-4
Beerus interrupts Vegeta’s training with Whis
Beerus: “I can tell you’ve made a lot of progress.”
Whis: “Oh, Lord Beerus. I thought you were taking a break.”
Beerus: “I changed my mind. So…how about we go at it again?”

Ch. 27, pg. 18.2-3
Beerus and Vegeta are about to face off
Beerus: “It’s been years…”
Vegeta: “I’m not the same as I was before…”

Ch. 27, pg. 18.4-5
Whis watches Beerus and Vegeta from the sidelines
Whis: “By any chance…did you say something to Beerus?”
Oracle Fish: “Yup. I said those two Saiyans will become his rivals one day.”
Whis: “Ah…so that’s why.”

Ch. 27, pg. 34.2-5
Beerus defeats Vegeta with ease after getting serious
Beerus: “You got carried away while I was going easy on you…”
Vegeta: “Gah… Dammit…”
Beerus: “At this rate, it’ll take a million years to become my rival! Well…I’ll give you points for improving so quickly. You could probably be a candidate for a God of Destruction in another universe…”

Ch. 27, pg. 34.1-8
after Vegeta is defeated by Beerus
Vegeta: “Damn…”
Whis: “You don’t have to feel the sting of defeat, Vegeta. You did very well.”
Vegeta: “I’m no match for him at all…”
Whis: “What did you expect? After all, your opponent is the God of Destruction of this universe. I can tell that you still think first and move later. Doing that is limiting. It will take some time for your brain and senses to get your body to move how you want. You must be able to let every single part of your body judge and act on its own. And that’s very difficult. Even Lord Beerus hasn’t mastered it.”
Vegeta: “Once I master it, I’ll be able to take on any enemy… That’s what you’re saying, right?”
Whis: “Indeed.”

Ch. 27, pg. 35.1-4
Vegeta and Whis still discussing Vegeta’s weaknesses
Vegeta: “That means…I still have a long way to go.”
[ ]
Vegeta: “Kakarot and I are equals, but we are far from reaching our full potential. As long as I know that, that’s all I need. I’m the one who will get to the top first. I’m sick of following after him.”

Ch. 33, pg. 8.7
Caulifla sees Goku and Vegeta for the first time
Caulifla: “They’re s’posed to be strong? They don’t look all that different from Saiyans from our neck of the woods.”
Cabba: “They’re strong…unbelievably so.”

Ch. 36, pg. 2.3-8
Vegeta: “Oh, so you’re the God of Destruction candidate who defeated Kakarot in the Zen Exhibition match?”
Toppo: “I am. And you’re supposed to be Universe 7’s second best warrior?”
Vegeta: “What?! Second best, you say?! [ ] Open your ears. The strongest fighter in Universe 7…no, in all of existence, is me, Vegeta.”

Ch. 36, pg. 3.3
Vegeta has turned Super Saiyan Blue to fight Toppo and Dyspo
Vegeta: “First I’ll bring down you two fools since it appears I still need to prove my superiority over Kakarot.”

Ch. 40, pg. 9.1-5
Jiren: “Are you attempting to acquire the same power as [Goku]?”
Vegeta: “Ultra Instinct? Hmph. I just gave up any hope of that, actually. Such a move doesn’t suit me. The notion of being taught anything by anyone, even. I had no master, and I have no memories of my father—King Vegeta—teaching me the basics. No, I’m a prodigy, forged by the fires of solo training. [ ] Just now I was close to losing sight of what makes me, me. I aim for the top playing by my own rules, so Kakarrot can have Ultra Instinct to himself for all I care.”

Ch. 40, pg. 10.2-3
Vegeta and Jiren resume their fight
Krillin: “Jiren’s been taking hits like a champ, but now he’s actually losing ground!”
Whis: “Vegeta intends to evolve using his own style. That may be the correct course. To be sure, his signature style would not naturally lead to Ultra Instinct. He’s right -- it doesn’t suit him.”

Ch. 40, pg. 12.2-3
Vegeta: “While they were lazing about on Earth, play fighting in their little martial arts tournaments, I was fighting hundreds, thousands of battles throughout the cosmos. I’ve been pushed to the edge more times than him, by far… Saiyans are a mighty warrior race, so don’t think lightly of their prince!”

Ch. 41, pg. 43.1-2
Goku and Vegeta are pushing Jiren back
Krillin: “Jiren’s on the ropes now!! They’re really doing it…!!”
Beerus: “This’s why I told them to cooperate from the very start!! Go! Do it! Knock him off!!”

Ch. 41, pg. 43.4-6
Cae: “W-what? Their attacks are perfectly in sync… Why’ve they been fighting solo this whole time?! Some sort of strategy?”
Belmod: “By fighting together, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Tch… I hate to admit it, but Master Gicchin may’ve been right all along…”

Ch. 41, pg. 45.2-5
Goku and Vegeta continue to overwhelm Jiren
Goku: “That two-on-one training against Whis sure is paying off, right, Vegeta?”
Beerus: “Whis… That training with them was all to make them work on combo moves…?”
Whis: “Ho ho ho… And they were none the wiser.”

Ch. 42, pg. 5.3-4
Goku: “Aw… Lookit us, getting along like this.”
Vegeta: “Hmph! Only because knocking him off with chi blasts is our only option. Don’t hold anything back now!”

--Complete Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 27, pg. 29.1
Vegeta fights with “Completed” Super Saiyan Blue now
Beerus: “You’ve improved a bit! But I wonder how long you’ll last…”

Ch. 27, pg. 30.3-4
Whis watching Vegeta and Beerus’ fight
Whis: “It appears Vegeta has complete control over Super Saiyan Blue. I suppose Goku is no longer ahead of him.”

Ch. 36, pg. 7.1-5
after Vegeta battles Toppo and Dyspo for a little bit
Vegeta: “Well? Still think Kakarot is stronger? Admit it!”
Toppo: “Y-yes… You’re on par with Son Goku in terms of sheer power… But that doesn’t mean you have what it takes to defeat us.”
Vegeta: “Hmph! You leave me no choice but to keep demonstrating my skills, then.”

Ch. 36, pg. 7.7
the Universe 7 team observing the fights
Tenshinhan: “Vegeta’s going toe-to-toe against Toppo!”

Ch. 40, pg. 2.2-5
Vegeta is fuming over Goku achieving Ultra Instinct
Vegeta: “He’s over there breaking into uncharted territory while I struggle against my opponent! Enough of this… I… I’m… [ ] Better than that!!

--Super Saiyan Blue Evolution/Evolved--

Ch. 40, pg. 8.5-8
after Vegeta battles Jiren
Jiren: “Your name was… Vegeta?”
Vegeta: “Indeed. I’m so honored you remembered.”
Jiren: “You fought Toppo while concealing your strength? Because this is a considerable change.”
Vegeta: “Unfortunately for you, we Saiyans evolve as we fight. My power as of a few minutes ago means nothing now.”

Ch. 40, pg. 12.5-13.3
after Vegeta’s monologue about his many battles
Jiren: “You’ve fought back harder than any, besides Son Goku in his ascended state a moment ago. Well done. I acknowledge you. However… [ ] Don’t think for even a second that you can defeat me.”

Ch. 40, pg. 16.5
Whis: “Unfortunately, even Vegeta’s current strength isn’t enough to bring down Jiren.”
Krillin: “Even Vegeta couldn’t cut it…? Oh man, what do we do…?”


Ch. 27, pg. 44.4-5
Goku suggests bringing Zeno to talk about the tournament
Beerus: “You must be very careful… Zeno-sama is surely pure of heart. But his pureness is what makes him so scary!”
Whis: “Please remember that he has the power to annihilate the entire universe.”


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014

"Galactic Prisoner" Saga

Artificial Humans

--in general--

Ch. 56, pg. 42.5-6
Artificial Human #17 wonders if they’re really needed
Piccolo: “Yeah, you’re the only ones who can finish this fight. Since you androids don’t have chi.”

Ch. 58, pg. 13.5
Saganbo survives Gohan and Piccolo’s combined energy blast and pushes them back
Artificial Human #18: “That brute is something else…”
Artificial Human #17: “This may be more than we can handle…”

Ch. 60, pg. 32.4
the Artificial Humans have entered the fight against Moro
Artificial Human #18: “Looking to snack on some life energy, monster? How about a taste of ours?”
Artificial Human #17: “Spoiler alert--we don’t have any.”

Ch. 60, pg. 40.1-3
the Artificial Humans aren’t doing very well against Moro
Moro: “I see… Such power… It’s almost a shame I can’t steal it.”
Artificial Human #18: “What the heck? It’s like we’re fighting a lump of steel.”
Artificial Human #17: “Our heaviest attacks barely make him flinch!”

Dai Kaioshin (Great Lord of Lords)

Ch. 43, pg. 12.3-7
South Kaioshin: “If his power grows any further, we’ll be helpless to resist. If only we could do something about his magic!”
Dai Kaioshin: “I’ve got no choice… I’ll use up my god power to steal his magic.”
South Kaioshin: “Huh?! Does such a technique exist?”
Dai Kaioshin: “I created it. I had a feeling it might come in handy one day. It’s faaar too dangerous to teach anyone else.”

Ch. 43, pg. 13.4
Dai Kaioshin is charging up his magic stealing technique
South Kaioshin: “G-great Lord of Lords…you mustn’t put so much of your strength into it!”

Ch. 43, pg. 15.5
Goku asks if Moro escaped imprisonment
Merus: “Correct. It’s likely that Moro has regained his magic, so we require the Great Lord of Lords’ power to capture this criminal once again.”

Ch. 43, pg. 16.4
Merus: “Our only hope is to somehow extract the Great Lord of Lords’ ability from within Majin Boo, or so we hope.”
Vegeta: “Hmph. Does he really possess that power?”


Ch. 50, pg. 33.1
Dende offers to help in the battle against Moro
Dende: “I can’t fight, but at least I can heal your injuries!”

Ch. 62, pg. 32.3-4
Moro was listening to Dende and Piccolo’s telepathic conversation
Moro: “Restoring energy, he said? The Namekian moving toward us has such an ability?”
Piccolo: “C-curse you!”
Moro: “Such a being could hardly pose a threat, but…”
Note: Moro then made a barrier around the battlefield to prevent interference and escape.

Ch. 62, pg. 40.1-3
Dende is blocked from coming to the battlefield
Dende: “T-this is awful… I…was completely useless. I couldn’t…defend the planet…or help anyone. Some God of Earth I am.”

Ch. 66, pg. 26.3
Dende: “I’m sorry, Goku… My own divine power is still developing, so it didn’t do much to help you…”

Earth (in general)

Ch. 52, pg. 28.7
Jaco explains Moro sent scouts throughout the galaxy
Bulma: “Oh yeah? Scouting for what?”
Jaco: “Planets for Moro to eat. You earthlings may be total wimpy weaklings, but all those lifeforms you’ve got would make your planet a tantalizing treat for Moro. He’ll gobble the place up once he finds out.”

Ch. 52, pg. 36.4
Saganbo asks what they should do about the Macareni siblings’ call for help
Moro: “Hmm… If they have been killed, the planet they found must be host to strong beings indeed.”

Ch. 54, pg. 30.2
Saganbo and Moro watch the battle unfold
Saganbo: “It does come as a surprise that Earth is home to beings stronger than my guys.”

Ch. 54, pg. 31.2
Saganbo’s bandits are overwhelming the Z team due to Seven-Three’s energy absorption ability
Shimorekka: “Too bad for you, being stronger doesn’t always net you the win.”

Ch. 56, pg. 44.3
Moro is disappointed with how his goons are performing
Saganbo: “Apologies, Lord Moro. It seems like a whole bunch of tough fighters gathered on Earth, somehow…”

Ch. 57, pg. 31.6
Moro says he’s in high spirits
Moro: “Because I had the good fortune of coming upon this planet. There aren’t many out there teeming with so many high-energy individuals.”

Ch. 57, pg. 42.2
Goku is trying to hone in on the Z team’s ki signatures
Goku: “No good. Their chi’s shrinking by the second… I can’t get a solid hold!!”

Ch. 62, pg. 14.5
Krillin: “Not good, not good--everyone’s chi signatures keep getting smaller!”

Ch. 66, pg. 2.5
Context: Global Moro is absorbing the planet’s life energy
Random Human: “Whoa… I’m feeling really weak!”


Ch. 46, pg. 32.5
after Esca revives Goku
Esca: “I might not be as good as Dende, but I’ve got healing powers too. We wanted to help you recover a little as quickly as possible, even if I can’t get you to full strength…”

Ch. 47, pg. 2.2
Vegeta: “Dammit! Meanwhile, instead of fighting back all we can do is hide like scared rats!”
Esca: “If only my powers were stronger…”
Goku: “Don’t think like that. If not for you, we’d be dead.”

Forced Spirit Fission (in general)

Ch. 61, pg. 19.4
Forced Spirit Fission
Goku: “Forced Spirit Fission… It tears apart things that were combined through fusion or absorption.”

Ch. 61, pg. 20.3
the life energy from Moro is returning to its origins
Piccolo: “You mean this is the life energy of those he’s killed…?”
Vegeta: “Yes, I could even extract those other Namekians you combined with ages ago.”

Ch. 66, pg. 21.3-7
Piccolo and the others have made their way over to Vegeta
Piccolo: “Your Spirit Fission…can you do it in reverse?!”
Vegeta: “What?”
Piccolo: “I’m asking if you can gather up chi and give it to Goku!”
Vegeta: “[ ] Yes. It’s possible. It’s the same principle.”

Galactic Patrol (in general)

Ch. 63, pg. 2.2
Merus has arrived on the battlefield
Jaco: “Sorry to be all, ‘we’re totally doomed,’ just after you finally showed up, but Moro is definitely too much for the Galactic Patrol to handle--so we’re totally doomed.”

Ch. 63, pg. 32.2-5
Merus explaining to Goku why he’s fighting Moro now
Merus: “Now, the Galactic Patrol agents may be the elites of their own home worlds, but on the universal scale, they’re helpless.”
Jaco: “Helpless…?”
Merus: “Many of the criminals willing to violate galactic law are stronger than those agents. Even so, the agents act in accordance with their convictions and ideals. Valiantly, they struggle to protect the galaxy.”


Ch. 44, pg. 44.3-6
Merus decides against going to New Namek while Goku and Vegeta battle Moro
Merus: “No. Let’s head back to H.Q… Majin Boo’s aid is indispensible.”
Jaco: “But, Agent Merus, there’s a decent chance they’ve already taken down Moro. Those two are strong. A teeny-weeny bit stronger than me, even.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 44.4-6
Merus urges Jaco that they should go to Namek as well
Jaco: “Pfft. Don’t worry. Those two will have that guy beat before we know it. Cuz, you know, they’re a teeny tiny bit stronger than me.”
Merus: “Yes, I guess so.”

Ch. 51, pg. 36.7
Jaco brings up the Galactic Patrol’s physical fitness test
Jaco: “If you’re curious, I hold the title for best upward-facing dog pose, three years running.”

Ch. 53, pg. 9.6-7
Jaco is attempting to leave before Saganbo’s bandits arrive
Krillin: “So you’re saying they’re too strong for you to beat.”
Jaco: “You don’t beat around the bush, huh? But to be honest? Yeah, exactly.”

Ch. 58, pg. 19.1-2
Jaco says he can see Goku while the others can’t
Jaco: “Yeah. My vision’s actually my one strong suit. But just cuz I can keep track doesn’t mean I can fight like that! So don’t think that!”

Ch. 62, pg. 42.2
Jaco is the last fighter left capable of taking on Moro
Moro: “To be blunt, I’ve zero interest in your life energy. Such a small portion and probably foul-tasting.”


Ch. 56, pg. 15.5
Krillin encounters Yunba again
Krillin: “I’m not the same man as before! I’ve been training hard!”

Ch. 56, pg. 16.4-5
Krillin: “Master Roshi… This guy’s way faster than he looks, so let’s rush him together!”
Master Roshi: “Krillin, y’can’t go relying on your old master for everything. I’m betting you can handle this chump alone.”

Ch. 57, pg. 43.1
Krillin is attempting to get Goku’s attention by powering up
Master Roshi: “Cut it out, Krillin! Your power’s not gonna do us a lick of good!”

Macareni Siblings

--in general--

Ch. 52, pg. 13.7-8
Piccolo volunteers to check out the Macareni siblings approaching Earth
Dende: “Be careful.”
Piccolo: “Not to worry--their chi signatures are weak.”

Ch. 52, pg. 18.2
the Macareni siblings
Dende: “They certainly don’t seem like big threats.”

Majin Boo (good)

Ch. 42, pg. 36.3
Bulma says someone is kidnapping Majin Boo from Mr. Satan’s place
Vegeta: “Kidnapping Boo? Surely you jest. It’s easy to forget, but that creature is incredibly powerful.”

Ch. 47, pg. 42.2
Majin Boo is doing well against Moro
Merus: “H-how shocking! I never considered that Boo would possess such strength!”

Ch. 47, pg. 45.2-3
after Boo beats down Moro
Vegeta: “Boo’s energy levels aren’t dropping. Moro’s energy absorption must not work on him.”
Goku: “W-wow, you’re right. Boo can do it!”

Ch. 48, pg. 7.2-5
Majin Boo is beating Moro
Goku: “Hmm… I haven’t seen Boo fight in a long while. Moro’s magic doesn’t work on him, but it also seems like he’s gotten stronger?”
Merus: “Y-you think so? Perhaps unlocking those memories somehow unleashed his latent potential. But to this extent…? How unexpected.”

Ch. 48, pg. 12.2-3
Boo is easily beating Moro
Goku: “He’s winning! That’s actually working!”
Merus: “Y-yes, clearly Boo is the stronger fighter, but Moro still has his magic and there’s no telling what trick he might unleash, so we mustn’t drop our guard.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 17.1-4
Moro has the upper hand against Boo in their fight
Moro: “Hmph! Your strange abilities confused me, but now that my power exceeds yours, they no longer trouble me. [ ] Did something happen to you these past ten million years? Because this is unimpressive.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 18.4-5
Boo threatens to seal Moro’s magic away again but hesitates
Moro: “No, I thought not. I don’t sense the same god power you once held. I dare say you lack the power to unleash the sealing spell, right?”
Majin Boo: “Sharp, aren’t you…?”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 21.3-5
Merus theorizes that Boo’s god power actually went to his evil half during the Boo Saga
Vegeta: “So the god power was passed on to the evil half of Boo?”
Merus: “I suspect so. Because the good Boo inherited the Great Lord of Lord’s physical appearance, I assumed he received the god power as well, but maybe that power went to the evil Boo instead.”
Goku: “That little guy had actual god power in him?”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 23.1
Moro continues to dominate Boo in their fight
Moro: “Did someone steal your power and reduce you to that pink, piggish form from earlier?”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 26.2
Boo has a flashback of the pure Boo being destroyed by Goku
Majin Boo: “I see. When he was obliterated, so was my power…”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 33.6
Merus tells Boo they must get Moro back to Namek so they can all fight him together
Majin Boo: “Yes, of course. I can’t win alone.”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 25.3-5
the escaped prisoners are fighting Goku, Vegeta, and Majin Boo
Prisoner #1: “W-whoa. These ain’t your everyday Galactic Patrol guys!”
Prisoner #2: “How’re they this strong?!”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 29.7
Majin Boo is being overwhelmed by Moro’s goons
Vegeta: “That battle against Moro in space earlier must have taken a toll on him.”

Master Roshi

Ch. 57, pg. 12.5-7
the trio of women prepare to attack Master Roshi
Krillin: “Master Roshi… I admit they’ve got powerful chi, but if you use that power you showed against Jiren they shouldn’t be giving you trouble…”
Master Roshi: “Ahem… Right you are, Krillin… But to tape into that power, I gotta clear my mind… Ah! Maybe my mind’s possessed by some kinda wicked energy?!”
Krillin: “Nah, I think I know what’s going on here…”

Ch. 57, pg. 20.3
Master Roshi is beating the three women now with a blindfold on
Miza: “What’s this old fart’s deal?! I never ran across someone who got stronger with their eyes covered!!”


Ch. 42, pg. 36.5
Goku wonders if they’re about to face new villains
Vegeta: “Not sensing any powerful energy signatures.”

Ch. 42, pg. 44.6
Galactic Patrol Guy: “As our number one elite agent, Merus here manages 104 sectors.”

Ch. 43, pg. 18.8
Vegeta: “This Merus… I couldn’t read his chi, but he’s far from weak. He didn’t just exploit an opening--he was agile enough to get the drop on us in an instant! That speaks to his skill…”

Ch. 43, pg. 42.4-7
after the space criminals are jailed
Vegeta: “You! You could’ve saved the day even quicker, couldn’t you? You’re hiding your power, right? My eyes don’t lie.”
Merus: “Hardly! Yes, I wanted their spaceship too, so I let them flounder a bit longer. But hiding my power? No.”
Vegeta: “I suppose you aren’t capable of capturing this Moro on your own then?”
Merus: “I’m afraid not. I may be number one in the Galactic Patrol, but Moro is in another league altogether.”

Ch. 51, pg. 27.3
Merus surmises that Moro is destroying planets just outside their tracking capabilities
Goku: “And after a few days of this, Moro himself has gotten even stronger.”
Merus: “Dammit… Even if we could confront Moro now…our odds of victory are virtually zero.”
Goku: “Even if you were fighting seriously?”

Ch. 51, pg. 40.6
after Merus and Goku end their sparring session
Goku: “I still don’t have a total feel for your strength, but it seems like you know plenty that I don’t.”

Ch. 52, pg. 44.5-45.3
Merus brings Goku to the Room of Spirit and Time to train
Merus: “While the time dilation is helpful, the fact that this place is sealed off from the world is just as important. [ ] Because I can unleash my full power without anyone finding out.”
Goku: “Oh yeah? So no holding back in here?”
Merus: “I will impart all I have to you.”

Ch. 63, pg. 10.3
Merus attacks Moro
Jaco: “Was Agent Merus always this strong?!”

Ch. 63, pg. 20.3
Merus is using a staff to battle Moro
Moro: “Are you concealing your true strength? What’s the meaning of this? And why rely on a tool…?”


Ch. 43, pg. 8.4
Moro “eats” a planet whole
South Kaioshin: “He ate it!! Is he absorbing the planet’s life energy that way?!”

Ch. 43, pg. 10.5-6
South Kaioshin: “A-absurd! I think he just got even stronger!!”
Dai Kaioshin: “Dammit! We can’t win…”

Ch. 43, pg. 11.3-4
Galactic Police watching the battle unfold from space
Galactic Police Guy #2: “This villain is as mighty as they say.”
Galactic Police Guy #1: “Yes. A terrifying foe indeed. In all honesty, there’s nothing we can do.”

Ch. 43, pg. 12.3-7
South Kaioshin: “If his power grows any further, we’ll be helpless to resist. If only we could do something about his magic!”

Ch. 43, pg. 15.1-2
Merus narrating the story of how Moro was contained 10 million years ago
Merus: “And so, the Great Lord of Lords gave up most of his godly power in order to seal away Moro’s magic. Unable to fight back, Moro was locked away in the galactic prison. Well, Moro was still a capable fighter, even without his magic, so he was sentenced to death. Unfortunately, nobody could actually kill him, so he was instead given life imprisonment.”

Ch. 43, pg. 42.4-7
after the space criminals are jailed
Vegeta: “You! You could’ve saved the day even quicker, couldn’t you? You’re hiding your power, right? My eyes don’t lie.”
Merus: “Hardly! Yes, I wanted their spaceship too, so I let them flounder a bit longer. But hiding my power? No.”
Vegeta: “I suppose you aren’t capable of capturing this Moro on your own then?”
Merus: “I’m afraid not. I may be number one in the Galactic Patrol, but Moro is in another league altogether.”

Ch. 43, pg. 43.2-3
Merus: “Moro’s power knows no limits…”
Goku: “What? You mean he’s getting stronger and stronger?!”
Merus: “Yes. So if we don’t capture him soon, things will go from bad to worse--”

Ch. 44, pg. 2.5-7
Goku warns Vegeta that Moro can sense when they’re sensing his ki
Vegeta: “Well? What else could you sense? Was it a massive chi signature?”
Goku: “No, not quite.”
Vegeta: “…More like god chi, then?”
Goku: “No… His chi itself wasn’t that huge, but it was terrifying. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

Ch. 44, pg. 3.2
after Goku describes Moro’s ki as “terrifying”
Merus: “Moro is known for absorbing the life force of planets and turning it into his own power. In that sense, his very energy is a mass of slaughtered souls.”

Ch. 44, pg. 6.7
Moro is looking rough after scanning the universe for life
Moro: “Scanning alone has taken me to my limit. My magical abilities are in a pathetic state.”

Ch. 44, pg. 8.6
Goku, Vegeta, and the Galactic Patrol have figured out Moro is headed for New Namek
Merus: “Now that Moro’s magic has returned to him, he’s likely capable of scanning for planets with life.”

Ch. 44, pg. 10.5-6
a prisoner is explaining how Moro could know about New Namek and the Dragon Balls
Prisoner: “This former goon of Freeza’s was looking for someone strong to help him find these balls. [ ] So odds are word got out around to the strongest, baddest guy in prison--Moro.”

Ch. 44, pg. 12.3-5
Moro: “It was my good fortune to have even an ounce of magic return to me before my life expired.”
Cranberry: “You got some of your magic back a few years ago, right?”
Moro: “Indeed… It allowed me to break free of that wretched cage.”

Ch. 44, pg. 21.1-3
Goku and Vegeta sensing Moro arriving on New Namek
Vegeta: “You’re right. His chi is ominous.”
Goku: “Yeah.”
Vegeta: “But not particularly battle worthy… Is this truly the monster Merus warned us of?”
Goku: “Hard to say, but… I’ve got a baaad feeling about this.”

Ch. 44, pg. 29.6
Vegeta offers to fight Moro alone
Goku: “Sure. But we still don’t know much about his power, so be careful.”

Ch. 44, pg. 42.2
Super Saiyan God Vegeta appears to have Moro on the ropes
Vegeta: “I was curious to see for myself what sort of beast could terrify the Galactic Patrol… How disappointing.”

Ch. 45, pg. 1.1
after Moro says he will unleash his magic power against Vegeta
Vegeta: “What’s that? You’ve been holding back?”

Ch. 45, pg. 2.1-4
Goku: “We heard about how you absorb life energy. Just like how you tried with that Namekian kid a minute ago.”
Moro: “Ohh… You’re not entirely ignorant then… This will be the same technique but a different application…”

Ch. 45, pg. 3.2-3
Jaco: “So this energy-absorber move is the one to watch out for?”
Merus: “Yes. And it involves more than just absorbing a planet’s life energy. The existing records indicate that he can wield the massive energy he steals from planets for direct attacks.”

Ch. 45, pg. 7.1-2
Moro is firing energy from the ground
Moro: “With this move, I attack with the life energy of the very planet we stand on. The magnitude comes not from my own power, but from the planet itself. And I must say, this Planet Namek possesses exceptional energy.”

Ch. 45, pg. 14.4-8
the battle between Moro and Vegeta continues
Vegeta: “Hey, Moro! Surely you’ll reach your limit soon if you keep using that move. All I need to do to win is keep dodging! Got it?”
Moro: “Heh heh… This technique effectively has no limits, as I may use it until the planet itself is extinguished.
Vegeta: “That can’t be… Dammit… If I can’t approach, I have no hope of recapturing you… And without any more power-ups, I’m at a loss.”

Ch. 45, pg. 20.3-21.3
Vegeta questions why Moro wants the Dragon Balls while their fight continues
Vegeta: “All this power you possess… Isn’t that already enough?”
Moro: “Hardly… At the height of my power, you would have been an insect before me. And this entire planet--a quick meal. But such a feat is currently beyond me. As my interminably long confinement has left me in this decrepit state…”
Vegeta: “I see… So you would wish…to regain your full strength…”
Moro: “Precisely. Such is my goal.”

Ch. 45, pg. 40.5
after Moro has eaten his large energy ball
Goku: “Does he seem way stronger than before…?”

Ch. 45, pg. 40.9
Moro taunts Vegeta about another fight
Vegeta: “You think your little boost was enough to surpass us? Super Saiyan Blue is still far beyond your scope.”

Ch. 45, pg. 41.3-4
Vegeta’s first attempt to transform is unsuccessful
Goku: “Well? Go on. Probably can’t beat him unless you go Blue, right?”
Vegeta: “…Indeed. This is no time for games.”

Ch. 45, pg. 42.1-4
Merus and Jaco onboard the Galactic Patrol ship
Jaco: “I-I see! So the planetary energy that Moro absorbs includes the life force from the plants and animals on the given planet? So he doesn’t even have to attack Goku and Vegeta to weaken them…? Have I got that right?!”
Merus: “Yes. This foe is capable of stealing away his opponent’s energy while fighting. I don’t know much about how those two go about their battles, but they challenged Moro without knowing all the facts.”

Ch. 45, pg. 42.5-43.1
Vegeta is unable to transform
Vegeta: “I can’t… I can’t turn Super Saiyan.”
Goku: “R-right, thought so! He’s been absorbing our energy too!!”

Ch. 45, pg. 45.2
after Moro swats away Vegeta
Moro: “Heh heh… You were already aware that my magic robs a planet of its life energy, weren’t you? Naturally, that included a healthy portion of your energy as well.”

Ch. 46, pg. 9.4
after Moro eats Vegeta’s Galick Gun
Moro: “While I grow ever stronger.”
Note: This is a continuation of Moro’s previous dialogue with Goku before Vegeta interrupted.

Ch. 46, pg. 18.4-19.4
Moro explains that the only one to ever stand in his way was Dai Kaioshin
Moro: “However, I ought to mention that you two were never a threat to me. In fact I welcome your presence. [ ] Why? Because you will allow me to grow even more powerful.”

Ch. 47, pg. 2.1
Moro has defeated the “savior Namekian”
Vegeta: “That fiend! He’s grown even more powerful than when we fought!”
Goku: “He’s probably been absorbing energy from the whole planet--including us!”

Ch. 47, pg. 29.1
Merus has managed to detain Moro in a special net
Goku: “You gonna take him back to prison like that?”
Merus: “No, I’m afraid this isn’t strong enough to hold him for long. It’s just a temporary fix to keep him in place until we’ve found a solution.”

Ch. 48, pg. 8.5-9.1
Moro continues to get pulverized by Boo
Moro: “Curse you… If only I had my full magic… If only I could devour this entire world… I wouldn’t possibly lose to you!!!!!

Ch. 48, pg. 9.4-5
after Moro throws a fit
Majin Boo: “You’re a little weakling compared to me. Making excuses? You suck!”

Ch. 48, pg. 37.5
Moro has vanished from the battlefield
Goku: “W-where’d he run off to?!”
Vegeta: “He can suppress his chi now too?!”

Ch. 48, pg. 39.3
Boo arrives and claims Moro is still on Namek
Majin Boo: “His magic power is back, but that’s different from pure strength. That’s why he’ll try to eat up the whole planet now.”

Ch. 48, pg. 44.5
Goku, Vegeta, and Boo prepare to go fight Moro together
Merus: “Above all else, be careful of his magic.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 2.1-2
Planet Namek’s energy is being drained by Moro
Merus: “Our energy will be absorbed by Moro too if we stay much longer! We need to get off the planet now!!”
Jaco: “No wonder I’m out of breath--it’s the energy drain!!”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 17.1-4
Moro has the upper hand against Boo in their fight
Moro: “Hmph! Your strange abilities confused me, but now that my power exceeds yours, they no longer trouble me. [ ] Did something happen to you these past ten million years? Because this is unimpressive.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 19.2-3
Goku and Vegeta sensing the battle between Boo and Moro from afar
Goku: “H-hey… Did you just feel Moro getting even stronger?!”
Vegeta: “How infuriating.”
Goku: “At this rate, he’ll be too much for us to handle soon!”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 26.5-7
Moro was able to view the flashback as well
Moro: “Now that I’ve taken a glimpse at those latent memories, it’s clear to me that no being in this universe possesses the power to seal away my magic. How wonderful it is to not have to fear that anymore.”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 2.3
Galactic Patrol workers are inspecting Moro’s prison cell
Galactic Patrol Worker #1: “That Moro guy’s magic is scary. It even helped him escape from this prison!”
Galactic Patrol Worker #2: “He melted the bars…”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 2.5
Galactic Patrol workers discussing Moro’s recapture
Galactic Patrol Worker #2: “But Moro was able to break through the prison’s super-strong defenses already. What’ll stop him from doing that again?”
Galactic Patrol Worker #1: “No clue. But for now we just gotta believe in the Galactic Patrol.”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 26.3-4
Goku and Vegeta have regressed from Super Saiyan Blue to Super Saiyan God
Goku: “Huh? God form?!”
Majin Boo: “Moro’s started absorbing energy again!!”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 34.3
Merus and Jaco arrive on the battlefield
Merus: “Defeating Moro is impossible at this point, given the circumstances! We have to retreat!!”

Ch. 51, pg. 3.1
after Moro absorbs a planet’s energy, astonishing Saganbo
Moro: “Planets inhabited by such unique species possess a spectacular energy. With this, my physical recovery is essentially complete.”

Ch. 51, pg. 27.3
Merus surmises that Moro is destroying planets just outside their tracking capabilities
Goku: “And after a few days of this, Moro himself has gotten even stronger.”
Merus: “Dammit… Even if we could confront Moro now…our odds of victory are virtually zero.”

Ch. 55, pg. 35.6-36.1
Moro: “Heh heh heh… What a delightful development. In that case, I shall stock up and reach the outer limits of my power before traveling to Earth. Assuming I am even constrained by such limits.”

Ch. 57, pg. 30.4
Moro has descended onto the battlefield
Piccolo: “So this is Moro… Yeah, he’s on another level.”
Gohan: “That’s some horrifying chi he’s got!! Like the death cries of countless people! It’s pure evil…”
Jaco: “Probably cuz he stole the energy from everyone he’s killed...”

Ch. 57, pg. 34.3
Moro just zapped Saganbo in the back
Gohan: “Huh?! His chi just spiked!”
Jaco: “Tch… I guess Moro can portion out his energy to his goons!”

Ch. 58, pg. 3.1-5
Goku is about to go off to fight Moro
Krillin: “Wait, Goku. Did your training go well? Do you think you can beat Moro now?”
Goku: “Yeah…and we really need to beat him. That’s what my training was all about.”
Krillin: “Sounds like this Moro guy is really bad news.”
Goku: “Yeah. I still don’t know much about him, myself. He could still be hiding some of his power.”

Ch. 59, pg. 28.5-7
Goku and Moro continue their fight after a brief pause
Gohan: “Seems like Dad and Moro are on equal footing.”
Piccolo: “Not quite… Goku’s clearly faster.”

Ch. 59, pg. 38.3-5
Moro and Goku pause their fight
Moro: “What’s wrong? You seem so eager to be done with this. You believe you’ve found a way around my energy absorption, but you’ve made a grave error. [ ] I only consume energy to fill my stomach. Weakening my opponents and strengthening myself are only fortunate side effects--not the primary goal.”

Ch. 59, pg. 39.2-5
Moro says he will devour Goku’s energy after defeating him
Moro: “As such, I will happily devour your energy after you’re defeated.”
Goku: “Defeated? How…?”
Moro: “You thought this was all I could muster? You fool.”
Jaco: “What? What’d Moro say just now?”
Piccolo: “Moro hasn’t been fighting at full strength?!”

Ch. 59, pg. 41.1-2
Moro powers up to full power
Moro: “I’ve consumed countless planets since our previous encounter. All of which have filled me with enough power to transcend the very gods.”
Gohan: “Th-that chi!!”
Piccolo: “It’s enormous! To a terrifying extent!!”

Ch. 60, pg. 1.3
Merus wonders what’s going on with Goku
Whis: “Oh my… It seems he’s changed his strategy. Both combatants will be fighting at full power.”

Ch. 60, pg. 15.3-5
Merus and Whis observe the battle further
Merus: “No, Goku! You can’t! How long can he keep up that form while fighting at full-power?”
Whis: “Well… Even if he had followed your advice and conserved stamina to maintain -Sign- for longer, I have my doubts that he could have made much headway against Moro.”

Ch. 60, pg. 4-7
Moro and Goku continue to battle
Moro: “Perhaps I approached you too cautiously after all. If this is truly the extent of your power, then I will not fall to you.”
Goku: “Dammit! What is your body even made of?”

Ch. 60, pg. 18.1-3
Whis: “Does Moro’s strength exceed your expectations, Merus?”
Merus: “Yes. To think that he grew this powerful…”

Ch. 60, pg. 43.4-5
Vegeta asks if Moro enjoys tormenting the weak
Moro: “The weak? You aren’t wrong. While you worms were hiding, I may have gone and become too powerful. And I’ve grown weary of planets that cannot provide fighters to match me.”

Ch. 61, pg. 4.3
Context: Vegeta continues attacking Moro
Piccolo: “Vegeta has gotten stronger. I barely recognize him! But Moro is still more powerful than him. It’s a level that can’t be overcome with training alone…”

Ch. 61, pg. 14.1
Context: Vegeta appears to be doing better against Moro
Gohan: “More of his attacks are landing. Is Vegeta somehow getting stronger?”
Piccolo: “No. It looks like Moro is actually getting weaker!”

Ch. 61, pg. 16.5-6
Context: Moro has turned back into his senior citizen self
Moro: “What have you done?”
Jaco: “He’s back to his old self--literally!”
Piccolo: “How can that be?!”

Ch. 61, pg. 17.1
Vegeta: “All that spirit you stole for yourself… Those souls. That life energy. I’ve simply liberated it.”

Ch. 61, pg. 24.1-5
Vegeta explains how he doesn’t like absorption and fusion shenanigans
Vegeta: “So why don’t you stop relying on strength stolen from others and simply fight with your own power? [ ] Or is your own power barely enough to keep you standing?”

Ch. 61, pg. 28.5
Moro continues to lose the life energy he’s stolen
Vegeta: “You’re going to cough up every last bit of energy you’ve stolen since your little prison break.”

Ch. 61, pg. 31.2
Vegeta asks if the Galactic Patrol wants Moro dead or alive
Jaco: “Crush him! Please! I mean, duh! We were only keeping him alive because there was nobody who could kill him! If you can be that executioner, be my guest!”

Ch. 61, pg. 32.4-5
Moro says he’ll rule over the galaxy for all eternity
Vegeta: “Resorting to nonsensical babbling, are you? You barely have a scrap of power left in you.”
Moro: “I still have my magic.”

--w/Seven-Three absorbed--

Ch. 61, pg. 41.1
Moro has absorbed Seven-Three
Goku: “N-no! Moro’s chi is back to normal… Wait, no, it’s bigger than ever!!”

Ch. 61, pg. 45.1-2
Moro is explaining what happened to Seven-Three
Gohan: “A-and you just absorbed Seven-Three?!”
Moro: “Yes, including his ability. This has restored me to my former glory--and more! Alas, you people came so very close…”

Ch. 62, pg. 1.1-2
Piccolo: “Has Seven-Three’s power been added to your strength?!”
Moro: “Indeed.”

Ch. 62, pg. 5.1-4
Moro and Vegeta begin the second round of their fight
Gohan: “He might’ve absorbed Seven-Three’s abilities, but the rule says it only lasts 30 minutes!!”
Piccolo: “R-right! He’ll be back to his former strength if we run out the clock!!”
Moro: “Ha ha ha… This power has returned home. There is no time limit.”

Ch. 62, pg. 12.4-5
Piccolo: “This is worse than we realized…”
Goku: “Huh?”
Piccolo: “If he’s got Vegeta’s abilities, that means he can use Forced Spirit Fission. You guys always had the Fusion Dance, the Potara earrings and other means of combining as last resorts, but those would be rendered useless now!”

Ch. 62, pg. 26.7
Moro just impaled Goku through the chest with his arm
Moro: “Yes, Piccolo’s regeneration. Did I fail to mention that the abilities Seven-Three copied are now mine forever, with no pesky time limits?”

Ch. 63, pg. 2.2
Merus has arrived on the battlefield
Jaco: “Sorry to be all, ‘we’re totally doomed,’ just after you finally showed up, but Moro is definitely too much for the Galactic Patrol to handle--so we’re totally doomed.”

Ch. 63, pg. 24.5-8
Moro: “That form of yours already failed to defeat me once. Did you think this time would be different?”
Goku: “Dammit… You spent all that time teaching me Ultra Instinct and I still can’t get the hang of it.”

Ch. 64, pg. 24.5-6
Moro is powering up
Piccolo: “That’s Moro this time! He’s charging up to full power again!”

Ch. 64, pg. 35.7
Moro has fallen back down from the sky
Goku: “You realize now that you can’t beat me, right?”

Ch. 65, pg. 7.3
Moro has just eaten a senzu bean
Moro: “A-amazing! Far superior to even Seven-Three’s healing ability!!”

Ch. 65, pg. 10.5
Goku: “At your current strength, you could never hope to defeat me.”

Ch. 65, pg. 10.7-11.4
Goku: “Have you ever trained?”
Moro: “I have not… Obviously.”
Goku: “You might’ve wound up even strong if you’d just trained instead of eating planets and stealing lives.”
Moro: “Silence… Training is a crutch for the weak…”
Goku: “That’s a real shame, cuz I never came across anyone as tough as you.”

Ch. 65, pg. 12.4
Moro: “To think that I…would be brought down…by a tribe that emerged only a few million years ago!!”

--w/Merus absorbed--

Ch. 65, pg. 29.4
Moro has absorbed Merus’s powers and continued to fight Goku
Moro: “Ha ha ha ha! Incredible! Fascinating, how my body now moves!!”

Ch. 65, pg. 31.1
Moro and Goku race around the planet
Moro: “A contest of speed? Useless! Our abilities are evenly matched now!!”

Ch. 65, pg. 33.5-6
Moro has used his magic to land an attack on Goku
Moro: “I also have my magic, which gives me a leg up.”
Goku: “You think so? Try a little harder.”

Ch. 65, pg. 34.4
Moro heals a wound from one of Goku’s kicks
Moro: “Ha ha ha! Pointless! My body becomes tougher to compensate, all on its own!”

Ch. 65, pg. 37.3-4
Moro’s body is enlarging involuntarily
Whis: “His body is swelling in an attempt to contain the angel power that now courses through it.”
Beerus: “Sure…makes sense. Godly power like that is nothing to sneeze at.”

Ch. 65, pg. 38.2-6
Goku: “Moro. Remember what happened to your man Saganbo? You’re making the same mistake. I only mastered this technique after honing my body to withstand it. It’s not something you can wield just cuz you feel like it. Abandon Merus’s abilities or be destroyed by them.”
Moro: “Ha… Ha ha ha! How laughable that you believe I have limits! Surely you recall how many planets I’ve consumed? How much life force?!”
Goku: “Everyone has a limit. And this is yours.”

Ch. 65, pg. 40.3
Moro is realizing his body truly can’t contain Merus’s power
Moro: “Body… I require a body that can endure…this power!”

--merged w/Earth

Ch. 65, pg. 44.2-
Moro has seemingly merged with the ground
Goku: “You… But how…”
[ ]
Moro: “I have become one with this planet of yours! Behold! I’ve done away with my limits!”

Ch. 65, pg. 45.1-4
Whis knows what’s happening with Moro
Krillin: “Whaddaya mean…?”
Whis: “In order to withstand angel power, he’s made the Earth into his own body. Which means that your planet now shares Moro’s fate… Killing Moro will mean destroying the Earth itself.”
Goku: “What…?”
Whis: “And beyond that, his swollen energy will detonate, possibly obliterating the entire galaxy…”

Ch. 66, pg. 6.5-6
Goku is trying to dodge Global Moro’s attacks
Beerus: “This is bad. Simply dodging those attacks may avoid the detonation, but Moro’s energy continues to swell unabated.”
Krillin: “Is there any way to keep him from exploding?!”
Whis: “One method, yes… The question is, can Goku manage it…?”

Ch. 66, pg. 7.1
Whis says there’s only one method of defeating Moro, but questions if Goku can manage it
Beerus: “Tch… Looks like I have no choice. It’s a special case, so I’ll lend a hand.”

Ch. 66, pg. 9.2-3
Whis and Beerus are called upon by the Grand Priest, so Beerus can no longer help
Whis: “Goku. The only way to defeat Moro is to once again shatter his forehead crystal, thereby releasing Merus’s power.”
Goku: “Shatter the crystal?! Just like Merus did?!”
Whis: “Indeed. Done properly, that will destroy Moro and leave the Earth intact.”

Ch. 66, pg. 12.1
Goku: “He just keeps getting bigger and bigger! If I don’t act soon, it’ll be too late!”

Ch. 66, pg. 27.7-28.2
Yamcha suggests leaving Earth and using the Super Dragon Balls to fix everything
Krillin: “Won’t work… When Moro explodes, the whole galaxy goes with him…”
Tenshinhan: “So even the Dragon Balls in space will be dust…?”
Yamcha: “Darn…”
Vegeta: “There’s no time left. Not even for that…”

Ch. 66, pg. 28.5
Moro is losing his mind from all the power within him
Vegeta: “He’ll explode on his own soon, no matter what we do.”

Moro's Henchmen

Ch. 50, pg. 19.2-3
Moro has promised to share his power with all of the escaped prisoners
Goku: “Huh? The ones inside… I just felt their chi grow! I think Moro must’ve used his magic again!”

Ch. 50, pg. 25.3-5
the escaped prisoners are fighting Goku, Vegeta, and Majin Boo
Prisoner #1: “W-whoa. These ain’t your everyday Galactic Patrol guys!”
Prisoner #2: “How’re they this strong?!”
Saganbo: “Hey! Don’t turn yellow on me! Keep going at ‘em! Unless you wanna head back to the slammer, you’d better obey Lord Moro’s commands! So go! They can’t hold you all off at once.”

Ch. 58, pg. 7.3
Goku: “Did you guys beat the other prisoners?”
Yamcha: “Y-yeah. Even we could handle those weaklings.”

Namekians (in general)

Ch. 46, pg. 39.7
the Namekian elder says they have a plan to combat Moro
Namekian Elder: “The strongest warriors from every village have been combining and now make for Tsuburi.”

Ch. 46, pg. 41.3
Namekian Elder: “When several dozen Namekians assimilate, the resulting warrior can defeat any evil that may threaten us. This is how our tribe has protected itself throughout the ages.”

New Namek (Planet)

Ch. 44, pg. 20.2
New Namek
Moro: “This one has spectacular energy.”

Ch. 45, pg. 7.1-2
Moro is firing energy from the ground
Moro: “With this move, I attack with the life energy of the very planet we stand on. The magnitude comes not from my own power, but from the planet itself. And I must say, this Planet Namek possesses exceptional energy.”

Ch. 46, pg. 10.5
Context: Whis observing the battle with Moro through his staff
Whis: “Planet Namek is exhibiting a sharp decline in energy levels, so I decided to take a peek.”


Ch. 52, pg. 27.7
Context: Piccolo is easily overwhelming the Macareni siblings
Pasta: “W-what’s with this planet? How’d it come to be home to powerful beings like this?”

Ch. 53, pg. 9.1
Jaco says Saganbo’s brigade of galactic bandits is heading toward Earth
Krillin: “But the Earth’s got Piccolo and Gohan… We’ll be fine, right?”

Ch. 53, pg. 14.7-8
Jaco says they have 10 days before Saganbo’s bandits arrive
Krillin: “Only ten days? I’d better start training… How about you, Piccolo?”
Piccolo: “I never stop honing myself even in the best of times.”

Ch. 56, pg. 34.2
Yamcha: “Seems like Gohan and Piccolo’s training paid off.”

Ch. 58, pg. 27.3-5
Gohan apologizes for not being strong enough to defend Earth
Goku: “Whaddaya mean? I barely recognize you two--you must’ve been training hard!”


Ch. 66, pg. 30.1-4
a gigantic ball of power has suddenly formed in the sky
Vegeta: “Where did that come from?!”
Goku: “God…power… I feel…divine strength…”
Vegeta: “But how… This ridiculous amount… Who sent this…?”

Ch. 66, pg. 32.1-
everyone wonders who donated so much energy suddenly
Dende: “It’s Oob!! Oob had that power all along!! Of course!! The Great Lord of Lords’s divine power must have gone to the evil half of Majin Boo during the split!!”
Jaco: “Yep, it sure did.”
Dende: “Then that means Oob inherited that same power!!”


Ch. 48, pg. 18.1
Raspberry has summoned Porunga
Raspberry: “I might not look like much, but I used to be an elite trooper in Freeza’s army. These old Namekians farts and some kid are no match for me…”


Ch. 51, pg. 11.7-12.2
Irico is explaining who Saganbo is to Vegeta
Vegeta: “Ah, the one who dealt a blow to Kararrot?”
Irico: “He was a real pain to capture, given how strong he is. And now he’s free again.”
Vegeta: “That fool was no worthy opponent. Without Moro aiding him, even my boy could defeat him.”

Ch. 58, pg. 13.5
Saganbo survives Gohan and Piccolo’s combined energy blast and pushes them back
Artificial Human #18: “That brute is something else…”

Ch. 58, pg. 25.1-2
Saganbo has survived Goku’s assault
Goku: “He’s still up and running?”
Saganbo: “Lord Moro!! I can still fight for you!!”

Ch. 58, pg. 32.1-33.2
Goku is fighting Saganbo
Goku: “You’re pretty sturdy, huh? But… [ ] …being sturdy isn’t enough to beat me.”

Ch. 58, pg. 35.2-5
Saganbo has survived Super Saiyan Blue Goku’s assault
Goku: “How’s that possible?”
Gohan: “Is he somehow even stronger than before?”
Jaco: “Maybe Moro gave him another power boost when he whacked him away a minute ago…?”

Ch. 58, pg. 36.3
Saganbo says he can still fight
Moro: “Is that so? Then I shall grant you a bit more power.”

Ch. 58, pg. 37.4
Goku: “Moro!! His body’s hit its limit! You gotta stop pumping him with energy!

Ch. 58, pg. 42.7
Saganbo’s body finally gave out from all the power Moro gave him
Moro: “Hmph… He couldn’t even withstand that smidgen of energy… How pathetic.”

Saganbo's Galactic Bandit Brigade

--in general--

Ch. 53, pg. 10.2
Saganbo’s bandits
Jaco: “They’re all wicked strong, but the one to watch out for is OG73-I and his nasty special move.”

Ch. 58, pg. 14.6-7
Jaco wonders why Saganbo is taking orders from Moro
Saganbo: “Shut up, Galactic Patrol. Lord Moro saved us from that dingy hole you call a prison. And he’s given us enough power that we’ll never get caught by the likes of you again.”

Ch. 58, pg. 15.1
Saganbo reveals Moro gave all the escaped prisoners some of his power
Jaco: “That explains how the convicts got so strong…”

--Iwaza, Kikaza, & Miza--

Ch. 57, pg. 11.3-6
Roshi is having difficulties with Miza, Iwaza, and Kikaza
Master Roshi: “Those girls are much more than I bargained for.”
[ ]
Master Roshi: “I found me some tough foes. Won’t even let me grope ‘em… Erm, I mean, my attacks ain’t hitting.”
[ ]
Master Roshi: “We gotta focus!”

--Seven-Three specifically--

Ch. 53, pg. 13.1-3
Krillin: “A copy ability?! What do you mean?”
Jaco: “He can steal other people’s powers by grabbing their necks, and then the stolen powers last for 30 minutes.”
Krillin: “A whole half hour?”
Piccolo: “So this isn’t about hijacking bodies or brainwashing?”
Jaco: “Nah, not like that. Seven-Three’s already plenty strong, so the abilities he copies just give him an extra boost.”

Ch. 53, pg. 26.6-27.2
Piccolo asks what the best way to fight Seven-Three is
Jaco: “Well, the copied moves are just as strong as yours. Meaning, that one he fired off was basically no different than if you’d done it.”
Piccolo: “Right, I understand.”
Jaco: “Same goes for punches and kicks! They’re all just your moves!”
Piccolo: “So I must think of it as fighting an exact copy of myself.”

Ch. 53, pg. 33.6
Jaco: “Forgot to mention--that guy’s got infinite stamina. You can’t wear him down.”

Ch. 54, pg. 24.4-6
Seven-Three ate Gohan’s Kamehameha
Jaco: “He had Moro’s powers in stock!!”
Gohan: “What’s that mean…?”
Piccolo: “In stock? You never said anything about that!”
Jaco: “Yeah, well, he can switch to other copied abilities, storing up to three identities at a time!!”

Ch. 56, pg. 20.5-6
Seven-Three has copied Gohan and Piccolo’s abilities
Shimorekka: “Any training you might’ve done? All totally worthless now. Since Seven-Three copies you the way you are right now.”

Ch. 56, pg. 26.7
Piccolo has hit Seven-Three with a special technique
Piccolo: “Even with infinite stamina, it’s not like he can recover immediately.”

Ch. 56, pg. 33.2-3
Gohan and Piccolo are overwhelming Seven-Three
Jaco: “Of course! Combo moves!! Seven-Three can only use one set of powers at a time, so there’s no way he can dodge attacks from a duo!”

Ch. 56, pg. 42.4
the Artificial Humans have shown up to help fight Moro’s gang
Artificial Human #17: “Which one’s that Seven-Eleven guy? Was he the one I kicked?”
Artificial Human #18: “They said he’s got no emotions…so yeah, probably.”
Artificial Human #17: “Weird. Seems pretty weak to me.”

--Yunba specifically--

Ch. 53, pg. 34.3
as Krillin fights Yunba
Krillin: “Th-this guy… Wouldn’t expect such sharp attacks based on his looks!!”

Ch. 56, pg. 16.4-5
Krillin: “Master Roshi… This guy’s way faster than he looks, so let’s rush him together!”

--Yuzun specifically--

Ch. 55, pg. 3
Vegeta handles Yuzun with no trouble
Vegeta: “You’re no match for me, so just stop. This is futile.”

Ch. 55, pg. 35.5-6
Moro confirms Yuzun is dead
Saganbo: “What? It can’t be. He’s supposed to be unbeatable after transforming…”

--Zauyogi specifically--

Ch. 57, pg. 34.3
a new foe attempts to stop Yamcha, Tenshinhan, and Chaozu from joining the others
Zauyogi: “I’m Zauyogi, adviser to Saganbo’s Galactic Bandit Brigade. And I’m a cut above those other lowly convicts!”
Yamcha: “He’s trouble!”

Ch. 58, pg. 6.6
Goku easily dispatched Zauyogi
Tenshinhan: “He was giving us a run for our money, and you just…wow!”

Saiyans (in general)

Ch. 47, pg. 14.5-6
Moro is surprised to see Goku and Vegeta still alive
Raspberry: “Huh? Oh, Vegeta and his pal? I thought they might still be kicking… Those Saiyans are a tough bunch."

Ch. 49, pg. 8.2-4
Goku tries to go after Moro in space
Vegeta: “Wait, Kakarrot!! That’s outer space! Saiyans can’t survive in the vacuum of space!!”
Goku: “Oh, right…”

Ch. 60, pg. 18.1-3
Whis: “Does Moro’s strength exceed your expectations, Merus?”
Merus: “Yes. To think that he grew this powerful…”
Whis: “I expect that Goku sensed that as well. Hence this gamble of his--tapping into his full potential. Saiyans are known to exhibit untold power when their backs are against the wall…especially Goku…and Vegeta.”

Ch. 62, pg. 30.1-2
Gohan’s enraged assault failed to harm Moro
Moro: “It seems that Saiyans receive a power boost when enraged, but hardly enough to fill the chasm between us.”

Son Gohan

Ch. 53, pg. 9.1
Jaco says Saganbo’s brigade of galactic bandits is heading toward Earth
Krillin: “But the Earth’s got Piccolo and Gohan… We’ll be fine, right?”

Ch. 53, pg. 42.4
Gohan has just arrived to the battlefield
Piccolo: “Right now, you’re the strongest fighter we’ve got on Earth.”
Note: Gohan immediately assumes Goku and Vegeta are off-world.

Ch. 54, pg. 7.1-3
Gohan has easily beaten Seven-Three
Piccolo: “Well done, Gohan!”
Gohan: “I know your moves better than just about anyone else, Piccolo.”
Piccolo: “And I’ve got mixed feelings about you beating a copy of me that easily.”

Ch. 54, pg. 21.2
Gohan is ready to fire a Kamehameha at Seven-Three, whose lost his copied abilities
Krillin: “W-wait, if he shoots from there, the Earth’s done for!”
Piccolo: “He’s no fool--he’ll detonate it right at the surface.”

Ch. 56, pg. 27.7
Shimorekka: “Seven-Three, that one guy is stronger. Switch over to him!”

Ch. 56, pg. 34.2
Yamcha: “Seems like Gohan and Piccolo’s training paid off.”

Ch. 58, pg. 27.3-5
Gohan apologizes for not being strong enough to defend Earth
Goku: “Whaddaya mean? I barely recognize you two--you must’ve been training hard!”

Ch. 66, pg. 1.3
Context: Moro has just merged with Earth
Gohan: “M-my body hurts all of a sudden!”

Son Goku

--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 42, pg. 33.2
talking about the events of the Broly movie
Narrator: “The next spot of trouble caused by Freeza is a tale for another time… Suffice it to say, our two Saiyans emerged from those events stronger than ever.”

Ch. 42, pg. 35.1-5
Goku and Vegeta are training in the gravity chamber
Vegeta: “So what happened with you and Ultra Instinct?”
Goku: “Nothing much… Haven’t been able to pull it off since the tournament.”
Vegeta: “Hmph! So you can’t tap into it at will? What a useless technique!”
Goku: “Guess so. No shortcuts in training, huh? Just gotta keep grinding away.”
Vegeta: “Especially because I never intend to fight side by side with you again.”
Goku: “Fine by me, cuz I prefer to take on enemies by myself.”

Ch. 43, 18.6
Goku offers to have him and Vegeta help stop Moro
Merus: “Rumors of you two have reached us. You’re supposedly quite powerful…”

Ch. 44, pg. 44.3-6
Merus decides against going to New Namek while Goku and Vegeta battle Moro
Merus: “No. Let’s head back to H.Q… Majin Boo’s aid is indispensible.”
Jaco: “But, Agent Merus, there’s a decent chance they’ve already taken down Moro. Those two are strong. A teeny-weeny bit stronger than me, even.”
Merus: “Even so… It’s very unlikely they will win.”

Ch. 46, pg. 6.3-4
Moro is easily beating Goku and Vegeta
Goku: “D-darn it… I’m totally drained!”
Moro: “The longer we battle, the more enfeebled you grow.”

Ch. 46, pg. 13.5
Goku and Vegeta opt to retreat from their fight with Moro
Vegeta: “What is it…?”
Goku: “I can’t use Instant Teleportation… Not enough chi…”

Ch. 46, pg. 18.4-19.4
Moro explains that the only one to ever stand in his way was Dai Kaioshin
Moro: “However, I ought to mention that you two were never a threat to me. In fact I welcome your presence. [ ] Why? Because you will allow me to grow even more powerful.”

Ch. 46, pg. 21.4
after Moro absorbs the life energy from Goku and Vegeta, leaving them nearly dead
Moro: “Incredible that the energy from a mere pair of beings could restore my flesh to this extent.”

Ch. 46, pg. 32.5
after Esca revives Goku
Esca: “I might not be as good as Dende, but I’ve got healing powers too. We wanted to help you recover a little as quickly as possible, even if I can’t get you to full strength…”

Ch. 47, pg. 3.7
Goku suggests hiding the last Dragon Ball with them as best they can
Goku: “And we’d be smart to suppress our powers for now.”

Ch. 47, pg. 9.4
Goku and Vegeta continue healing in the village
Goku: “Just a little more… With a little more chi, I can use Instant Teleportation and go get us some senzu beans.”

Ch. 47, pg. 13.5
Vegeta asks Goku to use the Dragon Balls to restore Namek after their battle
Vegeta: “That said, it would take a miracle for either one of us to walk away from this alive.”

Ch. 48, pg. 42.4
Boo seemingly heals Goku and Vegeta
Goku: “I-I’m back to full strength!”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 27.7
Goku and Vegeta viewing Boo and Moro’s fight from Jaco’s spaceship
Vegeta: “Dammit… We’re completely powerless in outer space!”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 28.2-3
Merus: “Goku! Vegeta! Can you assure me that you two are more powerful than Moro?”
Goku: “Yep.”
Vegeta: “Naturally. Magic aside, we are the stronger fighters. Just one of us at full power in Super Saiyan Blue form could handle him.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 43.3
Moro has been transported back to Namek
Goku: “Moro! Ready for a fair fight? We’re at full power now, so you won’t get away again.”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 32.1
Goku and Vegeta revert to their Base states as Moro continues absorbing energy
Goku: “And now we can’t even go Super Saiyan…”
Vegeta: “Dammit! How many times will we fall for his tricks?!”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 33.3
Goku and Vegeta continue fending off Moro’s goons
Vegeta: “Blast! These fools aren’t getting any weaker…”
Goku: “Moro must only be absorbing energy from us!”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 37.5
Vegeta is hesitating to grab Goku’s hand for teleportation
Goku: “What’s the hold-up? If [Moro] absorbs any more energy, I won’t be able to use Instant Teleportation again!”

Ch. 51, pg. 3.5
Saganbo suggests going after the Galactic Patrol
Moro: “Never mind them. Individuals with that much power are rare enough, so I choose to let them roam this universe like livestock. Naturally, I will kill them should they interfere again.”

Ch. 55, pg. 36.4
“Leading up to his attack on Earth, Moro continued to devour planets throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta’s training also progressed, until, at least, two months had passed.”

Ch. 57, pg. 31.3
Moro notices Goku and Vegeta aren’t there
Gohan: “Oh, they’ll show. As we speak, my dad and Vegeta are getting strong enough to beat you.”

Ch. 58, pg. 3.1-5
Goku is about to go off to fight Moro
Krillin: “Wait, Goku. Did your training go well? Do you think you can beat Moro now?”
Goku: “Yeah…and we really need to beat him. That’s what my training was all about.”

Ch. 58, pg. 6.6
Goku easily dispatched Zauyogi
Tenshinhan: “He was giving us a run for our money, and you just…wow!”
Yamcha: “Some things never change.”

Ch. 58, pg. 23.6-24.2
Goku has finally revealed himself
Moro: “Heh heh… You’ve grown far stronger.”
Goku: “Yep. I’m not the same guy I was when we first met.”
Moro: “Is that so? Glad to hear it.”

Ch. 58, pg. 27.3-5
Gohan apologizes for not being strong enough to defend Earth
Goku: “Whaddaya mean? I barely recognize you two--you must’ve been training hard!”
Piccolo: “Hmph… Not much point in training when we still can’t defend the Earth. When was it, I wonder? When did you get so far ahead of us?”

Ch. 58, pg. 43.5
Goku: “Fine. I’m ready to show you the power I’ve gained, just to beat you.”

Ch. 59, pg. 3.1-2
Goku is able to activate Ultra Instinct at will
Moro: “To think that such a lowly life-form could use such a divine technique…how surprising.”

Ch. 59, pg. 21.2-4
the group watches Goku and Moro fight
Artificial Human #17: “Goku’s here, I take it?”
Artificial Human #18: “Well? Did he come back stronger than ever?”
Piccolo: “Hard to say. We aren’t able to read his chi.”

Ch. 59, pg. 36.6-7
Merus and Whis are watching Goku and Moro’s battle
Whis: “Has Goku mastered Ultra Instinct then? Can we expect to see that silver hair?”
Merus: “…No… About that…”

Ch. 59, pg. 44.1-4
Whis: “So he was only able to achieve the Sign level?”
Merus: “Yes… He never managed to activate the true Ultra Instinct form.”
Whis: “I see… That doesn’t bode well. Sign serves as a gateway to Ultra Instinct, but it isn’t stable. Maintaining that instability consumes an enormous amount of stamina. Were you aware?”
Merus: “I was. This battle hinges on Son Goku’s ability to manage that energy drain while keeping up Sign as long as possible.”

Ch. 60, pg. 18.1-3
Whis: “Does Moro’s strength exceed your expectations, Merus?”
Merus: “Yes. To think that he grew this powerful…”
Whis: “I expect that Goku sensed that as well. Hence this gamble of his--tapping into his full potential. Saiyans are known to exhibit untold power when their backs are against the wall…especially Goku…and Vegeta.”

Ch. 61, pg. 30.4-5
Vegeta has Moro beat
Piccolo: “It looks like Vegeta managed to one-up you this time.”
Goku: “Yeah. But I’ll surpass him again--just you wait!”

Ch. 63, pg. 13.3
Gohan asks if Goku will survive
Dende: “Goku’s wound is deep, and since his chi itself has reached god-level, healing him could take some time.”

Ch. 63, pg. 38.1-3
In a flashback from their training, Goku tells Merus he doesn’t really think about how often he’s saved the universe
Goku: “It’s just, the strongest guys out there tend to be villains, so…”
Merus: “Yet, despite their wicked deeds, you prefer not to end their lives? Why is that?”
Goku: “Cuz if they rise up to do bad stuff again, I just have to become stronger by then, right? I’ll fight ‘em as many times as it takes, and at some point--just maybe they’ll decide to join the good side.”

Ch. 63, pg. 43.7
Merus is vanishing from existence
Merus: “Goku…should you achieve Ultra Instinct at your current strength, it will be far more stable than ever before. You will not fall to Moro, nor to anyone else, for that matter.”

Ch. 64, pg. 9.6
Goku is transforming
Whis: “We are about to witness Ultra Instinct perfected!”

Ch. 66, pg. 19.3
Goku is stuck in Moro’s grasp
Goku: “Darn… Merus did it, so why can’t I…? I guess I still don’t have enough god power!”

Ch. 66, pg. 20.5-7
Goku has fallen out his Ultra Instinct state
Vegeta: “N-no!! Don’t power down, Kakarrot!!”
Goku: “S-sorry… My power…is getting sucked away…”

Ch. 66, pg. 26.1
Piccolo questions why Goku is using Super Saiyan Blue over Ultra Instinct after being given their power
Vegeta: “Not “won’t”… He can’t. Not even with chi from all of us!”

--Super Saiyan 3--

Ch. 51, pg. 36.4
Goku and Merus are sparring
Jaco: “Where’s the bloodlust?”
Esca: “Goku is just testing Merus’s power.”

--Complete Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 50, pg. 25.3-5
the escaped prisoners are fighting Goku, Vegeta, and Majin Boo
Prisoner #1: “W-whoa. These ain’t your everyday Galactic Patrol guys!”
Prisoner #2: “How’re they this strong?!”

Ch. 58, pg. 34.2
Goku is thrashing Saganbo
Piccolo: “Way stronger than the last time we saw him in Blue form. Looks like his training really paid off…”

--Ultra Instinct Sign--

Ch. 58, pg. 18.2-6
someone just sent Saganbo flying with a kick
Gohan: “It’s dad! He’s here at last!!
Piccolo: “Huh? I can’t see him or sense his chi!”
Gohan: “Um…”
Jaco: “Really? You guys can’t see him? [ ] Goku’s fighting while zipping around at super-duper-hyper speed.”

Ch. 58, pg. 19.3-4
nobody but Jaco can track Goku fighting Saganbo
Piccolo: “But why can’t we sense Goku’s chi?”
Gohan: “Maybe he’s moving too fast for us to lock on to it.”
Piccolo: “What new heights has he really reached…?”

Ch. 59, pg. 6.2-4
Goku and Moro’s fight has begun
Piccolo: “Huh? Is Goku attacking?”
Jaco: “He is, with air blasts, I think… He’s whipping his fist really fast to fire off blasts of air.”
Moro: “What a pesky attack.”

Ch. 59, pg. 28.5-7
Goku and Moro continue their fight after a brief pause
Gohan: “Seems like Dad and Moro are on equal footing.”
Piccolo: “Not quite… Goku’s clearly faster.”
Artificial Human #17: “So he can win?”
Piccolo: “Well, Moro still hasn’t tried absorbing energy…”

Ch. 59, pg. 31.6
Goku is somehow dodging Moro’s energy absorption technique
Gohan: “Of course! He’s moving at top speed to dodge the energy absorption!”
Piccolo: “I didn’t realize that was possible!!”

Ch. 59, pg. 32.1-2
Goku’s figured out a way to avoid Moro’s energy absorption technique
Gohan: “And that means Dad won’t get his energy stolen and he’s already got the advantage in battle!”
Piccolo: “He can win! If he keeps it up, Goku can win this thing!!”

Ch. 59, pg. 44.5-45.3
Moro: “You hoped to bring our bout to a hasty conclusion while you still had the stamina for it. But too bad for you, I’ve been waiting for your inevitable decline.”
Goku: “I should’ve realized you already figured out my weakness. But still…if you were just stalling for time, that means you don’t think you can beat me when I’m at full power, huh? [ ] And if I can keep hitting you with all I’ve got, I can win this.”

Ch. 59, pg. 45.7
Goku powers up to continue fighting Moro
Moro: “So you still had some power left. Good. Now I’m intrigued.”

Ch. 60, pg. 1.3
Merus wonders what’s going on with Goku
Whis: “Oh my… It seems he’s changed his strategy. Both combatants will be fighting at full power.”

Ch. 60, pg. 15.3-5
Merus and Whis observe the battle further
Merus: “No, Goku! You can’t! How long can he keep up that form while fighting at full-power?”
Whis: “Well… Even if he had followed your advice and conserved stamina to maintain -Sign- for longer, I have my doubts that he could have made much headway against Moro.”

Ch. 60, pg. 21.2
Pybara wonders why he can’t detect Goku’s spirit signature
Vegeta: “R-right. That fool must be using Ultra Instinct…and only gods can sense that godly chi…”

Ch. 60, pg. 23.2-3
Moro is beginning to overwhelm Goku
Moro: “Oh? What happened to your trademark speed?”
Gohan: “Dad’s attacks aren’t landing anymore!!”

Ch. 60, pg. 24.1-2
Goku can’t keep up with Moro anymore
Moro: “Naturally, you have reached your limit. That said, consider me shocked that you amassed such power.”

Ch. 60, pg. 26.3
Goku is powering up further
Merus: “This won’t work. By relying on sheer power alone like this, he can’t make the most of Ultra Instinct’s strength…”

Ch. 63, pg. 23.6-24.1
Goku tries fighting Moro again
Whis: “Goku is having another go at it with -Sign-.”
Beerus: “Can he win?”
Whis: “I very much doubt it.”

Ch. 63, pg. 24.5-8
Moro: “That form of yours already failed to defeat me once. Did you think this time would be different?”
Goku: “Dammit… You spent all that time teaching me Ultra Instinct and I still can’t get the hang of it.”
Merus: “Not quite, Goku. Your training worked. One last push should trigger it.”

--Ultra Instinct--

Ch. 64, pg. 21.4
Goku and Moro’s fight continues
Beerus: “He’s fine-tuning his moves more and more.”
Whis: “Indeed he is.”

Ch. 64, pg. 23.1-5
Goku is making a fool out of Moro
Moro: “But…how did you… How are you dodging like that?!”
Goku: “Not thinking.”
Moro: “What?”
Goku: “My body’s acting on its own and deciding how to dodge. Which is why your attacks can’t hit me.

Ch. 64, pg. 3-5
Goku has launched Moro into the sky with a punch
Beerus: “Perfectly done.”
Whis: “Oh? A rare bit of respect from you?”
Beerus: “Respect where it’s due. The way he fights is godlike.”

Ch. 65, pg. 1.2-3
Krillin finally made it to the battlefield
Krillin: “Goku’s mopping the floor with him! I guess he doesn’t need any senzu beans after all.”

Ch. 65, pg. 31.1
Moro and Goku race around the planet
Moro: “A contest of speed? Useless! Our abilities are evenly matched now!!”

Ch. 66, pg. 9.6-10.1
Goku questions if he can shatter the crystal on Moro’s forehead
Whis: “You have already acquired divine power. Have faith in your own strength.”

Ultra Instinct (in general)

Ch. 52, pg. 40.1-4
Ultra Instinct
Merus: “Rage, grief, joy--those strong emotions can translate to prodigious power. Just like your Super Saiyan transformation.”
Goku: “Yeah. That one’s triggered by rage.”
Merus: “But the technique you’re after is the opposite.”

Ch. 59, pg. 11.1-2
Goku and Moro continue fighting
Moro: “This technique boasts heightened agility? So be it.”

Ch. 59, pg. 43.4
Moro says he understands why Goku didn’t use Ultra Instinct Sign the whole time against Saganbo
Moro: “It’s because you can’t maintain it for long.”

Ch. 59, pg. 44.1-4
Whis: “So he was only able to achieve the Sign level?”
Merus: “Yes… He never managed to activate the true Ultra Instinct form.”
Whis: “I see… That doesn’t bode well. Sign serves as a gateway to Ultra Instinct, but it isn’t stable. Maintaining that instability consumes an enormous amount of stamina. Were you aware?”

Ch. 65, pg. 10.1
Moro’s fist crumpled against Goku’s body
Whis: “When Ultra Instinct is honed to this extent, the body will automatically grow sturdier as necessary.”

Ch. 65, pg. 38.2-6
Goku: “Moro. Remember what happened to your man Saganbo? You’re making the same mistake. I only mastered this technique after honing my body to withstand it. It’s not something you can wield just cuz you feel like it. Abandon Merus’s abilities or be destroyed by them.”

Universes (in general)

Ch. 43, 18.6
Goku offers to have him and Vegeta help stop Moro
Merus: “Rumors of you two have reached us. You’re supposedly quite powerful…”
Goku: “Heh heh! I dunno about that, since there’re still stronger people out there in the universes…”


--Normal state, in general--

Ch. 42, pg. 33.2
talking about the events of the Broly movie
Narrator: “The next spot of trouble caused by Freeza is a tale for another time… Suffice it to say, our two Saiyans emerged from those events stronger than ever.”

Ch. 42, pg. 36.8
Goku offers to teleport he Vegeta to Mr. Satan’s place
Vegeta: “Get going on your own! I can fly to Herculopolis in five seconds!”

Ch. 43, 18.6
Goku offers to have him and Vegeta help stop Moro
Merus: “Rumors of you two have reached us. You’re supposedly quite powerful…”

Ch. 44, pg. 44.3-6
Merus decides against going to New Namek while Goku and Vegeta battle Moro
Merus: “No. Let’s head back to H.Q… Majin Boo’s aid is indispensible.”
Jaco: “But, Agent Merus, there’s a decent chance they’ve already taken down Moro. Those two are strong. A teeny-weeny bit stronger than me, even.”
Merus: “Even so… It’s very unlikely they will win.”

Ch. 45, pg. 35.5
Moro charges up a large energy ball
Vegeta: “Make that thing as big as you like… Your technique is useless against me now.”

Ch. 46, pg. 18.4-19.4
Moro explains that the only one to ever stand in his way was Dai Kaioshin
Moro: “However, I ought to mention that you two were never a threat to me. In fact I welcome your presence. [ ] Why? Because you will allow me to grow even more powerful.”

Ch. 46, pg. 21.4
after Moro absorbs the life energy from Goku and Vegeta, leaving them nearly dead
Moro: “Incredible that the energy from a mere pair of beings could restore my flesh to this extent.”

Ch. 46, pg. 32.5
after Esca revives Goku
Esca: “I might not be as good as Dende, but I’ve got healing powers too. We wanted to help you recover a little as quickly as possible, even if I can’t get you to full strength…”

Ch. 47, pg. 3.7
Goku suggests hiding the last Dragon Ball with them as best they can
Goku: “And we’d be smart to suppress our powers for now.”

Ch. 47, pg. 13.5
Vegeta asks Goku to use the Dragon Balls to restore Namek after their battle
Vegeta: “That said, it would take a miracle for either one of us to walk away from this alive.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 27.7
Goku and Vegeta viewing Boo and Moro’s fight from Jaco’s spaceship
Vegeta: “Dammit… We’re completely powerless in outer space!”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 28.2-3
Merus: “Goku! Vegeta! Can you assure me that you two are more powerful than Moro?”
Goku: “Yep.”
Vegeta: “Naturally. Magic aside, we are the stronger fighters. Just one of us at full power in Super Saiyan Blue form could handle him.”

DBS Ch. 49, pg. 43.3
Moro has been transported back to Namek
Goku: “Moro! Ready for a fair fight? We’re at full power now, so you won’t get away again.”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 32.1
Goku and Vegeta revert to their Base states as Moro continues absorbing energy
Goku: “And now we can’t even go Super Saiyan…”
Vegeta: “Dammit! How many times will we fall for his tricks?!”

DBS Ch. 50, pg. 33.3
Goku and Vegeta continue fending off Moro’s goons
Vegeta: “Blast! These fools aren’t getting any weaker…”
Goku: “Moro must only be absorbing energy from us!”

Ch. 51, pg. 3.5
Saganbo suggests going after the Galactic Patrol
Moro: “Never mind them. Individuals with that much power are rare enough, so I choose to let them roam this universe like livestock. Naturally, I will kill them should they interfere again.”

Ch. 55, pg. 7.4
Vegeta is training on Yardrat
Pybara: “Mm, wonderful spirit power. Your spirit is now more polished than Goku’s, and you managed it in no time.”

Ch. 55, pg. 15.4-8
Vegeta accidentally blasted Yuzun
Pybara: “You just witnessed your own nascent power.”
Vegeta: “What?”
Pybara: “Before your training here, your body and spirit were so off-balance that you couldn’t project your own power very well.”
Vegeta: “Meaning I’ve already grown stronger since I arrived…?”
Pybara: “Sure have. By leaps and bounds.”

Ch. 55, pg. 35.3
Moro has sensed Vegeta and Yuzun’s battle
Moro: “I see. He truly has grown more powerful. That one called Vegeta.”

Ch. 55, pg. 36.4
“Leading up to his attack on Earth, Moro continued to devour planets throughout the galaxy. Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta’s training also progressed, until, at least, two months had passed.”

Ch. 57, pg. 31.3
Moro notices Goku and Vegeta aren’t there
Gohan: “Oh, they’ll show. As we speak, my dad and Vegeta are getting strong enough to beat you.”

Ch. 60, pg. 18.1-3
Whis: “Does Moro’s strength exceed your expectations, Merus?”
Merus: “Yes. To think that he grew this powerful…”
Whis: “I expect that Goku sensed that as well. Hence this gamble of his--tapping into his full potential. Saiyans are known to exhibit untold power when their backs are against the wall…especially Goku…and Vegeta.”

Ch. 60, pg. 37.6-38.2
Vegeta successfully managed to use Instant Teleportation to get from Yardrat to Earth
Pybara: “Incredible… Managing Instant Teleportation after so little training.”
Hatska: “That Vegeta must be some kind of prodigy, right?”
Pybara: “His achievements are the product of all his training. In that sense, he may be a prodigy, yes. One born of hard work.”

Ch. 60, pg. 42.3-4
Goku asks if Vegeta just used Instant Teleportation
Vegeta: “Worry not--I have no intention of pilfering your signature move… I likely wouldn’t be able to pull it off again and I won’t be learning it after this. Besides, I’ve learned a far superior technique of my own.”

Ch. 61, pg. 20.5-6
after Vegeta jokingly threatens to use Forced Spirit Fission on Piccolo
Goku: “Good going, Vegeta. That wasn’t a move I managed to learn.”
Vegeta: “Of course it wasn’t. We underwent the same training, but I’m more talented than you. Victory is mine this time, Kakarrot.

Ch. 61, pg. 28.6-7
as Vegeta continues beating on Moro
Piccolo: “Hey, Goku. Did you ever think he could grow this much?”
Goku: “Naw, can’t say I did. I didn’t expect him to learn that new move or to get this strong.”
Note: Of course, that wasn’t really what Piccolo was referring to.

Ch. 61, pg. 30.4-5
Vegeta has Moro beat
Piccolo: “It looks like Vegeta managed to one-up you this time.”
Goku: “Yeah. But I’ll surpass him again--just you wait!”

Ch. 62, pg. 12.3
Moro just used the Big Bang Attack against Vegeta
Moro: “Was that supposed to impress anyone…? Such a grandiose name for such an ordinary chi blast.”

--Super Saiyan God--

Ch. 45, pg. 14.4-8
the battle between Moro and Vegeta continues
Vegeta: “Hey, Moro! Surely you’ll reach your limit soon if you keep using that move. All I need to do to win is keep dodging! Got it?”
Moro: “Heh heh… This technique effectively has no limits, as I may use it until the planet itself is extinguished.
Vegeta: “That can’t be… Dammit… If I can’t approach, I have no hope of recapturing you… And without any more power-ups, I’m at a loss.”

--Complete Super Saiyan Blue--

Ch. 50, pg. 25.3-5
the escaped prisoners are fighting Goku, Vegeta, and Majin Boo
Prisoner #1: “W-whoa. These ain’t your everyday Galactic Patrol guys!”
Prisoner #2: “How’re they this strong?!”

--Super Saiyan Blue Evolution/Evolved--

Ch. 45, pg. 24.4
Vegeta has just transformed to his evolved Super Saiyan Blue state to repel Moro’s attack
Moro: “Y-you were concealing this strength…?”

Ch. 45, pg. 25.3
Raspberry: “What?! Vegeta just powered up even more?!”

Ch. 45, pg. 31.4
as Vegeta seemingly beats Moro
Raspberry: “When’d he get so strong?”

Ch. 60, pg. 44.3
Vegeta has transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue Evolved form
Vegeta: “You want someone stronger than you? You’ve found him.”

Ch. 61, pg. 3.3-4
Vegeta’s punch failed to harm Moro
Gohan: “Dammit! That barely had any effect!!”
Artificial Human #18: “Ugh, what the heck?! He sure talked a big game, but he clearly can’t deliver!”

Ch. 61, pg. 3.5
Moro: “Yes, you have gained a considerable amount of power. Yet you’re still not able to contend with me.”

Ch. 61, pg. 4.3
Vegeta continues attacking Moro
Piccolo: “Vegeta has gotten stronger. I barely recognize him! But Moro is still more powerful than him. It’s a level that can’t be overcome with training alone…”

Ch. 61, pg. 6.1-4
Moro: “I do commend you for elevating your power to such heights. [ ] You will make for my finest meal yet.”

Ch. 61, pg. 14.1
Vegeta appears to be doing better against Moro
Gohan: “More of his attacks are landing. Is Vegeta somehow getting stronger?”
Piccolo: “No. It looks like Moro is actually getting weaker!”

Ch. 66, pg. 14.4
Vegeta is assaulting Moro with his Forced Spirit Fission technique
Goku: “Nice going, Vegeta! His body’s deflating!!”
Vegeta: “Enough yapping! Destroy that blasted crystal! I can only rip away spirit energy from him for so long!!”

Ch. 66, pg. 19.2
Goku is having difficulty getting to Moro’s forehead crystal
Vegeta: “I’m at my limit, so do it already!! He’s draining me faster than I can strip him of his spirit!”


Ch. 56, pg. 34.3-4
Moro Henchman:
“Dammit… You looked so freakin’ weak…”
Yamcha: “Aw, you think? Actually, I’m one of the three strongest earthlings around.”

Yardrat (Planet)

Ch. 55, pg. 11.2
Planet Yardrat
Yuzun: “A lovely planet, brimming with energy… One that is sure to please Lord Moro.”


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
It finally got to the point where I had to split it up. I'm on chapter 55 now, trying to get this updated before the new saga gets too underway.