ma chat topic


May 30, 2015
Shinden VS Infinity?

DBZF VS DBZeta VS Dragon Ball Makai?

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
What're your current goals, at this point in your life?
Do you enjoy the time you spend on DBZeta?
What is one aspect of this forum that could use improvement?
Which user would you classify as your best friend on this forum?


May 30, 2015
Have you thought about getting married and starting a family someday?


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Would you spar and wrestle against a very good wrestler and teacher, the best one actually, tho knowing he has very high gay tendencies and like to showcase them during the grappling? You'd be guaranteed to get a lot better with time tho.



Jun 4, 2015
Sounds like it'd be in prison.
Probably not lol. If he just said gay stuff I wouldn't mind since it's not much different to normal trolling I've had from coaches before, but if you mean he's gonna grab me in lol.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
Why aren't you as active as some other members on here?
Are you cheating on us with another forum?
What do you usually do in your free time?


Jun 4, 2015

Evidence that one Shaolin Monk could decimate the entire UFC, probably with no hands. I highly advise that you try this training regimen. You need it.
Lmao wtf, click play

Team Mikael Harding or Team Friezamite
Hardy boyz
ayo what it do fam
yes rude boi

U wot m8?
ar m8

What're your current goals, at this point in your life?
Do you enjoy the time you spend on DBZeta?
What is one aspect of this forum that could use improvement?
Which user would you classify as your best friend on this forum?
I think the main one is to find a career.
Here and there.
User base.
I never tended towards have a "best friend", "favourite cousin" etc. But SSJ2, ahill, kyouks.

Why aren't you as active as some other members on here?
Are you cheating on us with another forum?
What do you usually do in your free time?
Free time, I like to learn things. Over the years I've learnt where to look for quality info, but very recently I've been trying to improve that further. People try to learn from YT videos and online discussions and they'll get a drip drab of info like that, but it's ridiculously inefficient and it's easy to end up learning incorrect stuff. In many cases good YT videos source their info from books and it's 100x faster to read the book than to watch a bunch of videos. Videos and online discussions are still fine for pointing you in the right direction though, and vids obv are good for visualising some things. Mainstream media is also a joke for may have head of the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect - a term coined to describe when people who have expertise read newspaper articles about their area of expertise and think "this is crap", then turn the page and read something about another subject matter and trust it as being correct, forgetting how low quality the writing was about their own expert area - basically, it's all crap. So I've been trying to read more books, although it isn't always easy. I've also been saving sites that I think are high quality educational sources, both so I can learn from them, but also because looking at them can give you ideas of how to find other quality sources. On the other side I've also been improving the speed at which I recognise and disconnect from low-quality conversations and low-quality material, whether it be on youtube, reddit or on other sites, so that I can spend more time on quality things. That largely explains why I'm not that active here. For years I've not let advertisers occupy my thoughts or waste my time for free, so why let idiots do so? One is usually trying to make money off you, the other isn't - but they're both a waste of my time. I won't say there's zero use for the forum, like it does let me connect to a few people I want to keep up with, but I don't need to be here for long for that. And I learn things from here, but the returns per minute on that diminish extremely quickly, like I reckon it's already gone way down in the space of this week. And the opportunity cost is just too high, which becomes very obvious to me after spending some time away and finding that I learnt stuff at a higher rate than usual. Someone I knew my age also died, which made me think differently about how I should spend my time. There are other reasons not to be around here, such as there being 1.5 billion English speakers on the planet, many people of good character and who don't revel in their own stupidity. Take a look at the fitness challenge you made....I don't think even close to the majority of that 1.5 billion people would derail that thread as much as it was here.

Anyway, I've been reading economics, but also about careers and learning. I have other stuff from totally different topics I plan to read about, although I'm still trying to figure out how to organise it all. I was learning Portuguese for quite some time, but I've lost interest for a couple of months now. I read manga sometimes. I also practise bass guitar, just as something different to do. And listen to music a lot, although recently I've mostly just listened to whatever music facilitates reading, whereas before I listened to a wider variety. I'm looking for something new to learn to do, that's suitable for doing in an apartment, but I'm not finding anything yet. That's why I asked in the other thread if you've done any DIY stuff lately. I was drawing a couple years ago, so I might start that again a bit, especially now the weather's warming up again.

Nah, not on another forum. I've looked for some, but nah. Not many things I'm that interested in talking about, plus some of the ones I found just have weird layouts.

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
In regards to DIY for inside your home, well, I haven't really found anything of interest yet either. There are products that are of superb quality already. It just depends which facet you're trying to improve.

Why don't you pick up a new passion, or hobby? My most recent is photography. I might attempt to record a vlog since I've never tried before.

I've been listening to Japanese Fusion for 2.5 years now, for at least 95% of the time. Find a new genre that you resonate with intensely.

Do you currently work? When you say "career," I have to ask for more in depth information. What sort of career?

What's something that you can change in your life right now in order to improve it, however, you're struggling actually committing to the change?

What other aspects of your life are you striving to improve on a daily basis?


Jun 4, 2015
Well I used to find a new genre of music every few months, for a few years and I'd say I resonate with quite a few. Right now I mostly listen to math rock, jazzrock and shoegaze. But finding new music is something I'm consciously trying to spend less time on.

Why don't you pick up a new passion, or hobby? My most recent is photography. I might attempt to record a vlog since I've never tried before.
It's a good idea and something I look out for and some DIY projects could be seen be a new hobby, but generally I think I'd be better off sticking with or revisiting the hobbies I already have. I don't want to be jumping hobbies too often and end up doing nothing.
Do you currently work? When you say "career," I have to ask for more in depth information. What sort of career?
A career as in a job path that you have the opportunity to stick with and to progress in, in terms of salary, skills and responsibility. As opposed to short-term contracts or fields that are unlikely to lead anywhere. What sort of career? Well that's what I'm reading career books about, since there are different approaches to looking for and choosing a career. It'll come down to some combination of realistic opportunity and interest - and I'm gauging interest by reading books and looking up the backgrounds of people who I come across who do work that interests me. I'm not opposed to self-employment one day (partly because I'd probably like the freedom and people in past workplaces have recommended it to me), but employment is much more likely, especially without significant capital.
I currently work, yeh. Currently in a kitchen and very occasionally in a warehouse. Prior to that I worked in other jobs totally unrelated to either of these.
In regards to DIY for inside your home, well, I haven't really found anything of interest yet either. There are products that are of superb quality already. It just depends which facet you're trying to improve.
I don't necessarily mean improving the home itself, but just finding anything to do within the home, that doesn't require access to a garage or shed or loud tools. As for what I'm trying to improve with it, it would just be for the sake of saying I've done something new and knowing I can now do that thing.
What's something that you can change in your life right now in order to improve it, however, you're struggling actually committing to the change?
Hard one to answer. Probably better time management/prioritising of tasks, as broad as that is, but I wouldn't put it down to commitment alone. I've considered trying therapy of some sort for some things (not that I'm a huge believer) but put it off and I'd say that one is more about commitment.
What other aspects of your life are you striving to improve on a daily basis?
On a daily basis: sleep, concentration, physical wellbeing. Some is improvement, some is more about maintenance of what's good.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Do you still have a fucked sleep schedule?


Jun 4, 2015
Do you still have a fucked sleep schedule?
It's better than before lol. I naturally fall asleep before midnight quite often, but occasionally at like 3am. Before I think it was later than that.
edit: Not sure what helped, but I think being careful with music choices might've. Plus I haven't turned on my smartphone for like 3 months (I use a dumbphone instead). Oh yeh and this site's been life-changing for sleep maybe, but definitely for studying
Last edited:

Sovran Nila

High Class Warrior
Sovereign Master of Spamifestation
Aug 3, 2016
What does your dietary lifestyle currently look like?

"On a daily basis: sleep, concentration, physical wellbeing. Some is improvement, some is more about maintenance of what's good."

Believe it or not, fasting alone will drastically help you improve all of those aspects... Have you considered practicing fasting?


Jun 4, 2015
What does your dietary lifestyle currently look like?

"On a daily basis: sleep, concentration, physical wellbeing. Some is improvement, some is more about maintenance of what's good."

Believe it or not, fasting alone will drastically help you improve all of those aspects... Have you considered practicing fasting?
Believe it or not, saying it would drastically improve all of those aspects is a total guess and is just well-meaningly extrapolating your personal experience way too far.

I have considered fasting before. I used to do intermittent fasting, not with the concept of "intermittent fasting" in mind, but just because I had an unintended habit of eating all my food in a small window at night. Even now I sometimes do it. Really, some health professionals say eating late can actually make it harder to sleep. Of course the type of food makes a difference too. But in other words, there could be types of fasting that could help someone sleep, but if the fasting involves concentrating all the food intake into a late-night period it might make sleep more difficult for some, if the healthcare sites and nutritionists are correct. It's not something I've looked into that much, but there are studies that support fasting helping sleep and those that don't, so probably it depends on other accompanying factors (either that or all of either the good for sleep or bad for sleep results used bad methodology, which I doubt considering how many different people have studied it and since there's no financial incentive to do bad science about fasting, but it is possible. I suppose there could possibly be a religious incentive to do bad science, since fasting is part of some religions, but studies are done in countries where that's not relevant).
I've also fasted before due to my religious/cultural background (interestingly, even Christians where my extended family's from abstain from food/drink for most of the day during Lent. I've read this "Black Fast" was the norm for Christians elsewhere until around 1000 or so years ago, but it mostly died out). Because the latitude here is high, it can be until past 9pm in the summer.

I wouldn't say I clearly feel any better when it comes to sleep or concentration during fasting. It's possible I do and just don't notice it, since it can be hard to keep track of how you've felt on different days without keeping a journal. Sometimes days where I concentrate best are days when I intermittently fasted, but it's hard to say if the fasting caused the concentration or if it's that the high concentration levels caused me to skip eating and inadvertently fast. Could be both, but it's at least partially the second. And do I concentrate and sleep well on all or even for the majority of the days I fast? No, so I don't think fasting in general is the solution and I doubt it's even a needed part of the solution, considering how many people sleep and concentrate well without fasting.

I didn't talk about physical well-being here, because the type of physical well-being I was thinking of is more to do with physical comfort and musculoskeletal health. Basically staying injury-free or reducing the effects of existing problems. Fasting isn't really relevant, aside from avoiding stomach pains I suppose.

My dietary lifestyle. Well I think my diet is a mix of decent and crap. I'm health conscious (as in the healthiness of my diet is a consideration when choosing food) and I've cooked most of my own food for like 8 years, but I also eat loads of sugar a couple of times a week - mostly ice cream. Otherwise at home (get free food at work, mostly white bread and some cooked chicken/veg) I mostly eat white rice, cheese, nuts, olive or canola oil, tuna/sardines, mixed veg. Things like eggs, white bread with margarine/jam and pasta I might eat for a while too. 95% of what I drink is water. I used to eat legumes every day, but not any more since they hurt my "stomach". Oats aren't great I'd like to eat a higher quanitity of fruit or veg and I'm currently looking for new staples. I take omega-3, vit C, vit D and a supermarket multivitamins/mineral supplement. Might occasionally take iron (it's supposedly in the multi anyway) and for sure if running, since it depletes your iron.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
You ever heard of dynamine? Apparently it's a close cousin of caffeine that has few side effects. The human studies on it have been fairly limited but the US gov posted one claiming no negative impacts on health biomarkers. Might test it along with yerba mate.


Jun 4, 2015
You ever heard of dynamine? Apparently it's a close cousin of caffeine that has few side effects. The human studies on it have been fairly limited but the US gov posted one claiming no negative impacts on health biomarkers. Might test it along with yerba mate.
Nah never heard of that one, where'd you hear about it from? Just googled it and got a wikipedia page about butterflies lol. Is it this "dynamine methylliberine"? Seems Methylliberine is the molecule and it's been trademarked as Dynamine by a company called Compound Solutions. Doesn't seem to be loads about it online. Says it was "Generally Recognised as Safe" (GRAS) by the FDA in 2019, which is "self-affirmed" (ie they do their own assessments, send an application to the FDA who then look at it and approve/reject it), dunno if that's much different than other countries' FDA equivalents...tried reading the guidance about how it works in Canada or the UK and felt like I'd need a law degree. Australia banned its sale in sports supplements in 2020, under the criteria of "novel substances with an unknown safety profile", which doesn't mean anything damning.
I guess you mean the study published on the National Library of Medicine, sourced from the journal "Nutrients", which since its inception has had a Norway Scientific Research index level/nivå of 1 (2 is elite, 1 is accepted as scientific, 0 is unscientific). Found the study on the Liverpool Uni article search engine and it says the journal is peer-reviewed. You have to pay about 3000USD to be in the journal, so I was thinking they could have an incentive to be relaxed on peer reviewing so they can get that payment from the author, but a lot of respected journals have similar fees so maybe that doesn't matter after all. Sounds ok I suppose, although who knows - could still be fucky and pass an honest peer review. The lead researcher was funded by Compound Solutions, but I guess that's the only way to get an independent lab to do the study. It's only a 28-day study as well. The results do look fine to me though, although I wouldn't have a clue if they fucked with the maths. The 100mg dosage is the same as the capsules I see online.

Feel like I looked into it too much lol.

Yerba mate could definitely be worth trying out. Definitely feel like it puts me in a slightly better mood, at least for now. I've even seen people say it helped their digestion too.

Got emailed today about the next stage of that job application. Said I'm invited to interview - find out the date next week. Anxiety went through the roof for a few seconds as I was clicking on the email lol.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
How often are you having yerba mate? Do you notice anything negative from it?

And awesome man, good luck in that interview. Kill it